Interview with Ashley Cotter-Cairns | Goldin Auctions | Market Report

all right everybody uh we’re live uh two two weeks I think we haven’t been on two weeks uh July 4th uh we uh we had a lot of stuff going on all of us so we kind of decided to cancel the show but it’s okay uh we’re back uh we have a comic guest this week uh Ashley Connor kangerts who is from Golden he is the uh let me make sure I get this right head of comic book strategy right yeah no one’s really clear what that actually is but yes good uh so he will be joining us today we’ll talk about Golden we’ll talk about the auctions we’ll talk about their comic books scene and what we’ll do is um we’ll talk about news and market report and all the fun stuff we usually do so uh hopefully I read six around so here we go [Music] all right look at that fancy fancy Graphics Fancy videos um uh I know right at least at least the new guy will be uh impressed so I was very impressed yeah I appreciate it okay you finally get somebody there yeah right um so um I mean we’re just gonna jump in the news and it you know actually if you want to jump in you know say you know if you have anything you’re more than welcome so um here we go so not in any really crazy order uh aliens new aliens movie uh wrapped uh uh so this is uh big news uh I know uh since all right right Chris Marvel took this over right this did they take over the movie rights too yeah they got they got everything with Fox so did they really yeah so aliens predator um are now um [ __ ] for our Disney properties as well so they got everything that’s reason why a Dark Horse no longer can publish any of that stuff that’s why you started seeing all those Marvel aliens and Predator covers like about a year or that almost two years ago yeah they got everything that was um aliens and predator in the acquisition so this is a full Disney product Yep this is full Disney product because that that prey movie was um started under the was under it was started under Fox and the whole reason why I pray it got released the way it did on Hulu is because of how the rights are negotiated if if that movie ever saw like big release then um HBO would have got rights and so so to not have that happen it dropped on Hulu and that’s where and the same thing’s gonna happen with this movie as well because they had both HBO had both those rights tied up in streaming so this will also be a Hulu release as well so okay thank you so are we are they do is this like projected to be any mass changes to the storyline or anything or we have no idea I think this is like I know for a fact um one of these alien properties uh if not this television like the television show either the movie was supposed to be finally a aliens on earth type of situation I don’t know if this is it though um but yeah one of these is finally like does xenomores finally made it to Earth because they kind of did that in ADP but that got retconned out so that doesn’t exist in proper continuity um but this would be like the first time that we’re dealing with like potentially the Xenomorphs on Earth okay so so Sigourney Weaver like the Harrison Ford this is franchise is she gonna come back or what not so much because uh with the way continuity works at this franchise she’s either Frozen for like this time period or yeah because she got basically stuck in stasis on that um derelict planet for quite a bit of time and then she died and then they cloned her even further in the future to for Alien Resurrection so she just didn’t figure into this but um look at the cats that generally younger looking cast so a bunch of no names for the most part so that could be it up to its benefit honestly hmm cool uh I was gonna say just to speak to that guys real quick just so people who are maybe put it a little more ease um he’s responsible for don’t breathe don’t breathe to uh the girl with the spin the spider’s web um and some unfortunate misses would be the Evil Dead 2013 movie and this last Texas Chainsaw Massacre so I say like Fido Alvarez or Alvarez is like okay I see it’s probably like five for like five or seven yeah so I mean he’s he’s he’s batting average is pretty strong but yeah he definitely has a couple misses in the last couple years uh a lot of people are saying they loved Evil Dead 2013 which is interesting I mean I I didn’t see it so I really can’t I mean I didn’t have problems with it but I know a lot of the Evil Dead faithful did just like they did with this last one that came out so I mean I’m speaking more on the behalf of those like hardcore fans who are just like man this isn’t didn’t meet my expectations but I can definitely say that last text exchange Massacre was was real bad um but that might not have been his fault though I mean again that could have been money situation that could have been a lot of factors so otherwise he’s pretty much had some solid Landings on all these other ones that he’s done that I’ve I’ve seen and enjoyed so I’m surprised they gave him the franchise with nine movies I guess um what’s the budget for this like how much do they spend on this that’s a good question but I think this has been a I mean Rose was speaking a lower budget um more going back to Grassroots seven snare more practical effects less CGI um but I’m not sure exactly what the budget is on it but again they didn’t spend anyone in the cast because again it is a bunch of no-name actors 75 million I mean I don’t yeah yeah that’s low that’s real low yeah that was I was able to get it done on a very small budget they just they went back to the Grassroots they did it practical and they just like they gave it to people who really wanted to tell the story and from everything I’ve seen um interviews with this guy like he had he had a premise for an alien story and they were like oh like don’t try and hit your wagon to the alien or whatever and he’s like no no I really want to tell a story in the alien Universe in the same way that the guy who uh did prey was like no I really want to do a story in the Predator Universe um and so maybe that type of drive or motivation will make for a good film we’ll see what happens so is anything really sold from this besides the first appearance I mean those those yeah the dark horse stuff is like especially like the um the Omnibus kids are none of dark questions they’re gonna be a printed again so that’s the thing like that’s just starting to pick up a little bit because you’re just never gonna get it again um so I can see I mean omnibuses always have opportunity in them just because I mean they’re okay they’re rare so I don’t know which one it is I’m not the I’m the buzz guy but yeah they’re just heavy yeah so I mean if you stumble across these at like a half-price books or a second-hand bookstore and I mean they’re they’re under a hundred dollars yeah interesting yeah good point uh uh next I have another another Rider strike uh property getting delayed um boy season four release delayed due to writer strike um how far did they get with this I mean it’s done it’s it’s ready to go and basically the the uh the Creator is I mean not holding it hostage but he’s like hey until we figure out these negotiations there’s something not ready to go with it yet so it’s he’s he’s holding the keys to this one at this point more in support of the writers than anything no absolutely like I mean he’s like he’s messing up his his bankroll by not releasing you know the boys at this point but he’s doing what’s right by by the writers because I mean at the end of the day he is Creator writer is impacted by you know he he was not making money once upon a time and he sees the world from the perspective of somebody who used to be in their shoes versus somebody who has a very successful show that’s going into his fourth season with a spin-off coming very soon as well yeah is this something different so I think so this is what his actual post was I think basically was like you know it’s delayed but here’s something funny that didn’t make it into the season that fans would appreciate oh okay cool so yeah that’s yeah that’s just too bad I understand I understand the writers and everything uh I get it but uh because you know it’s gonna be good I mean I mean we all know this is right up my alley so like I mean it’s one of the best series I’ve ever seen it was just such a surprise I I to be honest I just learned that there’s a new aliens franchise I’m trying to avoid spoilers of any kind I don’t watch trailers I I it spoils every they give away so much that yeah I don’t I just like a black out so yeah we give everybody a week usually or two to watch a movie or brand new property or something to uh and then we kind of reveal the stuff we think yeah we’ll definitely talk trailers but uh I I feel I feel the same way I did that a lot of times running different uh comic sites and things like that we’d always put uh a big ban on on most spoilers you know especially when it was a lot of big reveals after Marvel end credits especially overall you know to see what was going on but you know it always comes into question because it’s a lot of us make money so it’s rocking a hard place between what you want to know what you don’t want to know right and one of my kids told me about the boys and I I started watching I just could not believe what I was saying yeah it’s massive it’s huge it’s an amazing amazing show I mean I’m excited for was it uh generation or gen V it’s the spin-off that’s coming again as soon as we get season four we’ll be getting uh the the spin-off as well and that looks like it’s got an opportunity to be really good as well so yeah they did something right I mean it’s it’s hard to get the comic book movies and shows right and they they did a hell of a job I think it’s just because nobody knows anything about it so when they screw it up and do weird things nobody’s really like oh why’d you do that um yeah and another job of spectacular casting as well yeah they’re all they’re all pretty perfect um right next I don’t I don’t know if it’s a spoiler it’s a uh leaked Set photo of uh a new Deadpool movie now I mean I would say it’s a leak set I don’t know I don’t know if you’ve really confirmed it uh I know Rick was talking about how I might be photoshopped but all of the um like I mean all the other legitimate Outlets have been running with this image so that leaves me believe that the likelihood of being real is probably pretty strong because that that suit photo of Deadpool because there was like a side-by-side comparison with I think either movie one or two and this one and people were pointing out how they made it more more red and vibrant because it was a little more subdued and dull and stuff like that so it matches to the other photos that have leaked from the set but at this point we knew he was in there like that was the big you know teaser announcement they had already been mentioned that they wanted to put him in something more complic accurate so I mean even if this isn’t necessarily 100 a real photo like it’s just it’s good to talk about how people feel about the fact that they’re finally putting them in the in the the blue and yellow so I mean I’m personally excited about it I’ve wanted to see him in a more complicated house since day one the whole like um you know Brian Singer put him in leather it’s it it’s you know I don’t want people reading like anytime a director is like I don’t want people on set reading comic books like I’m already just like yeah I don’t think you understand what you’re working with I get it like Batman was very recent history and it was kind of a dirty word to be comic book accurate um and like you know the first X-Men movie in Spider-Man came out roughly the same time and they went on two very Divergent paths one went very like the black leather and the paramilitary look that ultimately I think Grant Morrison adopted when he did his X-Men run and then you had Spider-Man being very much so like like he you know Sam Remy plucked out Kirby and Stanton Lee comics and was like no do this like I want this on screen and it worked in two different ways but I mean I want to see I want to see the blue and yellow I want to see com look after it you know Wolverines it up I don’t want to see Hugh Jackman’s face over and over again person so yeah let’s get some let’s get some brown too yeah I mean like seriously oh yeah yeah lose the yellow sleeves like we definitely want you know the full-on like show the arms and everything but you know yeah I came in can we get him super hairy please and some stogies well I think Deadpool’s always done a good job of presenting like a fairly accurate quote portrayal of some of these characters I mean Colossus is fantastic yeah his costume is pretty pretty on on point you know you can argue the coloring a bit but that’s there cable drug or not yeah I mean cable was great Juggernaut was unbelievable compared to every other time they’ve done something so I heard uh I heard from our favorite friend my time to shine um they told us that uh cable won’t be in the movie but the time machine will that might be a major plot twist again I don’t know what that means I also heard uh Magneto and Xavier might be in the movie as well so yeah I want to say there’s also um that Jennifer Gardner’s Electra shot oh yeah I keep hearing that yeah yeah wait wait for this movie yeah they mentioned Affleck’s a Deadpool or uh all right yeah this is supposed to be like the R rated into the spider for Swanson purposes like we’re getting cameos by everybody from all those other movie universes that you know were Fox universe and Sony to a certain degree yeah that’s a that that’s good news I think uh next one looks like uh this is just a video game kind of talk uh Spider-Man 2 Wolverine Doom game Iron Man new game and then I just heard Captain America and blank uh Black Panther gonna do their own uh movie so um we’ll see I mean with the success of uh Spider-Man 2 and you know all the other stuff you know the miles game and all that stuff it just makes sense I mean not that I wouldn’t want to play a Wolverine game but I think Spider-Man just has that different feel than most games just with the web swinging and it’s just a different vibe I don’t know how they’re going to make like Wolverine and Iron Man stand apart from other things yeah Wolverine I think is just more like I guess we you would call it maybe like a sneaky Assassin’s Creed kind of game I would assume and or like a god of war where he just like multi-combo mash buttons kind of a game maybe I would assume or both I mean because again I’m an old school gamer so games like Splinter Cell could have been like could be played in two different manners you could you could Blitz through the game and just mow everybody down and not try to go to espionage route or you could go to like sneaky like you know creep up on people you know stealth takedown type approach you know and um yeah so I can see a Wolverine game being elements of both where you’re just like all right so you weren’t able to stepfully make your way through this part so you’re now just gonna get bombarded by like a hundred guys and you just gotta Circle rate your way through a room I think the hardest game is going to be Iron Man though like Captain America black panther might be one of those where you play as both characters you know on missions so you can swap out maybe but Iron Man might be the hardest game because it’s like you fly around that’s cool when you shoot things but I mean it’s yeah I mean as amazing as the Spider-Man game was in the Miles Morales game was like I’ve got faith that all these coming out of the same Production Studio Insomniac um coming to get those Insomniac I think they can pull it off um so I’m excited about it they will more than likely because um oh uh motive actually has this one um they will have more than likely because that’s what they did at the San Diego Comic-Con prior to the release of Spider-Man games that um they had Sony had a huge Booth situation where you could walk up and play the game almost like you know a couple months early because the game leaves in October so that puts us what about three months before release at this point give or take so they’ll probably have the game for people to play at the Sony booth at um at San Diego so I’ll definitely try to make our way over there and report back on it but I mean I’m I’m excited to for all these games because I mean like we’ve had some hit or misses when it came to like good Marvel games I’ve been actually watching a series that’s kind of gone back through some of the ones going back it’s like always like the 80s yeah I mean we had we had some really great ones in that like early 2000s period with like Marvel Ultimate Alliance and X-Men um what was it um it was the like the brawler uh multiplayer X-Men games that um came on the PlayStation 2 that I’m liking the name of um but yeah there was just there was there was a period there we had some really good ones and then people just the con like the the negotiations around like who could option and do Marvel based games got weird and it just it got bad there for a little while so I’m happy to be back in the Glory Days of good games was it mutant Academy two yes it was Music Academy mutant Academy 2.

