SDCC 2023 REVIEW!!! | Blue Beetle Sad Projections | Market Report |

all right we’re live it’s um Monday again uh means he had long long weekends so is the other boys uh who had better weekends than we did we uh we didn’t go to sdcc that’s next week we’ll talk about that um still in route yeah yeah people were on flights people are doing things yeah yeah so yeah uh just being Z and I we’re just gonna hang out we’re gonna do it pretty quickly because uh we all got prior engagements but uh it’s cool it’s cool we’re doing it cool um so we’re gonna talk about uh some news that we have uh Z’s famous market reports and maybe maybe a pickup too I don’t even think I have a pickup but uh we’ll talk about it so here we go [Applause] thank you uh one of the funnier things when I took uh my family vacation this weekend was uh I showed my little nephew that our YouTube show and he goes you’re not on YouTube that’s how terrible we are and uh here and I showed it to him he was like oh uh impressed with it he’s like you’re a star yeah pretty much and then he goes well how many subscribers do you have I told him a number of six thousand and he goes well you aren’t Mr Beast no no we’re not yes we’re just we’re like second tier to Mr Christ we are uh would that be d-list celebrities of the YouTuber community uh uh we’re we are uh we’re g-list from the old Google Plus days yes yes we’re g plus right G Plus yeah I uh Chris Chris was saying he’s good got recognized a couple times out at stcc I’m sure Sean does because he’s look at this guy yo oh hell Sean made it back I got back okay I thought he was lost in the in the wilderness no way man I made it I always get home I know but sometimes you take a longer path yeah that’s not for sure take a longer pass Ed yeah I guess we can hear some stories then yeah oh yeah it’s pretty fun I didn’t put any sec I was gonna talk about next week but you can talk about your experience I mean if you want to no big deal yeah whatever is whatever happened I mean there wasn’t I you don’t even know the announcements when you’re not you know what I mean yeah well there wasn’t it there wasn’t anything like Earth shattering I mean we’ll run through the stuff but and you can tell us if you gained any insight and then you talked about uh whatever cool [ __ ] you saw did and found yeah yeah no not much insight there just wasn’t I may have you follow me I may have you go after the market report because I’m on a short timetable I got to pick up a kid after Oppenheimer so that’s cool plus I mean I saw Chris like every day so we went to a bad idea and uh other [ __ ] so if he’s gonna be he said he might be here in a little bit so oh I thought he was still trapped in a flight but all right no he just answered oh he said he hope 9 30.

I don’t know what that means I don’t know if that means in 20 minutes or an hour and 20 minutes so uh probably 20 minutes so we’ll run through the other stuff and catch him in at the end look at these people people hit me up on Instagram now I want links to the show so they can like join look at this we’re getting famous would you want me to start with the marker port and then if he jumps on he can talk about whatever yeah yeah I mean you know read them that’s fine sometime if he’s actually in route I mean we’ve been doing this what seven years boys we don’t have a plan you want to go yeah I can go that’s fine but you can mix it up because you guys uh you know we can be different yeah oh [ __ ] wait so we’re live yeah oh all right good thing you didn’t say anything inappropriate give us a chance I don’t want like 603 or something like that yeah man you get it well we didn’t know you were coming well you had a tight time like he’s he’s very sickler about starting on time when there’s no slow beats going around here man no no no uh all right so I’m on a time frame here I was like why can’t I hear us on YouTube I don’t know man no because I normally we wouldn’t have started that’s the only reason we’re live open the YouTube so I get the channel but that’s about right all right just saw a copy of this guy uh looks decent uh only it under a grand I mean this book used to be you know you couldn’t get a [ __ ] copy for this cheap so I’ve been looking for this book for a while I just like you said I just don’t want to pull the trigger because I mean I just always like the purple background yeah it’s a tough book that purple Fades it’s an early you know kind of DC key we talked about them before they’re just tough to find I just think the Brainiac hype is is down a bit um I mean a 6-0 I sold years ago for 4K yeah easily and uh so I this is not a 6-0 but I don’t think it’s a 2-0 I think it’s in that you know three to five so we got people joining gonna be 25 people on the show yeah I did what’s up bro what’s up guys what’s up I I just got on because uh I haven’t seen you guys in a while I kind of miss y’all man well welcome we’re starting with the market report just to uh give we think Chris is coming maybe yeah so give him a little time to get here okay uh two firemen were dead it’s good to see you guys man you as well man uh I’ll run through these clicks so we can get to the [ __ ] uh this one is a this was uh one of the throw people off this is actually a second edition Greek using this cover the original is actually a full-size comic this is a smaller one and it’s yellow which is ungodly hard to find this is the second time this cover was used and actually doesn’t have the guts to punish her so uh people do 10 this tends to be about the price people pay but uh just if you’re a collector out there looking for to get this one this does not have the guts and it’s not the first edition so how much does a yellow one go for roughly name your price oh wow not quite but I mean it’s it’s definitely closer to a grand I mean you can get beat one less but it is much harder to get than this one not the hardest but it is up there Colombian Cinco is the one that like really name your price a coverless sold or not a coverless or no back covers for well over a grand quickly so just more information uh checking in on Carnage 300 book is where this book kind of should live I think and uh has settled back there so [ __ ] should be 500.

uh it’s just awesome though and it’s Spidey man I don’t disagree but there’s a [ __ ] ton of them yeah I know I’ve just always really liked Carnage so I don’t disagree but like maybe the Newsstand and you know that kind of stuff but there’s you can’t roll a con without tripping over a dozen copies um uh this one was for you Sean there’s a couple for you Astro Boy this is a high ass grade copy I don’t know that I’ve seen one like that 9-0 that we I kept sending the links to for about 900 bucks and that was like five years ago um so yeah I mean that’s a pretty uh yeah that’s a tough book that seems like a good price yeah I don’t think it’s bad like I said I know the 9-0 was listed at nine and eventually sold and that was a long ass time ago my beat up bug sold for like 200 or 300.

Yeah it’ll move there’s a fan I mean an anime and kind of all that General vein of stuff is is exceptionally hot and there’s been movies and it’s it’s kind of an not quite an evergreen character in our culture but it definitely floats back and forth so here’s the here’s the book of the week for all you deviants Barbie Heimer bro Barbie Heimer I should have got a world I should have got an A-bomb cover I didn’t think about it damn it bro that’s worth as much as a first Carnage dude come on a whole shitload of newsstands uh last year for 50 cents each man well you should have had them graded and ready to go nah man you know I just um that’s me man I’ve got like uh 20 stacks of books saying okay that’s going to cgc that’s going and it never goes anywhere dude list a few raw see if you can pop yourself 40 50 bucks yeah uh but I it is the newsstand yes I I don’t think I showed it last week last week there was a 9-8 non-new Sands signed by the creators I said I I turned it on after you went off I think I popped it uh honestly this would be a fun book to have uh um Robbie yeah that would be a good man that would be expensive bro I know but I wouldn’t feel mad about it yeah I mean the book looks like it should be worth something you know what I mean right so got that Vibe yeah I know uh it’s a cover it’s a piece of uh uh Americana oh this is an Australian price Maria I am sorry Australian yeah so actually yeah Aussie so it’s a little this will be uh [ __ ] this will be the new store exclusive drop it’ll do that with the action figure right yeah I totally missed Aussie [ __ ] that makes it way way tougher those are like uh I would say Define that as you know whatever news print stand is is maybe assuming five percent of that and that’s if they happen to survive anywhere and it got 53 bids so it got some action people love those Australian price marants I actually I saw a newsstand I didn’t see Australian shame on me eBay one of one too I wonder if new there really is I wonder if there’s a different Australian uh between newsstands and directs I legit have no idea I know uh I don’t think there’s a non-newstand Australian they’re all new Stan yeah um I know blue Green’s always showing that uh first Barbie oh yeah I pressed that one for him exactly magazine yeah man that magazine was a [ __ ] dude oh my God yeah I don’t know where he got them man but but uh I had to let him sit outside for a while no I’m just kidding but uh yeah it was just it picks up ticks and just uh um there’s I think he’s got the only one on the census too man yeah dude that thing’s tough and he obviously he did the homework to prove that it’s pretty um yeah that it’s pretty like um he’s got two Barbie comic really oh yeah nice yeah you get we got to get a lead on something man you get the only couple copies that’s the way to go well he sent me a whole last year a whole stack of those Barbie magazines like one through 30 and a couple of them came back pretty good uh pretty high grade so nice well hopefully he’s uh I have to check eBay see if he’s making out like a bandit I mean he should that that that that that Barbie magazine I didn’t think was going to look that good in in that slab I was uh I was pretty impressed so Dina will you will you Google Barbie and cgc and see if any of those slabs pop up for sold to talk about the next book but we’ll just see if any any pop-up that look familiar to a to us this one was the one I talked about last week that somebody shared uh with me this uh Australian freaking Blue Bowl how about this wildness I think that might be a freaking steal never see uh you know some of these classic covers like this with with that so I like this one I I probably should have bid but I thought I was gonna go way more all right um You want me to do it did you find any I’m not here so I just ran I just went Barbie won cgc9a kinda oh I would need Barbie one I would just do Barbie cgc and go highest all right I didn’t see you soon and highest yeah yeah there we go what’s that one in magazines back in the day Barbie and Ken won I’m sorry there you go um has anybody seen Barbie yet no my wife wants to see it I actually might go to the I saw Oppenheimer I’ve been getting the requests for some Barbie I’m not I’m not that opposed okay uh cgc magazine I guess right he may not have listed them yet you know what I mean I feel like he did he pulled it off maybe he just haven’t sold yet sort by highest price then I’m sure oh man this is hard that’s a great looking play Barbie twins baby what are you talking about you don’t remember the Barbie twins definitely getting easy for that joke uh I don’t see anything just maybe he there’s already flipped to Maria kept him because he just barely got him back you don’t have to sell it right now honestly you got a little window on something that really yeah it’s I mean they’re ghosts did uh do you guys see the picture of uh the slabs no no I’ll send it to you Dino okay while they’re looking for that here’s another rare book for you yeah Oh copra I thought I’ve seen this before somewhere was it on the market report earlier ah I haven’t talked I think the last time we talked about this was with McClay Maybe okay it’s been a while since I’ve seen one I mean that’s a couple it’s the image it’s the it’s not the cop race the skull and the lightning bolt kind of thing oh well this is also the image of the uh on the trade or on the graphic or on them some of the most hardcover yeah I don’t know if it’s I don’t think it’s an Omnibus but I think just hardcover collector edition uh but one of 400 there is a second print also 400 people can choose 400 and 400 very very tough uh book to find uh just for reference I did see that last year a nine eight sold for about 1100 bucks so that seems not unreasonable I mean when the book’s this rare at best case 400 popped out and it was at a I can’t remember what the the event was but it was not like a heavy like it wasn’t like a major con event it was more of a a smaller kind of thing so pretty do you want to pull that down I got Barbie pictures yeah yeah looking book so that’s that’s the one Barbie and then um here’s the other one those are I like the red one more honestly yeah the red one like it’s got rusted Staples and you know it’s amazing there’s only so much you can do with that book I mean it just that that red attracts every kind of tick you can imagine you know yeah looks great though oh man like it it just presents well in in that slab like that does you should have no problem solving that I mean it’s like like so [ __ ] scarce like somebody will buy it exactly this is Chris just pop on yeah I think he’s getting sold all right all right um there’s another one for Sean everything that uh you like me too I was looking for this book too it’s not a bad price I think it was a 2-0 so remember me and you’re talking about that too all that sold or one eight so I was trying to find the old sales and I couldn’t find any that blew out I think there were some raws that went crazy money like in a grand range yes I thought I was [ __ ] nuts paying like 30 bucks for it all right thank you it’s like a one point something yeah yeah and I just remember the first time I saw it I was like I’m just gonna keep this on my