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Have you ever sat in one of these chairs I bet you have but have you wondered why it looks like this the reason is genius save this video for later and share it with the people you care you see a bunch of French designers competing to make the best designs with plastic but one day they thought of this what if they made a chair with holes so that wind didn’t destroyer and Rain didn’t puddle and what if they made it with the perfect shape so that it could be stacked for perfect storage all from a single piece of cheap plastic meaning you could make millions of these crackers and take over the world so let me ask you again if you want to learn how we earn five figures per week using artificial intelligence and affiliate marketing check my profile and the first comment for a free cases study?

As found on YouTube

How To Launch Your NFT Project As A Creator

How To Build A Business With NFTs, Without Even Buying Any?
Be The “BANKER”.
These are my checks for my book being sold on Amazon.

But you know what, I’m going to stop selling them there, probably forever.

There’s a new type of digital asset and it’s called NFT. And this is how I’m going to reward my loyal readers in the future.

NFT, which stands for non-fungible token, has become one of the hottest topics in the world today.

If you are somewhat new to it, that’s okay. Please allow me to explain it further…

As mentioned above, NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Non-Fungible would mean that there’s only 1 in the whole world, it’s UNIQUE.

Cash is fungible. If you have a one-hundred-dollar bill, you can trade it for another one-hundred-dollar bill. Both hold the exact same value. If you give me your one-hundred-dollar bill and I give you mine, you’ve lost nothing because it’s the same value.

Bitcoin is fungible as well. If you send me a Bitcoin and I send you a Bitcoin back, both of these Bitcoins are the same. They both carry the same value. They are not unique.

But the real Mona Lisa painting that’s in the museum is non-fungible. Because there’s only one Mona Lisa in the whole world. It cannot be replaced.

There are thousands of replicas of the Mona Lisa in this world and anyone could have a replica to enjoy the art, but there’s only ONE OWNER of the original.

Let’s bring this same concept to the digital world…


An NFT is one of it is kind, there’s only one digitally.

By using blockchain technology, a digital art owner can now create a SMART CONTRACT to transfer the digital art over to a new buyer as an NFT.

With an NFT, there will be token IDs as evidence to prove it has been transferred to another owner, just like a “receipt”.

You will get a certificate of authenticity that will be YOURS, being authentic on the blockchain that cannot be manipulated.

In other, more simple words, you can now make a piece of digital content unique. http://flywait.patricchan.hop.clickbank.net $199.⁰⁰