Tag Archives: Mark Knoller

Josh Earnest uses physics to explain lack of fundraiser transparency

http://twitter.com/#!/RightGlockMom/status/525002156420923393 The White House has for years been a laugh-a-minute when it came to defending their lousy record on transparency. Today, Press Secretary Josh Earnest added to the pile: .@PressSec cites "Heisenberg principle" as the reason reporters excluded from covering Pres Obama's Q&A sessions with Dem donors. — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) October 22, 2014 The “Heisenberg Principle” must trump the “historic levels of transparency” pledge. Heisenberg principle says the mere act of observing an event changes it. @presssec says reporters would change donor Q&A with POTUS. — […]

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WTF: Obama to host dinner tonight for ‘fasting’ PM of India

http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/516563982413758465 Well, at least taxpayers should save a little bit of money on this dinner: .@markknoller Thoughtful. — Sandy (@RightGlockMom) September 29, 2014 @markknoller so…. Everybody is going to eat in front of him & his entourage? Nice hospitality. — Alexis Metro (@Mrs__Met) September 29, 2014 More on Prime Minister Modi’s visit: In 2005, Modi was denied a visa to enter the US, tied to riots in the Indian State of Gujarat in which he was the top elected official. — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) September 29, 2014 […]

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Zing! Mark Knoller reveals the ‘most frequent misstatement issued by’ WH

http://twitter.com/#!/pkruppenbacher/status/527563043568631808 That line has always annoyed the crap out of us. Here’s one that apparently gets on Mark Knoller’s nerves: Most frequent misstatement issued by the White House: "The Briefing will begin in two minutes." — Mark Knoller (@markknoller) October 29, 2014 Oh, snap. MT @markknoller: Most frequent misstatement issued by the White House: "The Briefing will begin in 2 min." | http://t.co/v6vPwBVCRf — Matthew Balan ن (@MatthewJLB) October 29, 2014 And why is that misstatement so darn frequent? There’s a simple answer: B/c he doesnt respect […]

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Oh snap! CBS News’ Mark Knoller zings Obama’s book purchases

http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406852639658217472 CBS News correspondent Mark Knoller took to Twitter to report on President Obama’s Small Business Saturday shopping trip. http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406854107891503104 http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406856112130899968 Obama picked up over a dozen books, but Knoller noticed something glaringly absent from the list provided by the White House. http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406857550416445440 Funny ’cause it’s oh-so-true! Obama can always borrow “Web Sites for Dummies” from his pal Kathleen Sebelius, but he’s got other books to get to first. http://twitter.com/#!/SamLitzinger/status/406860587054804992 Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/11/30/oh-snap-cbs-news-mark-knoller-zings-obamas-book-purchases/

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‘Found a strategy?’ Obama to attend 3 fundraisers and wedding of MSNBC host

http://twitter.com/#!/SMadurski/status/505327965794598912 President Obama might have “no strategy” to deal with ISIS, but when it comes to fundraisers, those plans are etched in stone: http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/505327582632771584 http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/505328161069215744 The ISIS strategy can wait, apparently, but a plan for fundraising? Formulated! http://twitter.com/#!/garyalan82/status/505327968806510592 http://twitter.com/#!/GlendaMcRose/status/505328343072653312 http://twitter.com/#!/RCannon74/status/505330418925977601 http://twitter.com/#!/dascottfamily/status/505330076553334784 http://twitter.com/#!/BethRushing/status/505330557455466496 And after three fundraisers Friday, is it back to the White House to hammer out an ISIS strategy? Not so fast: http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/505328508290498560 Priorities! (note: see update below) http://twitter.com/#!/JoeC1776/status/505329743903064065 http://twitter.com/#!/jasonhsv/status/505332951018930176 Odds are very good. Update: Obama will return to DC after attending tonight’s fundraisers. He will […]

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