eBay search found it checked it off and now I have it yeah that I I’ve seen I’ve seen two maybe one a year yeah maybe do you brought it up yeah and it’s only I mean it’s only because I do the DM market report and I just see anything that sells but I I don’t see many uh is that okay last year as a 9-4 for 26k the promise collection sold at 10K 800 and then actually earlier this month a 6-0 sold for 4K so really this is quite a discount at half price for 5-0 in my mind so it is that a pedigree which one this one that that book right there looks like there’s something no no no pictures okay it just says DS publishing oh okay um so yeah that one’s a great looking book um let’s see this one just popped up because we’ve been talking to Ron this is kind of that other one that’s not you know there’s the the three different editions and then there’s this one kind of using the cover that is an interesting kind of side collection if you collecting a book it’s worth grabbing you’re not gonna make a [ __ ] ton on it but it’s kind of cool if you had them all for that that was that was up there six seven hundred dollars a year ago maybe a year and a half ago yeah I think more people are focusing on the the true first and the Newsstand I don’t I haven’t seen one of the what was the toy pack I haven’t seen the 98 of that in a minute okay they’re trying to quickly died off uh quite a bit easier I mean we’ve seen a little bit of resurgence with these trailers coming out but yeah the drawing books don’t seem to be getting the bump that you would hope for the audio of this I found a dark horse uh multi-mag uh and it had droids number one in there and I think one other comic and I paid like 20 bucks like two years ago and then I kept telling my buddy man because you couldn’t see if it was a newsstand or not I said [ __ ] it I’m only like twenty dollars into this so I cut it open it was a newsstand I pressed it had a little tick it came back a nine six that’s a goodbye my friend goodbye a new stand of this no um the the regular heir to the Empire oh okay I’m sorry it’s my energy HD man don’t tell me there’s a reduced into this too and then I’m like Jesus Christ then you’re really in a rabbit hole yeah that’s what I was like dude there’s no way this they said this at supermarkets although yes this is deep nerd [ __ ] here yes you gotta you gotta you gotta sign up for a subscription to this puppy yeah exactly this is this is the Super Geek status [Laughter] and Star Wars yeah so it doubles up well this this is just kind of telling you where we’re at here uh wouldn’t this I’ve had boys selling for like 5K yeah yeah and we are down down oh my God I remember he uh uh Jessa picked one up from uh Dennis two of them actually got a 98 on one and like a nine six on the other yeah I I remember looking at this book and looking a couple copies and I just I I just couldn’t do it I also I’m too slow at pressing and Grading that I would have just sat on it and got my ass kicked it’s amazing the the acting like the character like hurt the book I mean you would have never thought that that would be a thing like Jonathan Majors getting in trouble and all the books take a [ __ ] you know like it’s just amazing amazing like that Medium is affecting this uh medium you know oh but this that Medium is what made this medium true yeah I mean yeah man yeah it didn’t take long for them to like get it wrong like Marvel oh we’ll just put Riri and and immediately it’s [ __ ] up yeah no care no character has dropped monetarily as bad as Riri oh like I don’t even think Kamal is as close and I’m not but here’s here’s also I don’t know maybe like Kamala is one real outlier sale but like it it had like one crazy sale and the rest were fairly realistic in a Range um and also I don’t think it’s completely due to the actress no I think that the script when I think that our before things started to go back down and we thought we were going to make money on every freaking book is like when we got the Riri announcement yeah and so it had like a few months of of peak time and really fell off because of the market flood because a lot of people were ready because she’s got a lot of books and not only that other than this she doesn’t have a true book like it it’s argue you know first appearance on hers is still argued even though Marvel said it on the cover of the third print or whatever it was like so she doesn’t have a book at least like I don’t know like similar you know time period like Moon girl has basically has her all her books are on whether there’s different variants of it like the hip-hop or the ratio it’s still just it’s number one you know so and also like the number ones I mean I was selling the Invincible Iron Man number ones um obviously not this series her her own series just the regular ass cover man two two fifty 275 all day long every time I have so many I didn’t even have even graded all the ones I have and like it’s I think it’s like a 70.98 now you know and I’m like dude why I don’t know why this is almost 300 but I’m I’m here for it and I’m gonna grade all of them but I thought I’d slow play it and now it’s like yeah I mean I’m still making money at 75 bucks but yeah I definitely wish I would have [ __ ] moved to them all at that price at that time you know you never know man you never know you never know you got a little silk said you could have if you would have slow played him slower you would have made more but yeah yeah you just don’t know which way the Market’s gonna shift on stuff well even even uh you know Kamala has a little bit of choice in in the book to get but I mean that cover kind of won out just because yeah and Murphy’s Law too if you would have graded all those it would have never happened you know and I told Aaron need this is she a new Mutant or a new Mutant right or is she an X-Men or an X-Man right like like which way is this gonna go like do you think she’s gonna be a part of the the X-Men team currently or that would be these girls can jump to Champions she can jump to the Young Avengers like it would be interesting if they’d parlay her into the X-Men movies right I think it would be because then that takes on another level if she’s a part of the X-Men which could help that book well that’s it but I mean I don’t feel like the comics and the books always know what the other is doing but maybe maybe this has been a long pass play mm-hmm but then they went for the magical bendangles yeah that that I was just like come on man I don’t know if they’ll connect those characters or not it’s gonna be hard it’s gonna be hard but we’ll see I’ve seen crazy [ __ ] happen I I think they’re putting a lot more energy on Kamala than they are Riri right now and maybe it just didn’t hit so uh last week we talked about this book and I said you don’t see them pop up much and now another one this week this one person watches the show this one got 1500 150 less the other one sold for about 1500 so you know it it’s tough to see uh find those in in super high grade man they’re just oh they’re tough yeah okay I said yeah last time though like I think if you really really want to go hardcore investment you want to be 9092 yeah I mean there’s under 100 of these but there’s enough that that the market could hit um the the higher grade ones not so much um this one I hadn’t seen in a minute I am surprised it still sells from so much as much controversy as it had and then they covered the butt up with the logo I don’t even think it’s that attractive of a book nah man her face looks like [ __ ] yeah you know I guess it’s just the Monera fans are crazy huh like his books are starting to pop off like he had that Avengers variant I think it was an Avengers um variant that like sold for almost 100 bucks like he’s got some sneaky good books though he’s there’s some great coverage he’s got I just he’s not one that you like maybe he just hasn’t over saturated himself right maybe that’s the key um saw this hadn’t seen one in a minute and I’m sorry I did not get to research what the hell the blue logo variant is um it’s the uh it’s the uh lettering but is there a not what’s the difference yeah there’s one blue and then one not blue it’s um it’s like a red I think or something I don’t know it’s orange or something foreign book man I like it I just didn’t know there were different versions it’s like a it’s like a oh you put it down yeah it’s like a black terrorism black not blue that’s weird I wonder if that’s more of a you know that one’s in Blue part of the Run type thing it could be you know or they ran out of ink or they tried blue and with the black yeah I don’t I didn’t I was trying to figure out if it was like the Charlton books where there was a different printing any of you uh deviants out there happen to have the answer feel free to share that’s one I do not know I mean I’ve been looking on this book too and I just don’t want to pay the 2300 yet right um I look a little love for Nick carty this is a great cover one of those romance covers that’s sneaky good uh I never see it I don’t think you’ll find it a long box because I think it’s been a it’s been a popular one forever but you never know on the right day you might get lucky with some weird romance book like this um I haven’t seen one of these in many they’re Vision one first uh flaming carrot which is a weird ass character that we don’t hear talked about too much anymore but people do uh still dig it pretty good price for 6-0 in my opinion two more witchcraft witchcraft 2 badass skull cover real real tough to find I’ve only had one and it was detached ass cover and pretty damn rough so very very tough one to find but badass as hell with that black skull and then this one which wow one of my favorites got the Lost 23 Vibe Mary Marvel cover um I I couldn’t find the sales that I was looking for on this because I know there was one that really popped off closer to two three grand maybe it was a raw or maybe it was on a non-reporting uh site but this is kind of down I think I think I had uh at one point I had a five that I think I was thinking was around three grand based on a sale and uh I don’t remember where that data was but this seems like a good price and I probably would have paid it so really uncanny Avengers wasps ever there’s a lot cover for Monera too that people love that wild comic kind of like had uh like the Adam Hughes kind of yeah yeah we talked about that I stole it from that I’ve been chasing this one on and off I’ve only had one copy and currently uh my brother is holding it because he didn’t want me to sell it man I regret not buying like because you were selling like your your back stock of uh foreign foreign foreign books I regret not like just taking like a shitload of them from you because you had them cheap dude and I’m so kicking my [ __ ] self for that dude it happens I’ve I’ve managed to sell a few things here and there I I’m not like trying to liquidating so I just wait till somebody gives me a good offer and we’ll take it uh I did throw my brother’s name out there props to him apparently he uh on his route gave somebody CPR and they survived so holy [ __ ] he’s the man dude he’s apparently a uh an everyday hero here wow shout out hell yeah that’s the man all right now that’s out of the way we can talk about the STC stuff and let Sean uh Regale and hopefully Crystal show up and yeah he’s on his way home he’s gonna he’s a he’s on his way home so all right so um you always running through the news real quick or you want my SEC first don’t do the news hopefully get here Blue Beetle uh box office projections indicating the worst DCU opening ever a terrible box office gross uh they’re saying what 18 million I think well that’s the question though what was the expectation of it though I mean I can’t think they were they’re not expecting a 100 million dollar movie bro they’re making sure it’s not a million there’s an agenda right there just with that that uh tagline there is it out no no no actually I was like I did it’s real bad if I didn’t even know it was out no no I mean I think it’s probably gonna get a little steam taken away where it’s I mean where it’s released it’s behind Mission Impossible Oppenheimer Barbie like yeah everybody just took their money at those three movies and dude they said this weekend was the second biggest box office weekend in history it was a big weekend that’s a good sign I think just for honestly the United States dude people stayed home for too [ __ ] long man it’s crazy you finally put out a good product you get good results yeah man I’m very difficult yeah exactly yeah San Diego fell back too how many I mean how many weekends or do you feel like there’s two movies facing off anymore never there’s like it’s not like golden days will be like ah there’s three movies coming out this week or four you know maybe I’ll I’ll put there’s a little little seed in back everybody’s mind I think everybody’s worried about this damn strike they’re like well at least we’re gonna get two good movies I’ll see something before I won’t be able to see anything for a good amount of time maybe they should have held Blue Beetle out until there’s nothing else maybe I don’t know I think you gotta release it though to see what it’s gonna do I I mean they didn’t think it this is not something they thought was going to be 100 million dollar movie um I don’t think they spent a [ __ ] ton on it the commercials are all effects it was gonna be an HBO Max original and they just bumped it yeah that’s just to see what happened and you know if it gets an audience great if it doesn’t I I think we should terminal foul for them I I thought that the Marvel missed an opportunity and getting this guy to uh play Sam Alexander Nova um okay you know it’s not a bad call and you know that it’s got it’s got It’s got some interest ing it’s got some good you know not star power but some recognizable Stars um it it might do okay it might catch up on with the kids it might be one of those things that you just don’t know oh classic brother and I bet you know if it if it takes in you know 40 40 million over a couple weeks they’d be thrilled would you be shocked if it beat the Flash what the flash hit 175 it’s not going to beat the flash dude I mean like 75.

