LOL: Iowahawk SCORES with Dem-mocking disaster scenarios ‘if #NetNeutrality is repealed’
There’s been a tremendous panic on the Left as net neutrality rules, which the FCC during the Obama administration ruled in favor of two years ago, face likely repeal. Iowahawk had some suggested some reading on the subject:
Before forming an opinion on Net Neutrality, it's probably best to read the latest studies from the Journal of Hysterical Facebook Infographics
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 14, 2017
The Democrat disaster scenario list is long (and shameless), but there’s always room for added mockery:
If Net Neutrality is repealed:
● the internet will cost $879.95 per day
● Millions will lose their lives
● Displaced internet hobos will aimlessly ride freightcars around the barren American wasteland
● Stealing pies from our window sills Please retweet and save our pies— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 14, 2017
If Net Neutrality is repealed:
● Twitter will begin charging to tweet
● Fewer people will be on Twitter
● Twitter will go away
● I forgot where I was going with this— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) December 14, 2017
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