all right we’re live this is a Salesman Flipside Monday night uh I don’t even know what episode it is to 280 something I don’t even know um uh we got Flipside Comic Con on Saturday I’ll spend a little bit talking about that uh we got market report we got news we got stuff we got easy packing up books as it goes well what not sale action uh so let’s get this going and uh let’s go so here we go somewhere [Music] right look at look at all these people uh not just me I got I’m friends you don’t you and I for a minute we’re like I think it’s just us I mean you know it’s we’re doing the flip side Tuesdays thing so yeah I mean like as soon as I was planning on being on Tuesday was my real plan yeah I know Tuesday’s canceled because I gotta go work at the bar I gotta go I’m uh I’m being humbling SpongeBob SquarePants you got to work the friar and then when you told me I could sit here and pack stuff like I was kind of like all right I’ll join yeah dude it’s all good yeah it was uh I was out somewhere yesterday Dino I can’t remember where it was but I swear to God I saw your doppelganger I almost was like are you in [ __ ] indie no it could be maybe I am I could be like Doc Joe and go to Ohio and never tell anybody he didn’t quite have As Nice a beard as you so that’s what threw me it was a little it was a little too clean shaven I know um who knows oh yeah so let’s talk about this let’s get all this stuff out of the way people hate this stuff I I hate it too I feel like Rogan like doing the ads I’m Rogan’s terrible uh my little chilling of things um if you’re cool you want to join it’s a dollar a month to be a dirty flipper you guys some cool things you get priority comments we all know starting at nine nine fifteen whatever nine twelve right yeah I start I start when I start it’s really it’s usually 15 minutes after and it just sets it by 15 minutes by default I can’t set it like sooner because Facebook craps out on me um yeah depends when we all get here man pretty much um so for a buck a month it’s like uh it’s like a it’s like a a crappy book of uh some some some dollar billion that you’re doing uh you can you can be a uh you can be a dirty flipper so and I’ll just all the proceeding or whatever you want to call them all this all the stuff I’ll just donate it back to the channel um just don’t urban Dictionary what dirty flipper means oh yeah that was terrible I don’t even want to talk about that I didn’t even get the perfect dictionary anything yeah I didn’t I didn’t get the job because it’s not enough though they all mean the same thing I think that’s that’s the problem um you know it’s funny let me look real quick I think um I can see how many members we have I think we had like 20 something so that’s kind of cool um see memberships uh uh I don’t know we’re at 20 something plus 20.

So almost 20 some odd vendors that’s cool or uh members that’s cool I’ll take it um I’m gonna get something good for the members it’s cool um yes you get you get priority YouTube influencer access to Comics Lucid lines yes I mean we can work on that that could be that can be a gimmick I can get into oh I I still have some of the cards left over when I broke cards with Dinesh and uh to Comic-Con oh cool look at you you guys sell them on eBay they got the DNA of comic time International I I have that one that’s signed in hot sauce and licked by comic Tom so you know that’s gonna be on eBay for a million bucks when I list more stuff on eBay but you know I’m liking I’m like Z right now I’m being lazy about listing stuff on eBay uh hard hard facts boys I I got a I got the old uh I got the boxes that I’m bringing with Carter uh when I’ve been with Carter I I told Carter I’m gonna take over his booth and he didn’t have dollar comics and then my shitty slaps on the back so this would be interesting hopefully we get some sales so it’s like the remainder of like Paul’s books no I sold all Apostles books no I mean I mean if you’re if you if you’ve got for and you go to Dino’s show you are you’re like a VIP yeah um oh I don’t do I have him down here he’ll pour you a drink I I will I even buy your beer I don’t even care um Tails I got Tales From The Flip Side uh here I said he laughed because uh there was a soy sauce packet in there I just want to show how big it was that’s what she said um all right I asked like because like I’m adding stickers to my base now and it’s all Comics related I was like kind of like oh I’m on all these podcasts I might as well rep all these you know everyone we know so look I got a tail from the flip side so I said I’ll send you one dude no big deal and I asked if it came with soy sauce I said I’d ship it to him and then he said he had gallons of it yeah I’m Chinese so you know you gotta have gallons so I get it dude so yeah yeah I’ll have these other kind too where you can um you can um yeah I know we all don’t uh so basically what it is I’ll have these other common people can have those two for free um but no it’s cool um one second I’m doing a bunch of stuff here it’s right next to the sack of MSG too so I know of course you know it is uh Saturday August 26th which is this Saturday doors open at 10 um I’ve been getting a lot of people like last I didn’t want to get in so it’s cool for vendor wise um I hope it’s a big show I’ve been you know pumping it up locally um I know a lot of people might show up so that’s kind of cool from the gang um first one ever uh hopefully success I could do more um like I said I’m only gonna do two a year I’m not gonna be crazy and do whatever your month or some stupid stuff like that uh usually I’m gonna try to do it before Comic-Con season starts and after Comic-Con season roughly kind of if I can get it uh well yeah well I appreciate this coming I don’t I don’t know about the scarcity BS book but uh um I hope he goes well I’m sure it will I hope so cute man um yeah I uh no I’m excited sleepy will be there Eventing Carter uh Dennis half price crook um yeah oh I know I got I know yeah um who else is gonna be there uh Bob from uh Discord Bob H I don’t know I know he’s in our little discard groupie um I don’t know I don’t think he really buys too much but um who else is gonna be there um other vendors and stuff no that’s cool man that’s cool yeah it’ll be a good time yeah you can take a picture of Mercy not palming your comic right next that’d be dope that’d be dope no I’m gonna I’m gonna be like everybody else have 10 people show up just put them in the corner so it looks like it looks like it’s busy you’re hired paying actors to like yeah to like talk to people and stuff like that and interact I’ll just get the I’ll get the crew who works at the brewery to come over hey can you look while you’re busy and do something hey you say Comics people will show up man yeah I think so too um no I hope it’s cool um I was trying to get our legendary lawyer to show up but he says he’s too busy are you wedding bound is that the deal I’m wedding at a soccer tournament oh boy I will I will come to the next one though how about big Z’s big Z coming up I don’t think so I’ve tried to twist his arm he’s got he’s a postman he’s been working most of Saturdays they’re driving him like a uh he doesn’t get many days off these days um our postal service sucks it does um actually you know what’s funny about the Postal Service uh so this guy bought a book from off a website um that I read it I bought off Reddit I don’t care um I bought the 14th and he still hasn’t shipped it 37th or something is it Red Hood Comics or red comic I think it’s comic like singular like our good friend Joe yeah I think so yeah because I mean there’s two different accounts and I’ve seen people have tried throwing Joe under the bus for something Comics is doing yeah uh what’s the nearest airport that would become mix the one in Vegas yeah he like he tables at Baltimore and then they started uh when they left by beginning of the weekend they started you know butting heads because like I had the name first but you should be big well he was out of Vegas because he used to be at uh that store there but I think they catch things up by the end of the weekend yeah it used to be I mean he used to be a torpedo I guess uh what’s the nearest airport uh DTW uh DTW is um oh 30 40 minutes away maybe on a good day the best thing is Ozzy didn’t even realize it’s his wife’s birthday until today it looks like hey I’m trying to say marriages and comic books that’s what I do oh dude um uh yeah okay uh a side topic before we get into the news yeah my story from last week that douchebag messaged me again about like being an [ __ ] listen bro just kidding why are you not responding to me why do you not send me what I asked for I’m like hey just just send them to me I sold the book to somebody else just don’t say I bought it and then I’ll say I’m not selling it but he’s like and that’ll end it right all I did was just ignore him and he’s like you’re ruining Comics you’re one of those people I wish would just leave Jesus I’m like I have been here [ __ ] 12 years you can’t send gifts in eBay can you not be like huh I mean I was like I don’t know what a douche if you’re in any hangouts or discords you got his name so it’s this guy isn’t it this is the guy right here I hate you I don’t even know you and I hate you yes that’s it I’m gonna message him and be like yo I bought the book it’s not for sale leave me alone and leave alone leave me alone oh Jesus I’m gonna message him and say I have a very important podcast and without you I just he’s like throwing names around like I’m gonna tell all my friends that I do business with that not to do business with you I’m like great I know the same [ __ ] people should we do a seller Spotlight on them I’ll do it no no I need to get Brian McLean to give me a seller spotlight video I just portrait I just am telling you that there’s douchebags out there oh I will blast him it’s like the guy at Motor City who told me I’m brewing in the comic book industry by throwing my own Comic Con I feel like this isn’t that isn’t that encouraging The Hobby okay I don’t understand what I mean and then you know you’re determining the fat lift it too right you’re not selling knives and like random [ __ ] you are my bad okay so so for the record I got um I got two people who do art but one does comic art and one is like like cool art I can show her Art’s okay yeah yeah um [Music] she’s on Instagram she she does like really good stuff um it’s like really uh I wouldn’t say creepy but um artists are fine and then uh and then the root beer vendor yeah uh so I’m doing a cookie vendor which is kind of dope um you better find there’s food yeah that’s food um and she’ll make like comic book themed cookies so that’s cool and then I got some girls who are doing like craft stuff because like if guys are bringing women I won’t have to have something yeah like this [ __ ] sucks it’s like a bunch of yeah well you’re bringing it with beer so that’s already adding a factor that most places do not have correct uh or or it be if they do have beer it’s extremely expensive look at this the dino one of cartoon character Harris crunchy is a bridge too far though yeah I mean hey man 50 bucks is 50 bucks per table though bro uh whatever yeah no it’s cool you know what’s funny is if it gets bigger I can add more tables and