Yeah plus underperformed but it’s yeah no that’s why I said would you be shocked oh yeah I think yeah of course I would I’d be happy but I can’t I can’t see it happening no it would have to just have super legs and I don’t think it’s built for that this is not like a James Gunn movie this is more like this feels more like uh you know a little bit more retro a little bit just a little more it made it could be fun and opening weekend inflated adjusted uh domestic box office is 107 million for Flash so I mean I I think if it gets near 40 they’d be thrilled you know I wonder how much it costs to make they’re not putting a [ __ ] ton of marketing in it no they’re not and then that’s how you know like I said that to that uh Jeff John’s Booth um I was like you know what you guys have your own like you have your own stand here for the uh for Geiger and I was like you guys clearly have a argon with a new kind of comic product and it just whatever um they they they put their money behind things that they think are good 120 million yeah you know what I mean like if you see if you see if you’re driving down Sunset and you see a movie with four Billboards like or or like um you know and I I don’t live in L.A anymore but like on the you see like half half the buses in La um or have like you know Little Avengers and stuff like that you know it’s gonna be good you know it just sounds it’s it’s rare that there’s a super um super produced movie or anything else that gets that much love behind it and it’s just a complete failure so the fact that you don’t see much too much blue too much Blue Beetle stuff going on uh it’s just yeah um really uh think that they might not love it or that because they’re going another Direction they want to put their budget somewhere else this is just kind of like the Orford stepchild though like it wasn’t it’s not uh officially in the new universe it’s not out yet you know but it could be one where Gunn kind of likes a character and decides to do something with it and it’s just kind of an intro it was probably a high budget TV show they’ll make their money on you know streaming and all that kind of stuff if they get a little bit of um a little bit of toy tie-in they’ll probably be fine long run I mean because as a character they couldn’t sell a toy on and if they do a movie and the kids dig it a little bit it’s a stepping sound from supporting characters and movie maybe they’re springboard but maybe they’re hoping they get their you know their baby group you know yeah you’re right uh boys spin-off uh yes Premiere September 29th so it looks good at least we get that right yeah yeah it looks real I didn’t see it so is it was this comic no this is just a spin-off they’ve done that’s what I mean it’s not it’s it’s is it one of the characters like is there a First they’ve told us enough about it I think it’s a pure TV Universe spin-off like I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody say they’ve tied it to anything there then maybe there’s some characters in there that they haven’t really told us about but I think I think John’s right like I I can’t remember hearing gen V in any speculation around the boys like I I mean you would remember that right yeah yeah you would I think they just thought of an original kind of we want to just do something else with this product under a different Banner yeah and I uh I totally missed the last season of the boys so I what I know dude are you serious I’m I’m a loser bro [ __ ] her orgasm bro I know I know freaking I’m that guy Soldier Boy honestly I was like damn he killed it yeah yeah [Music] infinite Earths and Watchmen are getting animated movies so you know leaning in on the violence with a watcherman animated for the love of God let’s just make Flashpoint look calm yeah I still remember what my kids watching the flashpoint and all of a sudden at the end he goes dad did that guy just shoot a hole on that another guy I was like oh [ __ ] I I’d be interested to see a crisis uh adapts uh to animated uh TV like if they do it in like the same amount of Parts as they did the comic and yeah the problem sometimes with these animated though this are like 90 minutes and so like that’s a very complex story at a new in 90 minutes kind of like oh no that it would have to be a series for uh for me to take it serious you know or if it’s just been all off of the comic or something like that another story well like they did Injustice in a 90-minute movie and you’re like I mean I appreciate it seeing it but it was just too fast so uh Deadpool 3 uh could get delayed to the right actor strike which I’m sure it’s delayed for indefinitely I mean they had to know this was coming so my question I thought about this yesterday did Hugh Jackman get jacked and say let’s shoot the scenes that I gotta be super jacked for and don’t do anything ever again for a little while and just maintain or did he say well let’s just shoot some scenes and I’ll continue to get super jacked probably but I don’t know man you can get jacked again in like two weeks so it’s just disappointing he felt like we were getting there like turning the corner getting films back you know people like you just said like getting people out of the house and going to the movies again and this [ __ ] [ __ ] happens you know over and over again hey solo Wookie when’s that from I watched the I mean I saw part they had some of the strike out there it was um there’s like 30 people out there for the strike but you don’t know anymore yeah SOLO looking that animated show was uh from the comic inside the Watchman that uh pirate or uh what is it the pirate story yeah they made it like an animated and they had a DVD release but like it wasn’t that it wasn’t the Watchman story was it no uh-uh it was just that story of of the comic inside the comic uh we did a uh they did a TV mini series of it too back in the day 2018.

