7 Thoughts Students With Anxiety Go Throughout The Day


(calm music)
– Hey, I wanted to start this
off, to avoid confusion, by stating that this is the
voice of Amanda Silvera, from the voice team at Psych2Go. Today, I’ll be reading a
piece written in the first person by one of our writers, Gabrielle. These are her words. “Hi, I’m Gabrielle, I’m a
staff writer for Psych2Go, a fifth-year college student
and a sufferer of anxiety. Since starting college, I’ve
learned a lot about myself and my emotional needs,
though I may have had more to learn from and
adapt to than most students.


Anyone can and will
become stressed at school at some point in time. Those with anxiety may have a harder time overcoming the hurdles
of a busy worried mind. Symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, and obsessive thinking can
make school more challenging but with some effort and
a little bit of time, anyone can adapt their education
to work in their favor. Here are seven thoughts
that college students with anxiety have throughout the day. One, am I in the right room? One of my biggest,
perhaps irrational, fears is walking into the wrong classroom. Every student stopped and stared at me as I realize my mistake and then had to
explain to the professor why I accidentally interrupted
their award-winning lecture. I check my class schedule every day before I walk into a
room, just to triple-check that I’m in the right
place at the right time on the right day of the week.


I have it saved in the photos
on my phone for easy access. And I’ve heard of other students setting their schedule as
their wallpaper background to make it an even quicker check. I know it’s overkill to
check so often but anxiety can leave me confused in
even routine situations, so I really can’t be too careful. Two, please don’t call on me. Between speaking aloud,
being put on the spot, and having all attention on
me, being called on in class can be anxiety-inducing on several levels. But I was pleasantly surprised to learn how accommodating
many schools and professors are when it comes to mental illness. I’ve had great luck with
meeting my professors throughout office hours
to explain my challenges and come up with a plan for succeeding through the rest of the semester. Speaking out loud in class isn’t the only way to participate. So instead of being hard on
myself for not raising my hand, I try to give myself
credit for going to class, doing well in assignments, and showing my professors and also myself that I value my education.


Three, there are too many people here. Especially for students
on larger campuses, crowds can be a regular frustration. Simply walking to class
can become a challenge thanks to a visiting
high school tour group or a lecture that got out late. Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid or predict where the crowds will gather but having backup plans,
such as alternate routes to get to class, might help
keep you calm and collected when things don’t go as planned. I may not be able to avoid people while out and about on campus but I have a secret strategy
for when I’m in class. I’ll sit in the front of the room so I don’t have to see the other students. And I’ll try to sit closer to the aisle, so I know I can leave easily if I need to.


Four, it’s hard to focus. Anxiety can include racing
thoughts, restlessness, mood swings, and constant worry, among countless other mental
and physical symptoms. It’s no wonder it can be hard to focus. Anxiety of any kind takes a
toll on the body and mind, so try not to be hard on yourself if you find you’re
struggling to stay present in the classroom or anywhere else. Some people find that
fidgeting with an object can help with concentration,
while others focus best with as little stimulation as possible. It will take some trial and error to find what works for you,
so don’t give up just yet.



Five, I don’t have time. College by itself is
incredibly time-consuming, especially if you’re a full-time student. Every student gets pressed
for time now and then but anxiety makes this
pressure feel constant. For me, personally, how I spend my time is a big source of worry. I try to put every appointment
and task in a calendar to keep myself organized
because I tend to get confused and overwhelmed when I’m anxious. Having my schedule, my
to-do list, and my calendar in one place makes it easy
to get myself back on track when I’m unsure of what to do. Six, did I forget anything? I constantly worry that
I’ve forgotten an assignment or a notebook at home when in reality, I nearly never forget. I know how vigilant I
am, that I don’t trust my habits to keep me in check. It can be so easy to overlook something when my mind is racing at a mile a minute but the fear of being unprepared tends to overpower the brain fog.


My best advice is to write out a list of whatever you need to remember and then make it a regular
habit to read it over. For example, every morning
before leaving home or every few hours while
packing for a trip. My thoughts may not be coordinated as I run through my mental checklist before leaving for class each morning. But this simple habit brings
me peace because I know I’m making a conscious
effort to be organized.


Seven, can I work alone? There are a few things I dread with more intensity than group work. I honestly barely trust myself
with my grades sometimes but I’m not about to
hand over my transcripts to a bunch of classmates
I’ve never met before either. As someone with anxiety,
I am usually the one who ends up doing most of the work and putting in more effort
for the sake of the grade, so it can be hard to not assume each new group project
will end up the same way. Whenever students are allowed
to choose their groups, I try my best to stay in
the smallest group possible to keep communication less
complicated, anything helps.” Were you able to recognize
any of these thoughts as similar to your own? Maybe instead of college, it’s
another similar environment.


If you’ve had these thoughts as well, know that you’re not the only one. I hope this video has also
helped others understand those with anxiety a little more. Please like, subscribe, or comment below. Share with us what you’d like to see next and we’ll see you again
soon in the next video. As always, thanks for watching.

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