Tag Archives: Jason Horowitz

Finally! Dutiful NYT lapdog gives Obama a chance to explain his golfing needs

http://twitter.com/#!/NYGJared/status/508412874600251392 When you’re looking for insightful content, only the best “real journalist” will do. Jason Horowitz, who fearlessly investigated teenage Mitt Romney’s high school antics, is out with another game-changing piece: http://twitter.com/#!/jasondhorowitz/status/508340839484252160 We give Obama a hard time for his infuriating golfing-while-the-world-burns habit, but maybe we just don’t understand his needs, you know? http://twitter.com/#!/GPollowitz/status/508413051633422336 From the Times: “Every president needs a space where he can be quiet and let loose and feel normal,” Mr. Obama said in a telephone interview on Saturday. “And when I’m with [White House travel […]

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