Yeah oh emotion comic yeah let me see let me break up my Watchman here I don’t remember this thing that’s so uh this is for Z here we go every DC hero is turning into an animal let’s go all right I I had to include it uh but apparently it’s their new arc it’s Tim Taylor doing it or not Tim tooled Man Taylor Tom Taylor Tom Taylor Tom Taylor I said they’re like what is the name it’s Taylor right Taylor um yeah so I don’t know yeah tales of the black freighter that’s what it is the The Watchman animated movie right so this will be interesting maybe it’s a redo solo I think all these DC heroes it’ll be interesting when they all come out which ones get hot you know what I’m saying maybe they don’t know what I’m gonna do but I’m sure you’re gonna be at least one good Banger overcover hey who doesn’t like the least Beast Boys the lead of the story yeah what’s interesting is like I just saw this today but I if you guys watch the end of Titans uh the the HBO show like they gave him kind of a story arc where he was more connected with the red and the animals and things and kind of made him feel a little more powerful and then they throw this so I just thought it was an interesting tie-in that they had kind of done those two things I I read the a brief part of this article and it sounds like he turns into some version of staro and that’s what causes this mess and so who knows it could be a freaking disaster or it could be you get something cool for a minute and see where it goes at least it’s you know probably a little lighter and funnier than some of the [ __ ] they’ve done in a while so uh the strut Invincible season two teaser trailer I watched it it was good let’s go I’m pumped up everybody get their books ready I struggled I don’t want to watch any trailer so I already read the book so like I I like to Cease the surprise of what they do differently it wasn’t very um I guess telling I mean Andrew used some new characters and stuff that you didn’t see before but I mean nothing wrong so what’s that one I think I bought that key book from Sean um the girl in the pink um on the cover what’s her Adam Adam Eve yeah yeah some good Invincible variants at Comic-Con now did anybody watch that the anime episode not yet I just read it came out what’s up so I will I will be watching it probably tomorrow I’m just going to watch it tonight maybe we’ll see it does very good people look at that I love the chat oh it was good okay I’m gonna watch it tonight um so I had this big discussion Mortal Kombat with my cousin who plays a lot of fighting video games I don’t play that many fighting video games uh he says he thinks it’s gonna be terrible uh but don’t wait she’s just gonna be slower than the it’s not even like Mortal Kombat of old days but I’m not the Mortal Kombat guy um but it’s gonna be you have Peacemaker the boys homelander and invincible’s Omni man and as uh either character dlcable or just in the game so dude my nephews lost their [ __ ] dude when they saw the hell blender was going to be in this [ __ ] game dude yeah it’s been a long-changing tradition they’ve had a terminator and Robocop and Rambo and yeah I’m sure he’ll come out I’m sure it’ll be ridiculous that’s all they announced it in now it’s like trailers or what I’m sure it’s gonna happen so that’d be funny um they they had a preview of them announcing it at some like uh ea uh gaming or uh like video game like seminar or whatever and everybody was going Buck Wild like when they showed uh I think they were Stills or it was motion I can’t remember what’s up Chris what’s good what’s good it looks like this somebody can see it hold on yeah yeah look good start playing this Peacemaker it looks just like Cena too man that’s awesome dude yeah right there dude I hope you believe in the finishing move yeah oh yeah yeah yeah there you go I wanted to get I wonder if that’s gonna be a finisher with that or is it going to be like a special where is this like you know like Superman’s huge lasers and adjusters or whatever somebody it just comes out of nowhere and hits you I think that’s probably right though go is like you’ll have a move where like he you know unloads on you or the eagle comes out of like the far right corner that would be like badass he talks that bird like a dog man it’s [ __ ] awesome dude um we talked about this uh me and z and in our own Green Room uh we’re talking about uh new punishers just some guy some guy named uh what’s his name Garrison Joe Garrison and x uh Shield Black Op but I I couldn’t find anything that he existed prior to this does anybody have any other information or is this truly a new character appearing the first time something I mean I’m kind of cool with that it’s been forever since we just had like some new person do a thing yeah I keep seeing they’re comparing it to the Danny catch ghost writer it’s just a new character with the similar title but not you know no real relation to the other one again I mean that wasn’t a bad thing like people I mean I personally enjoyed Danny catches run on I mean he is more so my Ghost Rider than Johnny Blaze is because I’m a kid of the 90s tonight you know the 1970s so yeah I’m sure we’ll get a team up sometime down the line uh yeah I I didn’t put the slide in here but you know we were talking about terrible the Black Widow is going to be as Venom I guess he’s gonna still be Venom I guess or some crap so yeah they got a lot of crap going on over there um this is interesting because we talk about walking dead and you know a lot of people like Sean watched Walking Dead uh new Ricky Michonne Walking Dead show title is not going to be Walking Dead Rick and Michonne it’s not going to be a Walking Dead Summit even though that’s the uh production name currently um I think it’s the ones who the ones who live I mean yeah what they call it we’re the ones who live they said it like 50 times during the series so basically yeah that’s what they were talking about during this uh I didn’t put the whole article down there but that’s what they were talking about how in the trailers you can see him writing in the notebooks and yada yada yada and they’ve been through a lot of stuff and I and you know what Sean I couldn’t remember this song um I uh oh yeah I forgot I thought I thought he died no he gets picked up by uh the folks that live like the garbage heap or something or he ends up with them for a time and then um a helicopter snags them and then you just never see him again no he yeah I mean that lady the garbage people lady she called him and she’s like I have an A or whatever um which is like probably a personality type I’m assume it’s like she means like an alpha yes because she had something weird thing going on so she had the helicopter come get him and they bailed and then Daryl took three years looking for him and um I kind of cheating doubt after uh what’s his face kept Glenn be oh yeah I yeah I I kept with it they’re gonna do it so I assume I’m probably the only one watching dead City yeah yeah so that’s with it so yeah what’s neat is Negan and Maggie so it’s like you have two of the better characters or actors same thing with this one I actually watched this one because Rick and Michelle were two with a better character so I’m like I mean yeah they couldn’t well they they just they couldn’t replace Rick they tried they tried to build up Megan they made it interesting I like The Whispers uh storyline because they they Whispers [ __ ] them up dude and then you know Negan was is the big uh turn there I like that uh I like beta um from uh what’s his name um Sons of Anarchy oh yes yeah yeah poor Opie dude hope he got it bad but um yeah so uh I don’t know I think dead City’s pretty it’s entertaining enough for me um but it’s I don’t know it’s hard to get scared of zombies anymore it’s just there’s so many of the zombies you have to make you scared of the scared of the people but it’s still I don’t know it’s okay I’ll watch the jail show too um I’m actually kind of glad um that Carol’s not in it with them so I’ve had enough of that so I don’t know I’ll watch all three spin-offs I uh I I didn’t put a slide on here but we’ll bring it in um I watched the new John boyegas uh they clone Tyrone on Netflix I watched that um it was great I thought that was pretty good um so I’m a little different from John boyega that you you know everybody kind of I wouldn’t say craps on them for Star Wars or whatever but yeah but and uh um sdcc boys you you guys win let’s hear it like you want to start uh I I just wander around have fun with my friends pick up exclusives dig uh dig a little bit you definitely felt like it was it feels like it’s it’s back after last year um you know hotels were back to a little a little crazier prices I lucked out with an Airbnb for sure but um hotels were back uh people were back there wasn’t you know we didn’t have the panels but other than the announcements part that doesn’t really affect me I had one year that I actually got some really cool Hall h time uh but that’s it was literally I’ll we learned a bathroom scam and when you come out there would be they would just give you a ticket to go to the bathroom and there’s like 10 people giving out tickets so you just get like three and then go get your friends and bring them back um because I’ll never wait mine overnight for anything that doesn’t give me like I don’t know at least a thousand dollars well those days are done anyway so yeah yeah you can’t you well you can’t sleep out overnight anymore because it became a liability so what they do is is that if you’re in line until about eight or nine o’clock at which point they start handing out wristbands you need to be back there by 5 a.m 6 a.m the next morning so yeah and well it’s a liability but there’s plenty of people sleeping outside the gas lamp at that hour but well true the gas I mean ain’t constant problem like if as long as you ain’t like on the convention grounds yeah a sleeping bag that’s that’s not our problem you get mug that’s on you so yeah that was uh yeah so uh yeah it’s good it felt like that definitely on the comic side it was back there’s a lot of good exclusives and there wasn’t [ __ ] last year and um and last year a lot of it and then the toys I still don’t like that they so many of the toy places um will start selling online the same days they’re gonna sell it in the con I just feel like it cheapens it and uh you know oh it’s not for the flippers well no but we spent a [ __ ] ton of money to go down there yeah it’s a little less for me since it’s it’s gas you know it’s only it’s two and a half three hours away from me so that’s that’s not that big a deal but I mean people have spent a lot of money to stay down there you know food and drinks and everything like that you know especially if you like eating the drinking that’s a it’s a great place to do it but not a cheap place to do it you know it’s actually one the food’s wonderful yeah yeah so to piggyback on that I was actually standing in line um for I think it was a DC line with some folks who weren’t flippers they just you know they were exclusive that they wanted and yeah like you know to your point you know people want to be like oh well it’s not about the flipper it’s like no well there’s people like you said there are people who are like Joe flows who came there who want the experience of being a standard Comic-Con they want to be something special and it is being cheapened by oh well you can buy all this [ __ ] same day like then then what was the I mean it it devalues the experience of being like I put forth the effort I stood in the line I grinded and I got this super special thing that only exists here and is commemorative of my experience being here and then it’s like and available tomorrow night at like you know 10 a.m it will be like any you know time to get here I can buy it off the website I’m like well so yeah outside the flipping just shitty KCA case in point um my friends I posted I don’t know something on Instagram my um uh of a friend of mine uh she says her daughter wants the Jessica Rabbit Funko in a can thing or whatever you know he says oh and she’ll give you money it’s like twenty dollars right like I’m gonna like I’m gonna deny it so I go in there I get the Funko I figure out what I’m doing how do I get this so I’m using the website before I realize there’s like a Funko help desk because it’s so confusing I don’t want to look through everything I go in there and they’ve got stickers over it oh no we’re gonna have more tomorrow we’re out and I’m like but I can just order it online right now like from your website I can go home but you I’m here Funko San Diego exclusive and you you’re not gonna sell me one but I can order it online and uh so that kept happening so the kid bought she’s like her mom’s like Oh no she has her own card she can get her she can get her own online or whatever and I’m like I wanted to bring it to her yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t need um I don’t need a teenager’s 20 bucks yeah you know what I mean