more people yeah I’m not trying to make a San Diego or Motor City or anything like that I just want a cool place or people chill and talk comics and hang out and at least it looks like you’re going to uh get the heat storm out of the way before by then yes yes [ __ ] yeah it was like I feel like we’re out there with McClay today yeah um okay news time uh so Ghost Rider the solo project was in development pre-strikes and we’ll move forward with it post strikes that’s a little encouragement for people I think right nope when did the strikes end or is that in discussion yeah I remember no no I heard is it uh Chris tell me wga um was gonna bring something to the table I think they’re gonna meet again next week here we go so deadline reports uh today at 8 31 WGN amptp to meet again next week doesn’t mean anything’s gonna happen but yeah but it’s encouraging at least they’re not like you know at odds not meeting I guess I mean I guess that means something like Chris I don’t know I mean at this point what the strikes going on now is for four months like for the writers yeah yeah so I mean yeah for this this segment of the strike has gone on for at least four months if not five months now um yeah I mean people can’t afford to be not working for this long because I mean yeah so someone’s gonna need to change soon hopefully they can come to a resolution but yeah I mean people are people are hurting I mean like the Atlanta is it’s a little bit of a ghost hunt if you go anywhere near where there are Studios or where filming normally takes place like you know it’s it’s a very different very different feel in the community right now so one of our uh one of our uh lovely people who was on the show a couple times I talked to them about it and they’re out of a job and uh yeah stuff and stuff but yeah but hopefully they get it all squared away and like you know I thought it’s going to be a UPS thing where it was like down to the last second and um I thought they would get it done but obviously it’s not gonna happen in there you know no no there’s no there’s no sense of urgency here yeah which is sad because it’s not it’s not nobody cares about I mean I know everybody cares about you know the actors but it’s like all the writers you really don’t get paid a lot of money you know residual checks is like you know if it’s a bigger show they get bigger money but it’s like here’s 100 bucks you know or here’s 80 bucks or a check for three dollars you know I mean and again I always bring up the point about like you know because people always wanted to be like oh you know the actors the actors it’s like well they are a very small percentage of the people who are part of this whole machine that is the film industry yeah they’re the one percent right yeah I mean because like again friends of mine who are I mean they’re they’re greens like they’re the ones who set up you know plants and stuff to make the outside of a place look like a different place to put you know trees along the roads in Atlanta that make you know Atlanta look like Miami one of my buddies production crew you know he he builds you know models and molds and you know he’s a sculptor and stuff like that like he’s making a little bit above the you know what the standard going rate is in the industry for that role that’s it’s it’s not like he’s breaking it in he’s a normal doo-doo you know builds this stuff for films yeah so I mean people who are kind of short-sighted being like Oh you know you know you know who cares about these actors blah blah say now there’s a bunch of other just right regular Teamster type people who do this work and they’re just you know they’re getting [ __ ] in a mistake in this scenario um so yeah let’s let’s think about those people too it’s it’s not that’d be like saying like oh you know sticky to stick it to Amazon it was like you do realize Jeff bezo accounts for the highest like portion of that pyramid there are a bunch of regular people on the lower end of the rung who are getting screwed over it’s like sports right it’s like the owners the players and you got the people working the vending machines and the vendors and all that other stuff you know I mean even an actor is 95 to 98 of them are guys just you know getting uh getting an episode of CSI or something you know yeah exactly I mean they’re making a living wage I mean you know I mean that so a little Side Story that was one of the things that was like one of the most eye-opening experience that I had hanging out with a friend of mine who who is in the industry but after college went out to California to break into it and I came up to visit them after like you know about a year or so after we graduated and he was like oh you know meet a bunch of my friends and stuff were going out for uh to basically bar crawl for one of the the guys birthdays the guy’s birthday we were selling was this actor named Jimmy debello so if you’ve ever seen uh cabin fever or um the first American Pie film he was one of those like you know High School College age actors like played that Niche role for a while in his career he’s been a couple CSI episodes things like that um but all the people who came to hang out with him were friends of my friends who were basically like they had done like an episode here and there but they were still working as bartenders and waitresses and like you know so bus boys and [ __ ] like that like they need they they still had day jobs and they just you know they’d pick up a gig here here and there you’d see them on something they get a couple extra lines maybe do I have the season on something but realistically like they still had to have a regular day job they hadn’t broken into things or either they had a success and then ended up you know that dried up and they had to go back to doing like regular [ __ ] again so no uh this comment here this is interesting I know we kind of were talking about the flashback were you chosen one I I said something about it in the chat and I was like [ __ ] dude I don’t I didn’t hear anything about this I think like four years ago five years ago they mentioned it as we had made I heard no like press or discussion of this at all and it just showed up on the feed yeah this is nice to see at least still working daughters and part of Union yet so she’s still getting small gigs I mean that’s kind of nice at least she’s getting some kind of I mean that’s a mess I mean even most of the actors that are regularly working you sort of recognize aren’t aren’t killing it yeah well uh it reminds me of the the Privacy stuff right I mean piracy stuff is what it meant like that became a bigger deal that like hey not only like you know you’re not only stealing from these actors but you’re also still in part of the you know everyone that’s part of the production team the people that you know depend on that money to make a living so it kind of It kind of has that reminiscence I trust that less though when when all these things we hear about the the actors that get back ends and aren’t getting any back ends because the the studio says they’re still losing money on things from 20 years ago yeah oh yeah Creative Accounting right yeah some of them some of me doubts that the the actors are losing anything because they’re probably already the books are cooked you know they said uh they said Margot Robbie is supposed to get an extra 50 million because Barbie was insane well good for her yeah she pretty much made that movie though well so on the same point we can move on is that um one of the articles that popped up recently was that between Beyonce Taylor Swift and the Barbie movie like that accounted for seven billion dollars in like money going into the American economy for people going to buy movie tickets eating popcorn going to concerts buying clothing to go to the concerts you know hotels flights so like yeah are basically like they those three women have basically fought against the recession single-handedly I mean seriously in a major way seven billion dollars into the American economy you know that that’s a big deal I mean like you know spending money keeps us from spiraling deeper down that hole so my wife and several of her friends were trying to get Taylor Swift tickets and I think I think it’s five nights in Indianapolis and they still like it are impossible and you’re like holy [ __ ] this woman is yeah that makes like all the other concerts we used to think were tough so much yeah my wife’s friend so my wife’s friend what she did is she can get tickets here so she went to Austin Austin or Texas she went somewhere in Texas he got a ticket to Texas yeah um my friend his wife um posted on on social media that she got tickets and it’s like oh I’m going with my best friend so I joked to my friend I was like oh you’re going to the Taylor Swift concert huh and he’s like in this instance best friend doesn’t mean uh husband or whatever yeah I mean because he’s the guy that got me like super got me playing in time um for like metal music and stuff like that so like yeah so I mean I saw Taylor Swift like 10 years ago maybe it was okay and her tickets were expensive back then too I mean it was okay it wasn’t like I was like Blown Away by it but I mean it does prove women will spend money on entertainment right uh here we go uh Michael penny is Louise was such a standout character he’s never coming back to the MCU oh boy no he’s such a good actor too I mean he was in um he was just in um he was in was it Jim Ryan or John Ryan whatever uh Jack Ryan Jack Ryan yep he was in Jack Ryan who’s great in that film too we’re serious I guess we’re not We’re Not Gonna dig into this no I just wanna Marina there’s there’s existential again I can’t confirm what why it was for I don’t want to release bedroom music um the Illuminati were involved yes yes pretty much I thought you were gonna break it down like he was like in in Ant-Man and stuff like that that was I was ready for that oh yeah she was in Ant-Man yeah yeah he was in Ant-Man people were said you know it’s uh well I mean to make a grander kind of you know connection uh getting blacklisted in Hollywood I mean like you know everybody went and saw Oppenheimer I assume like and McCarthy has been all that good stuff I mean I was a real thing back then it just happens at a different scale now but like you know there was a period in time where you know you get blacklisted and that’s the end of your career and I mean it can still happen nowadays you you piss off the wrong people and that’s that game over you know people I mean especially in the Marvel system like um you know that one individual who was head of you know the effects and stuff like that like they said that she was a king maker but if you crossed her she would go out of her way to basically crucify you in you know greater Hollywood going forward so that’s why I’m not in Hollywood Chris you know I can’t deal with it no uh uh this is cool this is really cool uh so assuming X-Men 97 uh the series that’s coming out soon is a success um there might be a continuation of the 90s Spider-Man cartoon Spider-Man 98 that Mr Chris Colbert told me that it was a uh uh it was a uh what do you have a open hole I guess yeah it ended on a cliffhanger that they were supposed to um I think either season four season five whatever the next season that was