Flipside Tuesdays | Mercenaut and CEO | Market Stalker

all right everybody we’re live this is uh I I I I digress and say that we uh we missed Monday show a lot of people couldn’t show up so we kind of cancel it but we are doing the Iron Man Show versus episode three week three uh I guess we flip side Tuesdays aka the uh restaurant your local neighborhood that’s what it’s probably called Flipside Tuesdays you just go there and you order like a beef sandwich or something uh cheers man we got [ __ ] cheers I know cheers where’s the Cheers Bar uh we’re bringing it back we gotta let’s go this way we got Mr Longshore in the in the building uh this is circuit like 2019 I feel great about this people are coming back I love this stuff uh uh I’ll say a reunion show um so with all that let’s do the intro and then we’ll get into it let’s go let’s look at this Carter look at this you’ll love this thank you [Music] I got the sum yeah well two weeks in a row I hit the thing and the sound wasn’t playing so I got the sound effects you did it right yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to make big things happen here look at these guys oh yeah yeah what’s up we’re just hanging out we’re just doing things um so yeah so what we do is just something people don’t know um we can’t we we kind of truncated this and said this is a common man show um we just talk about books that are um maybe used to be hot maybe still hot maybe lost his luster we talk about some news Abbott it’s a little short and that’s about it then we just kind of sidebar and talk about crap maybe pick up I got I have one pickup over here took it off the wall uh thought that book that was on the walls um so without further ado let’s do this uh you put this secret Invasion director admits he does not care about series poor fan reception is our job to fulfill their expectations or tell a story that we’re telling yes okay um so we have the secret Invasion director he kind of I guess doubled down on the negative reception and you can say I tell you what Ben you watch the series right yeah I watched it too nope okay all right so both of you watched it so uh what’s your impression of the series so listen there was a lot of hate early on I didn’t mind the spycraft stuff I thought it was building towards something bigger at the end I was kind of like waiting for it for the payoff and when it didn’t show up I’m like what the [ __ ] was the point of this show like I like watching Samuel L Jackson right Ben mendelsohn like you know they had some good actors I just thought it was going somewhere and then the end was like all right what was the point of all of this like there was quite generally no point and I’ve been more positive than most on the Disney plus series a lot of them I thought were great I thought Loki was great at the one division was great I thought Hawkeye was great I really like Moon Knight even though it wasn’t perfect like I am not the hater but this one like I was like all right I’m gonna give it the entire run and then when it came to the last episode it was like 35 minutes and I’m like well what the [ __ ] are what was the point of all of this like I didn’t feel like I did a damn thing for anything so I don’t know man you know I don’t know if Disney’s ego’s gotten too big they don’t give a [ __ ] about fans you know I read a similar thing when She-Hulk came out I wasn’t the big hater on She-Hulk there were some really good moments there were some really bad moments when they came out and they said we did just to piss off a subset of our fan base I’m like what’s the point of this like what are you guys hoping to accomplish by intentionally coming out trying to piss people off so I don’t I think Marvel maybe have lost their Direction a little bit um but um yeah I I’m not going to come out and slam it but I just don’t understand what they were trying to do with secret of Asia when it was all said and done and maybe it went over my head I mean I I’m usually pretty pretty perceptive about these things but I watched it you know I defended it to my kids whoever’s watching with me like give it time give it time give it time when the goddamn thing never delivered it was like God damn it like it was like it was like um the Great Pumpkin with uh Lucy and [ __ ] Linus the goddamn gray pumpkin ever showed up that’s what I thought about before Sports I uh I watched it it was um I like the Cheeto and Jackson Dynamic I thought that was really interesting it kind of reminded me of uh like heat kind of with the Nero and uh Pacino back in the day right um but for me like same thing like I heard Rumblings on the internet that they should have just been called Fury and they would have made secret Invasion a movie and like you know done it maybe that way I don’t know if that would have been better or not um like you said I was the same way like I I hate to say I don’t really care about the love story in it like you know okay so spoiler spoiler [ __ ] nobody’s watching this for a romance yeah I mean like nobody was watching the show for that like yeah I mean you’re not the only one like great I’m glad Fury’s got a wife I think it’s great it’s a great subplot but like if that’s the whole payoff come on man give me a break like who’s gonna tune in for that and the same thing like I watched Miss Marvel for those first couple episodes it just didn’t connect with me I’m a young kid I could care less about the whole kid Dynamic you know and like team drama kind of stuff and just I I don’t know it’s like you said it’s like it’s so hard to like especially when you have a subset of different styles of you know secret Invasion and all these other Comics that tie in and stuff like that it’s so hard to grasp everything over 10 episodes I get that too you know I don’t want to defend them to the 10th degree but it’s like look at well Loki season two live up the Loki season one like I mean you know that’s that’s I’m I’m going heavy on that one I think there’s a lot to work with there like that I thought that trailer was really quite good the original series was awesome like I I’m I’m hoping they don’t [ __ ] up Loki hopefully the right creative Department with it um you know Miss Marvel you mentioned you know like watched it all the way through I actually thought that was pretty good now I get it was targeting a totally different demographic than we are but I watched the whole thing and I thought that that delivered but for whatever it’s like I didn’t think that was terrible I know people come out and they’ll be pissed off about it but I honestly didn’t think that that missed the Mark at all I thought yeah I only want to like episode three or four and I just I was like really written for Our Generation but I watched the whole thing and I thought it was decent I think the girl playing Miss Marvel like she’s a wicked Marvel nerd uh what’s her name Aman villani or something like that like I thought she was good um but this this one like I love Samuel Jackson I think he’s the one of the greatest actors of Our Generation like Bar None and just like I don’t know for me like he just didn’t do anything with him like I was hoping it would deliver but just never it never uh it never closed the deal for me um so speaking of a show that actually did pretty well I watched Twisted Metal over the weekend the whole the whole season on peacock uh I don’t want to based on the video game Twisted Metal yeah yep yep no [ __ ] I didn’t even know they made that yeah it’s with Falcon right yeah with Falcon yep yeah oh man I have to change it so Anthony Mackey’s in it some I don’t the girl some girls in it I haven’t seen her too much uh Samoa Joe from wrestling is in it he plays Sweet Tooth which is dope that video game cost me a whole point of my GPA in college though I’m sure so it’s like I would I would equate it to Deadpool but a season of Deadpool it’s like it’s like our generation demographics like 90s music 90s stuff just like cool stuff like that back in the day but honestly dude I did not even hear about that it’s on peacock you said peacock yep all right all episodes I think there’s 10 episodes I believe I’m gonna watch it yeah it’s dope I wouldn’t watch it with the kiddos no that’s all right yeah it’s uh I didn’t know either somebody I can’t remember right I think I saw an ad on somewhere I was like oh Twisted Metal I didn’t even know it was like this weekend I just saw it randomly I’m like oh let’s give it a shot and see how this is um uh I put this in here I don’t know how much spoiler this is but this is X-Men 97 news I didn’t put the rumors in the plot and everything but I just kind of put a cast of people that we kind of decided that uh should be on and maybe on it so X-Men 97 is a cartoon I think it’s gonna come out obviously with episodes on Disney plus uh so Ray Chase and cyclops will bring you got storm Jean Gray so it’s basically like X-Men you know when we when I grew up right next They’re bringing back like half of the original voice actors for this thing it looks like yeah so hopefully their voices haven’t changed that much listen I think if they lean into Nostalgia for that thing and just give fans what they want I think that’ll be a success like if they don’t try to get you know too far out there with that I think that’ll that’ll deliver um as the young kids say they got to use that Banger theme song or yeah man if they walk away from that I mean what the [ __ ] right I mean it’s like crazy so so uh I didn’t put the plots in the bottom I didn’t want to like spoil it for people or like people like just want to watch it so I didn’t kind of do that but do they have a release date for that yet is that like uh set in stone when that thing is coming up I can look at it um I thought it was everything seems to be getting pushed back but it was the fall of 23 it does not have a firm date they say may slip in the 2024 maybe but it was around July 7th they were saying in Fall of 2023 now I don’t know how that works with voice actors and I’m not the smartest guy when it comes to strike and all that stuff I think they’re all held to the same standard if this is done my guess is they push it to 2024 because 2024 is going to be light on content probably so xb97 nervous about this project after seeing sdcc interviews uh needs to developed for a younger fan base I should not be a show about 40 for 40 year old males I get that but like you said I think we should lean into Nostalgia of some things I’m not saying it needs to be a copycat yeah but if you’re going to go into this if you’re going to create X-Men 97 I’m just being honest with the hope of pulling in new viewers you’re probably gonna fail like I don’t think people are just going to jump on this show for the hell of it out of nowhere right I mean I think you got to play to the existing fan base and there were a lot of us like I will watch that show if it’s done well I’ll watch every damn episode of it um but if you’re gonna say you know we’re gonna go pull in the 14 15 16 year olds good luck man man that’s just that’s a tougher game to play like being having it being based on the original show like who’s going to give a [ __ ] I mean I think the only people are going to care about the show are people who watch the original one um I don’t know that’s my two cents on it but it was funny it was funny when I was younger it was like our you know girls had soap operas we had X-Men advice oh my god did you Wolverine the Jean Gray and cyclops crazy yeah the love triangle man that was that was that was big stuff for us at that age man yeah I wanted to uh X-Men series is still watchable today even in my older it’s not bad it’s really I mean you know I mean so I started when it hit Disney plus when Disney plus first came out I started watching it with my middle son who’s really into all this Marvel stuff and he liked it I mean he he definitely got on board with it so it it it still you know it’s it’s still hit uh even you know many years later so he he loved it I wonder if you could do a um like could you get could you get X-Men 97 cast voice cast a sign a book that has every character you know I wonder maximum 97 on the comic that I have like you know another thing that have to do some comic for it um would be a missed opportunity um but uh yeah the voice actors I don’t know who would pay for that or not to be honest with you man like I guess some I guess some of us from this generation might might drop money off I mean if it wasn’t like you know crazy in my main honest and somebody’s asking five grand or something and if you had them all at the same con like at one table you could go down the line and get it all signed I mean it might be a bad idea things to think about I’d be looking for demographics switches shifts it needs to be catchy for younger people who are not readers or consumers of comic books [Music] yeah I mean I I get what you’re saying I get what you’re saying but it’s a tricky balance to strike right because it because if you come out and alienate the original fans of the show um the whole thing is almost destined to fail right well yeah let’s talk about that too it’s like and we’re wrong there’s gonna be haters we know how the internet is nowadays I mean anything could be great some haters here come out it would work you said if you get an initial as Mel B used to call Hater wave you know of people you know and that’s a good song but you know TV show I think it’s happening yeah I mean what was supposed to see how that one plays out I mean I I think their intention of that was really to play up to the existing fan base rather than drawing new fans um but we’ll see we’ll see you never know I mean if anything if it does hit it does draw new fans that go watch the original shows and that would be great but I my expectation is is that it’s going to be guys our age who are going to be you know curious about that one let’s be honest how many people I mean at least meetings I have a young child now it’s like Disney plus is just for him right I mean most people aren’t watching every show that comes out and stuff like that so like you said at least this is something for when the kid goes to sleep or you know something like that we can just crush them you know we have some down time yeah yeah so we’ll see we’ll see I hope I I hope it’s done well I’m looking forward to it um that’s that’s really all the news I have I mean we could talk about other things but I really don’t put that on there that’s okay um so this is this is Carter’s segment this was all 800 slides so I hope people are gonna people are gonna take screenshots or stop the video and to scan through it uh this is his time to do it uh yeah I don’t so just so you know you’ve been I do it in alphabetical order that’s only there is no real order beside this as an alphabetical kind of my title or whatever I abbreviate on so uh Carter to you let’s go baby all right so we have Amazing Spider-Man at 10 volume whatever so first appearance is spider Punk uh 43 dollars after three bids still going strong that’s not bad I mean obviously it sold for a lot more at one point but that’s not terrible right I mean what do you what do you remember this book selling for and I didn’t want to say hit 75 bucks at it and speak at least and I will say I will say it says VF near men so it’s not like it’s a you know 98 cgc look integrated but that pink was well before the recent movie I mean the speculation on this goes back a little ways I mean probably back to all the books going crazy in the 2021 time period but I want to say it was a 75 dollar Raw this book we all remember this book all new Marvel one nine eight still going strong I think right 428 I mean it’s not like it’s dropped to 100 bucks I mean I forget where this one was peaking the [ __ ] second print was a two grand book three grand book um these are these are tough books I don’t know what it was of the paper on these but it picked up spine ticks these were for easy on these we’re using Five Below packs too I think at one point yes they were the the book the second prints were in Five Below so yeah 100 um but this paper on both of them this one and the second print it picked up spine ticks like if you looked at it the wrong way so I want to say I haven’t looked at the sentence on this book for a while but there were far fewer nine eights than you would expect for a modern book I’ll tell you here’s the craziness 21 which is kind of we I kind of take that into covet era but it was a thousand dollars in 2020 and went to two red and 21 22 went to 1300 so uh highs of this year were 575 and we were at 385 425 kind of so what a [ __ ] round trip on that one what was the peak of the second print I remember three grand clearly but if this thing hit close that that second print must have been six or six grand so so no no no no no no no uh 20 was 1600 1700 we’ll call it 21 was 3500 35 okay yeah 22 was 2500 and it dropped back down to seven thirty five grand is kind of what I remember the second print faking out at um okay so I’m looking at the uh eBay archive site and you have uh and it only goes back to 2020 and uh I’m seeing uh three grand for a nine eight oh is this one as far as the uh second print the second oh yeah yeah that was that was uh let me look there were six sales in 21.