if I go to San Diego that’s not that’s not what I’m doing man you know so when they do that it makes it not special at all man you know and I get I get it and I mean Funko released a hundred a hundred things and and also though like if you can’t figure out how to get it if you have the hookup I don’t have the hook up on you know we all know somebody in comics dude if we get down to the con dude we’ll get in somehow right yeah it’s sold out whatever dude we can get it we can figure it out we really really want a book and we talk to enough of our friends um you know we’ll get it I don’t overdo that when my point is to flip it or something like that like [ __ ] I missed I’m not gonna try to get it somebody else now it feels like I don’t know masters of universe exclusive or something somebody has a yeah I’ll ask for it because I want to keep it you know but like I don’t I don’t do that for flipper stuff but like we could get it so the Funko people man I was at uh I went to a wedding on house with Drew and he’s upside he’s upstairs selling and uh the lady behind him freaking Karen’s sitting in there tapping her toe waiting to get her desk um she uh she’s got all these funkos right and uh they’re all the 350 400 they’re the bigger ones and I don’t know not all of them but I don’t know I don’t know [ __ ] about him when I’m like am I doing the wrong thing instead of just being the Funko I hate lines but she had a lot she had to know somebody you know I asked if people know somebody and figure it out like that I have no idea and also that was really cool I don’t know if I posted a picture but I’m just standing there and uh Kevin Eastman comes up there and then I did put the picture in the chat I think but I’m just and I’m like okay I don’t look over and he’s just doing an interview now now we all know he’s not he goes to cons he’s not the hardest dude to get to meet or something but it’s still cool when you’re just standing there Kevin Eastman is just standing next to you during an interview or you’re having a having a beer with your friend after you just finished a live show packing the short box so that was uh that was kind of badass but yeah yeah and his Ninja Turtle shoes were [ __ ] amazing so yeah so to be back on um that point and when you made the very beginning that like yeah this actually feel this time felt more like like that that we that window post 2012 when everything became about the films but not quite when every single like Studio figured it out and so it was like it was busy it was sold out but it felt more about the actual like you know comics and you know keep them culture and minus the film stuff because like you know leg made the point about the panels well there still were panels they were just comic panels like they were comic panels and they were stuff that was like you know maybe you know somebody you know YouTube channel or podcast and things like that it really was more about the smaller T like some smaller tier stuff um I mean skybound had a really cool panel for their inner John stuff that I got to attend um I actually linked up with Matt Devoe and uh one of his uh his head of marketing um and we you know and it was like it was funny too because like there were people who had been waiting in life like two hours to get in there but the room was so huge that like once those people got in there there were still like probably 100 200 empty seats and so they had like I mean you know alcohol fast um so if you attended a lot of these panels were giving out like exclusives of like a comment that they already outfit and they were like oh here’s the black and white version of it so somewhere in all this [ __ ] is I think I did foreign kicks dude they’re like 4 30 Jesus yeah but picked up a lot of [ __ ] dude this ain’t the half of it more more than a short box dude these are our sneakers they released on sdcc yeah 75 books to cgc that were just kind of exclusive wow really yeah because at the last day I was just like wait a minute that people just completely just like it wasn’t that it was like oh it wasn’t yeah you called me and you were talking about it you’re like I was going around to say this is nobody yeah that people just didn’t know about or didn’t want to wait in the line because like you really had to make a judgment call so like look at everybody from our friends nearing about look at that shoe drops online July 28th so you can get Tuesday so yeah there you go and I know that I did miss on that one that’s one I should do plus how much unless I’m driving so I can get more [ __ ] on the other people oh wow so so the center one is the one if you’ve sat through the panel you got this guy this was you know Booth exclusive and this was a skybound Lucas both of them sold out like within like a day or two of the con um but yeah so I went around and just basically on my on the last day I spent like the great part of the day just going around and grabbing all the stuff that people that was on people’s Radars and unfortunately I forgot to hold on to a set of them but um there was this like the DC boost actually had a lot of pretty cool like exclusives as well that just didn’t make on people’s radar and so you had to make the Judgment call it’s like okay doors opened at realistically nine a.m so you got to make a judgment about whose line am I getting in because that that might you may never get a chance to get back in the line because realistically what they were doing is tapping the lines so like they were getting too too much and blocking x’s and stuff like all right it’s capped so circled around maybe come back in 30 minutes to an hour the peaceful vocal line right which was crazy I heard yeah I didn’t want to talk about that right now okay okay [ __ ] going to for sure so I probably shouldn’t mention that and I not only made it through the line once to get the signature I came back the next morning and managed to get the remark I pulled the special remark tag and got got a remark on a I didn’t take a picture of it but it’s a one in 100 it’s that of Interest reporting for that she did one in 100 coverage because I didn’t have [ __ ] left those people from Oakland to get signed I was like [ __ ] so like I spent the rest of the afternoon once I was done grabbing exclusives going around the boobs and stuff just finding clean copies of feature Moco like one in 25 one in 50s winning 100s and so I bought the three cleanest ones I could find of a 150 of a book it was the um about the 150 or 125 outlaw a Champion’s Outlaw cover the one she did with the vertical panels I grabbed the um this like uh the Old Republic or oh New Republic number two one in 75 or the one in 100 that had Yoda on it and then I grabbed the um the sheet hole I’ve been just 44 1 and 100 for all these versions except for the one in 25 and so I used the um the 10100 she all gets the one for the uh the sketch so she did a little like She-Hulk sketch on it and signed it so that went off the cgc um but yeah so it was a game of the Judgment call so you really had to basically decided okay am I going to grab the Hop and peaches line and grab a ticket for that but if I do that that means I’m gonna basically maybe miss the skybound line or I’m gonna miss out on you know the Todd McFarland signing if that’s something that you cared about uh or I’m gonna miss out later so you really had to like pick and choose where you were going to spend your time that was great when me and Sean did it because like Shawnee Scott and Tony could just like disperse ourselves and like we just were like yo four people just two people did this but one person do this you know the issue is the limiting though yeah you gotta hop back in line again so like you can grab one and then you gotta Circle back to the line again um but yeah for DC’s booth just like it was in a far corner I ordered by Funko and so people just didn’t end up over there and so I hopped online and noticed that these like Silver Spring Silver Screen reprints that they were doing um they were 15 bucks a piece and sets of four were going for 125 150.

so and they weren’t limiting number you could buy so I legitly bought like oh and then they also were doing um they were doing like Gates so if you spent at least a hundred dollars you got a spawned Batman exclusive with the red foil or with the red at 100 bucks and if you spend 300 you got the vote for version of it oh I didn’t know that at all yeah DC was capped every [ __ ] time I went there exactly and then when I came through it like Sunday it wasn’t so Sunday basically I bought I filled up a I had a CDC submission that was just DC exclusive I was just like well [ __ ] you you’re gonna let me buy like two armfuls I was like yo you gotta buy like I bought a short box of exclusive from them I’m just like [ __ ] it yeah and I just took them [ __ ] straight over to CTC I was just like submission 9.8 pre-screen go I want to give a special shout out to this guy because I know he hooked me up and he hooked Chad curve up on Red Sonja for uh yeah all right yes so your stuff um so the art Adams actually is let’s see he’s right in front of me can we find that um so in this stack of all this updates for people who I got [ __ ] for before either just didn’t know what to do with um so this is for Philip Chung so uh it’s the book of more outrage so um it’s Frank Show’s new new cover sketch thing this is from one of uh so another set of the Transformers for a buddy of mine here your Tim Seeley remark Agnes he did that for free too because he’s the main um let’s see what else is over here uh oh and I already mailed off um the the art hand set so yeah I dropped that in the mail because it didn’t make sense for me to bring it back to the east coast and mail it back to the West Coast I was like let me see this [ __ ] in the mail so I had friends of mine who were um who were locals run a bunch of [ __ ] to post office for me including this Walking Dead again I’m at the base Walking Dead but I kind of want to start we collecting skate decks because as you can see my office has a dick all in it uh let me see if I can find a skate deck they had a really cool change that but they were expensive and so so people weren’t buying them like that um you want me to just go for it yeah go ahead and open it all right you’re gonna open it yeah no I got two all right so I gotta okay Chris do you know if yours is autographed or not I do not get the autograph one all right okay so they’re not all autographed because I asked clutch today up they’re all autographs so I got they offered me another honor so I got the autograph one I’m gonna I’m gonna move one I don’t know which I don’t know which one you have the so uh so this thing is [ __ ] cool so it’s yeah it’s a box autograph too yeah we got a bear Walker so this is these are they’re all these are hand done this is this is grip tape oh and and it lines up with the board so bear Walker signed the sign the sign the box so I got this I got signed in then signed and this thing this Lucille bat is a little [ __ ] water um Lucille bat so uh it does come with the COA do you know if they all come with a numbered COA even because they were giving clutch the wrong the wrong info yeah these things all going to death certificate yes sir okay good but it’s inside so the thing is this was open because it’s autographed that’s why I didn’t think so um you got Walking Dead made by bear Walker and there’s there’s a Sig on there right you know what I mean and this thing dude it is just carved in custom Lucille yes right it is just it is just badass like in person I don’t know if you can tell the the you know you can yeah yeah on it yeah and that’s texture and paint it’s not you know what I mean it’s not like it’s not like or something yeah yeah Negan was it like that um they were they were kind of expensive I do have this I haven’t decided I do have two like if if you guys or somebody else wants to buy one but let me know but like uh yeah but I’m feeling I think one has to go up man because I’ll literally literally love this thing I was able to uh negotiate a book with it as well um so that also that also that pickups but uh one that was uh let’s say Chris and I didn’t jump through as many Hoops as other people we just bought one sure do you know what they’re kind of going for online right now I haven’t even looked at all because I haven’t decided and I was trying to hit I was trying to with clutch I was trying to uh um I was trying to figure out uh if they all came because the other one is the same box but the uh the tape is sealed still and then so I was trying to figure oh and so let me show actually the bags so this this is cool too it comes with it comes with a hand there’s again two of them I don’t think anybody’s put one up yet I don’t see it no um they’re expensive is the thing so um these bags so these are the Third the same so I got I got a black and four this is like part of the V or something I don’t know so they’re all numbered before they’re literally uh they’re numbered to 400.