coming they were uh because Mary Jane went missing so basically they they swapped in Mary Jane for um because I guess at that time it was the 90s people had more connection with her than Gwen Stacy so in this series Mary Jane was the placeholder in a lot of those uh Gwyn Stacy stories uh one in particular was the um you know the falling off of the bridge except she didn’t die she falls through you know some more she just disappears she goes missing she pops up again she’s briefly a clone so he did the Clone soccer thing using Mary Jane instead of using um um when Stacy but yeah the whole thing was going into that last season was where is Mary Chain and you know they were supposed to put a bow on that and find her somewhere in the in the Multiverse because they did it first actually their their final like three series Arc of that final season was a Multiverse Arc where um he even meets Stan Lee at one point Madame Webb’s all a part of it a bunch of Spiderman from all different types of multiverses this is the series of Madame Webb and yep a lot of cyan or is it Arcane or no whatever that guy’s name is a lot of that stuff yeah so I mean it was it was a solid series for I mean something was exactly in my wheelhouse with the kids so I’d be excited to see them like finish telling that story of what happened to Mary Jane in that last season I don’t remember I don’t remember this for some reason oh I was in college for this one so I don’t remember much I I remember it existed but I don’t think I was watching it actually was it this one yeah yeah and it had the guitar like yeah yeah yeah yeah the electric guitar heavy intro yeah okay I I remember watching this but I was like if this was a 90 what 93 right 94 what was I doing I was 85 94 was it what 9 10 years old nine years yeah I this is kind of before my time I remember the Animated Series but not this series I think this one was a little after my time so yeah this is the one that came on the heels of the X-Men animated series because um Fox was trying to make their whole big interconnected Universe um with Spike I mean and Nancy kind of pulled it off they did a secret Wars um like mini arcanists as well where the Fantastic Four the X-Men showed up like you know Iron Man like it was it was actually really well done and honestly way before its time as far as like pulling those connective tissues from a bunch of different series together all into one um one single item yeah I um yeah I oh look at you literally watched three times you have the wife no I gotta watch it um that’s fine Mike knows me he’s cool um how about this one this is interesting I know we’re not really talking about market report yet so you show you showed an ff1 and you acquired a little bit ago where the downturn and price adjustments are you holding on for big Keys now well so for that book um I’ve sold most of the other copies of ff1 so I only have the big big one left and so yeah it’s definitely taking a dip in value but honestly that’s a book I’m okay with being stuck with for the rest of my life like that happens I got ff1 yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s worse yeah exactly there’s worse things to be stuck with um long term so yeah like having still having some of my bigger my bigger uh Silver age keys with the exception of that ff1 all of them I was into for way less than what the market downturn for so yeah I mean I will I’ll admit I’m probably 10 grand in the hole in that book but whatever if I’m stuck with it voluntary I’m stuck with a poly tyranny also there’s worse things to hold and it’s very liquid if even if you know you’re a little underwater yeah so I mean if I need to part with it and I’ll part with it but yeah I’m cool with keeping it uh what grade is it if you don’t mind me asking it’s a 6-0 that’s not a bad grade to be stuck with yeah right yeah like I mean like even if you’re down 10 grand on it like yeah it’s it won’t I I don’t feel like it’ll take much for it to boost back up yeah and I also play the game of like I look at it like I don’t I try not to focus on individual books I look at like the I look at like a stock portfolio is that my whole entire collection has gone up and down you down in value because overall I’m still up even with the the losses where books slipped most of the Silver age stuff didn’t slip below what I paid for it I mean I still have a an X-Men I have an X-Men one six five in there that I paid Seven Grand for raw and that was before you know 20 the 2020 boom um I have another 6-0 that I bought in there for 16 Grand I can still probably get 20 to 25 more easy so overall I’m still up on majority of the big books that I have so and you can always barter with the ff1 so you say somebody came like a big deal or somebody said we want an ff1 and X-Men one I mean you could you know take a little bit loss but you know your other gains are gonna you know kind of huge a pass right I mean yeah right yeah exactly so I mean we’ll see what happens we’ll see what the Mark is at when we finally see the the Fantastic Four make their you know their debut maybe I’ll only be five grand a whole at that point who knows but it’s it’s still not it ain’t necessarily rare air but you’re still getting up there with a 6.0 ff1 like it’s it’s a hard one to take a chance uh it is if possible just hold on to classy Blue Chip Keys question is will the modern Keys come back um I mean I don’t know yeah I’ll hold those so there’s some but most I don’t know I mean we hit a weird bubble yeah I’m selling silver Asian bronze modern books rotating cash into make keys that’s probably maybe not a bad idea I mean I mean I I don’t I don’t disagree with buying I just am not sure we’re at the bottom but nobody ever is so goddamn don’t listen to me because I’m usually wrong yeah so bye now everybody right now I mean I think I think if I ever saw an AR-15 at a attractive price I’d think about it yeah yeah I mean I’ve traded modern Keys like not even that long ago probably like two months ago like I traded the something is killing the children number one nine eight for like what was it the Batman 181 uh yeah for 5-0 or something like that 4-0 and I was like kind of because it was around the same price and then I was like kind of like okay like I’ll I’ll take a trade of that like he’s working on it man okay he’s working on it he’s on the house he can’t yeah before his partner is happy with the rest of the house well honestly she’s been pushing me but like the way this room is set up for me to have so directly in front of me is a huge window so that makes it pretty much game over for uh display purposes I have empty walls to my right my left and I have a closet behind me so it kind of makes it kind of difficult to decorate but I will say would you do the J channel and put it like j-channel above your or like holders above your closet there I mean you probably get something he would have to get like something blinds or something like that to something exactly that’s the biggest issue with this room is that like that’s what I did I have a big window but this is a egress window so it’s not like real direct sunlight but I just made a line yeah oh he’s got he’s got something oh boy well so legs showed off his I might as well show off mine So eventually you will see this guy hung up on the wall oh yeah that’s nice but I couldn’t take it on the plane with me so I got [ __ ] back a little bit longer uh it’s like it’s like my wrestling belt side by Hawking I can’t take it on a plane they won’t let you bring skateboards on the plane anymore well it was more so just eating up so much goddamn space like oh okay it was a packed flight to get back so but yeah so you’ll start to see like skate decks and things like that will start throwing the walls stuff that I’m not worried about the sun [ __ ] up but decorating with comics in here it’s just too much light all the time these days because so yeah what’s up man I uh yeah my wife told me I Gotta Straighten Up the rest of the basement and like get all the kids [ __ ] out of here before she’ll let me hang anymore oh boy I got so much I got about 10 frames sitting on the side we’re insane bro I got so much [ __ ] that I still need to really I got a whole like in this bathroom that I haven’t finished yet has all my artwork in it and [ __ ] that’s just in a box somewhere I spent I spent you know about a grand or so on on Framing and then she goes I’m not letting you hang [ __ ] till you clean the other [ __ ] up okay uh my timing sucks too I I don’t sell stuff and when I do it’s like I just give [ __ ] away because I don’t even care I’m like sleepy kind of I don’t care yeah blackout blinds yeah it works great uh did I get the meat Hulk Hogan no I didn’t get to meet Hulk okay my cousin did Hogan owns so we were in Florida he was in Tampa and obviously so Hogan’s Beach Shop and his bar kind of like coexist there um usually he’s at the at the bar uh we didn’t we went there you wasn’t there that day it was just cool but at the beach shop that’s where that was a little inebriated and bought a belt for a thousand dollars like an [ __ ] uh but it was cool it was cool it was definitely cool and uh maybe I’ll meet him one day maybe uh okay so back in the news uh we’re 30 minutes anyway only two topics to go back um Thor five is in development at Marvel Studios unfortunately uh director is not gonna return but it could return but it’s not a done deal I thought he didn’t want to work with him again that’s what they said that’s what they said but you know a lot of money right Chris back at the train and yeah yeah so I mean we’ll see I mean Hemsworth has I guess his ideas the direction that he wanted to go I think a lot of people weren’t happy with and I mean I think that at that time Tycho was very much so like the Golden Boy of Hollywood like I mean he was coming off of Jojo rabbit like I mean you know what they do in the shadows uh they gave him Black Flag over HBO they got canceled I think um but at that time though like bangers he yeah he wasn’t missing and so they’re just like hey just let him cook isobar um and so I think now he doesn’t necessarily have to cash aided he once had so maybe tiger comes back maybe tiger doesn’t come back yeah exactly tiger would have a shorter leash because yeah that last one was not so great yeah wasn’t he like sitting there bragging saying like I didn’t read any Source material for this oh boy yeah I think that I had to read some to get some of that stuff yeah it could have been someone else like an assistant or intern or something like that yeah somebody else punched up the script board to be conflict accurate he just came in you know it was just like you know changing some lines here and there yeah yeah uh the most depressing part of the show uh this next one uh so Patrick Stewarts Charles Xavier will return Secret Wars quotations or hype or uh parentheses if he’s still alive by a famous type of filming uh the movie um forever you know he’s not that old is he I mean I think he just has looked old since he’s 22 man I mean if he’s gonna be sitting in the wheelchair the entire time anyways does it matter well he he is only a spry 83 years old um so he’s younger than Harrison Ford Rick yeah I mean he’s taking care of himself I mean yeah 83 is not like you know a spring chicken