10 Signs of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Do you know someone who craves attention is  overly friendly and enthusiastic a drama queen   someone who blatantly acts and seductive  flirtatious and provocative ways   has a theatrical flair that always  makes her the life of the party  
is she prone to emotional tantrums or meltdowns  when she’s not getting all the attention and do   all of her romantic relationships start with major  fireworks but never really lost more than a year   if so she may have histrionic  personality disorder or HPD for short  
I’m Lise Leblanc, therapist author and life coach  and in this video I will cover the diagnostic   criteria for histrionic personality disorder and  talk about 10 ways that these symptoms play out in   real life if you like this video please subscribe  to my channel comment or share it as it lets  
YouTube know that it is valuable content so unless  you’ve been hiding under a rock all year you’ve   heard of the very public and very controversial  trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard during this   trial a psychologist testified that Amber Heard  has borderline personality disorder and histrionic  
personality disorder and this is one of the first  times that histrionic personality disorder has   sparked so much public interest putting HPD under  a very bad light making it almost synonymous with   psychological abuse as well as with borderline  personality disorder and although there is a  
lot of overlap between the cluster B personality  disorders which include borderline narcissistic   and antisocial personality disorder the symptoms  and motivations of these disorders are very   different okay so let’s Jump Right In first off  women are three to four times more likely to be  
diagnosed with HPD but men can also suffer from  this disorder because of this as well as the fact   that there are so few resources for men I will  use the she pronoun throughout the whole video   so in order to qualify for a diagnosis of  HPD there must be a long-standing pattern  
of exaggerated emotionality and attention seeking  Behavior across a variety of contexts and it must   start by early adulthood and the person with  HPD must also meet five of the eight following   criteria so the first diagnostic criteria is that  she is uncomfortable in situations where she is  
not the center of attention someone suffering  from HPD has an addiction to attention meaning   they have the urge to seek attention despite  any negative consequences or suffering that   it causes they associate attention with their  self-worth with their existence and they feel  
very uncomfortable and emotionally distressed when  they are not the center of attention so they will   go to Great length to be noticed they will not  hesitate to create a scene fake an injury or   act in dramatic and inappropriate ways they’re  insatiable need for attention and constant drama  
can be very frustrating annoying offensive and too  much for most people to handle so as much as they   make fast friends because of their charm and they  can find mates because they are so flirtatious and   energetic their attention-seeking behavior becomes  the downfall of most of their relationships  
the person with HPD is never satisfied with the  attention they are getting from one person when   it comes to romantic relationships the person with  HPD initially makes you feel like her everything   her hero her protector and she will show you  a sweet sensitive innocent vulnerable side and  
quickly make you feel like you are responsible for  taking care of her but she will also get quickly   bored with your attention and start vying for  the attention of others this puts strain on the   relationship usually leading you to set boundaries  or make ultimatums and this signals the beginning  
of the end because the person with HPD will not  be capable of stopping their attention-seeking   behavior no matter what the cost they may discard  you soon after as they often prefer to withdraw   rather than to face the issue but even if she  discards you she still wants your attention  
she still wants you in her fan club so she will  keep you hanging on as long as possible she might   do this by sending subliminal messages to you  through her social media accounts bread-crumbing   you implying that she still cares and that you  still have a chance but the truth is she doesn’t  
want you she doesn’t want you to move on either  and it will kill her if she thinks that you’re   happy and moving on with someone else especially  if that person is more attractive or more popular   if you keep trying to get her back she will  be probably nice to your face but then tell  
everyone that you’re a creepy stalker who just  won’t leave her alone so if you’re wondering why   she doesn’t block you after the breakup why is she  still talking about you two mutual friends or why   she posts photos of herself with a special gift  you gave her or maybe post the you know lyrics of  
your favorite song it’s because she still wants  you to be addicted to her even though she is   done with you and it is highly likely that she is  sending the same subliminal messages to her other   loyal fans the second diagnostic criteria for HPD  is that her interactions with others are often  
characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive  or provocative Behavior as much as the person with   HPD can initially charm people with her energy  and her enthusiasm she can really turn people   off just as quickly with her constant use of her  sex appeal her sexuality and even exhibitionistic  
Behavior her current NC is her sexuality and she  loves to seduce to tease to create sexual tension   to get you and everyone else to chase her she  will compromise her own romantic relationship   to get the attention of another man Even if  she doesn’t even care about him or want him  
she won’t care if that man is married or how much  she is hurting or humiliating you or someone else   she continues to command attention in pretty  much any situation using seductive Behavior which   causes a lot of drama and Discord leaving Partners  feeling you know confused betrayed and often  
embarrassed number three she displays rapidly  shifting and shallow expressions of emotions   those with HPD typically lock emotional depth  and have rapidly shifting and shallow emotions   for example they may go from happy to sad to  angry too excited all in a matter of minutes  
these rapid emotional shifts often don’t appear  sincere or authentic unlike with BPD where the   emotional intensity is very real and very intense  those with hbd appear to have emotional reactions   that are dramatized overblown and exaggerated and  they tend to move on from these emotional displays  
quickly unlike BPD where they can stay stuck in  an emotional reaction for hours days or even weeks   so the person with HPD can seemingly turn  their emotions on and off sometimes even   weaponizing their emotions along with  their sexuality to manipulate others  
number four they consistently use physical  appearance to draw attention to themselves   so the person with HPD works very very hard to  draw attention to her body to her appearance   often spending an excessive amount of time and  money on things like makeup cosmetic surgeries  