oh no um X-Men Legends as well so X-Men Legend X-Men Legends too so for me video games now since they introduced I don’t even know what generation we’re into on Sony controllers are so complicated that it’s it’s like being inside the Iron Man suit in the movies when you have all these information going on and you know there’s a button you’re supposed to press to do something really clever um but yeah I gave up Call of Duty because I kept dropping grenades on myself and and they donated but trust me that’s how I feel man every time I’m playing with my kids doing wrong what am I doing wrong where’s my up down left right and fire you know I I grew up in the 80s playing video games actually reviewed video games um my first job out of high school and yeah it’s just I I used to love playing video games it’s so complicated now but I I do think the Iron Man looks like the best of those those choices I’m looking forward to at least watching my kids play yeah exactly I mean as long as it’s better than the Avengers game that they came out with um what was that about three years ago then oh yeah that was a it’s a low bar to to exceed at this point so I wonder if they get Junior Robert Downey Jr to the voice acting I know a lot of people hate voice acting because it’s just grueling hours in the studio yeah that’s a lot of money and that dude’s rich I know I know I think we’re gonna get AI Robert Downey Jr probably chat gbt Robert Downey Jr there you go but no I mean it’ll be interesting you know like you said at least Marvel’s cranking out content I guess for games and stuff you got to be happy about that so you can just introduce yourself maybe and talk about how you how you started in the comic book industry I guess and we can talk about how you got into I mean the article talks about how golden acquired you but you know yeah I I um I was a collector in my youth I actually used to watch Batman reruns with Adam West and Burwood on TV after school and then my mum had twins and I was kind of like the problem child because I was about five years older and uh precocious reader and so the way to Kimi choir was to buy me some Missouri so we go past antique stores in England where I’m from and and there’d be this uh these big struggles like you know Mary Poppins stroller outside this antique store and I could just see over the top of it and like what’s that and it was like Silver age Comics everywhere for Penny each and my mum would just buy them before and I would read them until they fell apart and then fast forward to college Years I just started collecting him Fantastic Four because that’s what I started reading first of all again I found the stealth immigration website met somebody moved to Canada and um started to sell my comic books in 2012.