There was only one there was 27.50 a couple times and then one in April of 34.99 yeah I know that’s I mean I’ve got a nine six in that second print it was the best I could do yeah and even that at one point was probably a 1200 book at this peak I remember I remember thinking so uh those days are long gone obviously but I mean I didn’t obviously pay anything remotely close to that number I probably paid 100 bucks for it um but um but yeah listen I wouldn’t listen there’s a lot of hate in the in the in the community right now I would not necessarily like hate on this book like I think Miss Marvel’s a pretty cool character Marvel like anything else is figuring out what to do or they’re making her mutant I’m not sure that’s the right idea or not but um but I wouldn’t necessarily close my eyes on this the spec is cyclical as we all know like the heat will come back around on this one at some point I’m pretty sure but again she’s not like one of these modern characters that are super annoying like I get those characters and like I wouldn’t put her in that category I got action comic 60.

oh yeah yeah yeah just uh throw some golden age flavor in there nothing really to say about it it’s just something with the number of bids on it it just seems like something that people wanted and yeah for me it’s I don’t collect a lot of gold days Superman reaction it’s just the Market’s not there for me it’s like you know there’s one room there’s one guy in the room who wants that book opposed the Batman or Tech comics and stuff like that it’s just right you know it’s like how many people are gonna come to you at a convo yo man you got action comment 60. like you old dudes out here it was kind of that’s about it you know maybe that guy with the paper yeah that old guy that old guy with the papers like Martin checking issues yeah I always you want to tell when people come to my booth back in the day I thought hey can I see your list man and people are like oh yeah but yo let’s see and then I can just tell right away it’s like timely in Golden Age Comics I’m like that’s not me bro right um another this is I’ve been wanting this book for a long time um just because it’s a classic cover it’s purple it’s hard to find high grade obviously this looks really high grade I can just download I can’t tell but I that that looks really high grade yeah so actually Comics 242 obviously the first Brainiac and the purple cover it just gets dinged up on the spines it gets smashed and the ghetto that’s a very solid copy yeah for four grand I mean that’s I don’t even want to guess that I don’t see the other photos but if I just take a look at that right now I mean it’s probably like it doesn’t even have that many spine ticks it doesn’t even look like it looks like a nine I mean it’s not crazy it looks but even though he says at the BF range I mean it looks really really good you think somebody might have gotten a nice deal on that um it’s been all over the place um so if he says so what is he gonna call it a seven is that what you really call it roughly yeah I wish on uh GPA you just go to I know you really can’t go for an issue they’re typing in the game um a seven wow yeah he got a hell of a deal if it comes out to be a seven I mean hell guys even if he came out to a six he would he would be making money a last six sold for February for 9 346 holy [ __ ] um February 2022 or 23 23.

Wow and then a seven-hour sold for back on September 22 for 9900 but that’s down from like 12 Grand so I mean I mean again that’s and I get nervous and we always talk about this with just any kind of high high-value books like this is huge on restoration you know restoration color touch all that [ __ ] that you can’t see you know Yeah well yeah I mean assuming that all that he might have got an easy double there we’ll see yeah yeah for sure uh another cool book Amazing Spider-Man 20 out of 7-0 I have that I have this book I believe it’s either a 7-0 or a 7.5 I can’t remember seems low for this book in a 7.5 first scorpion only 1300 bucks yeah that seems like this should be like I don’t know at least around hovering around an uh 2G book that to me scorpion yeah man I would in that in 7-0 um um 20 right number 20. yeah okay um it’s down if you can believe that uh way back in 2022 with a 1600 book we’re gonna lose their minds uh I’m sold for this year something sold for 18.85 way back in the day Jesus March and it just dropped like a rock and pop up around 900 000 bucks wow that’s like six sales so this guy kind of I wouldn’t say overpaid but it you know uh two days ago they said one sold for 9.50 so ish Jesus yeah it’s a one bitter yeah we know somebody maybe really wanted it I guess uh back 29 early early Batman why not 6-0 for a thousand bucks I mean I take it if I had an extra thousand bucks laying around I mean yeah I mean that’s that seems cheap man I mean who doesn’t want a bike like that you know right well and the thing too is that a lot of Batman it’s like it’s like Captain America Bucky kind of Hershey cover has some covers I don’t I know Carter loves Bucky but Robin hurts the covers on some Batman covers too and he’s got to be helping this one though man riding that bike like that I don’t know you know trying to be a show off that [ __ ] man looking he’s just spinning that wheel Jesus um no about six oh a thousand bucks I mean it seems like a good pickup I don’t remember this book yeah man Batman 89 40 bucks still man honestly I’ve seen this book go a hell of a lot lower than that like that’s not a bad price I mean in this market that is not a bad price for that book I’ve seen it go [ __ ] 25 30 bucks does anybody even care about punchline anymore I don’t I don’t read a ton of DC but she seems to be one of the coolest characters they’ve got going she was the biggest thing in 2000 you know sorry uh 20 20 21 uh she’s cooled off a little bit but um but I don’t know of their character she still seems one of the cooler ones but nowhere near the fire she had back then uh but this is respectable because I’ve seen um which is a lower printer on uh hellerism three go for less than this and that’s by most accounts her first full appearance even though I really think it’s Batman uh 92 um um and uh so this is actually respectable in this marketplace right there actually um I missed this one that’s okay uh ASM 238 uh newsstand which is even better uh what the tattoos in the comics it’s a huge thing I think 287 is a great price I mean I sold my like 9092 for like 600 bucks back in the day 650.

Yeah I can’t really pick up the grade here obviously but um yeah this is a big book especially especially in the newsy yeah the newsy that’s the only reason I buy them it’s I was almost as bad as a Uncanny X-Men I see the directs all day I don’t give a [ __ ] I just want a new sound I mean I’m that dude now let’s do that yeah I when I came when I finally came across uh a newsstand copy of this it just felt like uh finding damn near a needle in a haystack you know if anything is about newsstands they finally hit their what they should have been I think for years I know people have gone crazy but just given their relative scarcity particularly in this era of comics like it feels like they’re finally getting sort of the respect they’ve deserved for years like everybody’s focused on them and I would say deservedly so like just given how heavily printed a lot of that other [ __ ] was um at the you know for for the comic shops when they were when they were blowing up in the 90s but I I think this is completely deserved to be honest with you um in our old school book Blue Beetle 55 little fox there is something about these Blue Beetle books that are hella disturbing what’s what’s the one what number is it what came in when she’s uh changing in the mirror there yeah gotta be one of the [ __ ] biggest you know you know Golden Age books to get I have always looked for one for what is it issued I don’t know 57 but yeah I know what you’re talking about yeah yeah um I’ve always wanted that book I have always watered it yeah 300 bucks I would have bought this in a [ __ ] blink if I saw it okay I wouldn’t even know that twice yeah for me the Blue Beetle it’s just the fox books are so hard to find they’re just you know it’s like and they’re always beat like this is it Jack Cayman and he did this cover too it looks like him but I don’t know for sure I believe so let’s see in there bro yeah for 313 bucks yeah yeah I came in art yeah I would have bought this thing [ __ ] Mile High pedigrees and nine six um let’s roll through these because I got a couple of these little black panther one now is this now is this direct Edition or was it do you standard that’s a direct I sold my newsy before the movie came out for 350.

