Flipside Tuesdays | SUMMER SLAM REVIEW YEAH!!! | Market Stalker

let me ask and we’re live oh man look at you over there Beast I uh [ __ ] kicked off to these car specifically don’t worry about it um yeah so what are we doing um we’re talking about SummerSlam yes we’re uh doing a market stalker report we got like news I guess you would call it it’s not it’s like literally non-news but yeah it’s something to throw y’all yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah something to munch on Chop on a little bit yeah I got you um and then we’re doing it uh and then we’ll be back hold on one second thank you [Music] uh what are we gonna show off first all all the all the crap that nobody like to see so hold on let me move all the crap down just okay so um uh what we’re doing today is an abbreviated uh uh flip side Tuesdays where we talk about comics and then we’re going to immediately jump into wrestling talk wrestling because we uh the both of us we went to uh SummerSlam Detroit yep this Saturday uh last Saturday and uh we want to talk about it that’s right that’s right uh hold on one second uh look at all these people hold on one second uh let’s do this uh talk about the the flip side Comic-Con because you’re gonna be there I’m gonna go get some stuff I gotta I gotta go and get some sign I’m not even prepared for this whole show but it’s okay uh here talk about the talk about the show talk about the Comic Con it’s gonna happen and I’ll be right back okay so Flipside Comic-Con is Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday it’s a Saturday August 26 2023 10 a.m starts at 10 A.M ends at 5 p.m okay all right all right uh in your reading so it’s at uh Rivers Edge Brewing Company and uh it’s in it’s in the D it’s in it’s in Detroit well rather it’s you know Detroit adjacent but I’ll be there we’ll have a number of uh other um dealers I’m gonna be setting up I’ll be bringing dollar boxes because I’m not gonna feel like pricing books so I’m just gonna I’m just gonna look at a book I’m just gonna go you know what I’m gonna sell you for a dollar throw you in a box put it out let you go ahead and buy it let you go ahead flip it make a little money off of it [Laughter] I’m a motor mount yo I didn’t realize how much of a motor mouth I am hey man you got those mad promo skills you got the stick I like it um okay so yeah Flipside Comic Con like Carter said August 26th I heard let me just keep hyping it up good stuff uh the other thing I want to talk about is I’m That Kind of dude picking everybody’s money you know um check it out so you get a little join feature oh um uh here we go hit the drawing feature check it out you could like join and do some stuff and be cool and be like everybody else and wherever it went right there a little join and if you do that and you could be a member of our YouTube you can be a dirty flipper so uh a buck a month I’ll give it back to the show I don’t care um if we get enough money I’ll buy a comic book or buy something and I’ll just give it away I don’t even care um please guys sign up for moderators I didn’t have moderators on this show I used to have moderators and then we just don’t care anymore um no I appreciate it um yeah I mean I’m gonna get mine I don’t care um so I can do that um everybody’s happy pro wrestling talk we’re doing it all look at all these guys okay uh after all that stuff so are we gonna talk you want to do the stalker report first or you want any new let’s see the news section yeah let’s uh yeah let’s get into the news let’s do the uh Market Market stuff and then uh we could talk uh SummerSlam okay um so this is what oh I don’t know why I did that okay whatever um okay so this is the obligatory news article for Flipside Tuesdays so so this is from comicbookmovie.com is that reputable yeah I I suppose so they’ve been around for a hot minute I check them every once in a while okay so uh Emma Stone has revealed her new look oh boy yeah but um yeah yeah she well she revealed to her new look and she looks just like spider Gwen from the into the spider-verse movies so that’s uh it’s uh it’s fueling rumors as to whether she’ll be a live-action spider Gwen that’s literally it that’s it that’s it you’re you’re muted yeah spider-verse twos because they’re not they’re not hot enough though that’s for sure uh News segment it’s all good um let’s hope these market reports okay so this is weird I didn’t change anything um hmm that’s weird hold on one second what am I gonna do so our beautiful faces won’t be showing while the I can do the books are up no I can do this I can do this okay we’re gonna go out of order watch what Dino does my problem Bang okay all right so Marvel Mystery Comics Number 83 uh this was my pick you had it in there it was oh shoot okay I don’t know I I don’t remember uh it’s a strong ain’t over a Marvelous Mystery uh what three grand 35 I don’t know does that feel like that should be more just because it’s an 8-0 it’s probably from what the late 40s early 50s from 40.