and uh just as the Marvel movies were were taking off and the plan was to become a comic book dealer by offering free appraisals and getting people to sort of mail in their books and then I’d split them up on eBay and that’s how I got going and then I met Sean who’s the other guy in the picture and he was working for commonly at the time so my high-end stuff was going to him and one day he called me and said I’ve quit do you want to go to business together and I was like yeah sure that sounds like fun and so it was it was me and my garden sharing him his basement and then both those spaces filled up to the point we couldn’t even go in there anymore so we had to hire people and then we found a location office that happened to have a storefront so we simultaneously grew and also opened a comic book store which you know everyone dreams of doing when you’re coming for dealer right it’s it’s a dream living the dream except you you never make any money I said also it’s just it’s just nice it’s just a nice thing to do it give back to community we did events actually we used to do like selfie Saturdays where people would come in and have that picture taken with Spider-Man or Wolverine or whatever it was kind of fun and then yeah fast forward to 2020 was it just the beginning of 2022 golden contacted us to say they’re looking to acquire a company and ours has been recommended not sure by whom but they hey I know like whoever it was thank you and and they acquired Us in September finally after a bit of legal back and forth and we’ve been running the vertical for them ever since and we have weekly auctions where anything from like 100 bucks to a thousand bucks gets listed with occasional bigger books and then we have a quarterly Elite sale where the higher end stuff goes and uh yeah we’re coming out to what nine nine ten months we’ve been there and we’ve gone from being a sort of Boutique destination Golden’s best known for sport sport Collectibles yeah absolutely so they’ve sold they’ve sold giant books like they’ve sold uh action ones detected 27 Superman ones multiple copies of that and they were not serving the lower end of the market so we we brought quite a lot of high-end stuff in too but we we’ve really established golden as a platform where you can bring pretty much any comic books and um there’s a few differences between gold and other other places one the main one is is finances so when you list an item for sale and someone buys it in an auction then they pay for it that amount of money is automatically in your golden balance um so it’s a bit a little bit like when you’re on eBay and you you get paid by somebody you can choose to withdraw the money straight away you know most auctions uh you’re waiting 30 60 or 90 days to get paid um so that’s a big that’s a big point of difference otherwise yeah it’s just a it’s a clean modern platform many of our competitors seem to have been designed in the early 90s and haven’t much changed since yeah your model kind of feels a little bit like my comic shop in that it’s you know the little weekly kind of ones with the with the bigger events but definitely a little bit uh cleaner look newer newer kind of vibe where if you’ve spent some time on my comic shop I don’t think it’s updated since probably the 90s well and also they do a good job of what they do though yeah I was also going to say that like having things end at a reasonable time where like that’s the one thing where I’ll say that some of the at least um I want to say yeah my comic shop like they’ll have stuff into like the craziest times and it’s just like I don’t want to be the person who gets caught in that type of auction like you know you had a great book but you know the auction ended at like 12 15 East Coast time it’s just like well nobody’s gonna see that [ __ ] so you know oh well that’s the best so is it is it only is it only auctions yeah we have a Marketplace as well okay and this stuff is at fixed price look at this thing and they also have a vault as well so so uh when you buy or you just like ship to the Vault one of your your graded books we only use graded books in a vault you have a personal Vault space and then you can choose with a couple of clicks of mouse too oh these days uh showing My Age Again uh you can list them directly in the marketplace or send them to weekly auctions so your vault is a Secure Storage insured if you buy anything in in the marketplace or on auction and send it to the Vault there’s no sales tax because you’re not technically taking possession of it yet at that moment how do you do you pay sales tax when you release it from The Vault yeah so a lot of people buy in in gold and involve the stuff and then they they resell them later so um the question I have is like so when you say director of uh or head of comic book strategy I guess um what is it was I guess what does it entail I mean is are you do you look for certain books to go off of are you just trying to agree you know you’re trying to like sell everything or like what’s the strategy behind the weeklies are like you know my job is to try and and first of all I think before we join golden if you’d asked a thousand collectors where would you buy or sell comic books I don’t think our name would even have been in the conversation so my my big picture job is to get Golden’s name in the conversation and and then the fine details of things like what’s going in weekly what’s going in the lead a lot of that is up to the consigner like if somebody wants their book to be sold next week then they can put in we do sell silver hp’s in the in the weeklies um that’s usually the choice for consignup it was up to me I would just I would focus all the big stuff into the elites which are um well the next ones it starts in August and because big books tend to attract more big books from consign as they say oh there’s an X-Men 192.

I want to sell my uh Telsa suspense 39.90 or whatever alongside that but yeah I think the important thing is that people coming to our platform aren’t just going to be pressing their nose against the window and going well I’d love to be able to afford a Ferrari and that um but now they they can although all our weekly auctions start at five bucks there’s something for everyone raw books as well Lots do you do quarterly Elite auctions I guess is that what you you guys shoot for yeah quarterly Elites yeah um so I mean so and how do you decide what you will and will consign you know like I know clearly you’re not gonna take the time to list dollar books or something like that but uh you know do you know what I mean do you have minimal standards you know I’m sure I know you don’t have maximum value or anything like that but well well the the big challenge for all the auction companies really is the consigner that just wants everything out of their house right so they’ve got uh they’ll they’ll have say like an 18 000 books which sounds really exciting and so you think well probably 17 650 of those aren’t worth very much yeah and we’ve got to get them to New Jersey from Omaha or whatever um and and so the the cost of shipping that stuff is often prohibitive and so we will tell people like that really sorry we can’t we can’t accept everything but we can help you we use our expertise to cherry pick through it and get the best money out and you’ll probably still sell the rest for pretty much what you would have got anyway locally if you took the keys out you’d probably get the same same anyway even by the time you pay for shipping everything else yeah yeah and we’ll break things down there lots lots do pretty well on the platform if they’re the right kind of lot and um but yeah we won’t you definitely won’t take dollar books I mean we’ll we’ll find a home for them if you if you insist I want all my stuff gone we’ll bring it all in-house we’ll figure out what we can do with it and then we’ll find uh we’ll find a local dealership most people are just like Uncle Charlie’s died I don’t know what to do with this stuff I’m overwhelmed I need money to pay for the funeral or whatever or taxes or whatever and and here’s a list stuff can you help and usually the answer is yeah of course so what you know if you’re if you’re trying to uh attract an audience of you know the the harder core collecting Market what’s kind of your what’s your sell points of using golden versus you know any of the any of the competing marketplaces now he’s looking for people who are buying or people who are selling probably both but I mean probably buying is I mean for selling would be probably the you know where you’re gonna where you’re gonna stand out I guess right so if you’re if you’re a consigner we are able to beat everybody else’s rates including eBay which you know suddenly got really expensive so we will compete with everybody for on rates um we’re not giving away the farm but if by the time you factor in the amount of of hours it takes for an individual to sell their stuff that’s that’s not that’s not insignificant no as far as buyers are concerned really is our job is just to present the best selection we can as we grow we’ll have access to more and more Collections and be able to start doing themed events and we we had a I know it’s not really comic books but it’s related we had a Walking Dead auction last year uh where AMC actually consigned items from from the actual show so um Daryl’s motorcycle the Lucille bat um Carl’s hat and stuff like that and it’s it’s that kind of themed event I think I see the future going because we do that really well we do marketing really well so for for sellers and buyers the fact you’re going to be seen on a platform whereas other other places I could get lost yeah I mean I I we have you know we across different collecting categories we focus a lot on Comics but we definitely do and you know a couple years ago we only talked about Golden as cards and it was kind of like foreign to the rest of us of oh okay that’s over there on the side but I know in the last you know six months it’s been more of a topic it’s definitely like okay what about this one and I hear more people watching them and kind of getting eyes on it so you’re definitely doing some things right and we have other verticals too though so we’ve got quite a lot of um music related items that’s that’s definitely a grand category VHS as well is a is a really fast growing category and we’ve got a quite strong uh TCG offering as well so if you’re a cross collector you collect across different categories there’s usually something especially in the elite auctions there’s usually something for everybody doing an Ellie doubler cruise for 7200 that’s crazy about that all day well so again I I when I ran into you right here I was gone I told you it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park so um one of the things I’ll bring up is so I’ve sold which you guys have had a great experience there but I was before when I talked to the group and other people in you know the extended Network there were people who had some horror stories and again they were on the DHS side but you know it speaks to the greater management of practices so you know it’s not necessarily things may not have happened under your watch in the comic realm but things happened at Golden where you know some people’s stuff went missing or there was long time periods for payouts and you know just kind of speaking to lessons learned from those scenarios when that stuff happened what processes have been clearly put in place now to make sure that that type of stuff doesn’t happen again you know somebody doesn’t pay for a book you get shipped back to the to the you know to the owner but it goes to the wrong address like you know like what what type of Securities because I mean I sent you guys seventy thousand dollars worth of books and that was definitely a pucker factor and it’s like well you know you guys were you know still very young in that comic book space and so I was like well this could have been a very big mistake or could have been a great rainfall luckily I did very well but you know that that has not been 100 the story across the board so you can kind of speak to what you guys have learned over this last year or so of being you know greater comic book golden and from the mistakes made in other parts of the house so yeah there’s definitely pros and cons to our approach on um paying customers I mean one of the pros is you don’t have to wait for 30 or 60 days and something like 90 days to other other companies will do and what they’re doing essentially is they’re putting the burden on the the seller to be patient while they go and collect the cash from the people who have bought what we do is we’ll pay you as soon as we get paid but if we don’t get paid then that’s where there’s delays usually that’s usually the reason like someone defaults and then because we haven’t paid you we know we don’t own the items still yours and so that could be like the question of oh do you still want to resell it or we do our best I mean we have collections uh processes and we we try our absolute best The Last Resort is to return it to you um we will I mean as far as errors and shipping and handling I mean I’m sure every company on the planet has those um but I can’t really say hand on heart I can’t really say that will never happen again because that happens to everybody um we’ll do our best and we’ll put it right if we make a mistake that’s that’s fine absolutely so yeah and I think that’s what most people generally just want to hear like that you know a taking responsibility when things go wrong that like well I will be made whole again if if my stuff goes missing or something weird happens or whatever it’s the companies who are you know trying to snake around it and they’re just like no that doesn’t that doesn’t happen here or blah blah that’s when like if you had gone that path that would immediately raise an eyebrow if it’s like no it happens to everybody it’s just how do you how how do you handle when you screw things up so right and I I do I’m actually sort of front line I’m not supposed to be I’m supposed to be this sort of head of strategy like really I like James Bond of comic books or something but really I’m writing to customers and speaking to customers all the time and and often those conversations result in complaint and they’ll say oh I haven’t received my stuff or I I haven’t been paid and so while that’s technically not my job and they could just contact support once I’m talking to them I I’ll take it on that’s my responsibility now because I and the buck stops here and if anyone watching this has had a problem just contact me that might give them my contact information no problem and I’ll look into it now for me the the process let’s say about that um you guys said are you guys starting to set up at Comic Cons and stuff you know I know golden was at Baltimore and usually it’s a card related but you know uh stuff of that nature can people bring items to you directly at the booth to drop off uh if you have a collection do you guys you how do you how do you submit your collection is it like through a web on the website how is that that process started or finished or all that stuff yeah the consignment directors are individually responsible for creating you a contract a bill of sale basically and and we can negotiate directly with you if you’re standing in front of me with a box of comics I can negotiate with you a right Consignment right and then I’ll just get on my laptop create a contract and you’ll get a copy by email you use DocuSign to sign I sign my my copy and then we just take the the consignment right there okay yeah we’re going to be uh New York Comic-Con with for sure we are going to be at San Diego but we’re actually more like a roving team at San Diego because we’re on the booth with PSA which is one of our sister companies um as you know uh Booth space at San Diego is impossible yeah so so we are going to be there and if you want to drop off Consignments just come to the PSA booth and and we’ll help you out there there’s another I thought it was bowling all but it’s not there’s another one in uh early September what’s the what’s what’s the uh convention at the 8th to the 10th of September and I’ve lost maybe Galaxy con but uh Baltimore oh that’s bowling mode sorry I thought that’s right yeah we’re gonna be in Baltimore there you go so yes we’re setting up for Baltimore we have a booth there and uh yeah anyone who wants to consign this actually it’s really nice for both us and them because they don’t have to ship it which means I don’t hear an email saying have you received my shipment because the answer is usually I don’t know and that’s a lot of people’s fears right it’s always a shipping thing especially like large volumes you know a lot we’ve we’ve all heard horror stories about that just in general it’s like people just say feel good about it even like cgc grading stuff it’s like you know people send big books and they want us to drop it down right at San Diego or right out of Baltimore or CQ or whatever whatever on-site Grady you can do or you know or just hand it to somebody like okay I know they have it I don’t have to worry about it so so yeah it’s one of my favorite things is to meet consigners as well because you never see that you’re always on the phone or email and it’s really great because they’ve always got a story everyone’s got a story about how they got started and why they’re here why what’s in this box and who it used to belong to it yeah it’s great stuff so you know obviously payouts and fees are something that you’re you’re saying are positives um what’s uh what’s General lead time for you know if you’re submitting your items how long does it usually take to get everything processed I know you can’t control mail time but you know is it is it something that’s generally a couple days is it something that’s generally a couple weeks you know we’re used to waiting for in my mind MCS is kind of the fastest at processing things and cgc is about the slowest of processing things and everybody’s experience so so what kind of ballpark timeline do you guys generally work on we can be pretty sure that your comments will be in the system within two weeks well that doesn’t necessarily mean scheduled for an auction depends it depends so if the consignment is 10 000 raw books very different to like 25 cgc rated books uh the biggest uh slow down is usually photography because there’s a huge backlog because when you imagine all the cards we get and all the sports lights oh god um but we are expanding we’re hiring people to try and solve that problem but if you say to me Ash I need my stuff sold by August 15th I can make that happen and get into a weekly and schedule it in as soon as possible it says this for a photographed we can get it scheduled for you and we don’t have a cap on our weekly auctions we don’t have thousands of items in our weekly auction it’s usually a few hundred but 50 plus or minus isn’t going to make a massive difference to either Logistics our end or also prices for you so yeah we can we can get it turned around and say 30 days that’s very reasonable I mean I like I said I’ve I don’t know that anybody is any faster than that in general I mean you might get a good day on someone but usually I think to get in an auction and to get items checked in here that’s a that’s a very reasonable time frame I mean I will say that I had a great experience with that because um so I went through Sean his um you know the his partner and I was winner Elite and he was like I really want to get these in here and get them up as soon as possible from the date that my books were signed received it was like a week and they were up on the site that’s outstanding because I was I mean you guys remember I was promoting that option through the show like I mean absolutely here’s my links like that was like a week turn right from the time they had it in their hands photos up and I could share links to to my items within a week again I’m not saying that’s the standard so don’t get it don’t get confused that’s going to be everybody’s experience but I’m saying that they were able to pull that off because I sent in some big books and he was like I want to get these into the winner lead option I want to get as much as eyes on as long as possible to get you as much money as possible so you know mutually beneficial to get those up as soon as possible right and if you miss if you miss the elite window you’ve got to wait three months so if you really really want something in an elite and it arrives ten days before the elite launches we’ll make it happen I mean I’m not guaranteeing that will happen but like we’ll make it we’ll do everything we can to make that happen uh the thing I got here is uh Sean Brock a good point uh one of our our comments is uh and the first question we got you done do you guys do appraisals like original comic book artwork if so what’s that process so many pictures via your web page or how’s that work out yeah just just get in touch at golden dot Co slash Comics um send us an email we’ll be in touch lots for pictures and then we’ll let you know what we think it’s worth it’s very difficult because original art is all unique because everyone knows but we’ll try our best to find comparables and and uh if you want to auction them the nice thing about it is you don’t have to wait for them to get graded so that turnaround could be faster yeah those those are so unpredictable sale to sale too I mean you can have the same book on this or the same artwork or the same platform a year apart in it unbelievable differences higher lower just depending on the who’s watching what’s watching it’s such a niche kind of thing that piece of art may not speak to 5 000 people it may speak to the two but it the right two it’s gonna go crazy yeah that’s exactly right um are we gonna see you on a new uh the golden Netflix show are you are is Comics Gonna Roll around on the gold Netflix show there we’re so frustrated that that we didn’t get any any any share of the of the time I think there was uh Sean and I actually just before we joined we we got the um the cover to cover up straight face 24.