Raw I sold mine too same thing a year but yeah 66 bucks still respectable I got a couple of me and Carter went to Cleveland yeah sure he just did not live up to the highest black panther for me I didn’t mind that movie in general it’s hard without a chance of Bozeman in there but like I don’t know like she just didn’t carry the swag for me you know it’s funny like I always get that it’s always like to what a parallels and wrestling too it’s like what if Chadwick Boseman didn’t die or you know finish the movie or something like we were accepted Sherry more last night I don’t know you know uh another black panther too you see 98 174 I also had a news here this beat to [ __ ] um and uh I dumped it for 200 bucks before before the movie as well yeah yeah you’re one of the smarter guys we’re all holding books every day I don’t sell much of anything but for whatever reason I sold a couple I had a brown black panther like I I’m sitting on books up to my [ __ ] ears I like I don’t really sell much but I dumped this one and that one both at Good Times Yeah well yeah we usually lose money even though we bought them for cheap uh I remember this book I I stole I sold one of the higher end uh Black Panther 325s I sold for a prompt 650 I believe Rock in the day raw no great okay that thing didn’t hit a grand though right it was like 750 98 or something is that I think that was me 75980 I think it was like 675 or 750 it was close I mean I got it like the day of and I sent it in and I’ll say this about toast I don’t know what they do with them but it has the potential to be still be a good character like the hype got blown out of proportion as it always does but I don’t know man like if they get a good writer on the character they could take them somewhere I just Marvel give a [ __ ] I don’t know like I don’t like I don’t they haven’t really done much with them at all yeah and it’s like what do you do with all these new characters that are creating and stuff like that and like how do you pigeonhole them in the series it’s going to be interesting like is that reboot number seven like down the line on the Disney uh movie or TV side or stuff like that it’s gonna be part of the spring while you guys in um yeah I don’t know man we’ll see but I think marbles lost at a lot of different fronts right now certainly in the editorial department for the comics yeah even what they’ve done to some characters and and the films are kind of a mess and then they’re gonna need some they need some leadership there uh cap7 the old vitamized variants we remember these back that seems respectable 475 I mean I remember that book being a hot but see I I um I don’t know because I know a lot of vitamized variants um cargo hold had a bunch of them eBay cargo hold um and he was just rolling through them every week I think every every set of them just some of them were not edible some of them were trash but he had like an auction every week so it would kind of lost his Lobster but pretty cool book I like it still seems damn solid for that uh the Marvel if I remember don’t don’t I gotta remember when leg told me because I bought a Ghost Rider minimize variant back in the day uh and sold that for a pretty good penny too um but I think the marble paper was just terrible back in the day so I think 98 is pretty hard to pretty hard to come by uh this book supplies me because me and you talked about this card here on Mondays back way way back in the day when Castle menu was dropping yeah the Belmont Legacy yup and it’s 41 bucks what was like 200 bucks when we were talking about her some stupid number because it was like nobody knew about it I would have bought that for 41 bucks man early IDW covered too I like it yeah license property just aren’t they aren’t they doing something with Castlevania or no season three I think or four I mean we’re way down the line now I I it was cool I just didn’t didn’t really hold on to it but it was sick everybody who who I talk to loves Castlevania you know what it’s one of those things that’s been on my list to watch and I don’t know why I’ve never gotten to it like I’ve spent time watching nothing where I couldn’t have thrown it on so I keep forgetting about it that is that that’s that’s hella low that should be like at least uh 900 yeah we’re gonna say 800 bucks yeah yeah around that range yeah damn I mean for 444 I would have bought that book too the problem with this Market man like I’m [ __ ] buying everything I can see but like I’m running out of money at some point like I know you know and all these people doing auctions like how many people are looking for a crap that Britain won I mean not saying it’s not a hard book to find but you know it’s like okay so you see a copy raw for 200.

It’s just like do I even bother or do I just spend maybe double that and get going in the high nines don’t believe supposedly it’s a blue label it has a mask in it yeah it’s an easy win yeah uh this is your book oh yeah this book is [ __ ] Chevelle Noir 60 Raw on this bad boy wow yeah it’s a Carter effect man he showed us so this book up to us one day and he and all of a sudden everybody needs this book beautiful Dave Stevens this is uh every everything this thing has everything going for it great subject uh great colors uh hot or it is I mean still relevant even though he died you know he’s getting more relevant have you watched his documentary on um on Prime no it is [ __ ] amazing he was a [ __ ] maniac and most of almost all of his paintings was of his girlfriend and she was a [ __ ] banger but like she posed for almost all of his paintings um I was just watching it honestly this morning someone excuse me about it it’s amazing like and this guy was involved in Raiders of the Lost Ark like he was involved in major Motion Pictures like he was but he was also like the slowest artist in history because he was such a perfectionist he would never finish anything he was doing it pissed off all the people he worked with because he was just so meticulous but anyways yeah it’s uh check out that documentary if you haven’t seen it it is okay it’s really good man really really good it’s on and popping now oh boy we lost cover uh cry for Dawn number one oh nice 85 bucks 185 minutes whatever it’s super hard to Grass I don’t know like you know it’s a 90s book Dennis I heard somebody talking in that documentary I thought it was you to be honest with you I just I was doing some work I was listening I was watching and somebody came on like I said [ __ ] Dennis to be honest with you man nice uh Daredevil oh 111.

Asha man I love this book I love I love love love this book Asha was hot there for a minute man he should be more I mean he’s really good man uh I had I had this book in a nine six and the guy who submitted it never pressed it so I don’t know crack it open man take that chance I remember passing this book up for like I think like sixty dollars at one time you know but I’m I’m glad it’s uh getting back up there it’s uh gaining its respect this is a this is a modern classic to me yeah I I agree uh yeah I got this book too Deadpool seven First Lady Deadpool what’s what’s up with this you want something I mean so I mean I there’s speculation that she’s gonna be in the movie right so these books are going crazy 110 Raw on this man is is a this isn’t the newsstand there is a newsstand of this but this wasn’t just look like it um yeah I mean these books and there’s obviously a second and third Prince I think life help did them both um but yeah I mean this thing’s come to life I’ve always loved this coverage from Trainspotting homage I thought this I’ve always I’ve got a couple of them I love this book you know what’s funny is uh I can’t believe um that’d be interesting what do you think do you think winpool’s gonna make an appearance you know what man like I love that character then Marvel’s [ __ ] up her so [ __ ] bad like I don’t know you can’t even talk about the character anymore oh boy it pisses me off so much um my guess is maybe I hope they just leave her the [ __ ] alone and let her die at this point but I don’t know we’ll see man like [ __ ] Jeremy Whitley if you’re watching the show [ __ ] you um just [ __ ] her up so bad um I don’t know man my guess is they might give it a nod you know I never realized my kids are playing um The Lego Marvel games right so and uh the first one was kind of based around Deadpool and I never realized the second one is based around gwenpool like she’s kind of like the central character I had no idea my oldest son was like he’s he’s up all night playing and he’s like hey Dad you know gwenpool’s like the the big character in this one and uh so I had no idea that was the case like it was one of the most brilliantly designed characters of all time and they give it to a hack like Jeremy Whitley to absolutely [ __ ] destroy and it’s terrible but um I don’t know if they put her in there hopefully it’s a nod to the original character not what that [ __ ] [ __ ] did to the character so sorry I had to get so pissed off but that’s okay man hey you got passion that’s what I’d like to see the [ __ ] guy [ __ ] you if you’re watching uh uh I got one of these right there you do yeah oh wow sweet I ain’t [ __ ] around man okay so we have uh Divinity number one the La Raza variant this was I swear the hottest variant of God damn this I could never get this book man yeah what around 20.

yeah, I could never get this book yeah I did I did have a real copy of this I sold it for as much as that nine eight but if um I probably would have bought that for that proof I got mine for like a stupid amount of money because I bought mine for like when nobody cares about this book that’s what I do that’s my stupid [ __ ] nobody buys the cbcs but who cares dude buying stupid [ __ ] nobody buys that’s all the entire fun of this [ __ ] game yeah I got a hey you can see it better I got the old uh Bruce Lee 98 uh that’s a Jim Lee X-Men that’s Star Wars the uh GameStop variant with the villains on it uh Eddie greatoff signed spawn with Tom McFarland nine eight signed uh I bought that for like 20 bucks it’s like hey uh yeah it’s too matchy of all [ __ ] people I don’t even know what that is but John Burton all signed that one and I got it sorry my little wall of Mystery right on cool stuff um you’re 19.

8o for 93 seems cheap to me that seems cheap I mean that’s I’ve sold raw copies for way more than that in worse condition yeah it’s gonna say I remember those two IDW Popeyes I think there’s too much stuff hitting the market right now and not enough eyes on it period I mean that’s oh I know well people went back to work you know it’s not covered air or people are sitting at home or happy money and we won’t talk about that but it’s like you know it’s like like you said there are so many books out there, not everybody has enough money to you know to cover you know what I’m saying nobody can buy them all man uh Little Ghost Rider five little Rosetta cover oh Jesus 284.

Yeah it’s missing the centerfold but still it’s a dope cover I mean that’s it’s our boy blizzard too but it’s blizzard you know here’s the thing with like missing Centerfolds in these you know Green Label books I think they’re undervalued in my opinion like if you’re buying it for like the classic artwork um but the market has not come to that opinion at this point I mean they get punished heavily but like I don’t know man like I would be tempted at 284 to buy this and nothing twice I mean this is uh easily one of the most underrated Golden Age covers yeah I think it’s brilliant um this one well Ghost Rider 33 yeah I figured I’d throw that on here too it’s still getting 30 bucks that book that’s respectable that nobody gave a [ __ ] about you know Shane Lodi like a year ago maybe people didn’t care for [ __ ] about this book that’s that’s respectable yeah whenever I’m at a shop this book is always like in the you know 25 30 range I mean it’s always gone like for years they’ve been missing from the back issues like this was never there when I went looking through this run um so yeah that’s it it’s respectable uh this book little buddy yeah yeah that’s that’s okay so GI Joe special missions number one uh gym rug uh retail instead of variant in the nine eight greeted c2c98 uh selling for 191.48 uh after nine bids this thing is low I would not let mine go it’s a [ __ ] ghost man I mean that’s a nine eight that’s a that’s a steal yeah it’s a criminally low I know I have a couple copies and there’s no way I’d sell them for even that much Raw I thought all right thousand dollar book back in the day yeah so here’s the thing I mean listen this was one of my favorite series when I was a kid like I was obsessed with this series like [ __ ] obsessed like you would not believe I love all the Valiant stuff and this was like the the cherry on top of all of it for me um I I went and looked on the census I was shocked at how many there were because at the time when I was collecting this was a rare book you couldn’t get this book it was rare blah blah blah blah blah I mean there are a lot of blue labels of this book on the census like several thousand and you know what just in the last couple years it was a high of 1500 1400 back yeah I definitely remember that do you remember the uh Pink number two uh number zero yeah that was the mail away right so um and I have to wonder to myself is that the play if you want to play this book like how many people went through and did all the coupon stuff because given that there’s so many of the blue labels there it seems to me that like a lot of people didn’t actually end up going through and mailing them in so like so the pink variant just so you know I just I clicked on it real quickly the pink variant is only 200 bucks yeah and how many what’s the Census count do you have it up I can look yeah I can do it give me one second you know what’s interesting about this book uh it’s known to have like a spine split it has three staples and known to spine split uh the pink variant um so here we go the regular variant roughly is 51.98 all right zero I go to one but 40198 for the pink variant it’s still 1100 in total that’s a lot more I mean wow it’s a big I chase books that have stupid low census counts you know like whatever I I chase that’s more than I would have expected but um um but but cool nonetheless uh and make sure like you said make sure you haven’t look if you see this book raw somewhere maybe just make sure you check inside make sure yeah if that coupon is missing this hurts my soul this next one um Universal tour variant I bought this for two bucks back in Baltimore like five years ago in a bed somewhere [Applause] I sold it very quickly for a lot of [ __ ] ton of money um it wasn’t a nine eight though or I would have kept it um but yeah 270 man that’s like I would have bought that for 270 again I don’t know what the condition is but that’s just one of my all-time favorite covers same with uh that’s a Toughbook yeah it’s just interesting yeah that book was insane it was like big numbers you know wow 270.