but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t have into his 90s left available to him yeah I mean George Burns smoked cigars every day and was acting well into his 90s yeah so I mean what was the running joke for forever is Abe Pagoda still alive I mean he comfortably lives into his 90s I think and goddamn Ric Flair still alive okay yeah and he’s done more drugs yeah Keith Richards is Never Dying yeah yeah dude he gained his Immortal Powers by snorting his father yeah he’s likely just actually Dracula and we’re just having figured it out yet I’m not about to say so I signed the NDA uh so I mean but I mean it it I I don’t want to be honest Joey that’s terrible I know yeah Patrick Sherwood I’m an opportuner um yeah yeah Ragnarok is great love and thunder sucked yeah I mean we all feel about the same yeah you can’t hit it you can’t ban a thousand I mean that happens uh next week we can talk about we can talk about Blue Beetle next week I mean I’d love to get at least Chris’s reaction if not if not I don’t know I probably won’t get to see it see us week I I won’t see it until it comes out on Disney Plus or whatever it comes out of it uh hbr yeah or Max yeah um all right so generally speaking it was decent um I mean it wasn’t anything like okay so there were certain elements I would I definitely appreciate it like so it is unapologetically Hispanic like it is very much so about that and it’s one of those films where they are not translating like when they’re speaking Spanish they are not translating every single word sometimes you just if you don’t speak Spanish and you don’t speak like Mexican Spanish you’re just gonna be lost um so there are definitely elements like that that happen in the movie um it was there was definitely in like in movie references to things that are very much so part of like Mexican and Latin American culture like if you didn’t watch specific telenovelas or or like cartoons of like you know Mexican television you’re going to be lost on some of those jokes like people in my group and in my audience were definitely like you know of of Hispanic descent were laughing their ass off certain jokes even though I speak I can understand Spanish pretty well I didn’t catch the cultural references because I was like oh I didn’t watch that like I’m aware of what they’re talking about but I didn’t watch that show Growing Up So it was lost on me but hey and there needs to be stuff like that like there was there was points in Crazy Rich Asians where they didn’t translate there was points in other movies where they don’t bother I’m liking to see more of that where it’s like no this movie has stuff for people of that culture and it’s for them my dad went to My Big Fat Greek Wedding back in like the 90s and they didn’t like he would understand the joke before they translated it and then like it was like some avant-garde [ __ ] like he would be laughing and then like three seconds later once he got translated everyone would start laughing exactly but here they just didn’t bother they were just like nah if you don’t get it then you just don’t get it tough [ __ ] um no no I just want to I just want to get a recap for people uh real quick uh 10 million dollars on opening day 25 million domestically 43 million overall it hit number one because Barbie was what is that four weeks on the box office right or four or five weeks or something like that yeah something like that yeah so I just want to give okay go ahead so I just want to give numbers I mean I don’t think that was terrible for what they were thinking it’s the song okay so again I I’m not not saying it’s terrible but they say it’s the softest opening for DC movie right yeah but it also was like plucked from DC Max yeah I mean it was originally supposed to be a streaming only thing and then it actually got a box office release that’s pretty decent like I don’t think they were expecting 100 million out of this puppy I mean is that is that not better numbers than the Flash or is it really close um I think the flash is in the 70s but I mean that was a huge movie they didn’t put a ton of I mean they’ve spent money on it and uh I mean it was hurt by the fact too that like I mean nobody could like obscure character yeah nobody could promote for it so it’s like I mean I’ll give it wasn’t because it was a bad movie it truly just was the fact that it’s kind of it has so many things against it before it ever made it into theaters you had the the whole basically like nobody knows where it falls from a place perspective in the grander universe because technically this is part of the previous you know regime previous universe you never see any of the um of the big three they’re reference but you never see them so it completely could continue on um there were fun elements in it I mean I I enjoyed it it was funny the effects were pretty well done great body of horror like you know character gets this power moment body hard type stuff it’s probably one of the the most gruesome Transformations that I’ve ever seen of a character getting their powers because normally it’s very like you know yeah it’s very like you know funny moments and knowing around those were there you know as he was starting to figure it out but that initial transformation is borderline [ __ ] terrifying out of a Cronenberg film because like the stuff like you know the the suit the scarabs like almost like nanite technology or whatever it is comes out of like from around his body and starts crawling into his mouth and eyes and then he like fully transforms but like you’re watching this black goo over take this like you know 22 year old’s face as describing and screaming in pain while stuck like suspended to the ceiling so it’s very much so reminded me of that initial kill in um the first Nightmare on Elm Street when home girl is just like rolling across the roof of the uh of the room like dying oh yes yeah so it’s very much so that element of like you know I mean they tried to make a jokey after it was all said and done but like it it’s definitely one of those ones where it’s like you might want to cover the kids eyes for that one if they’re young I am I heard it was a good popcorn movie though like it’s like you’re just chilling hanging out you know nothing too serious like people like either you know it’s not like the you know I mean it’s a typical superhero formula you know hero gets his powers hero fights villain that basically has mirror image of his powers um so yeah there you go that is the concept there’s definitely Susan Sarandon was fun like hers a villain was definitely uh a cool play in the cool term for her um I mean and all Hispanic cast um and I mean like even if you’re not like the biggest Blue Beetle and I mean like Ted Court Blue Beetle fan like there’s something there for those people um so I mean it’s it’s worth your time is it worth your money I don’t I can’t necessarily say that for every individual person I’m gonna go support the film industry I want to see films in theaters but it was worth it was worth the hour and a half that I dedicated to it so I definitely would say go see it if something else it’s it’s a fun movie and I am excited to see if they decide to continue on because they can go either way with this they can either say oh that’s old world we don’t need to or they continue on and yeah this this this kind of reminds me because I do my son watches Disney and on like Hulu Nickelodeon they were pumping this [ __ ] out of TMNT the whole the whole week Seth Rogan they’re doing crazy stuff uh I heard it was good though I don’t know why it’s not doing so great either it’s just I I don’t know again I don’t think anybody thought Blue Beetle was gonna come out gangbusters like I have not heard a number where it was gonna get north of 40 or 50 million yeah not like so and people like it’s a mess I they knew it wasn’t gonna be giant I I think maybe they were trying to introduce a hero you got toy lines you got that stuff that can play in you know I you’re also trying to get a different market for the superhero Halloween’s just around the corner Blue Beetle Halloween costumes bro I mean again you were they’re playing to a different audience that they have not you know addressed and take their shot and we’ll see what happens they’ll make some money on the streaming portion of it um you know it’s content at that point maybe this will be the one that’s you know a couple years you look back it’s not bad I don’t think it’s gonna be thought as bad well Shazam wasn’t thought as bad it’s just not great yeah well and I think too this would be the last thing I say about it but like I think um once we get to this new wave of DC at least with what’s gun and Peter saffron have said it will it will be more of a machine like what Marvel had and what I mean by that is no like they may not be able to replicate exactly the marble formula but at least Marvel had a Synergy where like they would do some type of like animated thing for the kids as a lead up or there be an active TV show going so that like that connective tissue was there somebody would get Like Comics they would you know start re-releasing first um you know the first appearances of characters in one dollar Comics again like there was a machine there and I feel like DC is still finding their way but they’re starting to realize oh we need to have like a Synergy like what happens in you know we need to have something where our character gets seen again in a in a game or on a TV show I mean they had Young Justice and Young Justice had that whole story arc around Blue Beetle it’s just unfortunately happened almost seven years earlier than it needed to to tie into the movie but if they were thinking then they would have had you know Young and Justice would have been on the air those episodes would have been airing about a year in advance to Prime people to be like oh this is this is why he matters there’s been an old season dedicated to him and characters like him so that when they release the movie you go okay cool this makes sense you know the same way that they’re they’re doing stuff with Kamala Khan in the comics right now have either killed her and brought it back to the mutant and if nothing else it will cause people to pay attention to what’s going to happen in what November or for a movie because she’s back in the comics again it’s an easy entry point for new readers if it does end up being successful like there’s a machine there that I think DC still needs to find their way to well DC hasn’t hasn’t excelled at the children’s animation like other than like Teen Titans Go which you could argue as a kid show or not a kid show I mean it kind of is a weird weird thing but like they don’t have like Marvel’s got all these different age groups of Spider-Man they’ve got the one that’s or like the the I’m gonna call it the chibi shapes I don’t I don’t know exactly what it is but like that my two and three year old nephew watches and then they’ve got stuff in the you know the the older kid range and then they’ve got something up and they kind of build the whole tree and DC other than Teen Titans has just shot for grown-up oriented you know graphic novels on cartoon animated you know yeah or or it’s been a long time since they’ve had stuff geared towards kids right like I mean we’re talking about