and a bunch of go um Silver age Green Lantern pages and one of those is shown in shot for like four seconds oh man last episode no not a single comic anywhere inside at the very end of the credits as well there’s like the front of af15 Spider-Man’s face on the front of there 15 he’s got like Spades in and out as they do like fades in and out of famous items that was it in the whole six episodes but they’re doing uh we’re hoping that they’re going to be another another series and so if there is you guys have grown it you get to be a little bigger part I’m gonna be I’m gonna be so all over the producers I’ve already got ideas I actually own I own a vintage uh Porsche 911 which is kind of always breaking down so that’s kind of already comedy comedy um thankfully and I got the number plate Comics as well from from correct so he’s going to some Farm in the middle of nowhere and then breaking down and having to hitchhike there consider being a really fun thing plus my I don’t sound like anywhere else on the show so yeah so yeah hopefully but you never know like the producers apparently had complete control over what was shown and they they actually cut a lot of comic content out which is yeah interesting didn’t want to confuse you with comic book man I guess yeah I guess not but you know beanie babies really yeah oh yeah the Beanie Babies oh that’s terrible no idea how many leads we got one really baby leads yeah there’s TV stuff talking to uh Dinesh who did the two chains show and they didn’t want like he’s got like the like original uh ultimate Fallout 4 first Miles Morales cover original art right which is you know worth I have no idea I have no no idea what it’s worth but like but they want to see but they want to see a Wolverine Comic Book 81 but still like they want you know what I mean they want to say they want to see like a like a spidey they want to see Spidey 300 he’s like I own the cover yeah exactly they just want to show they just wanted they just want to show you know uh LCD stuff on TV I guess I don’t know yeah he owns the entire our entire childhood original art yes and he’s the nicest guy too so that’s right yeah interesting um no that’s cool I appreciate you giving me or giving us a nice overview of it it looks very professional as usual I mean golden you know it’s top-notch stuff so really uh really appreciate it so well thanks for having me on and letting me talk about it I think we forgot to ask you yeah yeah we’re not you know we’re not interviewers really per se but you know I don’t know I don’t think so I I think that you know we are competing we’re at least in the conversation now that’s what I would say like the big takeaway for me in the last 10 months or so is that we went from nowhere to somewhere it’s it’s not the number one spot that’s our goal ultimately but we are we are definitely at least sort of in the same ballpark now well I will say the the one thing that I would recommend um is have is if you haven’t talked to the folks who run GPA definitely getting talks with them to both have your sales recorded but also having the ability to link to actively going auction through because I mean I don’t know about anybody else but I always check like GPA for a book I’m looking for for listings to see not only if my listings are out there on eBay but also to see like if I’m looking for a nine two and something or nine four or something I’m gonna go click on all those to see if somebody’s got something reasonable or an option that’s you know I can slip into very quickly so the fact that you guys aren’t immediately available through that is a limitation because I know I and many others use that section of GPA to find out what’s out there so you know more places to get you get your information out there we had a chat with them and they said that our dates is presented the wrong way so we are working on that and cover price don’t forget them oh yeah of course cover price as well yeah Friends of the show um if you’re going to be a San Diego I’m pretty sure devote will be a San Diego and I can make that introduction so you know yeah they will I’ll be there with cover price for San Diego so yeah so what if we give we’ll get together maybe have some drinks and make some introductions so perfect thank you at least my pass around about of eBay only auctions that usually happened last night that we all wish we would have bought so cool maybe more or so yeah or did something so yeah all right I’m gonna do a quick smattering this this week was a lot of just unusual stuff and that I uh found itching this is a book where’d you go I hit too many times this one in another book are books I’d never even heard of and probably would have passed by in any comic shop uh other than that they’re the odd size but I mean I have no idea what they are and uh you know it’s not particularly a fascinating cover but man it went for two grand yeah this is Carter special this is like I you know I I live in the Obscure and the weird stuff and you know it didn’t even like wouldn’t have hit my Spidey Sense and it’s just it’s amazing what’s out there that sometimes you don’t know you don’t know uh this was the other one in that genre that hit uh I just I just have no idea honestly um so let me talk about this all the time right romance books are so hit and miss and nobody really knows the crazy algorithm when it comes to romance books of you know what’s hot what’s not you know I mean everybody knows you know like key romance books but besides that it’s like a big toss-up and you you see him at your is your comic book store it’s a hundred bucks you’re like is that a good deal or am I getting taken I you know it never you know actually do you have anything like are you a big romance like connoisseur when it comes to this stuff I mean I’ve I’ve bought some amazing collections of romance it does strike me that these are the probably the exact size that you would slip him into a real book so you would look like you were reading something literary but in fact you were kind of like mildly perving over women in in distress well I mean usually the romance are there’s some kind of there’s an artist that’s going there’s a style sometimes it’s the 60s style sometimes it’s a 50s style there’s there’s usually something you know there’s an innuendo and these are just kind of not not bad just they don’t have that thing that lets you go wow I understand why that sold for crazy money and maybe seven I hate to say it right it’s a 50s books and it’s a seven oh I mean you talk about any other key in that I mean maybe it’s under I mean that’s the other thing we don’t I don’t even know like you know so I I got nothing it just it just intrigued me and I was like wow um did you confirm this uh 667 do you know or no no but we could talk about I mean we can just show it up I don’t know anything about it you sent the image yeah so this has been making the rounds on Facebook uh someone said this sold uh so ASM 67 is uh don’t Auto rare down Auto variant professional don’t know back in 2011 I will say right John that we kind of created this through uh our old tdsi group that this is like a crazy crazy uh book yeah the scarcity yeah that you know the almost perfect gelato cover yes uh I can’t find on eBay though but it’s been rolling around I didn’t see this and it’s not the you know Mexican version the mole version but uh I wonder what they got 24 pictures man so we can’t find the listing if that’s the problem uh yeah I couldn’t find the listing I mean I looked at it this morning I went to Seoul and I didn’t see it now I highly doubt he would just cancel that or if it didn’t pay oh here we go it it finally popped up today okay but maybe it’s sitting in link it and link it if you can no if you want me to do it what’s different about this this one um there’s nothing uh rares it’s rare as you could be was it 150 or 100 the one on 100 I think yeah what a copy is it’s not a foreign Edition or anything like this no no no no no no this is just the real thing this is the real thing the foreign Edition um it’s the most it’s this and ultimate Fallout 4 variant a 9.80 either of them battle was the most expensive modern uh comic [Music] so you see all that you don’t have the big stuff at the bottom obviously nobody has the one we had you know yeah I’m gonna have the Lithuanian variant either so copper stale staple variant yeah so um no I mean at the end of the day um it just you just a 9-4 I mean it’s not even like perfect and it still commands big big big big big money I mean I’m just curious why it took so long to hit that’s interesting um maybe maybe it was hold up in sales but I don’t know it just everybody’s still show but I don’t know what all right yeah you gotta get I gotta get a person in credit whoever listed this comic crazy 12 cent comments a lot of good feedback but um 24 pictures enough for me I’d rather have you know and they and they they listed a name but minus yeah I mean at least I’ve never pressed one but that’s not the that’s not the toughest error to press either I don’t get it but I think the I think some people’s logic when it comes to books like this is that you know if it if it does like you have the question mark and the possibility is work more in some situations than just having it book and hand graded because if there’s no question mark anymore it’s like okay it is what it is but the somebody who has the the gumption to think that oh this could be a 9-8 will overpay potentially uh I mean you might get within 10 of of credit Book value because somebody thinks that you know somebody who you know I mean we’ve all been there before you know you you see something you’re like oh that that’ll press out or all that that I might be able to get somebody on a good day and you might over paper yeah when you shouldn’t and so yeah the grader got laid this morning yeah so this yeah the same with uh yeah but also let’s be honest you you get this thing if it’s your like say it’s your book okay um and you want there’s no there’s no risk in grading it so if it’s your book other than maybe you don’t want to mail it or something but one book at a time is not a big deal so other than other than that or maybe the guy didn’t have the money but the fees you know is gonna cost a few hundred bucks to grade this thing unless well and the thing too is how you slide it in but if it comes back at eight five or Nino track that [ __ ] and put in the eBay auction well you know maybe that’s what happened we don’t know yeah there’s a good chance like look if this guy’s a slab seller like it looks like a real comic dealer I don’t know feedback is you know 12 cent Comics you know I mean it’s all raw stuff so maybe the first thing that’s a good point yeah maybe I believe in grading well and maybe people don’t do it because they like to turn over books so so quickly maybe he’s underwater maybe he bought you know we talked about the covet error right maybe he bought bookstore in a code mid-air and maybe he’s under yeah you know I don’t know I mean I don’t think with two thousand feedback he is he has a ton of listings obviously he looks like he just stumbled upon something honestly it looks like yeah you bought collections or something I just somehow that got in there I mean he may not know what he had yeah yeah especially they call the 12-set comics you know yeah the 12th century collector is not the typical grader yeah he got a collection and got real [ __ ] lucky I think yeah I mean I will say there’s a couple guys who um like I’m in a bunch of like the Facebook like comic groups and one one of the guys like posted his like you know you got outbid at 6 500 so like and that guy that guy was like is it one of the ones I know to be like the legit will throw money like work while money at books so like you know this this thing probably really did sell for what for what it said to sell and somebody probably yeah still got a steal on it I don’t think it’s a ridiculous price at all I mean not for what it is no I do it’s worth it 7 200.