if I had never ending amounts of money I’d just be buying everything I see these days we’re playing the Powerball today boys billion dollars you got to get a ticket to be on the dance floor right let’s look at it we’re gonna turn the entire market around do you know when you win that my stupid books like Alexia thank you much when I tell my wife I go if I ever if I hit the lottery I just laugh about it I’d be like what do you buy you buy everything who cares it’s like whatever I have 20 million dollars in [ __ ] comics a little check in with like Incredible Hulk 181 fine very fine 4650 so so strong the uh blue mat guy yes I mean that’s still probably got to be down though for that grade 30 from this highest easy 40 percent I figured it would it would kind of level back off because you saw the photos with uh yeah yeah I mean it’s always going to be super relevant I mean let’s be honest but I mean it went bananas showing up back at it um so that’s cool I got uh I got this book coming up Iron Fist 14 60 350.

no respectable I mean I like this I like saber tooth that’s cool 6-0 yeah yeah what’s up guys um what’s up joke not man I saw you guys putting in some work man I thought I’d come in and give you all a hand yeah we’re just going through uh the market report you know Carter put 50 55 000 slides on there it’s like old Brian McClay one I literally uh literally a hundred different sales from this week because I have I’m a bad editor yeah uh I I can edit too and I just threw them all on there I said I don’t care uh deadly hands of kung fu first White Tiger 19 307 wow wow wow it’s not yeah there’s really nothing for me to say about it just but you know I’m glad I have a couple and and white tiger is uh still a thing people love it looks like there’s white tigers is she gonna be in Deadpool or is there’s going to be a one one of the white tigers and they’re not Deadpool sorry Daredevil um yeah but wasn’t there some talk about that a little while ago yeah so so General Ortega plays white tiger Jenna Ortega wow so Wednesday shut up for real oh you don’t believe me come home brother I’m out here yeah I mean I don’t know they’re gonna have to make her look bigger because isn’t she like five foot nothing yeah um she’s a very petite person oh but Richardson you know all these uh when did that announcement come out because like everybody’s on strike so a few months ago yeah this is gonna probably yeah this is probably you everything will be 24 or 25.

I mean I listen I am hoping Marvel does not [ __ ] up that daredevil show because like I am supposed to be an echo oh really James grinder knows what’s going on he’s on top of things James hooks up brother um well Echo that’s coming out later this year um all right damn let’s bring it sign me up uh uh yeah a little first Wildcats 30 bucks respectable I don’t know Carter I don’t even look at it yeah um I think it’s yeah I think that’s a very respectable price just because uh it looks a really good copy too yeah yeah that’s an important book man you know I mean isn’t that oh Jim Lee’s first imprint on on image I’d say if that’s near mint really near mint that’s low that would be low in that book for my opinion because that magic book should be more important than than it is I think if uh Malibu Sun 13 can go for stupid money why not something like this you know because I remember for a Time grifter was he was uh he was entering main character status they kind of dropped the ball on him a little bit but I think they brought him back in a mainstream DC like I don’t know two years ago or something yeah sorry I’m looking at uh Skeletor he-mans on eBay for like Marvel Mystery Comics number 45 a little timely action uh 0.5 [Music] 87 and some change that’s got to be a 0.5 incomplete because from what I can see here is it’s in better shape than a point unless the whole [ __ ] bad coverage missing or something but um yeah man what I like to do on these is I call it a uh we call it seller Spotlight so what I do is do this and I grab this and I grab this here we go super zoomy I can uh hold the original listings book cover back cover missing front cover really attachments okay so that’s what like a completely different back cover or it’s just two and a half this is back cover missing so I don’t think I think that’s the last page there’s or oh yeah because I can I can barely make out the tape along that side there right here yeah and then oh front cover reattached with tape and then it’s always an incomplete but I mean obviously it’s a cool you know Red Skull right there it’s a dope you know marvel so I had this one I don’t I think I had this one or there’s only like two or three Marvel Mysteries that have red skull on there yeah I mean all that World War II imagery [ __ ] people go crazy for oh I know why I um I uh I’ve featured that just because you had the uh the hooded the hooded dudes that’s why they got the cobra in there it’s sick bro we can get the snake style bro yeah uh a little Marvel assistant sized spectacular number two first appearance of the new look Elsa Bloodstone for uh what thirty six dollars yeah you know what I got this [ __ ] book I still don’t have this damn thing I won’t pay market price for it I swear I had one somewhere I could never find it and I love that you’re a man of principle what’s funny is the reason why I bought this I expect on this book was because it was the first appearance of galacta yeah not Bloodstone you know how’d that go for you oh great great I was able to I was able to stack some copies I find the the second copy of this oh sorry the first the first issue of this yeah all the time digging and this this one is never [ __ ] there it pisses me off but uh yeah I won’t pay I won’t pay Market pressure I’ve never seen this book in the wild man never seriously I just won’t pay 25 to 35 bucks whatever they’re asking for I know yeah I totally understand that uh I wanna get back in on this uh Marvel Spotlight five I had an eight and a half way back in the day it was a 9-0 restored I had to get it you know things taken care of but it was eight and a half 27.50 doesn’t seem ridiculous to me anymore even though I just didn’t spend that for mine back in the day and I sold mine way too early but [Applause] if Marble’s gonna lean into the horror stuff I thought that horror um you know um episode they did last Halloween was really good if they’re going into that this one is a no-brainer and I think they will I think they need to breathe some fresh life into the MCU and uh so this one is for me the layup you you rolled out in that case for this yeah no I think you stay far away far away from that as you can and can ask someone new but uh okay I mean do you do you want to see Ghost Rider in a car or do you want to see him on a bike I mean I think I think you can pull the whole Ghost Rider family into it eventually but I don’t know I think you kind of have to deal with Johnny Blaze the original and then and then go from there even though like the Ghost Rider grew up reading was Danny catch like that was the Ghost Rider yeah when I was the kid like that’s like what I like I think from a historical perspective if you’re gonna do the character right I think about the whole story and and then in pull and start with blaze and bring them all in yeah I think unfortunately uh Danny catch will get lost in the shuffle probably probably Robbie Reyes in the cars is this a cool character so a little nebula action W1 150 variant or 20 bucks I would have bought it the hottest book of what last year or two years ago you’re going for 25 bucks weren’t they or something like that yeah yeah I mean like he pulled out like five or six of them in Baltimore at a dollar back issue oh my gosh yeah dude and then the the the guy in charge of the thing was mad dog and me after you already scrammed and he thought I was a part of the team hey hey they’re wrong to us yeah a lot of people are on to us uh out of this world a Bruce Tim bonnets cover which is really really cool I found this book for 15 bucks in an LCS two weeks I posted on Instagram like there you go 129 bucks man I’ve got a 9-4 I love this like I love Bruce Tim I love this book but uh yeah I found a raw it’s not it’s not minty but it’s in decent shape but yeah for 15 [ __ ] bucks yeah 15 [ __ ] dollars a little Peacemaker action and still rolling strong yeah man I could have swore like after the show had kind of come and gone this book would maybe drop down to what 100 it’s like Mortal Kombat announcement man you know don’t don’t be surprised that’s a thing man you know like that’s the thing that that can also drive up uh I mean if if TV and movies aren’t gonna drive at the medium of video games is is also in play I mean miles first went [ __ ] bananas it was because of the video game so don’t forget that and then uh John Cena’s in the newest movie I didn’t watch all of it yet uh Jackie Chan on Netflix him and Jackie Chan are doing a movie right now that was just streamed uh today I think oh no [ __ ] okay Jackie Chan Johnny yeah John Cena and what’s like half half Chinese I think and half English so it’s like subtitled and not sometimes it’s so so James Gunn’s gonna like have this Peacemaker world with uh with plastic man and uh Booster Gold right and they’re going to keep that kind of thing going there supposedly supposedly I mean I mean you gotta you gotta admit Peacemaker season one was great I’m sure yeah it was awesome dude yeah see look John Cena’s in Barbie he’s everywhere wow he’s gonna be a SummerSlam that’s what he told me what I don’t know hey I got it Ben I got it in today look at this guy nice man I had to get it back dude I went back and saw the date that I sold it I sold it raw uh uh 2019 June of 2019 so I got her back bro I said I only saw books I hate at this point like oh boy that I hate them like if I have any but any like actual like like for the book I can’t solve it so uh that’s interesting too I’m super I’m I’m into minority maybe I’m super pumped for this uh Rocksteady TMT new TMT movie I I still watched a lot of Nickelodeon so it’s always on the as for advertisements I think Seth Rogue is going to knock it out of the park I think his new TNT hey it looks good it’s amazing how relevant TNT has been able to stay over all these years just continuing to reinvent itself so do the toys people are going nuts over the action figures and like Target and all that [ __ ] man or Walmart or whatever the hell they’re at it’s crazy I love it I think it’s fantastic uh uh here we go little uh movie photo of Aaron Peter Parker Tom Holland is there was somebody on that [ __ ] show telling you to buy these books and this is pretty cheap for this one actually this this thing has gone for a hell of a lot more than this that is so that that is such an underrated uh variant man such an underrated variant it’s all TMT it was fun cool animation good stuff look at that look at that hit home runs uh the next Golden Age book that we always like Rifleman 60 I guess Silver age here right at least over age 61 uh 202 books not terrible I mean yeah it’s a it’s in probably really rough shape because that’s like a 300 book yeah yeah can you imagine them coming out of this book today like yeah you’d have uh every political group uh yeah well it goes with all the pre-code horror books right I mean people lose their minds I don’t know about this one Carter explained this one to me I know I don’t I well just because it sold for I think it sold for about 79 dollars so uh Roku number two Jeff to call cover and I didn’t know Ben was going to be on the show so cover b-man like this the Valiant was not printing a lot of books when this thing came out and nobody was reaching for to call off this point so nobody was over ordering these cover bees so this is a a tougher book to get hands on so I uh I met the young man I guess I would call him young man at uh Motor City Comic Con I talked to him about Ben he’s like oh yeah I know him he’s cool with it he totally told me to [ __ ] off he was just very busy I think he was doing the sketches hey nice to meet you we talked about you on the show all the time yeah yeah he’s a good dude he takes his work very seriously um but um but yeah I’ve I’ve liked this book for a while just because it was before people were really taking notice and it’s a cover B you got 98 of this I’ve got a couple raw I never said I don’t grade a ton of books like for myself per if I’m gonna sell it I do so I’ve got three I think and probably to our definite 90 candidates on this one that’s probably my Robert hat collection that nobody gives a [ __ ] about Robert hack hack is awesome man yeah I know and he heard when I stopped he started doing a [ __ ] ton more covers and I just never got back I I always see you when I pick him up I’m like oh I need this one or I need that it’s a collect face is almost Steven’s Pace I mean not quite that slow but like he is not putting stuff out at the same rate as the rest of these guys like he’s just doing his own thing he’ll put on covers when he feels like it and hack doesn’t come out like at least he went to Motor City hack doesn’t leave like Pennsylvania he goes to like one condom uh Samson sure why I put this on oh yeah just because it’s a it’s a golden age 5-0 for around 800.