and it’s somehow typed on the patch or whatever um but that these are all created out of the original Invincible Billboards yeah so the ones that were in uh yeah all over Las Vegas or Los Angeles in like Hollywood and stuff like and they have those big vinyl Billboards yeah and I like the dumbass completely like handed over everything I need to ship to my buddy and so my bag is still in San Diego because it had everything I need to shift at the post office but whatever I’ll track it down eventually I’ll I’ll fly back there at some point later this year we’re gonna do the pickup and show you Han Solo I got you guys know yeah yeah yeah you guys can do pickups that’s cool I don’t care yeah I know no no I got stack of pickups but since the camera was on me I’d touch it I got Voltron bling dude but let me finish up talking about like the actual con experience so again yeah let’s go so I had once again shout out to everybody who’s a subscriber who came up and said hello and spoke okay famous man it is always so funny to be standing at a a Creator’s booth and have somebody walk up and be like hey like here you know you’re probably tell us on the flip side and watch as the Creator is just like who the [ __ ] is this dude like being recognized it happened when I was like getting uh some stuff signed by Adam Hughes like somebody walked upon me and she’s like oh yeah oh wow it happened when I was in line at skybound like it was just like regularly occurrence where people were just like that’s pretty cool watch the show I love it when we were in line for peach Moco a bunch of dudes who were ahead of me um all were like oh man I knew I recognized you like yeah Dustin flip side I definitely you know you you guys have definitely helped make me a lot of money back in the day and stuff like that so hey man keep going out oh also I want to shout out um you know let me make sure I get this right so I definitely wrote down his Instagram um all right so definitely give uh lt’s LTZ y11 so at LTZ y11 a follow and a shout out because because of him is the reason why I was able to get the peach remark so he had gotten one that they Pro the day prior he pulled one right at like we pulled at the exact same time he pulled the remark right after me and he and he’s so he was willing to sell me the ticket so I could get the remark and so without him I would not have gotten that remark so I definitely appreciate it so I want to give him a shout out definitely give him a follow cool dude definitely was like went Ham on the signatures and stuff like that I saw like he submitted quite a stack to the signature series uh for cgc so shout out to him and again he was a subscriber already um honestly shout out to people like the people from skybound who were just really cool like a lot of like a lot of you guys run the booths didn’t really know anything about the products or didn’t really like you know you know want to talk comics and stuff like that but like um the folks running the group of skybound like new Comics they they were cool people shout out to um again you know Drew Matt Dafoe um all the guys who are out there and just having a good time and just like enjoy you know Dinesh who threw a you know a solid party um yeah it was just it was fun it felt it felt like being at a worthwhile Comic-Con again and you know that’s not lost on somebody like myself who yeah entertaining Expos are cool bumping his celebrities are cool but yeah it’s like it’s nice to just like run into you know celebs in in this space again I managed to get a photo a picture with um with Jim Lee uh Jim it was funny because Jim Chung came by my station So for anybody who doesn’t know um I’m um a stat volunteer I’ve been doing it now for often after seven minus Kobe is seven years I’ve been a part of the of this team and our responsibility is making sure your badges are straight and things like that so what will happen is that if somebody’s having an issue my station is the one directly outside of artist alley so guess who into coming over there if they’re having issues all the artists so ADI Rondo and his wife were having issues with their badge they came by and they’re the reason why I was able to secure because they want easily sold out pretty instantaneously and Artie’s wife was just like I was like oh yeah I’m definitely gonna be coming by later and you know grabbing a study of your exclusive and she’s like oh and they tell you they’re sold out come find me because I’ll take care of you and she definitely did and it allowed me to snag the black and white the full color um virgin and then the trade dress of the Mandalorian season two cover sets so shout out to Tamsin for being awesome they’re just really cool people um so yeah and then Jim uh Jim Chung came by you know artists who created The Avengers and he was having issues with his stuff and I was like Hey listen you squared away and I was like that name sounds so familiar like where do I know your name from music oh I mean I’m an artist and I’ve done stuff for DC and Marvel he was like have you read anything’s a bunch of you know recent stuff and I was just like I mean not really I haven’t really been reading current DC like that I’m just like where do I know you from and again he’s like naming our stuff on his resume and I probably just like Google what I’m saying I’m like hey man you probably should have led with I created the Young Avengers I was like we’re gonna bury the lead but you name all these properties that like from the last five years I’m just like yeah man right now like so like go with your go with your heavy hitter um but yeah he was really cool and you know definitely grabbed the photo with him um but yeah I mean it was just it was a lot of fun a lot of really honestly really cool exclusive so let me find the um so yeah that’s kind of pseudo picked up real fast um so grab a couple of these Creep Show Ash can joints from skybound I’ll probably track down Tom savini and get him to signees um since you know that’s kind of hit one of his bread and butter um submitted one to cgc held on the one I ended up passing on the um the fine ones and I kind of kicked myself for doing so uh because I was going to try and cycle back so the way they do it at most these concerts for anybody who hasn’t attended a CVC like a big con has CDC presence is that they do witnessing and then they throw it in a bag and certain booths have the ability to do it also so so Jason Campbell’s Booth can basically for an extra 20 bucks will you know witness and authenticate the book right there in the spot so they basically one of their people at the booth will be like okay here’s the sign cotton for 60 for another 20 bucks we can authenticate and they’ll basically Market sign seal your seal the bag so that you can’t open it until you get back to Future Seafood but they didn’t have the bags on preview night and when I was saying they were lagging by and I was like I’ll just come back tomorrow and grab you know when you got to the back so I can get these you know one or two copies of the signed copy she’s witnessed um and I didn’t make it back until like a day later a day after that and they were already sold out so I keep myself for not getting on top of that but still grab two of them so they’re a great grab you know anybody who’s interested in let me know you get the card uh no I did not get the card because I didn’t buy enough of to hit the point to get the card so you only had to buy two um I think you had to buy the set no you didn’t buy the set to get the card so you had to get the the sign and unsigned both to get a card oh okay that explains I got the card McClay McClay bought just two Autos they gave it to him also probably because of cost more yeah but all right so grab two of these bad boy or actually I think I grab four of these bad boys I think two of them went off the CDC um or either one wife CC I don’t know I’m losing track I I spend a lot of goddamn books um really cool Joker um Batman 135 slash Legacy 900 from the uh out draws booth and now we’re getting more into the skybound stuff so again this is the book that Lego’s mentioning so there was a full color version of it for on it so what skybound did was every single night of the con was or every single Datacom was a new exclusive that was only available for that day so whether it’s sold out or not you couldn’t get it if you didn’t get it that day so this was there was a full color version of this and I’ll drop a link to that uh just so we can show that as well if I can find it here we go how was Brian boys good decent yeah dude he had a [ __ ] intro great time we did we did we did well Brian stayed with me also so nice yeah so the link there is the one for the full color um which is up there yep so basically you had to do a scavenger hunt to get this guy so there was like four things that you needed to complete around the skybound booth to get this or you could just deal with me like then just spend a bunch of money and they gave you one more I got skateboards dude yeah what were the four things you had to do dude because you had to listen to that skybound impact winner or whatever it’s called like um stop and listen to that you had to um find it there was like yeah there’s like four things that you had to do around their Booth so it wasn’t even like the hardest temperature it really was like you know do these four there we go um so it was do and it’s to be it’s it’s like to they’re trying to create a um a skybound fan by showing her videos and [ __ ] but we’re already in there but I spending a bunch of money it’s like I don’t need to watch your freaking videos and know who invincible and Walking Dead are okay so you had to do the so technically in theory nobody should have gotten this until the end of the con because you have to take your picture uh oh no so one of the following so yeah one of the following exclusive 360 wraparound backdrops so they had like so you basically had to do the photo booth at least one day of the con you had to go listen to the audible impact winter um at their listing station uh you have to check out a demo of one of their games and you have to sign up for the Free skybound Insiders membership program so once you did all four of those things then they gave you this guy and they were and these are limited to 500 so and so yeah once it was gone they were gone and that’s it are they numbers or just no no they just yeah no but I’m it’s the least printed yes it’s like in the hunt it’s in the low hundreds so this is one of the other ones the uh yeah um which I really I really I managed to grab three bad boys because like so what will happen to this guidebound booth is that like it was like a log Jam for the first three hours of the day and then lunchtime would hit and people would even go back to their hotel rooms and the floor would kind of empty not really empty but things would loosen up a little bit because people were just like the Frantic ones who like I had to get all these exclusive person in the morning so if you would disappear and so they were basically like well instead of doing a limit of one per person they’re limiting one per transaction so basically I legitly would walk into the sky bamboo they’re like oh well we can’t tell you more than one yeah you know you gotta come back I’d walk out the booth turn around the circle walk back into Google does that counter like yeah and I would then I bought and they’re like but we’re living on a number of transactions we can run on the same car like our system will apply you up to three so all you can get is three I was like no worries so I grabbed three of the battle bees so again two of these bad boys went into my CBC submission practicing home um this is the one that they were holding people to one and one only yeah I missed it because I thought I could just come back in the afternoon I was like yeah I know so I’ll take more they’re like oh well yeah because we’re going home oh that’s why you have no line today yeah yeah so first thing in the morning it was like everybody rushed over here because I mean people were chomping at the 50 of this guy I passed them on the trademore one it just wasn’t my jam and then I did grab the one on Sunday but I I only grabbed one of those I think I submitted paragraph two and I submitted them both so autumn and seeing what those Roses are selling for but they’re they were 200 they were 200 plus on uh on eBay I mean on uh on whatnot on eBay they were like 180 last time I checked um oh yeah so I submitted the other one I kicked myself so there was so this was part of the McFarland Set uh so the image size me from a set of covers so here let me show you so it’s the this guy which is the Puppeteer lead you know number one redo and then you had the three go foils as a set that was like 108 and there and you could buy up to I think four Prime right or three sets in time three sets at a time and then you could just circle back and buy more um I kicked myself because I only bought two because like I was feeling a little bit shaky on these guys and really see what I should have done is it’s just bought as many of these as they would have let me buy and get them back in line about more yeah it didn’t even occur to me me either and like once I thought about it and I came back so the issue I kept running into once I did come to my senses they were like oh we’re down to a short box I’m like I bet but the line’s cap right now or no the line was capped because Todd was there doing assignment and they’re like all right come back like an hour so I come back in an hour and they’re like Todd so I hadn’t left yet and I come back in another hour Todd sudden let me I’m like God damn it just love you to death man but I’m not here for your signature like because they would not sell to anybody who just wanted to buy stuff because everybody was like full blast you must focus on Todd and mention his life and that kept happening throughout the weekend where Todd would just like show up and just do an impromptu signing and I’m like that’s cool man for people who want your signature for the ones those who just want to buy [ __ ] you were legitimately stopping the process yeah yeah like I wanted I wanted that that spawn shirt that’s like a Batman logo and they were like we can only sell exclusives right now and I’m like I can’t just you can’t like just get me a t-shirt and then like charge me for the T-shirt you know what I mean and not only that so when the three sets like Chris said um you uh they ran your freaking card three times I’m like I’m about to get a fraud alert with you guys like dude I’m surprised I’m surprised um dude I’m the my my company they they cut they cut it off quick I had a I had a bad fraud last year so I think I’m on their high alert right I had something actually stolen last year so they’re they’re pretty quick with the text or the two-factor did you do this and I was like monkey you can’t do times three like what is it with the transactions man so that’s another reason why the line takes so long everybody’s buying three sets and then it should be just like a prepaid code like one set and then three sets and you know you just flip it one or you know or I don’t know so I’m just click the button three times well no because your system was designed to actually limit it like they truly did not trust their people not to do the wrong thing so the system was limited in the fact that like you like you know you have to do one at a time you know to keep them to keep them honest because because I mean let’s be real about it like a lot of these people are either like temp employees and they don’t officially work for image or prescribed or whatever and so if they can just sell these things to be done for a day they gladly won’t just like you know sell anybody who’s so I think that’s what that was their way of trying to avoid somebody just being like um I’ll take the whole box yep here here you go you can have oh yeah you can have them all by um yeah like the people handing out the coupons and free food and all that you know what I mean do I do I need five ten dollar off coupons yeah like I’m gonna eat here five times or you just want to go the [ __ ] home yep exactly um I was I was digging boys you guys I know the song dig you you dig a little bit I mean over prices I mean I know it’s saying Diego and prices are ridiculous but no there’s real dealers um I to be honest I didn’t I did more of the exclusive stuff than the digging it’s not my favorite con to dig at um yeah I don’t mean that and you know not that there’s not anywhere you can dig you can but I’m there but it’s modern books experience or it’s really really high-end [ __ ] I’m not I’m not in San Diego looking for high-priced slabs you know or even like like regular price Labs um to me a lot of it’s Thrill of the hunt even with the uh even the exclusive stuff man just hopping around being able to get them I feel like people that were there it was easier to get things I think boom did a better job um this year um because the line might have been long but you could just go through one time and no matter what the hell it was on your list you got one right you can wait in line again but you know if you got another hour to kill so you get you get one and they give you a form to fill out in like a check box and there’s no like number or sheets like last year they give you really nice legit form oh it’s it’s in there I could get it doesn’t matter my form but like and so I’ll show you the boom books I got I only did boom once this weekend so the stuff that I’m gonna sell from boom that’s going on um so same situation with DC that happened with boom so on Sunday again everybody’s at like the other line’s trying to like you know last minute or people just kind of like had left like the people who were like me and you who were the exclusive Hunters kind of pieced out on Sunday so I legitimately went through and just bought like two and three of everything that was like a worthwhile exclusive over the course of like 30 minutes so I walked through once by like everything that I could went through again and they were doing a 10 discount if you exceeded I think 100 bucks so I was like okay cool I’ll buy these sets because they were limited it would limit one per transaction so I basically was like okay let me get these guys and I’d cycle back through again okay let me in those guys and then let’s cycle back through um again didn’t bring any of the kids home because almost all of them went into my CDC submissions because you know like 40 boxes when you come back I got I got four boxes coming back that’ll be coming back in like the next month or so that’s when it’s 20 fives each one’s uh 25 a piece it’s nice nice yeah I didn’t quite go 3398 so anything I’ve done pre-screen then you can gladly have it at like you know basically what I paid for it to use our account you should have no I still using my own account because I’m still getting my little 10 or 15 off save your money dude we have we got dealer accounts yeah yeah we get like we don’t care we get the other X for five they cut it through all right yeah um yeah so I’ll just show some of this stuff someone’s gonna be the same [ __ ] as Chris so I’m not gonna be a good amount so I’m looking um we did I did the visible box so if you come with the cards in the slab so I did hit a decent one I think that’s like maybe like hundred dollars Invincible Deluxe one nice uh numbered it’s number 130.