revealing flamboyant over-the-top outfits they  are always wanting to dress to impress to stand   out in the crowd and to be noticed it doesn’t  matter if she’s out of professional function   or even at a funeral while everyone is you  know judging her inappropriate appearance she  
she is thinking that everyone is admiring her  or jealous of her and she’s happy because she   has captivated the audience’s attention number  five is a style of speech that is excessively   impressionistic and locking in detail so those  with HPD tend to speak in superficial ways they  
keep things vague and stay on the fence  while they read the room and then adapt   themselves based on the person that they’re  trying to impress or attract attention from   they may be very intelligent but are often  locking depth so trying to Converse at  
levels that are more sophisticated and above  their knowledge level in that particular area   so for example they may Express a strong opinion  about something but then they’re not able to   support their opinion with any examples facts or  supporting details another thing is that their  
impressive talk doesn’t match their behavior over  time they may speak of things like trust Integrity   values and their spirituality but then act in  ways that are completely contradictory number six   is that she shows self-dramatization theatricality  and exaggerated expressions of emotion so a person  
with HPD expresses thoughts and emotions in overly  dramatic ways often embellishing fabricating or   exaggerating stories to seem more impressive than  they really are they tend to amp up their dramatic   efforts whenever attention is not on them because  when they’re not getting the attention it makes  
them feel insecure threatened insignificant  and inferior so let’s say she’s playing a   sport and someone else is playing really well and  everybody’s cheering for that particular player   the person with HPD May fake an injury starts  sobbing uncontrollably in the middle of the game  
needs to be taken out on a stretcher they have  to steal the show using whatever means possible   another example let’s say you’re having an  interesting conversation with your boss’s wife at   the office Christmas party she may throw a tantrum  right there in front of everyone or she may act  
super drunk and start hanging all over your boss  whatever it takes to get the attention back on her   number seven she is suggestible those with  HPD are like chameleons constantly shifting   themselves based on who they’re trying to impress  and get attention from their opinions and feelings  
are easily influenced by anyone they want to get  close to or view as Superior or even by current   fads and Trends they tend to be overly trusting  naive and Flaky changing their mind and adopting   new beliefs and strong convictions based on  whoever is influencing them that day and they  
genuinely do not seem to notice or recall that  their opinions were completely contradictory   just yesterday or last week number eight the  person with HPD considers relationships to be   more intimate than they actually are here’s an  example let’s say they meet with a psychologist  
called Dr John well within 15 minutes of meeting  him she’s already calling him Johnny boy or you   introduce her to your boss and his wife and she’s  quickly acting like they are her best friends   the person with HPD easily forms superficial  relationships and has very poor boundaries  
so those are the eight diagnostic criteria from  the DSM and here are two other things that are   important to know about HPD especially if you’re  in a romantic relationship so number nine as much   as those with HPD are extroverted and may come  across as confident assertive and prideful they  
typically have very low self-esteem their worth  depends on the attention and approval of others   not just you everyone and the truth is they do  not have any idea who they are they create a   fictional character often a sweet naive princess  that needs rescuing and unlike the cold arrogant  
Superior narcissist she is warm fun exciting and  like no one you’ve ever met before you want to   take care of her please her and protect her  and at first things are amazing she wants to   please you she wants everything you want but  over time you become more like a pair parent  
to a self-centered attention-seeking tantruming  child while sacrificing many of your wants and   needs as she continues to breach boundaries and  you know her promises to you as she passionately   pursues her next big opportunity for attention and  adoration so you end up on the sidelines watching  
her bat her eyelashes and stick out her chest  flirt hard in her skimpy attire with whatever   flavor of the moment is passing by and you might  think that if you just work a little harder you   can win her attention back and you may want to  just try to give her more and more and forgive  
and try to accept the outrageous attention-seeking  behavior but in time it will become too painful   number 10 although someone with HPD can use abuse  and exploit others this is not a key feature of   this disorder and it’s usually seen more in  combination with narcissistic or anti-social  
personality so when HPD and anti-social or  narcissistic are combined then you’ll often see   someone who is a gold digger always looking for a  bigger better fish to hook and it is not unusual   for them to have you know several x’s on the hook  helping them financially funding their lifestyle  
long after the relationship is over so by playing  The Princess and stringing you along she ensures   that she is always taken care of rent is paid she  has free trips shopping sprees cosmetic surgeries   or whatever she wants and if you catch on or you  know get demanding wanting more attention she will  
either discard you uh if she already has enough  Supply from others or she will give you some extra   crumbs maybe let you take her on a vacation uh  give you some attention but more importantly she   will make you feel like you are making progress  with her like you are almost at the summit  
so close to reaching the top of  the mountain and getting her back   then she will provoke you probably by seducing  someone in front of you and then when you react   it will be her reason for pulling away again you  will feel like you failed the mission but then  
she’ll remind you that you’re almost there and  make you believe that with just a little more   energy and effort maybe you can succeed in  getting her back the fact is those with HPD   rarely see their behaviors or ways of thinking as  a problem and they rarely seek treatment if they  
do seek Mental Health Services it is usually for  something else during the treatment process the   therapist might recognize some histrionic  traits and conduct further assessment   but even in therapy their need for attention may  be dramatic so they’re you know psychological  
symptoms and physical ailments are constantly  changing week to week they may bring gifts   for the therapists or even be flirtatious with  the therapist and often testing the boundaries   so a quote that encapsulates histrionic  personality disorder is you only exist by your  

Source : Youtube

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