Yeah I I don’t know and I do I’m not I didn’t even know this thing even existed really I didn’t either and I don’t know but it’s almost like that other book you talked about that bat 60 or whatever for six though it’s like how many like who’s gonna come into your boots like yo man you got a Samsung one like you know it’s like yeah who’s gonna pay 800 even if it is old people and I know yeah a 5.0 yeah who’s gonna pay that I mean listen there’s enough people will have been on this book that bid it up to 800 bucks right I don’t know where it started but um um uh you know the market you know the market for auctions is pretty bad but that’s I don’t know there’s definitely people out there keeping an eye on these things so I don’t know I I you know it’s funny and we can look at it I uh I wonder how many he’s on the census rejection not there can’t be many of these man well in George tuska that is the artist for Luke Cage right oh boy I believe so looks like there’s 29 on the census a 9-4 wow wow 194 185 yeah and then they drop from there I just like seeing um silver and uh Bronze Age artists seeing they’re like really really early work from the Golden Beach well that name Force got to be a pedigree right I’m sure it’s a mile high yeah I’m sure uh secret Warriors number one Rodriguez 150 45 bucks God this book was hot a while ago do you remember do you remember what it was going for raw I mean I don’t know I was blown it was like it’s got to get close to a 300 book yeah because I remember this was um yeah this thing was always missing and eBay was I know I just remember it was prices that I didn’t want to pay didn’t you there’s a Nakayama for this too I think the one in 25 yes yes yes which is probably the better cover of the two to be honest but um but the one in 50 was obviously catching a nice price so yep um I was gonna say too uh we talked about this last week I know Ben wasn’t we talked about like Iron Fist 14 second print uh Del Otto that book was like fire at one point um that uh green cover the green cover with the foot so [ __ ] hot holy yeah and it’s still a badass looking book I mean no two ways about it yeah I think it sold for like what a couple dollars yeah a couple dollars yeah after bids holy [ __ ] is this the David Nakayama version I always I thought it was like the like the JTC style yeah that’s it yeah this is only 200 bucks I mean not saying it’s so um Secret Wars nine pachelli variant 200 bucks for a 98 yeah I remember this book was hot back in 2020 uh so a nine eight for 200.

hmm seems reasonable this next book I got um Scotty Reagan my boy in Philly had the colored and the black and white 980 one of the first ones to do both nine eights of this sick he kept them both he’s a big Star Wars fan so this cassada black and white 10300 is so hard to find but the color one is too but 336 is a great deal it just depends if it’s 90. it’s tough yeah this book is tough but even so 336 seems low for this book I thought it was like five six hundred back in a day yeah I mean that’s yeah this was uh like insane amount Raw we got our uh one of our mutual friends of the show gave him his one yeah uh so it was nice to see that Spider-Man Adventures 10 first uh animated Venom uh 40 bucks wow wow you find those in dollar bins I don’t know not anymore not anymore man you used to be able to but I haven’t seen one in a while yeah interesting uh I haven’t seen this book in a while I know this was a hotness back when I joined in like 2011 and G Plus era was there new stands of that I I definitely never see newsstands oh man because I think there would have to be though absolutely Spider-Man Adventures was like a kids book they were putting out on me right so I don’t know I would say that there might be I know they exist but I just never I never yeah I’ve never obviously yeah oh boy oh you guys gonna love me for this 50 bucks shut the [ __ ] up buy it dude send it bro 50 bucks Joe Joe Joe what can you do with that let’s let’s get let’s get a uh oh it’s a rock in the corner you see that thing I was like let me see it let me see it I don’t I can’t zoom in but you see that I know I can fix that that is pressable for sure it’s like the foxing on the top you can’t get rid of that yeah what are you talking about I see I knew he’s gonna yep I think he was gonna say something about that if you don’t buy it I’ll buy it okay well hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on dude make an offer man well how about this there’s there’s here’s one for 50.

Somebody on the show’s got criders in the show man he’s gonna buy it dude he’s gonna buy them all here’s another one for 50. we’re gonna make an offer for terrible lighting that’s okay I love when people open up the book like that and then like flatten the pages but it’s okay but yeah I give away some free cornbread for the stone so people watch the goddamn show okay we out here uh so there is a new stand look at that there’s only three lists on eBay right now uh we talked about that one Superman 134 Superman Pals Jimmy Olsen first Dark Side um 134. Hey listen I was buying this book back when it was 20 bucks you know it didn’t it was a heater in there fell back into Oblivion again yeah but you know once the cover was better I mean I I like the coverage just you know the colors on it uh Set It Off you know for the most part but um yeah um [Music] uh Superman 204 a little Jim Lee RP sketchberry this was hot I remember this book I loved this book back in the day 125 for this wow get Jim Lee to put a little red on that right right in the middle right there have him sign that thing uh definition of a cameo Dark Side man it’s like I can’t debate all that it’s the worst first appearance probably of all time uh what about this book little Tech 50 two grand early detective early right we’re not even talking The Batman series we’re talking early Detective Comics uh the only thing I don’t like I mean I I do like the red Tech they always draw more the red when it comes in the tech of the logo Tech with red but it’s faded I don’t know that seems reasonable just because we’re like What 10 issues in to Robin so uh this book I bought for like five bucks way back in the day on a massive collection I bought a little Tech 359.

I sold it to a girl who was cosplaying as Barbara Gordon who was a paraplegic I just gave it away for life because I’m not a dude I’m a nice guy Karma man it comes yeah she had she’s like I collect this cover obviously for the reason and she’s like I got like 30 of them she goes I I got and it was B it was worse than this and I go you can 50 bucks because are you serious that’s all I have I’m like sure and why would you take the picture with the corner folded up like that you just like have it lying around like you’re not gonna just flatten out a little bit full transparency right how many issues of tech commerce was in Batman before Batman won questions do a little 26.

Oh 26 27 they don’t release that okay we’ll we’ll get back I’ll Circle back to that somebody in the chat probably knows that question uh Tech 400 man back I swear I had this book and I sold it from way less than I had I bought it for like 20 bucks I thought wait wait wait wait wait wait back in the day but now it’s a 400 book for some reason first person Man-Bat it’s the only reasonable copy that I’ve ever found was for a hundred bucks yeah and uh every other that I’ve seen has been for that price I’m sorry uh dates on it maybe somebody responded oh look at this guy because you have 198 feedback of household goods and don’t give a flying hockey look at this dude uh Thor six we all remember this book oh hotness action I was talking about this one on IG this [ __ ] blew me away like 24 I would have been buying it there I mean Gore is a cool villain um they should have done more of the character in the movie but you know if you’re buying this [ __ ] only for movies they’re always going to go down so I like bro that’s the first appearance of null dude yeah you know so like he uh like it’s not over for him I mean he’s like one Rider away from being a thing again you know yeah exactly Noah come back I mean it’s it’s a big character and then yeah and then uh then Gore isn’t going like this is Gore’s origin right if I’m staking on this issue as well so five I thought five was his origin and then six uh was uh it’s all part of that God bomb thing and six was the first uh null okay maybe maybe what I thought this one I I could be it’s either five or six I I know five was uh people were counting it as the origin but other people have said six is the origin also the label says on five uh door appearance back in the days when you were finding this in the back issue bins you know you were dancing a bit of a jig yeah you go you got pretty happy on this one I I had I had had more than a few of these back in the day I don’t think I’m getting got any left uh uh four sixes nothing so nothing no cameo before origin some people put it on there what do they know uh they’re on one little matina variant nine hundred dollars for a night Jesus let’s go man like uh what do you want 2020 I sold mine for 3 400.

My 98. and honestly I still miss it bam damn yeah uh back back to back Thrones here little swan for Casper uh Winter Guard bearing if I can 250 bucks only one on 2300 census yeah this is a variant I’d never see I would pass it up I don’t remember go through Star Wars anymore yeah I know uh I I wasn’t gonna put this one on Tim Holt 21 that’s your boys that’s me that’s a one of my uh favorite characters Golden Age Ghost Rider that’s uh that’s actually my book brother that’s why you been listening no it’s not you wanna see me bro I’m out here it’s a small world that’s right 158 feedback how’d you get that I bought the I bought it raw at my camera shop back in the day oh wow okay I just saw like Frank presenter Ghost Rider I’m like yo man whatever yeah it was only low grade one eight I had her for a long time a lot of offers a lot of low ballers I still got books up there um they’re not like they’re mostly Golden Age some [ __ ] like divinity that we showed um I don’t know why you want me to sew this but uh I I had the whole um the whole listing oh a picture of the whole listing in there oh yeah a little spotlight um it was a bigger picture I’m sorry I [ __ ] it up uh ultimate Fallout number two number four jerkovitz cover I can’t talk about this book okay we’re gonna we’re gonna skip this one how about how about this one can we talk about that one that’s probably low that’s probably that is super low man like how many news stands are there out there man it’s like you don’t see them exactly I was looking for newsstands of this before miles went [ __ ] bananas but I was writing for go collect back in the day um I was right I wrote some articles on Miles books to grab I wrote about this book yeah not about this book but uh pacelli and how underrated she was and Miles back uh that was when I was right on the website for CBS I back in the day it was like [ __ ] before miles he wasn’t even a thought of anybody’s brain it was like 20 yeah 2015 or something I always wanted to ask Benders uh so all the ultimate Fallout one has uh a picture of ultimate Fallout 4 before it even came out and basically that’s the first Miles Morales ultimate Fallout one had it yeah so you go to the back and it’s got all the jurgovic variant covers in the back of the book okay ultimate Fallout one yeah I mean yeah those are like little teaser things for sure right I mean um but I mean there’s a picture of miles I mean the interesting about that I mean you know for jourdavik is that you know he’s got his Spider-Man costume on which he didn’t you know didn’t have until much later right so he still had that costume on but um listen I think miles is still going to be a huge deal like he is a generational character they don’t come up with him that often so I would think this was a very good buy there’s another one Ultimate Comics Spider-Man number one pachelli Marion this book is still [ __ ] hard to find like this this is a 1 in 15 for number one that defies the numbers this [ __ ] book I uh I got an ultimate call I got I got all new Spider-Man Ultimate Comics one um I’ve got this in a 98 in a raw one I bought this for five bucks you’re gonna lose your mind the 130 I’ve got in a 9-6 that I’ve got to send to Joe oh you remember this one or this one uh look at that boy yeah I’ve got that in the nine six two that’s a that’s a great cover I got this for like two bucks two bucks two bucks all the books averaged out to two dollars yeah I got I bought it for like I think I bought them all for 200 bucks but this is an entire collection I was like I just want this book I don’t even care I bought the rest of it oh maybe it was eight bucks I don’t even know who cares I don’t mess around you want to see me in the streets uh I’ll be doing Squirrel Girl Adam variant [ __ ] I’ve always loved this book I have sung this book’s Praises forever one of our Adam’s best tough as hell to get I love everything about this book and I think 125 is fair and then you know to speak on this point too uh James you know miles miles is in the cartoon with the kids Spider-Man uh Spider spider going right or ghost spider I guess he’s called with Peter Parker and miles is in that one too so it’s been but but yeah I love I love love love this book if you zoom in on the art in this thing it is so well done by Adam so like this is what he’s done well like he’s just like huge multi-character you know covers and stuff and this one is this is her best cover for me we need is that number one yeah number one for her her second series I think if this picture is actually pretty decent bam we do yeah it is great placement of everything’s beautiful like it’s all symmetric obviously nothing’s not detailed yeah it’s all [ __ ] really well done it’s a tough book and it’s not an easy book to find I found I have two and that’s all I’ve ever found is that uh don’t call me art Adams right or Neil Adams yeah art Adams we talk about our atoms all the time right the America 2 variant just undervalued books I think and his art is just popping in all those books yeah I just bought a snag that that number two uh in a nine six I’d love for that book forever yeah right here I finally got my this book was [ __ ] hard as hell to get forever but it finally snagged on on melcho from oh man yeah man it’s it’s a pretty book that’s so pretty man I remember when that book came out it’s like it’s like Wonder Woman 38 catches like people just like sleep on our atoms you know and it was like oops whoops whoops I was at terrificon and there was nobody at his Booth I’m like this guy is a [ __ ] Legend of all legends and there was nobody lined up to see him art Adams yeah really there was nobody at his Booth dude no no holy crap oh wow uh next book a little uh Alan Hughes are Uncharted well this is this is trade paperback yeah it was a tree paper bag but it features the art from the uh one to 25 variant oh okay 130 bucks man out of print I mean the uh the variant is impossible but this is a good a good alternative if you can’t get that book uh uh bolt 25 little pre-code horror 256.