um, 137 excuses me but only like the first 150 are the ultra rare Chase there are like 300 of these made um I need to look it up a little more on the same ones going for about uh going for about 130. uh didn’t open them yet um but uh the Alex party stuff um so I got some of the hug face stuff this is the Billy Ripken face I just didn’t unseal it I bought two I think I’m gonna steal that one and same we got the spoiled Sports uh cards uh these these sell pretty well too um I’m pretty sure I’m gonna open it if I do I’ll wait for like next week yeah it’s sit on there um showed you the skateboard the bags uh boom had nice bags I had to give them credit because they gave away a really nice bag when you bought your [ __ ] yeah um so I’ll go through at least they did it right man when you they know you’re gonna buy a [ __ ] ton of stuff at least you know yeah all right it’s a bag you’ll reuse yeah yeah my one annoys though I will say my one right with skybound is that they didn’t [ __ ] back and board the comments I was like come on guys yeah I yeah boom and what’s with zero companies ever stealing like do they just don’t have time they don’t have tape even the ones with the seal stuff you can’t get your workers to put a piece of [ __ ] tape on there for people well even the seal stuff just pull the goddamn little squibbie and close the bag like I’m sitting there or close the bag yeah I’m sitting there resealing all those goddamn boom bags I’m like yo I bought like like 20 comics from you guys I’m standing here like handing you the grip of like a handful of like those little squibbies being like here you go your problem now yeah dude so we got uh uh people weren’t on this udon um so we got the street street fighter exclusives oh I didn’t grab those yeah so I grabbed Brian and I saw we grabbed a set of those at that uh towards the end oh those worked out nice uh this is the one I think you said you didn’t didn’t like this one but I just I just grabbed it because I was in line two times but but yeah like I’m just I love trademore’s work just on that it looks weird um and I know these sold out and they’ve done well so these are uh Adam memes these are invincible knives from otley okay and that was that that wasn’t his that was his Booth so he did these so I’ve got uh I got two sets of these and this is the ultra rare uh reverse on there did he sign them no I did not get him uh he wasn’t there when I was there I didn’t get him to sign him I’m weird because I don’t never know what people do or don’t want a grade I can’t grade them after um like with the camels I buy one sign one one unsigned something like that uh we all saw this uh we all saw this so this is this is the peach stuff by the way she’s so she’s so nice to everybody but like I had this I had the signing on Friday I had a two o’clock ticket it’s the first time she doesn’t show up till three there’s a line and then a fake and then they keep telling people they say lines caps they want you to go wander around in circles and these do have like this is kind of cool what they did their uh Trading Card coas uh this this this one’s actually numbered in the bottom corner um so they sit there and I’m like all right so I’m wandering around I knew Chris had four o’clock I had two o’clock no just one go in circles I’m like I know better so I’m Meandering around so they did they uh Nickelodeon line kind of bailed so people started making a fake line then they start to count the fake line so there’s people that were there at seven in the morning and okay Chris and I went there at seven well okay Chris was there early but but you I was there for work for a very different you were I don’t I don’t work I just know people yeah so I mean this is work but whatever and so I’m sitting like this so I’m like all right and and then they’re like no no one come back totally Street 30 more all right 3 30 the three o’clock four o’clock we’re already gonna be here yeah you don’t think we have the same problem and I’m like oh so Chris runs Recon but by this time it’s already four something he’s all they’ll take the twos dude I’m already three quarters of a mile away right and uh and uh and Drew’s buying food and drinks yeah I’m like I’m like oh I’m not going all the way all the way back and the thing is anything you bought from there she would sign for you and five other books which is awesome but you know what I mean if if you’re gonna buy and also I bought more of these to get signed I didn’t I don’t have a you know this is my stack just whatever reason so um so I bought these to get signed so I’m just like uh it’s just a cluster and she was she was late but with that thing it’s just a yeah she definitely like so I will say that um yeah that that day one was like completely a cluster um I mean well day day one was completely a cluster because that was preview night and it was her and audio were signing at the same time yeah look at my Instagram I got a picture of it yeah and that was just like bad idea like terrible idea so then they’re like okay tickets for day two well she shows up an hour late so like okay learn from that and then so by day three of the kind well World machine like she’s in there she’s signing you know yeah yeah so like she got she definitely got her [ __ ] together and I mean I think she admitted that like I mean this is the first SEC and I mean like that New York when [ __ ] like blew up was her first like I think American con period yeah so I was heading under the table because people were fist fighting over yeah yeah so I mean she’s learning now of like what it is like you said she is like I messaged her on Instagram and her or her Handler or somebody always messages you back like she is like they definitely like got their [ __ ] figured out where it became a well old machine so like you know the slots that were supposed to be getting signed were actually because I mean like two legs point I had a four o’clock slide it was supposed to be over with at five my books didn’t get signed until five and then I had to Blitz back to the hotel room get shower and change to head somewhere else and meet up with them so like I was coming down to the wire basically um on getting her to sign the [ __ ] so I still managed to get all those exclusive the the Virgin sketch variant but yeah it was so I will say that she definitely got her [ __ ] together towards the end by Sunday it was like I mean remark was done I was moving down the line cgc was there witnessing stuff so like they figured their [ __ ] out very quickly and then uh so this is you’re still still in the Rick and Morty [ __ ] yeah the heart of richness with the Heart of Darkness font um so these are these were not expensive and I just nobody knew there’s only 250 of them and it’s Rick and Morty so I had to go with that uh and this is is it Maria black what’s the one that just did the void Rivals for Drew and clutch yeah is that her name oh God I’m terrible at that so I should be better then uh so this I went through the whole Spiel got a couple of these These are the uh the geiger ashcan the Jeff Johns that’s gonna that’s gonna be a thing uh I already showed low um already showed that one more invincible into the battle um battle Beast these ones are great uh Sirens of the city people like it these there there are like it’s like a you can’t yeah there you can see like there’s the foil Edition and the frision and stuff so they already did that uh I really like both uh I put them together for sale online anybody wants any of these a lot of it’s a flip and I got great quantity of these so anybody listening just hit me up on Instagram and I’ll just I’ll just beat everybody’s price it’s fine I don’t mind um at all so Alice never after this is a different color and um virgin that they only did for San Diego it says convention on the back um so uh P you know uh same thing here with the sit KC so obviously one’s a foil one’s a regular but again people aren’t differentiating the difference between this and the regular is uh that it already come out is is the uh bloody so that’s the difference on those more uh pen and ink something’s killing the children good stuff so we’ll uh same with uh blood era variant there uh these ones are cool ah [ __ ] so um yeah I just love it so it’s Creep Show Afghan they had it at skybound um this so anyway Brad definitely grab some of these um a few few more uh ill in my box I did get a burger Mark cup you know see how it goes uh how was your uh how was the bad idea in Dinesh Jason cool it was good it was a lot of fun so same as Chris I might have missed the panel but let’s just say here it is oh and they had these the guy just said because we were buying the other the store variants I have not looked these up on eBay uh it’s limited to 2000 [ __ ] I should have bought more he’s giving us these lenticular Rick and Morty ones I didn’t even realize it says limited 2000 which it might be a lot but it’s freaking Morty and these were five bucks yeah so anyway grab for like nine nines and tens yeah a little what not action 655 foil um the atoms sign set limited to 100 each is that the one you got contrad to yes yeah so that’s what’s in the middle of head in the chat as we speak yeah our cover price boys driving in yeah yes what’s up Matt dude shout out to Matt and yeah uh I agreed with him which is why I’m holding these so thank you sir I appreciate that Matt if you I don’t I don’t know if John got him or not I have I have some for you for me um yeah so once again yeah definitely shout out to Matt that list was clutch like actually like day one was like [ __ ] I gotta do some research like when I got there I was like I had some research and then like that email came through pretty much instantaneously when I said that I was like oh well never mind I don’t have to do research somebody’s already done the heavy looking for me cool nice I’m just gonna walk around and look for this [ __ ] three uh three dollar books from the same old guy uh we’re gonna go um what if the Fantastic Four haven’t game there’s didn’t gain the superpowers uh Robin 2 collector set because I don’t give a [ __ ] it’s too much Nostalgia all all direct newsstand and hologram trading card yes I had this had this as a kid don’t care sitting on a table for a buck um I’m not letting it go I love this [ __ ] I love the series uh I love Robin one Robin two I liked Tim Drake being introduced and I’m sorry it says newsstand Editions that means that they were they knew what they were doing back in the day okay explains explains it explains it all but that just goes in my box and for dollars no way I’m leaving behind a news uh a newsy daredevil and Wolverine um fighting just because I loved my childhood I have no idea why but did Nash walking by me in the show gave me an autograph remembers Andy’s you know I think just because he probably got it for a dollar and decided he didn’t want to hold it so that’s it um again these are these are sheep uh so JG Jones friend of the show right uh well it didn’t get to me I’ve always loved this cover I’ve never seen it in a while I think there might be a version of it also but I just I’m sorry it’s just I love JD Jones Style love the work that he does so in all my in my digging you know good old beach ball he did an epic sketch for me thanks to Mr uh Colbert right there um so let’s go ahead so speaking of JG so again I was like one of the first people when he started signing to walk up and asked him to do that um and so I was shopping them up with him about again not to spoil what you know you had yeah it’s fine you could do this I want you to have the opportunity when the book gets to you just showing everybody so um but the same book that uh dino had um