Tag Archives: shower head

Shower head made by ‘lonely guy’ is ‘going to give me nightmares’ [photo]

http://twitter.com/#!/DoreenHDickson/status/493514936220655617 Are you ready? Here goes: http://twitter.com/#!/GPollowitz/status/493515628448190464 Oh my. http://twitter.com/#!/BiasedGirl/status/493518897916547072 It’s a shower head. An incredibly creepy shower head. http://twitter.com/#!/BiasedGirl/status/493519091810848771 The photo came via the New York Post, which even has a video on how to create one, for those so inclined to make visitors never come over again: http://twitter.com/#!/WheresMeJumper/status/493515670832037889 Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/27/cant-unsee-shower-head-made-by-lonely-guy-is-going-to-give-me-nightmares-photo/

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