3 or 47 it looks like oh geez that should be more than that yeah I don’t know you know these some of these Marvel Mystery books you’re like if it’s not like a Kiki book it’s like you know it’s like Schaumburg books in general like Schaumburg Berks they’re either worth like 10 grand or they’re worth 300 bucks there’s like no in between I feel like these Marvel Mysteries are the same way like either they’re worth 30 40 000 or a couple of Grand and that’s it um okay uh uh okay okay okay okay uh I do wanna we’ll talk about this speculation later this is just purely speculation that he’s three feet taller than me so in the thumbnail that’s okay we’ll talk about that in a second um how about this one my favorite this is legit top 10 favorite covers oh so we have Love and Rockets number 24 we have a raw copy selling for 84.

Is this the last issue no it’s just a it’s just a classic cover it’s uh it was it was um it was homaged by uh the America Chavez series um but uh this is uh this is this cover is so much fun it’s got a ton of layers to it I mean it’s simple what black and red yeah but there’s just just so much going on this is a fun cover it’s from like the I think gosh I wanna I wanna say like 84 I think so this is like an early 80s cover it’s this thing it’s just has so much going for it uh classic classic uh 84 I I believe at one time this book was going for about 200 so yeah there’s some people out there going for 200 still and it’s like it’s very hard to find there’s [ __ ] like seven listings yeah I I remember for a time there were like there were no listings for this book so I guess the market is kind of you know kind of soft adjusting but I this is still a strong price if there are other copies available the one we talked about during the uh during the SummerSlam pre-show yeah this book this book is the bang so am I collecting existence so we have Green Lantern number 70.

