Author Archives: Ralph

Employee FIRED After His Baby Passed Away | Undercover Boss How long you been doing this for? I started here December 4th last year. They’ve really shown me a lot of love since I stepped in this door. That was a year ago? Yep. I was actually working for another major cell phone company. It was actually the only job that I’ve ever been let go from, but that was only because it was a very bad personal situation, but I ended up losing my daughter and the day that I lost my daughter, I was […]

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Dying of Coronavirus: A Family’s Painful Goodbye | NYT News 00:00:25It’s Thursday morning, and we’re at the North Shore University Hospital, just across the border from Queens on Long Island. I’m Sheri Fink.00:00:34 I’m a correspondent at The New York Times, and I’ve been reporting on the coronavirus pandemic. “Hello.” “Hello.” This is a tiny little office in the intensive care unit. “I just want you to tell us a little bit about her.” And what’s happening in this office right now is that a doctor and a social worker, Dr. Eric Gottesman and social worker […]

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How Doctors Tell Patients They’re Dying | Being Mortal | FRONTLINE 00:00:03(siren wailing) NARRATOR: When serious illnesses take us to hospitals, we look to doctors for answers.00:00:13 But what happens when there are no more cures? – Do you want to call her daughter? NARRATOR: Zara Cooper is an emergency surgeon with palliative care training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.00:00:25 She frequently must deal with patients surprised that they’re nearing the end of life. – It’s certain that everybody’s gonna die. There’s no certainty as to when.00:00:34 It’s not clear from the CT scan what’s […]

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Stop being nice and find your kindness. (and what’s the difference?) I recently was on a pretty long road trip  and generally i’m a pretty good eater but   when i go on road trips i give myself full  permission to eat however much junk i possibly   can so anyway i stopped at mcdonald’s to get one  of those egg mcmuffins that they like cram between  00:00:20two pancakes i know you know what i’m  talking about but anyway the lady there   was just the most genuinely kind friendly blast  of warm sunshine i think i ever got in my […]

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Rodney Dangerfield at His Best on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1983) (upbeat music) (audience clapping) – Thank you, thank you. – How about that? (audience cheering) – Wasn’t that nice? – What a crowd, huh? – Yeah, they love ya.00:00:29 – Really nice, okay, how ya doin’? – I’m doin’ fine.00:00:31 You’re looking real good. Real good, yeah. Big movie comin’ out, huh? – Oh yeah, everything is goin’ good, everything’s okay. – Bought a house, I hear? – I bought a house. – Out here? – No, Connecticut I bought a house.00:00:41 Westport. – Westport? – […]

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Disturbing Details Discovered In Robin Williams’ Autopsy Report Robin Williams was one of the most beloved  comedians of all time. He entertained generations   of audiences on stage and in the movies through  a body of award-winning work that span more   than four decades, and his big personality was  dwarfed only by the size of his generous heart.   So it was as shocking as it was heartbreaking when  Williams was found dead by suicide on August 11,   2014, in his home in Tiburon, California. “We are thinking of, we’re thinking of   Robin’s family. We’re thinking […]

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Best Short Motivational Speech Video – 24 HOURS – 1-Minute Motivation #2 SPEAKER: If you only have 24 hours in a day, your success is dependent upon how you use the 24. You got to hear me.00:00:08 People talk about Oprah Winfrey, you know, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett. Listen to me. I don’t care how much money you make. You only get 24 hours in a day and the difference between Oprah and the person that’s broke is Oprah uses her 24 hours wisely. That’s it. Listen to me.00:00:26 That’s it. You get 24.00:00:27 I don’t care you […]

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HOW TO KILL FEAR IN 5 SECONDS (2023) So I just learned this amazing way to trick your brain and overcome fear in just five seconds. And I had to share [with] you guys. Now a lot of [you] guys may not know But I’m a naturally shy person.00:00:11 I know right me, yep, been that way ever since I was a ki]. I get anxiety, I’m nervous to go and introduce myself to people, especially, you know, sometimes to talk to beautiful women, yeah… I’m very shy I was scared to raise my […]

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Headspace | Meditation | Training the Monkey Mind It’s quite normal, when we start to meditate, for the mind to jump around all over the place.00:00:06 We might find intent to chase after all the little things, to be constantly moving about, from the present to the past to the future. In fact, to rarely be still at all.00:00:18 Fortunately, the mind can be tamed.00:00:21 Not by forcing it to stop but trying to make it sit still.00:00:24 We don’t want to trap it – that’ll just stir it up and create even more […]

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Headspace | Meditation | Changing Perspective Training the mind is often quite different to how people imagined it to be. Maybe they have an idea it’s about stopping thoughts or eliminating feelings. But the reality is a bit different.00:00:12 An easy way to think of it is to imagine yourself sitting on the side of a busy road. The passing cars representing thoughts and feelings.00:00:20 All you have to do is just sit there and watch the cars. Sounds easy, right? But what usually happens is that we feel a bit unsettled […]

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