I didn’t I didn’t look too closely at the pictures there but if you’re not looking at you’re not looking at like a couple or three half inch or more color breaks um it’s a it’s a decent sized gamble for me yeah yeah yeah I mean I know everybody doesn’t have 7 200 or was laying around but yeah but you can make thirty thousand dollars on this yeah there’s some upside on them yeah you know what I mean you can you can get your 72 back pretty easily on this book if you listed it at eight it would sell in like five seconds and nine two sold in April for 10 grand and a 9-4 sold in May for 10 grand yeah yeah so I mean it’s and looking at those pictures roughly looking at those pictures it’s at least it’s probably at least nine two bare minimum yeah I got some less than lean too so I mean yeah if you I wish I had been paying attention because I mean who knows you know maybe pushes maybe push it to eight and yeah still would have been worth your money yeah all right a couple other just books I saw that uh peaked my fancy today man like Peter’s son uh love this cover a 7-0 is wild um yeah just freaking gorgeous for this book I mean the black edges the Black cover the colors are just probably the best I’ve seen so great uh yeah great books that we scored this one I have no idea what it is it was more for if our buddy uh showed up that loves Halloween covers this feels right up his alley and uh I’ve never seen it but it is just kind of a weird color mix and I was surprised it hit 300 bucks but it is high grade um probably those Halloween collectors get a little wild um just yeah I dug the colors I like it I don’t if I like it for 300 bucks but I do like it um the skeleton marionette scaring a ghost though you know I just can’t say I’ve ever seen this book come on let’s go it’s one that like I dig like the color scheme sometimes and this is one that would like stick in my head I think yeah yeah I have no idea I thought you loved the Great Nails I loved it back because this is almost orange tone I thought like maybe the back was the first Yogi Bear or something yeah well you never know some of that stuff’s wild in there no idea uh here’s here’s one of our favorites popped up uh I’m not sure this guy knew what he had this is the second picture in the lot he only showed the first doesn’t even mention the Harley Quinn this is another one of those I don’t know what I have which is interesting this week we seem to have a lot of that uh so these are 20 packs from the DC era and this is the famous one with the uh Batman adventures 12.