I think that’s respectable I mean or four calls maybe four or five on a good day that’s a classic cover I’m surprised it’s going for less than 300 way less than that you know um we all know this one check this one kind of floored me venom three for a hundred and twelve 50. well, it’s raw for a reason most of these moderns why are integrated right especially like unless you barely found it digging or something it just makes me curious is their color rub or something because most of these were slabbed mm-hmm why wouldn’t you especially like if you had it I mean there was a window there where you were you could get like three four hundred dollars five hundred dollars and of course, the variant shot up to 1100 1200. there for a little while but it’s still it’s got miles on the cover it’s uh uh first appearance of null in in in this continuity I mean because the Thor it was kind of manufactured you know from Donnie Cates and uh Ribbit what was raccoon he went backwards yeah that that’s the uh the first appearance of null on that book I don’t think it was originally written that way right you go back and and claimed that was the case uh just so you know so he had six pitchers and no back cover of course color rub color rub bro has not been removed from bag and board just took photos oh yeah sure I mean that means the back is perfect when you say that it’s not oh yeah never seen the back and and you won’t either until you buy it look at that uh we got at least we got too many brain he’s gonna say you see our atoms at Baltimore so he’s gonna sign this fire star and Scarlet wizard listen in arts defense I showed up uh late afternoon Saturday so you know maybe his line had worked its way at that point and I was not there when the doors opened I showed up for three hours at the end of the con so I only had three hours before oh yeah this year the year before uh herb chip passed away I saw him with him at nycc no one was there to see him I bought a couple pieces of OA from him get some Oasis okay we like to see that we like to see people support other people so uh Wonder Woman 614 Adams Gardner 110 ratio hard to find nine six for 400 well 300 bucks I guess Alex Garner is wide lender appreciated in my opinion and he’s not drawing anymore he was doing art for Marvel Studios so he stopped the comic game for a while but he’s super talented in my opinion sorry Carter I didn’t mean to cut you off no no no please um yeah I remember this book getting real hot like it was like nobody was thinking about this book and then I kind of talked about it and then after a while it just started gaining momentum and for three hundred dollars for a 9-6 that’s uh to me that’s impressive these DC ratios you know this era like they they’re tough right I mean but I will say they’re easy to fall through the cracks because they just don’t they don’t blare out variant you know I I am I mean we were just talking about that art Adams uh Hawk Girl from the same era on um on our other show and um I mean that book goes for 10 bucks and it’s got to be a similar print run to this thing and it’s really good looking book um so I I am always looking for those uh DC one and tens always a little uh now we’re showing for the common man but sometimes the common man has a rich flavor uh X-Men one uh five five for about 7 900 which is PGX so I won’t do we know see it’s got an older label so I don’t know really it’s a five five or it’s a two five or okay can you zoom in on that cover yeah I can do it or is it the facility I mean PGX haven’t they created a few oh boy oh boy oh they just yeah they just don’t mark it on the label come on boys come on come on um so with me I I’m not that type of dude who would be like oh my God and stick my nose up at it um I would definitely buy one in person I’ll tell you that in person is a different deal but also like I see complete I don’t know man like I am not a grading snob like I love I buy cbcs all day long because they know they’re doing the right thing for that kind of money on a PGX without seeing it in person I would be really hesitant yeah it’s funny because I don’t see it here like do you guys remember when PGX came out like who who is the facility uh Tater like and like how did they gain a following was it at cons or like do you remember seeing advertising PGX and ever they just like organically appeared and it’s like who is this [ __ ] company like it just came out of nowhere my thing is if you buy a PGX book uh you crack it out if you buy a PGX book add a con you crack it out in front of the dealer and you count the pages so it’s it’s not a reprint but it’s it’s pretty wild on that spine there so a lot of chipping on the bottom a little chipping on the side uh see like with that much chipping like that that that gets in the fours man well look here too it’s got a this you can’t see it’s hard to see on this it’s water damage man and it’s like it’s got a big ass crease here the whole from the foot and that could be a tear yeah again it’s hard to see I’m glad you put it on a uh like a thing what the hell that is outside maybe around a basement that’s a corner of his coffee table I think yeah maybe I mean somebody’s gonna take a gamble like well somebody did I hope they uh oh somebody bought it wow because that ain’t a five five at as it stands like like if I got that book I know I could press it and make it look better but it would probably come back a four or five even though it looks better than that book let’s see what your boys you know this guy’s got 18 hour trains bro a lot of train stuff why now I got Lionel’s and he just happened to stumble across and actually another one at the uh at the antique show yeah like he has nothing to do with Comics look at this I mean can you fault him for like Mitten you know maybe mislabeling it or saying like something why but those are kind of sellers you want too because they don’t know really what they have I mean a five five is that market a seven Grand a five five it has been down wow I mean but yeah I think a lot of people are holding the X-Men because they thought X-Men was going to be the next big thing and your boys uh everything’s on hold now so here we go X-Men three a little side-by-side action hell of a feature that’s what I do something yeah uh one sold for 365 the other one sold for 5 23.

I mean listen the first one should have gone for more man it’s unflipping believable I mean what more do you need I don’t understand like yeah I know right and he you know it’s funny he got he has more feedback than the guy of 20 feedback which is interesting too yeah I’ve seen this too yeah I’ve seen PGX crossover and get better better grades but I’ve seen it with moderner labels I guess you would call it uh some of the older labels just scare me because I I had a Wonder Woman 98 that uh was a like a three and a half and it came back like a one and a half or one eight I don’t know uh last couple here X-Men 94 cgc 6.0 546 great cover I got the the the Mexican version of this actually and it’s been said a thousand times or this book just seems to have slipped behind giant size at this point it used to be ahead of it for years and now it just seems like it’s fallen behind for whatever do you think a lot of it too Ben is the cover that the iconic cover I think I think John’s not today you know sediment changes in the hobby back in the day like if it wasn’t the original run it was looked down upon I think now like those are the first appearances of those characters even though it’s not part of this run I think people give a [ __ ] anymore so I think just attitudes around it have changed and and that covers you know the giant size covers become you know much more identifiable I think than this one but for the longest time this book was bigger it was much was much bigger than giant size I uh yeah I’d like to do a report expert Mr Johnson of all these books and I was like hey man uh so this is what I do check this morning guys I don’t know if you guys seen this I know Carter but uh that’s what I do bro oh my God you know oh man that’s nice dude yeah six and a half not terrible hell yeah so it’s uh X-Men 94 but it’s uh I got this for like 100 bucks but look at it she got Wolverine holy [ __ ] that that is pretty cool if reflects in our foreigns I’m gonna Flex a little bit here we go strange ooh this is the first giant size from France wow I got this free from Josh if you’re watching brother what’s up I uh it was one of his auctions it was a giveaway I bought a [ __ ] ton of books that night I was probably drinking too many beers and I ended up winning this but this is Giant’s eyes from France first appearance I got uh here’s my other one that I got that the hard book to find um it’s really expensive now it was on a ghost uh one of the Ben C’s ghost lists back in the day Supernaturals but it’s an Italian version Marvel Italia wow I didn’t even know that existed I got this for like 10 bucks in Italy or something that’s badass nice fine man nice dude yeah that’s cool I got one we got one oh Gambit issue some field Noto goodness uh yeah I think yeah I’ve been after that one it’s tough I’ve never got hands on it so so he’s got one for me too so I’m gonna get another one from Yee man I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m manipulating the market you are you are now my buddy had a nine eight and I was gonna buy it from him for 300 bucks and uh I kept on telling him I’ll get it next week I’ll get it next week and he [ __ ] sold it and it’s my fault uh we all remember this book I got I actually got one of these I don’t think I almost pulled the freaking trigger on this at terrificon this weekend man not a 98 or raw why didn’t you I don’t know I was I just okay uh what was the price on it raw I think he was asking 50 or 60 bucks for it and I’m not sure it was in perfect condition I hear you well how about this book can we all remember when this book was on I think this is a George [ __ ] problem little 205 second print oh yeah yeah it’s a great one I got that I don’t even know what I bought it for uh 160 bucks back in the day who knows what it is now it probably worth like 40 bucks but whatever uh what do we got next um not the black and white that’s hard to find X-Men 510 Campbell wow 60 bucks you know we talked about this book um not long ago and there weren’t many out there and I just want to say ever since I’ve seen just a [ __ ] ton more of these just down the market for whatever reason maybe it’s just like one of those things like when you buy a new car you see them all over the road kind of thing but um I love this book with a passion but um but yeah it seems like they’re a bit easier to find these days for some reason yeah by the way no no no no I don’t know why it’s that is he did the in the internal inside maybe I think yeah he did the internals yeah um we did talk about your Barbies I don’t know we never talk about that Joe two weeks ago maybe uh I I don’t think I was on the on the show when um hey Dad you said you pressed them remember that we were talking about oh okay and you can’t remember yeah you know what he’s he’s gone up on eBay he doesn’t pull that one up yeah I am blowing up the Italian Supernaturals book you don’t see me I got mine I don’t need any more uh what would you what would you put it as Barbie what Barbie one Barbie uh magazine Mattel number one a TGC right it’s uh like it’s super [ __ ] rare like and I didn’t realize when I was pressing all these how rare they were yeah why why don’t you remember why don’t you remember this thing look at that man it’s it’s a pretty book man wow it’s gorgeous man I thought I thought it presented better than a 3-0 there’s no tears I just 3-0 seems harsh oh it’s even got the subscription on it that’s it yeah I I just thought they were a little um they were a little unfair with that book what year is this 70s 61.