Justice League I would yeah Justice League yeah yeah Batman brave in the Bold like Batman had a couple series post Justice League where they kept trying to go too and Justin’s a gonna limit I just watched it again it was great I mean Brave and the Bold was a longer ago than you think honestly you’re probably right because I remember watching that on reruns with my oldest and that was you know he’s 15 now he was probably five at the time and it wasn’t new content yeah no you’re not right you’re not wrong that was 15 years ago that Batman brave in a bowl with the earrings so yeah they just have not they’ve not kept the youth Market going I like I said other than Teen Titans Go which was such a obscure weird show that it doesn’t really translate well because it’s like that super meta thing right yeah yeah and even the one before that was the Teen Titans was very manga which [ __ ] it would probably do fantastic now oh yeah they had Super Pets of the movie that no one saw well that was a [ __ ] yeah true it just is I mean they just they just don’t have their [ __ ] together I I don’t know we’ll see I mean this is the other thing too this is an underrated comment so I know Marvel’s kind of floating right now but super we’ve been doing superheroes a long time guys you know it’s like yeah and all these other movies are coming you know I remember we talked about this forever even on Google Plus days like how long can superheroes go and I think it was John Brown it was like Trends seem to last 15 years and he was like westerns and cop shows and like he was like really getting into and he’s like 15 years and I’m like I’m like no it depends when you start the clock and you know it’s gonna be a little a little over saturated and not gonna die but I just think that there was too much and there’s some point where everybody’s doing it and then it’s just too wide a swath quality goes down you know I mean and whoever whoever that I wasn’t in this or the uh the G Plus days but like no that person’s absolutely correct like the the trends in film and television like I mean you you know it’s before my time but the bonanzas and all that type of stuff like the the cowboy mushrooms yeah the cowboy the western films the the western tv shows the cop procedurals with you know in the 60s and going into their 70s um yes I mean there was always there’s always those Trends in yeah I mean the market saturation the superhero genre just everybody jumped on board everybody’s trying to option everything um they won’t go away because they’re still westerns being made but there’s only a few westerns you know I think I think Mario and spider versus so I think I think it’s going to come down to you know like you’re gonna have movies right and then you’re going to have ones that are good and everything else is in a flat line you know they’re going to be there’s gonna be unicorns out there that are really good like I thought like going to the Galaxy was okay to me I didn’t think it was the greatest movie around but I mean it’s number three I mean yeah and I wouldn’t group Mario in there because Mario is like Mario has become a cultural Touchstone in both America the world like he is the I mean for Christ’s sakes Mario was representing Japan like when they announced that they were going to get the Olympics next like he is a cultural representation of like a specific time like it is it is most of the world’s introduction to video gaming right no matter how it was mine yeah mine too I mean like in the Nintendo yeah I I still have a gaming watch uh of Super Mario like the first one yeah every generation had a a Nintendo system of some sort whether it be the original I mean [ __ ] Mario was on before Nintendo existed I mean Mario was on Atari and then you had him on Nintendo you had the Super Nintendo you had the 1644 the GameCube there’s been a Mario game every two generation Mario is a cultural touchdown so that is that is that is we won’t even group that in into first of this video game we want to group that in a superhero like when that happened no matter Sonic right yeah exactly there’s a certain characters yes as recognizable honestly at this point so this is it Chris Taylor Swift’s saving Marvel she’s doing it oh yeah that room has been floating around um and I guess it’s back again well so I’m not sure because everybody a long time ago does everybody know the backstory of where this whole rumor around the Deadpool came from because when the first day full movie came out she showed up to the Halloween party in a Deadpool yeah it looks like this yeah so that is the actual [ __ ] costume that is not like a version that is the actual Deadpool costume she got to borrow it because she is friends with great Lively like for one of her like okay so another cool thing if you go look at the um the announcement video from when he said they were gonna do Deadpool three it is the video it is their actual house and they used it for the Taylor Swift video that Blake Lively directed huh yeah so they’re like friend friends and so yeah I mean it wouldn’t be I mean at this point he’s grabbing everybody and anybody who’s willing to like you know it’s gonna be an All-Star this is like the uh what the hell was that uh the age benefit where every [ __ ] musician this is the movie version of that like yo man you need I mean it’s shown to be like I mean like doing a multiversal movie typically is making bank now with the exception of The Flash so like yeah if you can get everybody to come back there kid those Nostalgia buttons well she was talked to do that I don’t know how long ago oh yeah I remember that was a lot of Dazzle remember the desert was the hottest [ __ ] comic out there was 85 billion of them it was a there was a it was a one of the indicons I remember I pulled a [ __ ] ton of them yeah I mean I think there’s a possibility that like I mean I all the pieces are in place for her to say yeah [ __ ] it I’ll do it like like it’s her friend’s movie basically so pretty much yeah and that would just bring God like I mean the powers that be a Marvel are probably salivating on like if that’s been like guaranteed a lot to happen now because yeah like whoever’s made that comment about the swifties like I mean the seven the 5.6 billion dollars that she just generated from her tour imagine that behind her doing a work while live-action debut not not cats but like something that people actually give a [ __ ] about like it’s it’ll be a game changer and and for people who don’t like understand what’s going on right now I’m trying to find it well and so I I had a lot of comments about uh superheroes being dead I’m not saying they’re dead I mean Western still happen it just isn’t the primary entertainment like we’ll get a good Western you know you got you got your Deadwood was playing for a while and you know you got got good movies and good shows it’s just not gonna be the only thing flying my trash TMZ uh she went to a wedding these were the people outside of the wedding they had to shut down the city and call the cops so nobody I mean it it was I mean they were very nice about it but yeah dude it uh she is a I I don’t even know who would be is she like Whitney Houston level I don’t know like somebody who was big in those days I don’t know somebody made a reference today and honestly I can’t even refute it that like she may be rivaling Michael Jackson yeah oh wow or the Beatles maybe you know yeah I wanted to like oh and then I had to stop and think about like nah that’s that’s nice she’s there yeah I mean like when she can’t go out in public right I mean Michael could never go out in public and just be sworn would it be like would you compare it more likely to like Madonna right now situation I mean no she’s Eclipse Madonna Like You still could get tickets to a Madonna show like I remember being a kid and like you could still buy those tickets Michael was the one where it was like you couldn’t buy them [ __ ] tickets like they were just a game over right there’s a real question Will she end up in Vegas when she gets older I mean everybody usually does only if she wants to I mean look at Celine Dion right Celine Dion did a million shows in Vegas it’s basically it’s the easiest thing you live in Vegas the rest of your life you get paid a free free hotel room or free sweet you want to call it but I mean she’s making she is like though on the money level she’s up there with like [ __ ] Mariah so like I had I have I have people submissions for PSA um this is from International Josh he uh he the the Taylor Swift ticket in the front that’s from her first tour and then and the ticket behind it uh is like uh one from the last tour but it’s just like one of those VIP criminal like you know wait tickets that you buy from going to the concert or whatever yeah look at the fact some of these people facts Taylor Swift is a Michael Jackson for white people I love it when Michael Jackson the Michael Jackson pretty much I mean I can’t wait for her to have like bubbles or something like that right yeah and like the same thing too it’s like you know it’s it’s it’s great I mean you know what I’m saying like like you said Marvel would not pass this up or anybody would not pass this up like you you know you got the biggest name out there it’s like and and she’s willing to do whatever you know she’s willing to do with two seconds shot let her do it yeah and she’s and she’s let’s say for all intensive person is she’s pretty down to earth person coming from you know how famous he [ __ ] is yeah I mean I would just like to see what that would I mean because if I make the joke about like you know what it would do for what um X-Men 130s or whatever but I mean honestly like like that that type of like the introduction of people like that into geekdom causes Paradigm shifts in the culture like like that’s what calls you know for better for worse like the Twilight you know why a market situation is what cause Comic Cons to change for like for as we know them because they showed up in San Diego and it was like all those [ __ ] why a tweens showed up and were just like it changed the game Chris could you imagine if Taylor Swift showed up at San Diego for like oh a panel or copper bid if they [ __ ] have her in this movie and she decides to show up and do like a panel like yeah yeah Hall h or whatever just show up and be like oh look at that right yeah it’s going to be I mean it’s it would be to a level that we have never seen before of just craziness because people would just be in the city hoping that they would like run into her somewhere or see her somewhere she would have to be like Tom Holland like cosplay as like somebody just to get like you know cosplay or something like totally different to like well did you imagine how much tickets would cost to get into San Diego then at that point or can you imagine she did like a a secret signing or something geez oh my God oh my God yeah yeah you want to see yeah let her play let her play dazzler like so if the desert thing actually does happen that is going to become the most like sought after book for probably years to come because people are just gonna any opportunity to get her to sign that [ __ ] they’re going to be shoveling that in front of her almost gamble I would almost gamble on multiple copies of dazzler 198.