So yeah I’d have I’m selling a chosen stuff I’d have people with you know like a slab on the wall you know thousand two thousand depending on the grade and they go why is Batgirl worth that much money I’m like because it’s not for Batgirl yeah who was it found it in the I think it’s cool I found it in the bin under Batgirl one time oh dude Bagley got one for 65 cents oh God remember um uh who was an uh Patrick was his name Patrick uh he found one in a mystery box I thought right and then you find one in a mystery box maybe one in the package but yeah Hood yeah he got I don’t remember how I do know he’s one of the people who got a cheap one yeah well a lot of people got cheap ones they used to exist yeah um this one continues to surprise me um I didn’t I mean I didn’t expect Peacemaker to take off as I did I was one of the people that actually collect this before then and I still sold mine but uh an 8-0 copy is kind of getting rare for the Charlton so I don’t think this is a bad price when the fours and sixes are selling not that far from there like if you’re gonna buy a high grade you might be getting into that realm with the Charlton that might be the high one of the highest grade songs I’ve ever seen I didn’t dig into the census but you just don’t even see many of them that exist let alone nice a ton of them in the fours uh maybe one second here Dino’s looking pulling it up is that he on the cover on the right was that Peacemaker you know I don’t even know I don’t think so no he’s got his helmet no he doesn’t he’s not even on the cover right now you got you guys ready for this one uh 199 graded um 196.

Huh three nine fours four nine twos five nine O’s seven eight and a half sixteen eights I wonder where the hell those are I’ve never seen a high grade one really I’ve not well file copies or something dude yeah maybe that’s a good guess uh when The Peacemaker show came out they were selling like six others were selling for that price I agreed that was that thing just killed and I that it outperformed all hopes and season two yeah season two’s around the corner right I don’t think it’s around the corner it’s after Superman yeah um speaking of gorgeous books this one amazing my internet is sucking today um Flash comics 92 first uh first Black Canary I don’t know if it’s the photography or uh this color is cover is just that clean looking it is gorgeous copy why is it only a five five that’s what I was saying it looks amazing gorgeous so I don’t know if there’s some internal issues or there’s some stuff going on maybe probably just a bunch of creases you can’t see from the lightning of that picture I mean I’m sure it’s cleaned you know I mean for a copy that bright though I mean usually uh that stuff is more of a yellow color yeah not quite yellow but it’s in that ballpark yeah you’re right but it’s probably on a scan like this it’s hard to see without an angled picture yeah like you don’t see you don’t see those without creases it could be a so I had this happen with a book where like it was I think one of my copies of um first appearance of Doom and it was like it was a five five and I was like I don’t understand why this book’s five five and I pulled up the grades um right when I was going to buy it I pulled up the senses and I said oh detached interfold from bottom stable or some [ __ ] like that oh yeah it could be that look at I’m on top of the boys yeah so the back looks terrible yeah so yeah like detached centerfold or the back cover looks like trash and there you go so yeah I mean it doesn’t I think I think this is a better photo of it there we go yeah yeah that’s sort of like in the picture I got it all right yeah so I mean like you said it’s it’s you know it’s that that’s just really good photography I don’t know if it’s a filter maybe a scanner yeah it’s part of the phone scan we got all the resources for you clearing through it all right um I don’t even know what this book is but it was like holy [ __ ] two grand for hacks so that’s a Tim cely’s that’s a hard that’s a hard uh book to find I put one of those hacking like the hacking slash I got that I gave to uh Chris to get Tim Seeley to sign San Diego um but that’s another hard one to get obviously um I’m not trust me I’m not the biggest Hack Slash fan but that’s a hard hard book to get and plus it’s signed and it’s nine eight yeah with the suicide girls thing and that that puts impossible yeah I’ve not about this book I I’m because things don’t surprise me I guess as far as like rare prices and actually always makes me happy when I see where stuff sell for a lot of money but uh yeah I’ve known about this and just never even pretended to try to to find a copy in the wild so this is interesting uh this is from 2008 sounds about right sounds about right probably [Music] might be so here’s something that’s funny right so that’s something because it’s Suicide Girls that’s all for two thousand just sold for 120 bucks same book what I love it July 3rd oh God so just I’m not saying that’s so we just probably had a Biz is it the same remark same no I’ll like on our on our uh yeah right there I guess you can see it so somebody maybe snagged to buy it now huh yeah same remark it’s pretty similar yeah not I just want to throw that out there for people so people you know well I mean sometimes people list things dumb but like you said it was it ended on July 3rd so a lot of people were doing a lot of stuff over the weekend right like we all know how it is when it’s July 4th so wait wait so when was July 3rd when was July 10th yep but they’re different sellers that’s not even possible the shipping ones it was a 3A auction uh nope same back same seller so maybe you can maybe he canceled the option yeah yeah he it didn’t so he realized he realized he had it on the temp or the fourth fourth third whatever um I mean is that normal I don’t know um no it’s about right I mean it’s ungraded it’s a mid grade I don’t know what the QR code is on there I kind of wanted to scan it but then I was also afraid of it I’ll do it why not [ __ ] it I just wonder if it’s like a link to his website or something is that linked to his website it’s a link it’s a link to his actual uh store nice clever it’s his wife only fans I did see uh the um 211 I don’t I’m sorry two to 12.

The the Martian cover the black space one um um a 6-0 sold on MCS tonight for almost 4 500 so that was the gorgeous book I I do not love this particular cover I don’t find it that interesting so me either as a as if you know as being you always talk for Zetta we met the forzetta girls and all that good stuff yeah this is this is a no for me either no no there’s a ton of other presenter covers that I would take over this one the great it’s a great it’s a fresetta cover they’re all great but it’s just not the one that I’m gonna spend my money on um look at here oh I hit that one already sorry uh this was the foreign book of the week uh haunted Thrills 13 the Mexican Edition um I I forced myself not to bid on it I probably should have I I kind of lost focus of it but it’s freaking that’s badass gorgeous I’m going to Mexico uh September here boys good luck this is probably a good book to buy I mean like if you’re gonna buy a foreign book buy something extremely wild and extremely hard to find and really high grade for what it is yes um I I probably am already punching myself for not buying it but I’m trying to make good choices right now and uh I wish I’d known about this I collect foreign books do you oh God you’re in the uh you’re in the problem Zone here look that man down there and Matt Roble uh started the whole foreign collecting craze uh okay hold on one second this man’s from England what’s he got here oh I’ve got my blur on because I don’t know it’s a it’s a it’s a Spider-Man reprint of the two the second and third appearances of uh the lizard a nice I I didn’t know you’d say what do you collect so like I have a handful of them here I’ve got a um a type a tie edition of Batman 423 as well oh which is which is really cool sorry yeah hang on let’s see if I can switch it off I’ll just try that thing man oh yeah there you go perfect there I like the background more now yeah it’s uh yeah the difference the main difference is this sort of like pink love heart thing on the front here is there any interior foxing on it no the on the covers or anything nope none what kind of what kind of paper is it I pressed some Thai books for people they’re a little difficult oh it’s it’s just like just like exactly like Batman 420 okay like a real wild in Thai and it yeah adds on the back are kind of fun too I I’ve dug down the rabbit hole a long time and I have to say no sometimes and I probably shouldn’t have said no to that one I already regret it but I did it yeah so we we started on uh foreign Comics Safari way back in the day when nobody really got in the foreign books and then all of a sudden Forum books exploded so I don’t Idols did we take feather fantasy I think we do have some [ __ ] we take credit for the foreign oh yeah I mean I would hope you do yeah got to be what you grew up on a little easier start for you huh well in that case I got some stuff it’s off some of them I got some stuff for you in pickups uh I made a little John across the pond last week so I got some stuff in pickups that you’ll appreciate so I’m gonna just do a couple more let’s do some pickups then um this is one you never freaking see so I almost had a RSI because I thought I had this but I had the trade dress copy not the perversion variant of this uh Vengeance of midnight one I I don’t it comes up what once or twice a year maybe yeah yeah it’s almost as bad as the others think of experience to be honest with you it is a bear um I remember leading up to midnight I never saw one come up people were holding them like like they were anything then the even the trade dress is uh 300.98 is it now it okay I definitely sold them um sold for a whole for three at 33.50 I can’t I haven’t looked it up in a minute in the fluctuations happening yeah lately but that had but also that had nothing to do with the show yeah I picked I just picked one up with Carter a couple months ago it’s in my two B graded pile that that oh the trade dressed easy to press too yeah good um two more press as well also for uh Rick who’s not here but uh the Tim Holt 30 the Zodiac Killer inspiration book always sells you know in that 500 a grand for copies it’s not a gorgeous copy but it’s not a bad copy no it presents well I mean for what it is I mean if you zoom in there’s a lot of little Nicks and dents but it it good coloring overall for this issue for an old western that people beat the [ __ ] out of and then uh one more great horror book The Witch’s Tale 25.

