Category Archives: Elections
Accounts Receivable Automation Software for Mid-Market Organizations

Well, it’s no secret, that cash is oxygen for business, but your finance team doesn’t have the bandwidth to manually. Send invoices call up every single customer for payments, apply cash manually, and do credit risk assessment all at once. As the CFO of a mid-sized business, your job gets more difficult with an exponentially increasing volume of business and limited resources juggling through competing priorities. We have built radius one ar suite to help you with this, get control of your receivables, with faster cash conversion […]
More infoEos v2.0 Software

Hi everyone. I’m Anne Valentino. I’m the Eos produce line manager for ETC. We’re releasing software version 2.0. We have a couple of quick video clips after this to show you the highlights of using RDM and CEM3 and the redesign of those features and also a quick video chapter on the use of Magic Sheets. So now Steve Aldridge of our Orlando office is going to step you through RDM and CEM3. Hi. My name is Steve Aldridge. Today I’m going to walk you through the […]
More infoGetting the Basics – Software Architecture Introduction (part 1)

Architecture is the process and the product of planning designing and constructing buildings or other structures. A good design can make a structure survive and be admired for years or fail even to stand. It’s the job of the architect to join both art and science to make sure all the pieces of a building come together in a good solution. Similar to architects as a software engineer you will also need to mix art and science to deliver solutions satisfactorily but instead of bricks you will […]
More infoEvent-driven Architecture – Everything You Need to Know

event-driven architecture is a common pattern found alongside microservices and other decoupled services or apps. In an event-driven architecture, each service in an ecosystem reacts and takes action upon an event it receives. There are both upsides and downsides to event-driven architecture but before we get into that, let’s look at an example of how event-driven architecture works so you know exactly what it is. Let’s say we have a standard e-commerce system that allows users to purchase a product on a website. when a purchase is […]
More infoArchitectural Recovery – Georgia Tech – Software Development Process

And sometimes architectural drift and erosion get you so far away from the point where your software architecture should be that your architecture is completely degraded, at this point, you have two main options. The first option is to keep frantically tweaking the code, And this normally leads to disaster. Why? Because you only make things worse, You don’t know exactly what you are changing and therefore you’re stabbing in the dark trying to fix your system. The other possibility is that you can try to determine […]
More infoGoogle Translate fails (Twitter Edition)

Ememem, I cannot s, u c k a a a a a a a a a a a I WAN NA, BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS lilililililililililililili. You are a Dominican republic. I think that says: momo uh I have been able to work with my wife and mother buh bah duh buh bah duh Online, hereafter H e r e M m? U f? U m k a y e t e z, i z. I y I, even more, hup the […]
More infoTop 11 Automation Testing Tools for 2021 (You Need to Know)

Here are the top 11 automation testing tools for 2020, one that you need to know for the new year, But first, if you have, 39, t already make sure to like share subscribe to my channel at the bell down below and get alerted every release A new video, So the first one is Selenium Now Selenium for the past four years to me seems like it:’s fallen behind in innovation, mostly because they’ve been working on a major task of getting Selenium WebDriver the standards […]
More info#1 Copywriting Software – Let AI Work For You!

hey miles here this video is all about copywriting software specifically you’re going to understand what copywriting software is and why it’s important today for current digital business owners and then we’re going to jump on the computer and you’re going to get to see behind the scenes of the copywriting software that i use and then my team uses to help us publish more high quality high converting copy faster than ever before and that’s really the challenge that digital business owners affiliate marketers course […]
More infoSolutions Architect Tips: How to Build Your First Architecture Diagram

when i first started drawing diagrams i would stare at the whiteboard wondering how to get started i would draw a box and then delete it i would then draw the same box again and then delete it again so believe me i know how tricky it is to know where to start when building an architecture diagram but if you remember these tips we will talk about you will start building them like like a pro you see a diagram might look like a bunch of […]
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