Oh yeah but look look at me look at no dazzling variants let’s go all right just one just me just for the price point of entry you would maybe have a lot more upside of the one the Arizona 1398 go for it’s got to be a ram now would you do the would you do the error or would you do the normal I don’t even know what people know oh no boys uh holy [ __ ] uh yeah we’re way up past a thousand let’s see yeah where’s it at now um yeah two thousand bucks I mean I’m not saying that’s a top I mean it’ll go up but like let’s say is that sold or is that just oh wow that’s a Dazzle it’s 198 at uh and see what happens or one or the other I don’t know I mean is she even on the cover of 130 yeah yeah she is something dead sitter okay oh yeah there you go I don’t know who knows it’s an interesting play I mean I am not buying one let’s just go with that but uh yeah I wouldn’t say you shouldn’t oh if you it’s like it’s like when Ryan remember when Ryan Reynolds first started signing books and just crazy stuff like that like could you imagine if Taylor Swift signed the 98 and got a 9A X-Men 130 or down I mean clock you could put it up for ten thousand dollars it means saying like she would have to do a cgc private signing well I know I know that I’m just saying yeah yeah yeah I mean wait wait could you imagine how much it would cost to like just like send in for an autograph from her like I would assume at least like what a grand he doesn’t yeah I mean her time is more precious than exactly yeah yeah I mean I’m excited to see what comes because I mean of all the people who can pull it off like I mean because I saw a post from Ultra talking about it being like Oh you’re breaking this back I was like yeah but there’s there’s realness to it now like before it was just like people it was a rumor it was wishful thinking like there’s a reality to this now and like if you don’t know the full story you’ll be like oh it’s just empty spec but it’s like not like that those are her friends I’m gonna buy this for merchandise because it says to Carter so yeah I mean I think you know it could really seriously happen there’s real validity to the rumor at this point um I mean her doing a quick Cameo for the sake of a fourth wall breaking Deadpool reference um yeah I mean anything they got they got Gambit coming back I mean it’s like you said dazzler’s not out of the realm just for like a shot or like hey what’s up at a bar kind of thing I mean they’re doing everything like it’s funny because they’re taking the element that everybody poo-pooed on the flash about with the whole like Nicholas Cage reference and doing it with um Channing Tatum but nobody has a problem with it because like I guess maybe people like like Channing Tatum more as a person um because and maybe they feel like he got robbed I mean Nicholas Cage did too because that just that whole thing fell apart with no out of his control and the same thing kind of happened with Channing Tatum and the whole like you know things just kind of fell apart and he never got a chance to play a character that he is or seems to really love as a comic book fan so I don’t know I I it’s funny to see the comparisons between how people responded to the Nick Cage thing and the Flash and how the casting announcement of or the rumored casting of Channing Tatum having a cameo as Gambit were received very good currently yeah well I mean but it’s also like Deadpool’s character like it’s in its nature like not to take things like too serious right versus like the flash I I’d see it being a bit more serious yeah yeah or you know how she he breaks the the fourth wall until like oh boy that’s a lot like Taylor Swift you know yeah you know stupid [ __ ] like that you know like or sing me this Taylor Swift song or whatever yeah yeah like on the karaoke machine or something and she you know yeah what well yeah I mean and then to me it would also make more sense for her to be dazzler anyways like because she doesn’t even have to act at that point because she already has the stage presence of being like it’s a layup yeah yeah it’s just easy right versus like who knows how she would be as as an actress as like Lady Deadpool or whoever else the other character gentlemen and ladies who are listening I didn’t think in the flip side industry we talking about Taylor Swift but we’ve we’ve crossed the path um saw a couple af15 cell we had a a 0.5 for 11 8 a decent looking 0.5 um and then the no grade is a coverless with a repo cover um don’t love that much I think I’d take the 0.5 even at the higher price because it’s the cover looks decent there but again like I said I I don’t like a 0.5 at 11k personally I I would love to see it a little lower I don’t know if it’s ever going to come lower but that’s that’s where I’m targeting is maybe what do you want to see like 7 500 I’d like to get a complete copy back in the 10K range is where I think I’d like to be you know what I mean yeah hey I think you’re sure I mean so I guess this book is increased over the 10K a point right yeah it’s cooled down a bit especially once you get over like the into the into the low mids it’s slowed down a tad but I think the the bottom buy-in is still high I tell you this is what I’m going to leave off this if they do if they start doing Taylor Swift Deadpool covers oh my God people are gonna lose like variants and all this crazy [ __ ] she’ll sue the ass off people that aren’t paying yes um this is one I they’re talking about us who did you did no we no you brought this up I remember this book you brought this up um I talked about the 300 a lot but I don’t know that I’ve seen the 252 in a 98 in a long time maybe it was 300 I was getting confused about it Niagara Falls yeah the 300 gets talked about a lot more um I I mean I knew this exists but I I can’t say I’ve actually seen a bunch sell um I like this one better than the 300 just not that it’s a great cover but I like it a little better they did tie it with the uh look at the secret Wars one label um but that’s a solid price for it um and I do don’t I do think they’re fairly tough books to find you know I don’t I don’t see them I I don’t know I don’t look for them but I don’t see a lot of them I see the 300 a lot more than I’ve ever seen this one um classic joke recover high grade doing pretty well still oh wow yeah I know okay I’m that that’s always been a book on my want list yeah uh I can’t remember I think my brother upgraded recently but I can’t remember what grade he went to um this was one that surprised me is so expensive Conan the Destroyer movie adaption98 uh I 4 30 man I don’t know I I don’t I wouldn’t even consider looking for this comic let alone you know what I mean there’s so many other Conan Comics I would go for it’s not an ugly comic it just I would never think this is the one I need to own you know um I’m sorry go back was that Marvel yeah yeah Conan the Destroyer I mean let me let me look real quick um oh you just are you looking up like pop popular yeah so so basically it’s a movie adaption right yeah so this is a rare nine eight boys um no but I don’t think 16 though is it rare because nobody’s created their copies I mean there’s only 40 there’s only 46 graded and there’s two Canadian price variants in a 982 which is yeah I don’t know I I mean I think that rent probably is going to be a problem like that that wall-to-wall red is going to be definitely a problem when it comes to being able to get this book at high grade I mean it’s any type of like wall-to-wall anything white is going to cause you problems um only second to Black so I just again there’s a lot of other Conan books I would probably go for I know this has a the classic Arnold look on it though so maybe that’s it well I I think we’re at that time period in the market where people are looking for those weird and obscure things that no one has and then you have to have the highest grade right yeah all right now oh no I’m just saying I I haven’t seen it either but I’m like like you said the Red’s gonna be killer it’s like how many people are really keeping that in a you know bagging board and it’s not getting beat up and in between like well how many of you actually have dug through Conan Comics besides the original run for a 23 or 24.

Well so I mean I’ve come across every other movie adaptation whether it be those other Star Wars ones whether it be the um the Dune ones like I mean I’ve seen all those other Marvels 80s uh adaptations out in the wild um was it Logan’s Run everything I’ve run across all of them I’ve never seen this book before one not too long ago for like five bucks and then as soon as that rumor came out I sold it yeah I just think it’s one that is probably buried in the runs and we don’t look quite possibly I mean maybe people trying to prepare I mean even though we talk about like you know the movie spec stuff being on the debtor side like maybe somebody who’s preparing for the king Conan that’s been rumored for the last like 10 years um that’s finally starting to get some traction again because Schwarzenegger’s doing trash movies um I mean we saw the same thing happen before the the last Dune movie release all of those um those student adaptations started jumping up in value in nine eight there’s a new stand too yeah [Music] well now everybody’s gonna be looking Carter’s gonna have six copies by tomorrow I’m gonna look at his bed and stuff during uh it’s like oh my god oh that’s funny doctor was saying this isn’t an easy would be cool well there you go Joe six dollars hey six dollars let’s go do you know you’re saying people listen to me this is probably the one book people actually listen to me on until you know for almost 500.

No the third printing the third print is a [ __ ] I see their last I looked there were no nine eights I won’t swear one hasn’t popped up yet but uh this people people are still finding this book I saw on one of the maybe Chris members on the I mean as a combo group or one of the Facebook groups we’re on he had a collection the crow was in there he’s like oh should I get this graded so people are still finding raw you know stuff in their collection crows you know uh they they live in odd people’s homes because it was a subgroup that was collecting these they’re not usually the Marvel heads so um but yeah this I it’s probably a little higher than I would have expected but I’m glad people are paying attention I I know a 9-4 sold for less than this not too long ago so well I mean aren’t we still supposed to I mean I know the memorial one died but aren’t we getting the one with the Skarsgard brother um supposed to still be happening in the the profile I think I read it’s filmed and in like post-production but kind of living in limbo without a distributor which probably is a terrible sign which means some streaming services will pick it up eventually I mean I read something and I was like oh it’s already shot so I I don’t have a high hope at this point it’ll be it’ll so what I heard back in April it’ll be released in the first month of 24 whatever that means I I read an article and it just didn’t make me feel good well so you’ll surprisingly see it on like Netflix one day and then yeah it’ll be like the chosen just show up yeah yeah uh what’s this one oh I man people are still in hard and heavy on Star Wars though this is Common Man Andy oh wow I mean people are not dropping the modern Star Wars spec well I mean you know Andy he play paved quite a bit more than this I know and then but I mean this book is always like whenever that rumor started like this book was always around that thousand dollar Mark I know and I just don’t well even if it does is it gonna change the world there’s so much Star Wars out there now well but I mean it’s I mean Ahsoka comes out what tomorrow yeah yeah no no Tuesday now yeah Tuesday now and it’s Tuesday and it’s like 6 p.m um Pacific yep so that you don’t have to so those folk turns away to midnight anymore it’s like Mandalorian is it by episode or the whole thing they’re doing two episodes on the premiere okay okay people are still hoping they’re banking I mean this is such a beloved character that they’re hoping that she’ll finally get you know her her drawn moment um and I can see it happening in Ahsoka or something after a circle I just see it happening in Timeline wise it makes sense for it to happen in Ahsoka um is she a beloved character or is it a character that people want to be big because they have money in it no I see actually from comic book Star Wars comic readers I mean like the character wouldn’t have got as long I mean she had a pretty long running series um right and that doesn’t happen during the days that it happened and unless people gave a [ __ ] about her there were other characters got introduced like that people could give two shits about during that time period yeah she she she had her fans as far as people who were reading you know Star Wars Marvel during that time yeah I mean even if you read it now it’s a decent read like yeah I’m rereading it right now and it’s I’m still enjoying it okay um this is another one that surprises me I I guess if you collect spawn Malibu Sun 13 and this is just as likely I I just um I don’t know it is Malibu Sun that rare and then if so then what about characters that are more popular that appear there first you know should they be more valuable I I’ve just spent some time thinking about that because there’s a lot of characters that appear first in Malibu Sun and why is it only the ones who are obscure on their next book that are valuable they definitely I mean it could be my buddy my buddy’s got a lady death on the on his back it’s sick so John to answer your question I think honestly it’s it’s the it’s the Rarity game um so if if you were already obscure to begin with in your first appearance you’re you’re even more obscure true first appearance is just like people are just wanting that completionist type of thing I mean the same thing happens with um with or happen with uh Hellboy for the longest like with all of those like even more obscure with uh with bone and those obscure rep you know like you know college you know paper prints of a bone like it’s just that it’s that completionist it’s like to be able to say I have the most rare example I mean as a car guy as a sneaker head it happens in both of those worlds it’s like well I’ve got you know there was only a thousand of these you know made in this year in that color with those options like you know the true the true Fanboys of whatever that thing is will really try to like one-up each other when it comes to obscurity of a of a whatever it may be in comics are no different so yeah I guess I was just like what are some other things that appear there that you know their first appearance is not rare and isn’t valuable but there’s some hardcore fans that maybe would be into it I don’t know it’s probably just a run worth dwelling back into I guess in my head yeah you if you come across it out in the wild for some some sort of snatch it up because yeah there’s definitely somebody who will pay you for it yeah um a spawn caught my interest I always liked this one gorgeous cover yeah I mean I did I do not think this one will ever not sell I think he’d probably do really well with it next month but you know uh this book feels dead as a doornail because this is a nice-ish copy that you know would have been 750 last year two years ago um now this book I no not this one I’m gonna skip that one it just doesn’t be amazed this one’s like [ __ ] if it truly is very fine for 300 bucks that’s a tough ass book and again one of those characters that lives in James Gunn’s head I think mm-hmm so uh I hope it is a very fine and uh somebody I think probably got a great deal are you sure they’re not trying to say it’s a fine very fine yeah probably but either way that’s a tough book I mean I just don’t see many in any kind of shape that’s not [ __ ] yeah they just are tough uh let’s see first time I’ve seen one of these in a very long time a page of whiz 2.