1961. 61. geez so shut up Tony demand’s a big price I like it yeah any less Tony I know right [ __ ] it dude send it are you scared I’m sure he’ll get some inquiries I mean it’s so rare I mean uh I will say and VHS [ __ ] bass at the beach 96 [ __ ] showed up on a VHS tape because I [ __ ] talked about it somebody bought it and graded it and stole it like an [ __ ] back in the day for you know who’s in that [ __ ] fishbone man one of my favorite bands of all time do you guys think he would have better luck if he went through Heritage and and and uh I think put that book in a portfolio and and kind of showcase it you’d have to Showcase it a lot I think that’s the other problem I think not saying you wouldn’t get the right people in the room I just think how many people would want a Barbie you know what I’m saying like maybe you have two people who want it really badly but then I’ve seen [ __ ] that super read ourselves for like nothing you’re like what the [ __ ] man exactly I know you could put a reserve on it too so I’m not saying you know he wouldn’t you know do you get charged for the reserve or is it a penalty no I’m sure you get charged for the my buddy had a tumor Dracula 10 9 8 signed by Stan Lee it was the only one in existence and uh man I thought he was gonna get somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 000 and uh he missed he was right before that that uh that wave of uh covet coveredness damn and I think he he got like 35 37 something and that’s the other thing too it’s so unknown that’s a good thing yeah yeah and if you need help Tony I know a bunch of people Heritage too I’ll help you for sure oh yeah so unknown quality yeah too rare I mean people don’t know about it it’s like it’d be like bringing foreign books into Heritage and nobody knows anything about it yeah but uh the last split screen and the last books of the of the night uh Marvel zombies one through five and I put his Marvel Zombies too that Marvel Zombies two I love it I love Elsa books that one in 20.

um I used to pick these things out of back issue bins for five bucks um at Marvel zombies three uh who did the [ __ ] cover that’s a that’s you know that still seems pretty respectable for that set given everything that gone all inside him over the years like one 170 plus 16 bucks in shipping I mean that seems like a pretty fair price so so Paul all his problems same he uh I took him to Toledo where he took into the league and he had art uh signed a cgc case back in the day he’s like you want me to sign the case he’s like yeah so I was chatting with him at a local con here not long ago I mean he’s a likable enough guy yes um I know he’s had his his ups and downs but uh that’s all I got um I know me and Carter we’re gonna do SummerSlam but it’s almost two hours yeah man I I I I I I I’ve got to roll boys I appreciate it anytime you want to come on you know how it is just you know hit me up hop on whenever you want me boys I had a lot of fun and um yeah peace I’m Gonna Roll and I’ll catch you guys later but uh yeah thank you uh the only pickup I got um nothing crazy um I want to see if reg knows anything about these um tarot’s Lounge you ever heard our Pharaoh’s Lounge have you heard of Pharaoh’s Lounge like sketchbooks back in the day I’ve heard of it I I can’t just I can’t go into detail on it but I’ve heard of it let me see a picture I’ll show you the book that sexiness dude that is dope dude so my buddy uh Charisma comics on Instagram AKA Chris McLean my man boy the guy Wonder obviously where did that come out um holy [ __ ] yeah let’s throw it on eBay over here that’s pretty sick man he’s got a 98 of it too um uh I don’t even know what you would call it uh American Safari sketchbooks uh there’s a bunch of them I can’t show most of them because they’re kind of naughty but um he’s got a 98 for sale that somebody signed um find it oh boy let’s see what was it I took it I took a screenshot of his listing and do it on Instagram actually because I was like yo man like I saw the book and I was like that’s cool I wasn’t gonna pay a 9A price obviously I mean not because I didn’t want to I just I wasn’t that Keen about it but I was like hey man cool it was uh it was dope uh he has this this was back in um 2021 so wow okay I thought it was older than that I thought so too but I just saw and I was like oh look at this guy uh doc Joe of all people he bought that cry for Dom my man cool dude what what issue oh number one oh number one okay he says he’s still looking for a 98 which is cool man I get it I get it so um I can’t find a listing but it’s okay um yeah so I thought you know how can you beat Macho Man and Hulk Hogan as Mario and Luigi man that is crazy that’s that’s badass I figured I thought on the wall back there um yeah is it limited I don’t know Eva tunnel no I didn’t I hope he’s not talking to you know um yeah so I just saw that I collect cool books like that um you guys got anything you guys want to show off anything yeah uh oh you go carter all right so the only reason why I’m showing off a tape is because I’m it’s like Within Reach oh I got comics for you but check uh this I think this is called oh wow so we have a first press or I guess first release Adventures of Buckaroo bonsai in the eighth Dimension this thing is sealed we have the I’ve never seen that I’ve never seen that movie as a good movie I just I just yeah I just finished it today and yeah that movie is insane don’t still don’t know what the hell it’s about but it’s entertaining it’s got heart uh sci-fi comedy you know so you got Jeff okay so Peter Weller Jeff Goldblum uh John Lithgow Christopher Lloyd and uh the voice of Lex Luthor uh Clancy Brown uh all in the same movie so and you got the restaurant sticker seal for those that know look at you yeah we have a sealed copy of Buckaroo Banzai can I ask what you paid for it um I’ll tell you behind the scenes okay okay but it was cheap it was cheap what do you got what do you got comic wise uh damn it I know but it’s it’s I know I got it but we’ll get them next week though okay we got fired next week so uh before we get on to Joe we are going to SummerSlam we are uh that’s Saturday being being Carter we’re going to SummerSlam it’s gonna be dope I can’t wait it’s gonna be hot in the D I got wrestlers hitting me up on my Instagram hahaha I I’ll talk about that off here too that’s presently surprised Joe my man so I I went to Corpus Christi Comic-Con and uh okay let’s talk about it for a second one second was it hot was it I mean not hot like temperature was it like you know a lot of people a lot of movement it had more people than last year you know he had Michael Rooker there you had uh uh use that Motor City he’s been doing the counter circuit and then you had the girl who played uh um what’s her name from The Turtles um April O’Neil April O’Neil she’s really nice girl she I think Luke Loki was hitting on me they all have the same agent or what I don’t know I uh she was funny she um she was hitting on me she’s like hey you should show me around town I’m like oh boy you know what I’m saying he thought I was probably cute because what I did is I um I got Paul a signed copy of his like of the Motor City Comic-Con convention I said two pawns like you’re such a nice guy I’m like oh my friends what else you got um I picked up uh uh a cleaner copy I wanted a better copy of uh NYX I love that cover Middleton it’s just a a nice book number five NYX I needed it I needed a better copy and then uh I picked up uh this pretty cheap I don’t know if I have that book or not because I I’ve seen it especially at that uh sale uh that we were at I don’t know I think there’s another version of this one too also I want to say they made a a another variant with the with the anniversary uh around it so there’s two of these hey man don’t rip on the gold rope chain no I wasn’t doing a chain this is before the Suge Knight error man this is before shooting I get on death I I picked up uh number one yeah that’s a great looking copy too yeah a real nice uh grade boy Commandos some Jack Kirby number one really nice I mean like 10 bucks bro yeah all day and uh Power Girl uh number one was hot I picked up another one of these man the guy had it in a bin for two bucks a [ __ ] snagged us [Music] I never see that I don’t even know what that cover is um I’ve never seen that cover you’ve never seen this cover this is one of my favorite covers all time dude rocket number one variant I think it was uh one in 25 I want to say maybe 150.