signed and discussion remark I was talking about I was like oh I really want to get the other version of this book the one the cover that you did he was like well I may still have one so hit me up when you get back home and I might be able to like do your remark on that and send it to you I was just like yeah man that’s like a thousand dollar book right now do you just gonna give to me out of your your collection of like your your comps I was like so for that alone for the fact he even entertained like he brought that up I was like yeah yo JG is a real one like to be like oh yeah I may have one in my comps or whatever I didn’t even and to be honest with you like when you said what it was it was I was like I was like how how crazy is it gonna get he like totally hooked me up no big deal I was like you know yeah and I mean honestly he wouldn’t have charged for like his handlers were just like oh it’s gonna be 50 bucks or whatever anyway no no no he’s like now we got like he definitely didn’t know he didn’t want to charge for it his handlers were definitely like that we need that it’s not like it’s like anything crazy yeah yeah um that’s not not much more hair I got same as the Escape hey your 200 skateboard comes with a 200 comic Blues and uh this so these were I grabbed two they were free I have not even went to eBay Rick and Morty the manga super secret preview ashcan these were free Oni so I don’t know [ __ ] about it but I like free oh I like crossovers so if we’re going manga and Rick and Morty I think that’s a smart free pickup you want me to uh spoil it for you but it doesn’t matter it’s free I probably I’m probably not gonna sell it 10 bucks 10 12 bucks nothing crazy I’m just saying I’m just saying it’s not like to be honest to be honest with you for that for that price and most other [ __ ] that I own [ __ ] that man I’m like who who knows or this thing trade it or uh you know what I mean that’s that’s fine free um one of the Dark Horse um like any of the Dark Horse excuses no I missed I missed I missed most of the Dark Horse um so we got so we’re going Malibu newsstand the mighty magnore those ones yeah Rick and Morty’s two were selling for like nine inches selling for like two to three hundred of what this is a lenticular really yeah yeah they’re lenticular dude they’re like cardboard they probably can’t yeah [Music] um so yeah so we’ve got some uh uh sign Sergio argonis uh magnor number one newsie and just did I’ve just been a fan of his my whole life he hasn’t been doing cons I don’t know anything about his personal life except he used to be at all of them and he’s not young so we’ll leave it there but like this is just this is this is for me just a book there’s no way in hell I’m um I’m Gonna Leave Behind You can tell from the sketch and the Sig if you know anything about the guy that it’s real so uh good to go so that’s a super super PC book there’s a there’s yours right there yeah so that’s one of the um so I grabbed two of these guys um I think I yeah again they got submitted also but that is a Mike Magnolia um black and white version of his hyperspace story so I didn’t realize Dark Horse was still doing Star Wars stuff so that is a Star Wars hyperspace stories annual Jackson with um Mike Magnolia black and white and then the other one is a usagiojimbo ice and snow preview blue foil convention preview as well that they added the booth that I mean both those boots were like 15 bucks and I mean yeah they’re not moving game buses but I mean I’ll go 30 40 bucks 50 bucks off of a 15 book I’ll take that yeah you can’t hit rumors in every book man you hit singles and doubles man um and then I got let me see here uh this is uh so this is a stuff shout out to Vinnie um shout out to Tilla uh so books from books from Friends these are these are the last couple um so uh Chris here with uh you Attila whether you know okay you know so they they so they did this uh thanks to vending for these and then we gotta go the musk for Zuck yeah all right another Attila so that’s all right look at the crowd dude yeah it’s like the gates damn Ali love it right [Laughter] well I mean also they’re replicating that Superman versus ali uh magazine Prestige one from back in the 70s yeah absolutely that’s that’s a good point and I now that you say that I know it literally says after Neil Adams in the corner yeah there we go so there we go yeah thanks that’s a good that’s a good point didn’t realize that also I just got it I I barely just looked at it because I looked at it quickly and now uh now I’m looking at it and I missed Batman somehow but anyway laughs Trump Biden Leo Mark Cuban uh yeah Joe Rogan Yellen this is great I love it it’d be cool to get Joe Rogan to sign with either like a comedy show yeah that’s so that’s I mean that’s that’s the gist of the con for me for next week okay I mean we can we can hold up now I just know you guys were here I had a slide forward and everything but yeah so I sat through the panel actually got up and asked a question about like you know so spoiler alert Energon universe is Transformers in GI Joe as you see right there um there’s a post-credit stinger in the Transformers mostly Transformer movie where the guy gets recruited to GI Joe so let’s get out of the way now um and so my question was it’s like hey are you guys directing where that make end up going from a comic book perspective and maybe they’re taking care of my second excuse from you and the answer was like the official boil by answer was nah there’s more enough work to do in comics we’re all happy to be here through Comics because I was like hey Robert you have your you are a member writer’s Guild I don’t say I don’t know about Joshua Williams who’s the writer of the so Cartman’s doing void Rivals and then Joshua Williams is on GI Joe and Transformers I believe are his two books um and they were all up there talking about like the future they showed some um some early shots of uh covers for issue issue one of Transformers going to have like five goddamn covers is that the second brain too that’s cool yeah so yeah the boy Rivals has got has it I mean they have a group of covers for that now none of the reveal is out there Transformers because it comes after in December it’s just gonna have a group of covers for it also including and then issue two of Transformers is gonna have a Ryan otley um variant that looks amazing I mean it’s straight up Invincible about Transformers well at least at least they got their their Glory back right Transformers and GI Joe fans at least I mean I mean yeah let’s be real about it was kind of dark days because they were over at what IDW yeah um yeah man that was one booth that was impressing to walk through like like I feel and the thing is like I know people who used to work for IDW and they just they don’t have they have Godzilla now like that was it that was the biggest thing they were pushing was Godzilla yeah yeah it was bad over there like I mean nobody was in that Booth who’s a ghost town um so yeah hopefully they can get their hands on a winner I mean let’s be real by like boom didn’t have anything I mean they had Turtles and then somebody’s feeling the children happen and then it was like oh [ __ ] now they’re back again um so maybe the same thing can happen for IDW they just need to think outside the box and instead of trying to just license and be the the cheap go-to for Marvel’s kid production printing maybe they just focus on doing something original themselves and maybe they’ll get a winner again so I hate to see them end up going around the top count because you know that that’s also a depressing move to step foot in is if you’re not about that that sun that sun sport or whatever shit’s called and they had them for you yeah well they’re still around yeah I mean I mean yeah I mean they have a problem I mean well hell um who’s got to put out bad they’re still the rapper when was the last time you saw a phantom comedy inside of the store this yeah yeah exactly it doesn’t exist yeah I uh no I appreciate you guys doing it um especially you guys coming back so late um I appreciate you guys uh giving us uh I’m gonna read you the title so I’ll put stcc in there too review um two minutes for the show we’re both like we’re coming we’re gonna talk yeah I’m like yeah sure dude all right I appreciate it uh I’m sure everybody appreciates all the insights obviously all the exclusives you guys grab so um honestly I think we’re both probably excited that there were [ __ ] good ones to get yeah right you know whether or not it’s good flip money man they got there’s good comic books for the comic book industry in my opinion you know what I mean yeah cool you know cool cover [ __ ] you know summer foils whatever but uh life what stupid [ __ ] do I get to promote hold on a second uh okay so um before we wrap this up obviously you come to my Comic Con on Saturday August 26th representative Brewing Company in Milford Michigan uh hang out holler at me hopefully it’s a good time I hear people are excited so that’s good um tomorrow uh we’re back at it me and the uh me and the big man uh we’re doing uh Flipside Tuesdays so it sounds like a shitty restaurant you go to if you’re welcome but hey uh we got good success on the first one 616 of you so uh I was there live you guys just talked about funny [ __ ] yeah yeah and it’s like I tried to contribute yeah we’re the show for the comments everybody on flip side or whoever wants to be part of it is always invited and you know me and Carter just shoot the [ __ ] um uh so you know if you guys want to come out cool you know yeah I’d be deaf yeah no big deal we’re just shooting the [ __ ] talking about things that excess so um you know because usually I mean I was telling everybody on the on the Tuesday show like you know I know Chris does a lot with the news and the market report we’ve seen everything I was from New York contribute but a lot of [ __ ] happens between Tuesday and next Monday when we do a show so it’s you know it’s like you want to talk about [ __ ] what happens on Tuesday even though I’m sure every other YouTube channel picked it up you know just stuff like that so yeah I mean also on the same note I mean I don’t know people chime in in the in the comments and stuff if if you’d like to see us get back to having like maybe you know another extra show a week or whatever of like more specialized stuff I got the time I’m down to do it like you know talking about film industry related stuff hell maybe even talking about what’s actually happening in comics again like because I was like maybe that’ll force me to start reading [ __ ] again um so yeah I mean let me know in the comments hit us up on Instagram I’m definitely down because I mean running into you guys on out in the streets you know if somebody wants to you know come in and just like have a conversation about like what’s happening in the industry and what they’re seeing and stuff like that I’m down to send somebody a link and just chop it up so if I want to be on a random Wednesday or Thursday night I’m down for it and then we got a comic shot talk came back uh after his uh his battles he was battling so he says he’s gonna I got another video for him to drop this week too so um we’re uh before Bowl again boys uh maybe we can get tape heads back uh maybe our lovely co-assistant can come back uh she uh maybe she won’t be so busy um but uh yeah so we’re kind of doing I uh I’m gonna kill it though because I got to get up and uh do the work thing um but no we appreciate everybody uh check in tomorrow night uh obviously we’re doing some good stuff and we’re gonna hang out and that’s it so all right do

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