pretty cheap not the best page though so dang I guess I’d like to see the I guess I’d like to see the back I didn’t get into that um nice Monero cover that continues to sell pretty damn well way better than the uh Spider Woman covered I agree I like this one more I had a copy of this at one point a nine eight I mean I sold it long ago but I did actually put one in my collection for a little bit and he doesn’t make my collection often and then Zelda seems to be picking up steam again these were down a bit and now they’re back moving yeah another thing we talked about Mario Zelda’s right up there [ __ ] yeah every game every generation I thought they were because of the success of Mario they’re gonna do is Zelda I mean oh yeah yeah so Donkey Kong did his own thing I think there was mention of a Legend of Zelda team finally happening um yeah so Nintendo’s like oh we are going to capitalize on like this new set this newfound film success and running into the ground potentially yeah I hope they make a link Zelda joke Maybe video game movies are the next 15 years guys yeah yeah I won’t mind it you guys finished Twisted Metal yet or no I did I watched on the first weekend I got to the first episode and I just need to sign up for Paramount plus to for for peacock to finish watching the rest of it I stole my cousin’s account I I thought it was enjoyable I mean I I it was it gave me enough like when I got done I’m like man I’d like to play that game right now thank you I mean it’s one of the times where Anthony Mackey I mean I’m a firm believer that Anthony Mackey doesn’t act Anthony Maggie just plays Anthony Mackey and so it either works really well for the character he’s playing or it doesn’t work at all and I think for this character and the John Doe character it definitely works so what when can we do talk about spoiler Z for this for what Earth’s Twisted Metal I don’t know whenever because most people probably don’t have peacocks yeah yeah right now I don’t know okay no no okay let’s talk about let’s talk about let’s talk about what happens at the end I guess um uh I think for the so it’s no no no um surprise that they’re gonna have a season two obviously uh uh I think that’s gonna be just a good a season one based on what they’re doing in season two are going to do in season two I guess I don’t know I I for characters that didn’t exist that were just cars I thought they did a good job making you have characters you care about and giving you a story that could actually go on correct correct it created some kind of world that you know felt Living Dead without zombies you know or Walking Dead without zombies right and drama where it wasn’t over the top crazy stuff I mean it was crazy because it was in a setting it wasn’t crazy but not over the top where it was camping and like oh my God this is this takes you out of it yes or fast forwarding it through do those video games actually have like story lines to them they do yes okay yep all drivers have their own story sweet tooth is that a story arc through all the all the games like he’s like the one unifying force him in the in the main villain are like the unifying force between all of those Twisted Metal games this is oh boy oh boy we had a hot take planning on watching Gran Turismo let me know how that [ __ ] hole movie is going to be I’m watching that one when it gets to uh DVD home yeah no I or maybe it’s good I you know I hate the [ __ ] on it but it doesn’t like you no I think this will not be the those will not be the positive trend those will probably be more in line with the history of what video game movies have been and I mean there are ones where I really hope they were going to be good like the new movie yeah Doom Need for Speed um I mean a career making shitty German video game movies um um yeah yeah like uh everything he takes is trashy well they’re probably trying to get into some of that one money because like those people just want money so F1 yeah F1 is like the number one Netflix show everyone’s tuning into F1 races now it’s like everyone loves F1 it’s interesting I I mean they don’t have a lot of money into Gran Turismo it’s a racing movie yeah I I mean I I just it’s not it’s also not like a game that is everybody’s favorite game there is a group of people that loved it but it wasn’t like it’s not a touchstone game yeah it’s uh it’s fast and furious but number one yeah it’s like it’s like I bought the PlayStation whatever because with Gran Turismo because everyone else was sold out of the other ones yeah yeah I mean call me when there’s a Red Dead movie and then probably oh boy every end yeah so you got to wait like 15 years before they get to westerns again yeah uh I don’t have oh um I guess I didn’t show it on Carter uh it’s been bagged I’m gonna keep this forever um I’ll open it up right now um so I bought this uh not on on the website I’ll show my little pickup and then that’s all I have really um and Carter’s not here I feel bad me and Carter went SummerSlam I bought something not at the merch station so they couldn’t get there but I bought a SummerSlam 23 Detroit shirt nice oh nice yeah are you gonna wear that under the jacket uh on Saturday I might actually bring the cream of the crop shirt I think wow nice I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know do I bring the jacket just a little too much I don’t know you gotta get the jacket up at least so people can get photos so yeah I mean Carter Palm in comics you know you know your pick up and then there’s like a red jacket like I’ll bring the chain too yeah you might need to just let people wear it for oh yeah discharge for people five bucks to like take a picture of it we’re gonna have a CEO uh cosplay uh event epic now everyone kind of person the uh the uh CEO CEO contest or cosplay contest the Northern Ohio Southern Michigan Goodwills are getting a run out of red jackets as well oh boy oh boy people are gonna start robbing like real estate places for the red trash I hope not um that’s the only thing I got pickups like I’d say I’m waiting on waiting on so I bought like I guess I’ll talk to you about it I bought a I bought a Captain America um was it 14 I think that what it was variant um you got it for cheap um and his descendant shipped yet in like 10 days so and then the guy goes I’m out of town so that kind of sucked up a bastard am I great perfect um whatever um oh I was shown that off I thought it was going to be here right now but uh anybody else got hiccups anybody else almost bought some OA tonight on comic link but I I withheld the last minute stuff does that count no no no no I guess let’s talk about it you went back to whatnot uh yeah yeah so I hadn’t been on what not in like eight months and I was like yeah I don’t care yeah how was your audience how many people um it peaked out at like 25 or something like that huh what’d you used to get about the same I’m going to be a complete like like you know is it down in general do you go I mean like like I mean overall like things averaged out to like to be profitable like is it is it is our views across down at your app like do you like buy things I I honestly I don’t even shop on there so I don’t know I haven’t been on in like eight months like to be honest even even if I am on there I’m not there to shop for Comics to be completely honest like I’m a card guy aren’t you I’d rather just sit there and like go into a card break or whatever just because like yeah yeah I and I did like I bought the Mets in a um in a uh in a in a two box uh Chrome jumbo so I hit a uh for like 40 bucks to you know which is not bad I ended up hitting a uh singer Rookie Blue Wave auto uh which is like a 200 card yeah those Asian pictures you know if you can’t you can’t the you can’t stop them and and uh [ __ ] I gotta be for Chris about our little uh raffle today but he killing me Chris okay do you spot her again God damn it uh do I have any other pickups uh oh shout out to Big Lake because I don’t know if I showed this on here but he told me about the the cards with the uh from yesterday’s uh this was a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive uh apparently you had to order it online and then pick it up at the Kong oh wow yeah and then so I sent Laura from Bird City to like uh pick me up one and then she she tried every day and then they were like yeah come back tomorrow come back tomorrow and then on the final day they’re like oh you had to pre-order it and then they sold all their leftovers online after the con like a week after but uh you know it’s limited to 350 hand number did you buy the app that I got I did buy it afterwards for 40 bucks so yeah but it comes with a t-shirt too as well and I I’ve been needing a Misfits shirt for a while so yeah and then uh oh yeah last pickup House of Stein sticker out of 50 out of 50 autographed I’m pretty sure that’s a jersey match I’m just joking are you going are you sitting at the PSA I’m hoping for that 11.