and then uh uh Mark Jewelers variant of uh this GI Joe what’s the condition on that uh uh near mint very uh very high grade um like that’s the only reason why I picked it up it just needs to press and uh I would say nine six nine four nine six uh with a chance at a nine eight it’s like that close it’s really clean it’s a nice copy I had a bunch of GI Joes in the bottom bottom box right here on this one GI Joe crazy really you are I I need a I’m trying to complete a run what do you got what number uh a lot uh hit me we’ll talk because like just hit me up on Instagram because I got a bunch of them I bought a bunch of them I don’t know if they’re all great grades but you know I picked up that Deadpool uh variant cool I didn’t have that one and then uh this is perel this is uh pretty hard to find Cap the vampire cap it was Deadpool that don’t get enough love Deadpool one’s got a young where he’s sitting on power weapons this is my uh second one and this one actually is a higher grade so I got this for like 20 bucks I didn’t even blink I said I’ll take it I didn’t even ask for a deal and then um for some reason like this one’s eluded me I needed this one so I snagged that and then um this was uh my buddy he has a LCS here Steven Fuentes of Most Wanted Comics so um this was the variant that he had done for uh his uh his shop this was his first variant so uh the Ronin book and then I had it remarked by Bo Nguyen he’s a upcoming artist that’s perfect yeah right yeah right where I mean it’s clean so shout out my buddy Steve I love you bro and then uh oh uh it’s not a what the duck bearing is is just a a gwenpool variant with Howard the Duck and I bro it’s so [ __ ] ugly I had to have it you know and then uh I’m trying to collect all these what the duck variants so I I’ve got uh a few more that I had ordered on eBay I just went on this rabbit hole but that’s a [ __ ] thing dude like is it like two bucks a book or something is it like really cheap what but these yeah I don’t know no this one goes for like 20 30 bucks okay I don’t know yeah on eBay and then uh another Mark Jewelers this one’s really high grade yeah I bought a bunch of Newsies I don’t know if they’re I had to open them up I bet you they’re Mark Jewelers because these don’t feel like Mark Jewelers and you open them up and you go son of a [ __ ] because usually there’s a little more weight I bought them I bought them off a Facebook claim sale way back in the day of like two bucks a book I’m like and then so I met this artist last year really nice lady but uh she needs to start doing books man she did uh this one this rocket for me it’s my favorite character bro look at that I like the baby group too that’s dope baby group man like my wife and as soon as she did it like it took her a little while like people oh man I want that I want that you know what I mean and so I lit it up man she made some money dude I was hyping her up I was like oh [ __ ] I was the hype man for her man so shout out uh Brittany Ann uh Brittany Ann art go go see your stuff on IG she’s phenomenal so Yeah man so I I went Friday with the intention of going back on on Saturday or Sunday I never went back and I was I I think I picked the best stuff that they had man could I have gotten some good prices on um on some stuff yeah probably they had some dealers from San Antonio which uh when you start getting dealers from San Antonio and they’re coming this way and we had a couple from Dallas that that’s pretty good so how many vendors you think were there roughly man uh I had the I had the pamphlet where it showed kind of how many uh I don’t know offhand but there was a lot more than what they had uh um last year uh so just so okay so a couple things uh be like I’ll get this PSA out of the way I started uh I don’t even know why I started this but I started a membership platform I call it dirty flippers it’s a buck a month I think only 99 Cents uh I guess you get Early Access and stuff you don’t if we get a lot of people going in I’ll start buying stuff for the channel off the dirty membership dirty flipper membership things and I’ll give away to the channel just you know if you guys are interested a buck a buck a month it’s not terrible I mean you know supporting the shows and other Revenue who’s doing some things I guess there’s members on these chats and stuff we’ll I’ll figure it out later uh and the other thing is uh make sure you come to my Comic Con dude because mess around with this let’s see if I can find it do I even have it on this well I don’t even have it would be harder a little flip side Comic Con Saturday August 26th Carter will be there I’m bringing uh dollar boxes because I refuse to price anything oh so you’ll find something your boy’s gonna be digging his nose before anybody no um so basically what I’ll do is uh dirty flipper t-shirts I do they’re on the website I think I loaded them I think me and Rick were talking about that I can get you there I have the the dirty flipper t-shirts man I know I mean I got it I might wear one for the uh the flip side convention I still have them uh people love those shirts man you got did I give you one Jim uh is that Baltimore when you came dirty flipper shirts yeah you just gave them out to your friends I was just playing right that’s that’s George’s falling on Saturday August 26th come by hang out talk to Carter and me dude dude damn thing that’s what we do man we gotta get the band back together bro well that’s what I said so I talked to Brian McClay um he’s doing well I saw him anytime he wants to come on the channel it’s all good dog you know I mean I think I can get the band back together I think I’ve um I think I can I can CEO this and make the bag like long short came back on you’re back on he shows up you know like uh Time Heals Old Wounds bro you know what I mean okay let’s my little PSA dude for this is we just talk about Comics I don’t give a [ __ ] about the drama I never cared about the drama I don’t give two shits I just want to talk about comics and hang out with my friends and talk stuff on Monday Tuesdays it would be epic dude like I don’t care just hey how about this it would be like the eagles getting back together bro uh basically yeah so basically I would say just there’s still the best thing about it dude just bring everybody but I don’t even care dude you know it’d be a hellacious market report bro I could tell you oh I’m sure it would be you know for me epic it would be an epic market report bro I don’t I don’t like to say this because it seems not humble I try to be very humble about this stuff I joke around being a CEO and so but we made a lot of people internet famous during the company or myself Brian and George like there’s a lot of people out there who didn’t have YouTube platforms that were on these channels and now I have a YouTube platforms so I mean not do I care about that I do just because we did it and we gave people voices and stuff like that but you know it just means that we did something that was part of something absolutely man absolutely I mean um much uh much love dude like uh I I so appreciate those early days I mean I didn’t know what the [ __ ] I was doing man you know and uh you guys help I mean navigate me I mean because you know me man I get crazy man just start going off on on on a rail and then just uh but at the end of the day man we’re all pretty much the same we’re hoarders bro well you know the thing too is like I created this channel you know me and Trey talked about it having our own podcasts and stuff like that and he’s like you’re pretty smart kid and I was like well let me get my friends who I just know and we’ll talk [ __ ] and see either it’s going to be a big thing or it’s going to be the [ __ ] three people watching at the end of the day and no we we had some success and I appreciate everybody on the channel and just like I just continue to be humble and especially when I go out and see people like Chris Colbert the same thing it’s like you go and see people people recognize you from the channel or people recognize you you know even you right just like people go out there like oh I know you from this place and this is cool man I mean you know just a stronger Community man that’s all I care about dude you know I’m not a drama guy I don’t care about anything else I just want to talk comics and shoot the [ __ ] and watch wrestling and even damn thing it’s a little PSA to the people man I gotta go down visit you guys man definitely I gotta go hang out with Carter dude like yeah show us dude yeah show show me your spots bro and oh I saw his spots [Laughter] bro you hear that that’s that’s laugh bro that that’s laughing money right there bro money’s just coming out dude I don’t want to talk too much about it because it’s a lot of history and stuff but I will say it was small business problems at some points it’s like you know we are over there in covet and then we’re all trying to get back together and you know a lot of people spend a lot of hours on phone calls back in the day and we just didn’t have time to you know cater to everybody and you know it’s my fault too and you know just you know things things happen people are stressed out you know we were working on things a lot of times you know but you know it’s nothing’s ever gone you know people it’s like it’s like comic book spec people come back dude I had no qualms with anybody obviously a few people in my world that have qualms with but besides that dating any man wants to come on the channel I don’t care dude come on the channel I tell everybody come on the channel swing by you want to hang out cool man if you don’t yeah that’s cool too man I’m very easy going dude man at the end of the day it could be dual stream dude do you know what I mean yeah man dude I don’t care you know what I mean yeah I mean like do something that nobody’s done right well right now I’m on somewhere on Facebook live showtime in HBO putting on a fight bro we’re on Facebook live I have a twitch Channel Theory I don’t even know if that gets any views we could have seven million views I don’t even know um and then YouTube They Weren’t YouTube so I mean yeah that’s cool man I mean you know I I just appreciate everybody and everybody wants to come back on I don’t care dude you know it’s all good even if the people on this show wanna you know it’s you and Ben one night and you know somebody else and somebody else [ __ ] Chris Colbert wants to come out of sometimes I don’t care dude hey yeah and like I I I’ll party with anybody dude I’m I’m pretty pretty loyal guy man and you guys know I jump on different podcasts I hang with thorough I hang with Brian I hang with you like if you’re talking books and I I just like having fun making people laugh and yeah and that’s what I like too dude I mean I I have no problems going to other people’s channels man you know it’s cool man people want to invite me cool if they don’t cool too man I mean I get it yeah I mean you know I I think people thought you know at some point you know we were really big at one point we were making billions of billions of dollars hey you know what let me change the subject did you guys see the picture of the Von eriks uh the actors that are playing the von Eric that one Rip City bro no [ __ ] awesome what’s happening with it so it’s the first uh still uh they’ve released uh from the Von Erich movie okay and uh I guess ripped bro yeah uh let me see if I can find it so here’s here’s one beefcake look at [ __ ] Zac Efron [ __ ] yeah bro yo get out of here I mean he is not messing around what’s going on and then who’s the other dude um the get the guy that came out in the showtime um show there yeah yeah and uh Shameless um that’s gonna be called ironclaw yeah yeah the iron claw nice see and and I followed you know being from South Texas I followed I followed the Von Erichs religiously and uh Man David Von Erich was was the best and when he died it kind of changed a lot he had that heart attack or whatever if you watch uh behind the bastards it’s a Spotify podcast they do a a six piecer on Vince McMahon um but uh they talk about the Von eriks and part one I think here it’s like a six part series uh so it was great dude it was uh people you know I’m talking about how Vincent van was a terrible person but still um part one part two I think we’re gonna Bond Eric say Fritz and how [ __ ] up Fritz was and all that good stuff have you uh watched their dark side of the Ring yes Bigelow not yet no is that good great man I’m a big dark sided ring guy I I liked wrestlers that had a lot of tools you know like this wrestler like David he had the iron claw he had the figure four he had the sleeper like they were just attached with different holes that were almost like weapons like a GI Joe character you know what I mean like you know when you’re a kid you thought man bro and you you’re going to school hey bro did you see you put them in the figure four come on booger tapped out and so Rick Flair was in in there for a while and and uh the uh Ric Flair the Von Erics Iceman King Parsons uh the Free Birds free birds were crazy with Michael PS Hayes and Terry Gordy and and uh was it Ronnie Garvin and then it was uh Gino Hernandez like all of that I got a chance to see all those [ __ ] at the Coliseum here in Corpus man and it was like standing room only man they would put on a show so the dark side of the ring too it’s uh the next episode is me and Carter we’re actually talking about this I said the beach 2000 and then the last episode is Mario that he was gonna be [ __ ] insane so uh I know he’s gonna just [ __ ] on HBK all day but that’s okay I I like uh watching uh like on Youtube it’ll have like an hour’s worth of Ric Flair’s [ __ ] talking uh oh have you seen on Instagram oh man we talked about this um look at this I’ll do this for you oh I’ll you’ll be lost in the sauce brother when I do this um so you want no context flare memes look at this there’s a bunch of them dude he just talks and you can’t hear it but like walking me shutting in all this stuff walking in a car dealership is your lease is about to expire this crazy stuff and then um we talked about this last week so if you’re a fan of that one you’re a fan of this one little no context Dusty roads Grandpa going into his wallet for his great for the ground here yeah yeah so that’s what I I followed ocu on Instagram because uh would you tell me Carter about Ric Flair in the no context players yeah my buddy’s been doing the no contacts Dusty’s on Facebook because that’s funny [ __ ] yeah man yeah they had that uh ESPN 30 for 30 with Ric Flair I thought that was pretty badass I like The Joe Rogan interview too that was great too all right guys I gotta I gotta go into work that’s pissed off man good stuff good seeing you guys man uh as you said me and Carter are going to SummerSlam on Saturday we’re gonna try to do some stuff or I don’t know what we’re gonna do we’ll get through yeah are we gonna do the review on Tuesday are we going to do it live right after that [ __ ] just do it during the show oh [ __ ] dude yes I don’t know we’ll see I’m probably more like Tuesday because I’m an old man I know yeah no uh report of the the stuff you don’t get to see on TV man yeah yeah we might get backstage passes bro fingers crossed me yeah uh no no somebody hit me up because I was talking about he collects sports cards and I was like hey man you into comics and he’s like no this other wrestler is so he hit me back on Instagram it was a school um I didn’t think he would ever hit me back on Instagram uh but no I was cool so my my buddy like he used to work at UH like the Hershey Hotel which is later it’s now uh like um yeah so he would uh like take care of special guests right whatever they needed anyway oh my God so he took he’s he’s telling this story about Gino Hernandez wanted to be taken to go running at like six in the morning right and so he shuttles him uh Shoreline Boulevard they have the Selena statue there now and stuff and so he gets out and he starts going no autographs no pictures and there’s nobody around bro and so you know he he starts jogging all the way to the end of the the end of the strip and then he signals for my buddy to come back and pick him up and he’s like okay he just thought it was weird I said I thought this guy wanted to work out he just you know thought he was going to have some kind of uh following out there or something so he drives to go pick him up and then he goes get get these people off of these like guys walking his dog and [ __ ] like that what are you talking about so later on he goes back upstairs and remember I told you how uh the free birds were there well Michael P S Hayes answers the [ __ ] door like I think he was bringing him food or some [ __ ] and and he answers the door [ __ ] Buck Naked he used to do that all the time with big ribs yeah and then Sunshine his chick was naked too and they tell him to come in yeah he goes no I’m good nah nah nah you need to come in and so they bring the food in he’s trying to look away but it’s almost like Michael PSA is trying to put his [ __ ] in his face dude you know what I mean it’s just like and I can’t imagine what these people were smoking back in the 70s and 80s a lot of cocaine man wow a little bit of that action you know what I’m saying but yeah good step you know I didn’t do that story Justice because the way he tells it is [ __ ] hysterical well I’m sure it is I’m sure it is but all right guys let’s kill it we’ll be back next week as usual Tuesdays sleepy sleepy time so all right guys we appreciate it we’re gonna head this one out I gotta figure out where we’re uh all right guys we’ll talk to you guys later

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