Oops: Obama’s ‘Truth Team’ tweets ‘Narnia can go shove it,’ quickly deletes


Uh oh. Fightin’ words from President Obama’s lying spin squad.

On Thursday afternoon, the @TruthTeam2012 Twitter account got its Narnia hate on in a tweet linking to a BuzzFeed article titled “25 Places That Look Not Normal, But Are Actually Real.”

“Narnia can go shove it”? As Jeryl Bier at Speak With Authority notes, “Someone at President Obama’s TruthTeam2012 with a little too much time on his hands just threw the faun, beaver, centaur, and gryphon vote.” Heh.

FACT: The tweet was deleted moments later, but not before Bier grabbed a screen shot.

Obama Campaign Disses Narniaspeakwithauthority-jsm.blogspot.com/2012/10/obama-…Maybe they can at least count on the minotaurs.

— Jeryl Bier (@SpeakWithAuthor) October 19, 2012

The tweet was also captured by Topsy, an automated Twitter aggregator.

HAHAHA @truthteam2012 deleted the Narnia tweet?! Oh, the joy. #freefall #spacejump

— a9e (@a9e) October 18, 2012

Naturally, the “Truth Team” didn’t bother acknowledging the Twitter misfire or subsequent deletion. Team Obama just isn’t that into transparency? Say it ain’t so!

But a Twitter user who identifies herself as an “Organizing for America” volunteer tweeted something very similar a short time later.

WOW! AWESOME—>Narnia can go shove it: buzzfeed.com/miniusanotnorm…

— LaSanya Rucker (@sanacardi) October 18, 2012

Rucker retweets the Truth Team’s tweets almost daily.

Five ways Romney “alienated women” in last night’s debate: OFA.BO/RPHq9f via @truthteam2012

— LaSanya Rucker (@sanacardi) October 17, 2012

FACT: Oil production on federal lands is 13 percent higher than it was in the last three years of the Bush administration via @truthteam2012

— LaSanya Rucker (@sanacardi) October 17, 2012

People on the street compare Romney’s latest statements with his real positions: OFA.BO/6ECCrn #TheRealRomneyvia @truthteam2012

— LaSanya Rucker (@sanacardi) October 15, 2012

Did she swipe the Truth Team’s memory holed tweet and pass it off as her own? Or was she involved in Team Obama’s social media blunder?

Hat tip: Speak With Authority

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/19/oops-obamas-truth-team-tweets-narnia-can-go-shove-it-quickly-deletes/

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