I mean 4 300 is not bad for a six and a half that’s a strong copy I mean yeah agreed all right pickups or share I mean did you have any other books you wanted to show that you uh had collected uh let’s see what have I got here I’ve got a Matt Baker Canadian Edition one of the um the Texans there at uh in the inside covers they’re sort of blank which is interesting this one’s not very nice it’s very low grade but so are you based in Canada now yeah I live in Montreal okay um what else have I got here well there was that there was a one point the Canadian weights were just on fire they seemed to have toned down a bit but yeah it’s a little bit like all golden age books there’s more of them than you think yeah they’re very nice but um yeah when they do come up there’s always a buyer for them but I think like everything else like the money the money is not in the market is like it used to be no I mean the foreign market was the same way you couldn’t find some of these books and as the price goes up price goes up you see you see a few more they come up a little more often did that um 128 the 8-5 did that sell in the end or did it come off the market again no the eight five sold at uh comic language um was a mistake for the seller because all the buyers didn’t pre-register to go over 25k and uh it ended at 25k that the first buyer that got there so that was a poor I wish I happen to have the nine two so very nice very nice sitting on that one I pressed it is this um so if you’re going to collect Fantastic Four or something that common then you have to give yourself a challenge otherwise it’s just about do you have a big enough checkbook right so yeah absolutely um I went for like VF or better with white pages on on the run and like got my head turned in the pandemic when I bought my I couldn’t afford an AO but I got a five five with white pages number one and then it doubled in value so I kind of cached in which I I feel like I sold out of there that’s okay but just focus on Pence editions or something make that the challenge and I did the same thing I had a Batman 121 that I got for super cheap and a guy some older gentleman who wrote me a check at a Comic Con like four years ago for like double GPA I’m like what are you gonna do like I sure like I mean you don’t you don’t really turn around and say oh those days yeah that same yeah same show I sold the 181 dude wrote me a check yeah I didn’t want to didn’t want to open because it was raw I didn’t have time to grade it before I and I I would have broke GPA uh for the great I thought it was probably eight five and uh it was I would have broke gpn and I know at the time so I was like that could definitely this guy’s like yeah I can trust this guy’s value stamp myself he’s like um I’m not touching I’m like dude yeah not gonna hurt it but he’s old he looked a little shaky oh yeah you know what I got it dude this is also the first appearance of the Mexican wrestler Spider-Man I’m big on 80s keys and and love and Rockies yes I just love it same it’s uh this this one’s on my ground for a really long time and I think this is hugely undervalued good stuff lovely uh let’s see what else we got yeah I don’t have anything this week I got something I know Chris got some bunch of stuff right yeah go ahead we’ll send you last leg you got anything yep okay I’ll go first um so not not too much for me only only four pickups um my collecting style is uh very uh mixed so I guess you would call it on a good day I buy stupid [ __ ] I buy cool [ __ ] I finally I didn’t know I forgot about this way back in the day this is when LeBron James brought the uh the point record thing and it finally just came to me like a week and two ago so did you did you pre-order nine eight yeah because that thing sucks to fix great uh yeah I pre-ordered I can’t remember when I pre-ordered it as I think they’re going for don’t call me like 120 130 bucks maybe for like an animal so um whatever um uh I got this from our all our buddy Mr sleepy little Omega Man three megament three little Lobo action that eight so that’s a that’s a nice win for me we’ll call that very cool absolutely takes care of me good deal um and a little unusual um little stray dogs blanks um I’m hearing Garrett Gunn do a little illustration I don’t want to spoil it because I haven’t seen one yet uh the old uh what I want to do uh so hopefully in the future I can show that off he’s gonna do that uh and then I’m gonna get um the voice acting uh uh one of the characters on Bluey because my son loves it uh he’s gonna be at Minneapolis Comic-Con in Minnesota I think uh to do to get him to sign up for me so it’ll be pretty cool uh that’s all I got so far uh Mr League yeah right so um thanks everything stays left so movement like um so I got I should have prepped this lower um so uh uh if I showed some of this stuff let me know just because I haven’t been on for just because for traveling um so um uh just going on cover price so it shows the first like basically modern um uh Mega Man in modern Comics goes up for like seven hundred dollars uh in 98 and I’m like okay I I definitely gotta I have that [ __ ] somewhere so I pulled out so I went to my I’m actually organized now so I pull out my my Mega Man’s and uh so these I’ve I’ve had but you just you just don’t find them like these uh I don’t know so eight 12 12 bit stuff like that uh or a variant of number one but that’s a later series or like this uh this exclusive 60 was my price on a while ago and then yeah so super excited so this was it and I had no idea and I just collect the Mega Man stuff so whenever you see you read a You Know cover price whatever uh newsletter and you see a 9A of a book you own gold for 700 you get you just start you just start digging really fast through your boxes to try to figure it out if it wasn’t in the M’s that wasn’t like in the PC box so those are uh and it’s nice to see all these all the other variants going for like 50 bucks or more um so definitely these have um come out of the literal closet and are in the grading pile is that all Matt’s fault huh is that all devotable maybe I mean it was a 150.98 until it wasn’t so yeah I don’t know what to say I’m happy with it it’s it’s sort of a cardboard I don’t think it’s a 98.

um it’s it’s sort of card stock so it’s going to be tough to try to try to fix it’s kind of like a slightest amount of corner blending so I might try to uh throw it in like a pre-screen stack and try to get lucky I’m trying to say goodbye yeah yeah some something like that yeah we’ll see nine nine bucks for them to turn me down we’ve all seen these books of uh a bunch of times but shout out to Big clutch who I’m working with and so he’ll be with a Comic-Con uh as he always is but just the uh the invincibles to the blacks the red foils these are the whatnot but uh you know the price went down we’ll go back up when the show starts uh if you throw me an omni man uh foil so thank you very much and the fact that they say big lag on the back of them also is helpful because I like books that have my name on them um these were to I forget if I showed if I show these yeah at least or did I I don’t remember if I showed this deck this is what I just grabbed at the con the half off con if I already already did all this I’ve already did this stuff just dealing me and I’ll switch on it so I’ve just been buying stuff to press and gray but this stuff was just like all way too cheap so I dig through for the spawns for any of the newsstands so you got to pull out all the spawns to see the bottom of them all this is crazy which is so annoying but that’s okay it’s so annoying barely find spawn sections anymore yeah so this is all from a dude where everything was half sixty percent off so it doesn’t doesn’t matter they are so this is just I like the big guns and this is one of my favorite uh favorite spawn covers and so one of my personal grills is to to find and get myself a 9-8 but in the Newsstand because you can get a 98 of this all day on eBay it doesn’t matter but mine ain’t a new stand in this book is is absolutely impossible um you want to sub it yourself or do you want to just 89.

Find it cheap I’ll be fine with it but because then I’ll still find one to sub myself and then I’ll make money on it so I don’t care I still buy these I’ll look for you you know how it is I’ll find something so same with this so we’ve got this 9898 candidate in this so he’s got it at 200 so it was like 80 bucks or something like that these are these These are tough to find uh same with the same with the ah stuff uh uh yeah and like for four dollars you’re taking the high Republic on variants for sure that’s it uh this I don’t even know it probably was cover price there was a um in Justice League the 13 and the 12 the 12 that sells that’s a new stand also nice so this is this this is this book’s this book’s impossible I haven’t even re-bagged and boarded it um same again half off stuff but first I guess it’s like the like grown-up Ahsoka I don’t I don’t really know I just follow what the Star Wars nerds do judging them same with these I don’t leave there’s no point leaving behind stuff all right I Gotta Buy I got a bunch of those too yeah dude I just really yeah you’ll see you’ll see another one same with spirits of Vengeance um and any yeah and even any any of the X-Men’s uh pre-200 uh that are high grade I just yeah I try to check them out I don’t check out all the backs man but I’m gonna I’ll go in I’ll feel whatever we got see what’s going on uh eventually I’ll get around to grading all that kind of stuff that I pick up oh um there was another another spawn newsie yeah and uh same with those stuff uh thanks to um I gotta I gotta win I think Paul might have bought me the spots but a couple slabs um this is uh thanks to koi so this is like the first modern uh she recover other than the Datsun variant but she’s actually in this book and not in the other one but I mean the Datsun variant is the is the grill to me for sure so I had for a long time and then I don’t think I don’t think I just I don’t think I showed these ones uh I got a few I got a that’s that’s got some books back so everything I bought I was trying to grade at uh WonderCon so just trying to see what I could get uh I got these both I paid 120.

um for these from the guy uh 120 cash and then greater you know some grade in them so I knew their high grade and they yeah so that worked out um that worked out another guy Sameer got all the all these spawns and I’m just honestly just looking for nine eights so this is uh this is the finch for 200. um, I’ve been for 200 this was the only one that didn’t hit I got a nine four in um for all these in-game stuff uh, unfortunately, the best cover right a 189 188 uh 187, and uh 100 Ross cover so those are a little over 100 and all of them hit that was good uh this is the one that costs a little more than I bought there but it was worth the purchase right you got the yeah so the strange Academy Book to have this is the second print no this is the opinion this is the one in 150. okay uh, I just saw the blue eyes yeah no so I usually have these and things oh I hadn’t seen anybody grab one of these um and you know let’s cover so this is a marble Milestone there’s only like 198.

