Additional layer of defense added to White House perimeter; Font questioned!/AnnieSage/status/514554025799581696

Fox News’ Clayton Morris earlier today called the four-foot “Barrycades” set up in front of the 10-foot White House fence and secured with plastic twist ties “embarrassing.” Apparently White House security agreed, and tonight set up an additional layer of security: “Police Line: Do Not Cross” signs twist-tied to the outer fence.

New signs going up on the extra fence in front of the White House

— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly oh yes, signs and a 3ft fence will definitely stop the bad guys

— andyinsdca (@andyinsdca) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly my dog could jump over that fence…. lol how effective do they think that'll be?

— Name (@FlavaInYaEar23) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly @charliespiering It worked against WW2 vets.

— EducatédHillbilly (@RobProvince) September 23, 2014

@FlavaInYaEar23 @ryanjreilly problem is your dog needs to learn how read signs

— David Pollack (@DavidMPollack) September 23, 2014

Not all that aesthetically pleasing

— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly i don't know, i'm kind of impressed that they used Helvetica instead of Arial

— Ben Patterson (@BenPattersons) September 23, 2014

@BenPattersons suppose it could've been comic sans

— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly Well as long as there is a little yellow sign on the little fence. That seems very…effective.

— Manda (@Mandafa) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly Very disappointed the new White House signs don't say "No Assassinations Allowed" and "This Area Off Limits to ALL Terrorists".

— Greg Saunders (@waltisfrozen) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly @chrisgeidner Sucks for protesters who want to chain to fence – just remove fence section along with protesters.

— Equality Case Files (@EQCF) September 23, 2014

.@ryanjreilly do they not understand that perhaps putting the president in a castle with a moat does not do great things for democracy?

— KREWLGRL93 (@chead) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly Am I alone in thinking they should just build a moat, maybe a few towers with pots of boiling oil?

— Rooker (@JMRooker) September 23, 2014

@JMRooker @ryanjreilly And alligators.

— Harmless Mystery (@RedRobina) September 23, 2014

@ryanjreilly Land of the free and the home of the brave. Think they locked the front door yet?

— SusanDC (@Susan_DC) September 23, 2014


Fox News’ Clayton Morris notices something ‘embarrassing’ about new WH ‘fence’; It’s hilarious [photos] 

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