You know but yeah that’s what you got man you got anything crazy uh nothing crazy but um yeah so won a couple a couple razzies that should be in in the next week or so so yeah I decided I decided to do um some of the JSI Campbell so I did one of his like up his stuff mystery box and then one of other artists so he was so to explain this basically since he’s doing a bunch of uh covers for Marvel really only Marvel I don’t think I’ve ever seen but he’s got some DC stuff every once in a blue moon um is that he still also gets the 1 in 25s the one in two hundreds the one at 100s the one at 500s even if they’re not his covers he gets those because his store is printing a thousand you know of ASM 2 or whatever so basically don’t they’ll do an unload every now and again where they’ll do mystery boxes with both his [ __ ] and whatever the ratios that he got so in one of the boxes I had you know one of those guys and I haven’t posted these yet but um the science stuff went up immediately um again just you know oh that’s like a one in 200 or one in 500 or something like that yeah JC one yeah so those guys yeah how much how much does the Box cost um I don’t remember I think we I didn’t take the website real fast or somebody can pull on your website um again one of these houses in the Box signed it’s already gone up um yep so uh let’s see what else so that’s already up on eBay so if anybody wants it fair game that started at 19 bucks uh also started at 19 bucks another I think it’s X-Men Legends hits one e-cover uh-oh um X-Men is one F cover signed also black cat number one seat cover signed as well and then we have the amazing Mary Jane um the 90s cover apparently this was one that people really wanted um and then some of the other stuff that was in there we have that weren’t his books were X-Men Legends one in 25 his 1 in 200 um I don’t think this is anything special but it’s still you know yeah I think that’s still like a 150.

yeah and then this was a um 1 in 25 Harley Quinn anniversary number one so yes I mean it was worthwhile stuff and I mean it’s uh it’s sold out doesn’t give me a price I feel like you probably got your money’s worth yeah I think those were only like 60 bucks yeah oh no for 60 bucks yeah that’s a steal thirty dollar value for Comic oh 87.50 here’s a 87.50 JSC still not bad yeah so you can still get his mystery box for yeah but the other one was actually the one to get honestly I wish I bought two or three more of the yeah they were the ratio ones the random ratio so you never know yeah but they’re always the thing about it they’re guaranteed to be they’re guaranteed to be ratios because if you print like if you’re doing a thousand of your cover anything that’s not your cover is guaranteed to be the one in 25 the 150 to 100 500 so on so forth yeah see like they’re advertising that one in 500 Rose bash the one in what 100 Archer or is that more 200 whatever same difference yeah so I mean so yeah actually in hindsight I wish I had bought more of like the various artist Mystery Box because again those were all guaranteed to just be a bunch of ratio variants that were just [ __ ] that you know yeah because I mean what else is he gonna do with this in all honesty yeah I mean this is this you know yeah so they do sell or he will sell them through his site like you know so his non-ratio variance do get posted yeah there you go so that is the right that’s the regular cover I think yeah because that’s got the Marvel signal on it so if you zoom back in you’ll see that the only difference between these two guys is at the very top you’ve got a classic Marvel logo on this on the one to 200 and then the the regular one had the regular Marvel logo so somebody probably got one of these didn’t realize that it was special and probably through that [ __ ] up for like 99 on eBay and didn’t realize they just let a one in 200 go for no money whatsoever foreign no he’s doing it right he’s giving back he’s supporting other artists too and their their work you know I mean he’s shipping really well obviously you know he always does that really well so at least at least he’s doing it right man right and I don’t think we’ve [ __ ] on him he’s a smart business guy no no I’m just saying like we’re talking about how much [ __ ] he puts out you know he’s not he’s not creative on his art per se at this point but the man figured out the game before everybody else correct scroll back down to the bottom again what is that amazing uh Mary Jane cover I just held up what is it he’s selling it for is it too fast oh [ __ ] he’s on it for 52 bucks so yes it’s it’s 19.99 on my on my eBay right now we’ll grab yeah there’s a bite now or is it auction uh I think that was a bite now oh wow yeah so I mean you know this thing’s I got that book still I got that in the uh in my box I just saw it I bought it when it was like first came out not not signed though they’re gonna snag up your Polaris cover in a second okay there we go with Stacy number one JSC retail 15 bucks okay so I’ll post it for a 99 cent auction let it rip see what happens I mean anything on diamond like uh or Dynamite like it really truly might as well be a one in one thousand because nobody nobody which exception of the Gargoyles like everybody bought the show that gargoyle’s number one so you you can buy one at five hundreds all day long of that book yeah I have like a 1 in 15 Red Sonja Jenny fresn cover and honestly it’s got the Taylor Swift face a little bit already oh boy are we sure that Taylor Swift is not Jason Bill’s model it’s his wife yeah yeah I have I was just joking around which one though yeah you decide to come let me know it’s good for him like I mean I get it I I totally get it I’m not [ __ ] on them I figured out this [ __ ] game a long time ago he’s been doing it really well he packages well remember he’s a member of the uh like the cbsi Facebook TV Post in there all the time he figured it out he did it right he doesn’t like half-ass it and he doesn’t even have to be an artist alley like have you seen his Booth yeah I mean he’s I guess he would call him not maybe an artist in in some level but like Neil Adams big right he’s uh he wasn’t an artist alley he had a four square and like he didn’t give a [ __ ] yeah I mean he’s a he’s a retailer artist at this point yeah yeah I mean the [ __ ] fails I mean like you know we keep saying we make these jokes and stuff like that but every single San Diego Comic-Con there is a secret version of whatever [ __ ] book and that [ __ ] is gone I mean this year it was the it was the Mary Jane Gwen Stacy uh Felicia Hardy cover um the chibi cover yeah the chibi face cover that he did and I mean I think I sent one off the cgc and it came back uh a 9-8 and that [ __ ] sold for I think 200 so yeah it would just mess around oh dang yep reigning three seen his daughter that’s cool so yeah I mean I’m not even a hating the guy I mean like Jimmy I his books you can you can take straight from his booth and put them in a cgc box and them shits were gonna be nine eights yeah well I mean y’all have the number one J Scott Campbell fan on every so often anyways uh Joe redhead oh boy dude he has like that dude has like at least like three long boxes and like five short boxes of J Scott Campbell books if I wish I would have came to Heroes count back in like 20 2018 when we had the Forgotten five cameras I had a long box of J Scott Campbell and no one gave a [ __ ] all right um yeah um what else uh yeah so Flipside Comic Con Saturday uh are you excited um I’m I’m reserved I’m uh more I’m not murderous not nervous about bending or the vendors I’m more worried about hopefully there’s a decent crowd I just want to keep decently um that’s what I wanted to worry about like for me it’s just I just show up and be the man now uh uh I helped Carter build a wall uh I gotta set the thing up which is just bringing out tables no big deal um we should have a lot of space they shouldn’t be an issue hopefully um and that’s it man I mean I just come out hang out good time and like you know drink some beers yeah a couple beers hang out like you know it is man it’s a good way to close out the summer you know yeah right yeah yeah school right around the corner all that like yeah yeah I just want to have a flip side Meetup or old CBS IG plus me whatever you want to call it you know what I’m saying just not Baltimore or you know something like that just something like you know where it’s centrally located and we don’t have you know Jazzy doesn’t have to run to a strip club and walk home and you know yeah I don’t think I’m gonna get mugged every minute correct uh yeah so I think I think if we can do this it’s I think I don’t know Chris do you think GTW is more accessible than Baltimore I guess I don’t know honestly yeah because um I mean it’s still a major airport and where you’re located at it’s not gonna you’re not gonna break people that have to just if they decide to Uber out from the airport yeah or or if you could say like Auburn Hills you can stay somewhere closer you know not like you don’t stay in Milford you can say like around Milford and it’s like I mean should you just stay in Detroit yeah if you want yeah if you wanted to yeah 30 minutes ain’t that far at least for us Southern folks it takes 30 minutes to get anywhere in Atlanta so yeah so awesome 30 minutes to get anywhere in Texas oh boy well it’s because it’s God’s country that’s that’s your mailbox yeah yeah you know that’s only about half a mile away well it’s because everybody drives three miles an hour so uh [ __ ] have you been to Houston Why would the San Antonio and like nobody knew everyone was driving like 10 miles like what’s going on because no one knows how the drive-in stands what’s that yeah Dallas you have a F-450 barreling down you had a buck 10 on the highway I uh I just thought I just I just think that flip side so I was just kind of going back to the channel but yeah it’s basically yeah bags boards and beers yeah you know it’s just like you know beers and backwards yeah so yeah just hang out um hopefully you know I could do two a year hopefully uh like you said like I said April maybe August September April May just depending you know ramping it up closing it down kind of like a kind of like a pool uh so cool uh all right uh Tuesday We’re not gonna do Tuesday show because I actually gotta work at the bar um at night so we might do it Wednesday I was talking to Carter Wednesday is good for Carter I don’t know if you want to show up on Wednesday you know you have a very uh exclusive life with all these podcasts I Wednesday I’m on a Beyond Wednesdays so oh that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] no you tell Brian what’s up um I’m trying to make it on Brian show I just got to do it a day where it all Wednesdays or Saturdays maybe I’ll come on Saturday yeah join us on Modern comic man oh boy it gets crazy on that show I know it’s gonna be insane uh okay so uh with everybody I appreciate it uh come support me yada yada yada all that good stuff I sign up for the dirty flippers uh that’s it and we’ll talk to everybody later I appreciate it um and I’ll I’ll definitely have stories on Monday so all right guys we’ll talk to you later uh deuces

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