I think this is the second highest grade that’s had in a bin forever so this is the Milestone but did they give you any notes online no all right I don’t know you just said avidness lab just for shit and giggles I thought I had there’s a thought it had a 90 chance it’s cards it’s a cardstock cover oh okay so these are many Milestones or pain in the ass oh yeah this one’s they’re a pain in any way even the ones that are like paper there’s like a weird yeah I hate those these car soft ones are gonna be a pain so I love the color we did that I’ve had this forever decided to grade it and um so it’s top 10 I don’t think there are only a few nine eights oh yeah but hear about here’s some foreign books dude this but yeah that’s Lobo that’s what’s the cigar uh Germany in 19 2000.

so yeah good old this is this this one yeah this one’s gorgeous I haven’t found any sales on this anytime lately no idea there’s nothing listed on there and so yeah uh [Music] uh these two are just worth more slab I knew they weren’t nine eight or three yeah you gotta just slab those yeah it it yeah at least I’m fine with mine for us um yeah um another second print nine eight I’ve been selling this [ __ ] out of those is the time and same with these if you look up the graded prices um the graded prices on the newsstands it was it it’s it was worth it you know what I mean they’re paying like 20 for modern grading now so yeah even 8090 I’m fine with it um and I’ve had I’ve had them in a box forever and it just finally especially now that they annotate the new Scandal on there yeah it makes it yeah it just makes it makes it worth more so uh that’s all flip stuff yeah that’s it okay the man that met the legend coming back from England yeah so I honestly don’t even know where to start um so we’ll start with the how many books did you pick up in total do you think 300 400 not that many um so again taking advantage of being so for anybody that I was in Scotland um all last week um and so of course I hit up a couple of shops in Glasgow and Edinburgh and yeah so now how was before you start how was how was the experience I mean did they have like a small section of American and everything else or how was it so I mean the shop was definitely a mixture of um like all the all the modern stuff was you know his you know us you know Canadian and UK prices but they had a mixture of pins copies of things um so yeah I just kind of I went through and just kind of tried to figure out what makes sense to grab and once they realized I was there to play ball like I got the concierge treatment so shout out to I want to say it’s Forbidden Planet let me double check that so I’m not just voting yeah so Forbidden Planet they’ve got like I think two locations one Edinburgh um and one in Glasgow um really great guys to do business with willing to negotiate on their keys and I’m always down to spend money in a place that’s willing to work with me so yeah just really great experience but so of course you know perhaps you know complete set of the Tank Girl mango so I think this came out in like 95 so it’s not the it’s not like our first like mini series outside of deadline it’s like a second one but it’s complete it’s got all the inserts with it and everything so that’s awesome and for the price I think it was like our initial asking price I think was like 70 pounds for this 75 pounds for this and I think I walked up the door with it at like closer to 50.

Okay so and the exchange rates 1.27 so I mean that’s still really reasonable price but again if you’ve got to grab tank girl well you got to make sure you grab so our initial asking price 200 pounds so again under even for the great if if I had paid retail or cover price it was cheaper than buying anything in the states no yeah again we didn’t pay retail price um or what they were just asking her second appearance for 10 pounds again got it got it for less than ten um so those were two big wins uh let’s see we have the the smaller stuff so we’ve got some Congo so if anybody’s not familiar with these these are like 60s um so this was a joint collaboration in movie form of MGM did a joint collab with an Irish uh production company and a UK production company to make the movie and so um didco over at Charlton did these Comics so I’ve got uh 10 cents so you know us copy some pits for issue uh which one was this I think this is issue uh night eight so yeah so again it’s a hodgepodge uh pent copies but again I’m glad you picked them because you know early disco stuff I’m just down for um so again more of those guys and then we switch over to Congress revenge for issue number like it jumps it Congress Revenge um and then again we’re back into U.S copies another situation of MGM uh or no this is Kings Brothers pictures and released by MGM so joint collaboration gorgo number one some more ditko again a little bit of Silver age yeah I love that for a really reasonable price I mean not the best copy in the world but I’ll take it for it as well us or Pence and all Pence right uh so now we’re back to us copies so us right we got a little cap 100 action in the US oh yeah we got a little first point Stacy and first Osborne U.S nope I think he’s got these from Scotland [Laughter] super clean copy but the Peace Day resistance of my time there is this book here um I didn’t even know what the hell this was when I he had to like explain to me what I was even looking at I just saw the artist whose names were on the cover of it and I was just like uh Alan Moore and Grant Morrison in the same comic book that’s that doesn’t happen and so Ashley you may recognize this food for thought so this was like an Ethiopian famine relief comic that they did 500 copies and it’s like 500 of this comic and then 11 copies signed by all the creators and it has um Alan Davis um hunt Emerson um Alan Moore Grant Morrison um let’s see who else is on this thing you know David Lloyd Pat Mills Kevin O’Neill like projects like Ron Smith I mean anybody who was anybody in the 80s in British Comics is in this thing um 500 in existence none on this each on the cgc senses none have ever sold like I think the last couple recorded eBay sales were back in like 2018 somebody sold one for 150 pounds so the only copies that are even coming up are on eBay UK and they’re only selling there so when I saw this I was just like uh yes I will very much so take this super rare super awesome rare easing off of your hands and so this is going to be going to CDC I mean it’s not perfect but I say it’s probably got a fighting chance at a 9-6 maybe a 9-4 on a bad day yeah it’s gonna be time for the census yeah yeah this is the only one in the existence so yours is unsigned I assume yeah yeah I wish I wish I got one one of the 11.

Yeah so on the um here I’ll drop the link in the uh so that you can you know show more of the stuff in the private chat about it but um so it’s a it’s a ghosty oh and then I want some some little Raffles so we got this guy a little Batgirl uh Batman um Poison Ivy action I try to spot that one you [ __ ] me on it and um first experience the door milage and you know Israel the rest of the royal guard Zuri and Okoye and all those folks so you want me to show this off for you this uh yeah yeah sure yeah I don’t want to like ruin it all or something so no so yeah so here’s the information like you know this article where somebody went into the weeds explaining everything about it but yeah it’s it is I’m gonna put this in a chat too okay this is good stuff too yeah so this is a ghost so um yeah I was super geek but yeah I was honestly not expecting my experience to be because again the exchange rate I was just like even if something makes sense you know in in pounds once you do the exchange rate I was like I’m losing it doesn’t make sense I thought about bringing books over there because well that makes more sense I got you know with the pound being stronger bring high dollar books over there and I could you know make a lot more money off of the sale but yeah this shot was really willing to negotiating stuff we’ll clean house yeah so if you if you do stumble across yeah limitation of 11 signed by every single one of those people did you know this I mean I know they’re 11 I know it’s probably pretty rare but I bet you this is like one of those ones that are stacked in the back corner somewhere there’s some comic shop that they don’t even know what they had from a collection buying yeah I mean realistically yeah I mean because it just it’s one of those independent you know easy in comics you know like if you know you know and if you don’t know you’ll pass over it you know nothing twice about it very cool very good super cool uh that’s all we got we uh we appreciate Ashley for coming on uh hour and 30 minutes not terrible I guess uh but no um and obviously you know if you if you want to come out in the future you’re more than welcome um uh me and Carter are gonna do a wrestling review show tomorrow with everybody’s favorite so uh me and Carter will do that tomorrow uh Carter’s moved to Tuesdays he’s working on Monday so in case people wonder why he’s not on air I know I didn’t kick him off the channel uh he just has to work on Monday so he will be doing Tuesday shows whatever I don’t know what he’s gonna do on Tuesdays um so uh I’ll probably be around for that um oh and uh I always gotta anyways I got more vendors so I’m kind of happy about this I was kind of worried um as I always am uh I am doing my own Comic Con because I’m a psychopath uh August 26th uh in Milford Michigan I’m from uh the surrounding area um represent Brewing Company um you know we got vendors I got artists coming through stuff like that I got actually I one of the girls who works at her dad worked at or worked and did artists work on Dark Horse so he’s gonna do a little table for me there too so that’s cool um good luck with that that’s that’s uh that’s great I always like seeing someone do a car oh thanks uh one one vendor at a Comic Con told me I’m ruining the comic book industry anyways setting up a little accounts so I appreciate it from you so don’t [ __ ] off I know pretty much uh so no I appreciate it as usual it’s my little spew I I for myself but yeah we do what we do um hopefully uh maybe it becomes the sdcc or Hillary’s con of uh the Midwest maybe maybe next time we go YouTube but uh no we appreciate it um we as I said we always appreciate Ashley from coming through um you know and um always uh a delightful experience um so without that uh we’ll check everybody later and we’re up so see you guys

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