10 VERY SCARY Symptoms of Anxiety

Have you ever felt alone in a room full of people do you feel as if nobody truly Understands you do you feel empty and lost? Hopeless all worthless Does your anxiety stop you from doing things you want to do in your life? Are you depressed and don’t know who to turn to for help or guidance? Are you currently struggling with your mental health? You never have to feel alone again we Understand you we feel exactly like you do and we are here to support you. Share your story Connect with like-minded people and learn more about mental illnesses and how you can improve your mental health Together we can make a difference and together we can reduce the stigma Welcome to authentic mental health When people think of Anxiety they automatically picture in their heads someone who constantly worries Thinks every little detail and someone who is always anxious What most people don’t know is that although? Anxiety is a mental health disorder that can manifest itself Physically and those physical symptoms of anxiety can be Petrifying experiences anxiety has caused many people around the world To think that they are having a heart attack or to think that they are dying because of these physical symptoms many people have also ended up in the hospital or Emergency rooms – because of these symptoms Including myself on many different occasions in the past.

Believe me when I say these physical symptoms are extremely scary to experience especially if you’ve never experienced them before and you don’t know what’s causing them or why they’re happening so what exactly are these physical symptoms of anxiety that make people think and Leave they are dying or having a heart attack. Here are 10 very scary, but very real physical symptoms of anxiety number one are Chest pains someone with anxiety could be sitting in their house Watching the television when all of a sudden out of nowhere They get an unexpected sharp shooting pain in their chest someone else with anxiety might simply just be walking down the street when they Gradually start to feel a burning a ‘king sensation in their chest that gradually Starts to get worse and worse these chest pains are Extremely scary to experience and they make you feel like you’re having a heart attack number two Shortness of breath some people may feel like they can’t catch their breath Others may feel like they’re suffocating and others may be grasping for air shortness of breath is a very scary thing to Experience number three dizziness and feeling light-headed if you have ever felt dizzy or lightheaded Before you will know exactly how it feels you feel like you’re going to pass out Faint or fall on the floor.

It’s extremely scary To experience it feels like you’ve lost complete control over your mind and your body But at the same time, dizziness and feeling lightheaded are very common symptoms of anxiety number four headaches many people around the world living with anxiety Experience either migraines or chronic headaches. Sometimes these headaches or migraines Can last for days which makes them extremely? Scary to experience as you may feel and think like your head is going to explode number five trembling and shaking Trembling and shaking is very uncomfortable to experience you feel like you’ve lost control of your whole Body, and for some reason you cannot stop shaking no matter what you try That’s what makes trembling and shaking so scary to experience number 6 heart Palpitations heart palpitations can make you feel like your heart is pounding Fluttering or racing which is pretty scary to experience some people explain these heart palpitations by comparing them to your heart skipping a beat number 7 Sweating it could be freezing cold outside But for some strange reason your palms are sweating You have sweat dripping from your head and you feel Extremely wet and uncomfortable sweating is actually an extremely common symptom of anxiety number 8 weak legs some people feel like their legs are so weak that They won’t be able to support them others feel like their legs are going to give way at any given moment Which will cause them to collapse on the floor having weak legs is a common symptom of anxiety but it is still a very scary symptom to experience number 9 nausea, imagine feeling like if you open your mouth to talk you’re going to throw up or to be constantly running to The toilet and gagging millions of people around the world Experience nausea due to their anxiety on a daily basis It’s extremely uncomfortable and extremely scary to experience number 10 trouble swallowing Anxiety can cause people to feel a tightness in their throat or feel like something he’s stuck in their throat this is another very common but very Scary symptom of anxiety if you have ever experienced any of those 10 scary symptoms of anxiety I want you to let me and others know in the comment section down below What symptoms did you? Experience and how did those symptoms make you feel? I have experienced all ten of those symptoms of anxiety, but for me,, The worst one is nausea every time I am anxious I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach It makes me feel and think that if I open my mouth I am going to throw up Everywhere and it’s not nice at all to experience if you’ve ever experienced any of these ten Symptoms before please give this video a like and make sure you’re subscribed to authentic mental health to join a community of like-minded people Just like you take care guys and girls and I’ll see you all again in another video

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