DC Universe variant I’ve been after this book for gosh I want to say five plus years every time I’m in the Green Lantern section every time every time I come across number 70 you know go a little bit further down look at the barcode damn it you’re a better man than I am because I skipped Green Lantern and all the [ __ ] together Green Lantern one of that [ __ ] thing listen only because of this book here do I search for Green Lantern okay you’re a better man than I am so uh [ __ ] it up over here um Green Lantern Green Lanterns okay this one a little uh a little uh t-shirt action t-shirt spec so we got uh I I just said you know what I think we’re gonna throw some comic related merchandise into these uh Market stalkers just because so we’ve got a Punisher t-shirt from the 90s now this isn’t one that I had growing up I had the I had the Mike zek where he’s just kind of standing there with the two guns and uh that’s that’s the Punisher t-shirt that I had but uh this one I just interesting to see like all these 90s t-shirts uh feels a little cheap just because the 90s 90 90s t-shirts were I think are going for a lot more than just 200 bucks yeah that one girl no no no no no no no not that one it’s he’s um he’s just kind of standing there uh that that uh okay so the one right below where your cursor is that’s the image that was on my t-shirt uh Punisher t-shirt that’s the image not that one right no no no no okay down go down go down for uh as far when you to the it’s basically the image from uh return to Big nothing yeah yeah that one yeah that that image right there was on my uh t-shirt growing up and I can’t find that t-shirt at all and I have to imagine that thing is probably worth maybe 500 that’s that’s what I’m thinking if one does pop up and and they have it for like a grand I wouldn’t be mad at them no I wouldn’t I I wouldn’t buy it but I wouldn’t be mad at them you know uh oh there’s an art print did they have that as a comic book actually uh it’s a hardcover book it’s not like there was but it’s not yeah the image wasn’t on an actual comic it was on like it was on a hardcover uh do I dare show this do I dare show this to you let’s see that one yeah 369.99 wow what’s the condition uh XL um I mean I I don’t know I mean looks okay to me I mean not the T-shirt connoisseur guy but it looks good ah dang it I’m sorry there you know what without a private channel for later but don’t don’t you [ __ ] buy it either you know what I’ll I’ll let y’all have it it’s okay oh wow look at you’re a generous guy I don’t want to overspin oh okay wow wow okay so we have uh Amazing Spider-Man Italian I like this cover just because uh so amazing Spider-Man 300 I tie Edition uh I like this just because it’s uh all black in the background and uh you have actual Venom on well not Venom on the cover but Venom uh in text on the cover just something interesting to look at 380 bucks seems cheap because either we’re going for bananas when people were trying to get the first 98 Degrees cool cool I always liked this book um this Ball’s a horror book yeah this is 277 I mean it looks BG plus I mean it’s only got one picture which kind of probably killed it it’s weird because it looks like a it looks like a reprint doesn’t it it and yeah you know it doesn’t it because it looks way too nice to be a VG yeah in this in this in the bag and it’s just like unless any problem is you didn’t show the back cover so that’s kind of yeah yeah so yeah the picture is a one of one so it’s um it’s it I would I would have a hard time trusting this I mean he’s got decent feedback and the guy has like multiple the guy has like high feedback so you you would think he’d know better than to just have a single picture and it’s in the comics in the bag you know what I’m saying um Studio sellers Spotlight people love this oh he is zero results okay I guess I didn’t go home and say let me do this again give me the eBay bruh I mean this guy must have a lot of things I’ll get five here we go but bang check it out it’s got an air boy hmm and he’s only he’s only one oh this one’s got multiple pictures still in the bag no no backpacks dude what’s up oh he got that from my comic shop what’s the point what’s the point of that of showing like your label from my comic shop where you probably bought it for cheaper for like a a dollar yeah let’s see what he sold uh you know that’s what I do train cars tell us from the Crypt cbcs okay okay you know what it’s any for thirteen hundred dollars the original listing he took multiple picks it looks like okay good for him on that one oh okay okay okay interesting okay okay weird uh there we go all right this one is interesting to me because uh so you have Marvel Spotlight volume two number six uh first appearance well actual first comic appearance of Star-Lord I this book what I remember this book around the time of the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie this book was hot and then it dipped and to see it at 27 that’s kind of that’s interesting to me you know what I’m saying just uh and on top of that the Guardians of the last Guardians of the Galaxy movie the final one I suppose has come and gone so this one’s still still selling for almost 30 bucks uh that’s uh that’s impressive yeah and it’s not an actual it’s not the true first appearance it’s that magazine writer or whatever yeah yeah Marvel preview number yeah number four four yep four or something I don’t know this one all right okay so I remember a few years ago ultimate X first appearance of Jimmy Hudson a lot of people were uh uh specking on this character and I remember issues of ultimate X number one and the variants and all that kind of crap that was good that was going for a decent amount I forget how long ago it was I want to say like maybe eight years ago seven to eight years ago and then that died down but I I think that the ultimate X spec is back for whatever reason I forget I forget the actual reason but uh it’s kind of back and we have this ultimate X number one second print uh selling for sell them for 30 bucks so yeah okay you find those on a dollar bin somebody didn’t forget around like yeah for sure yeah I remember finding these for uh Dirt Cheap back in the day so Jimmy Hudson you heard this one and I’ll just editorize this because I don’t want to pull up a second second thing uh for 4 500 not 65.

Yes uh ultimate Fallout number four new stand Edition okay so like I said like uh like Dino said sold for 4 500. and I there was I believe there was a nine four that just sold today for a lot more money than that if you uh if you can look that up it’s old yes best offer accepted I don’t know I believe long short um oh he posted it on Instagram yeah he posted it on Instagram I think it went for about 8 500 I believe I downloaded the app now on the old uh the old uh the Google machine heck it yeah yeah yeah look at this like bang uh he sold for 87.50 okay wow wow for a 9-4 so that’s basically uh the the one in 25 variant yeah damn that is hella impressive crazy crazy crazy I wonder how rare those newsstands actually are in the in the in the long run you know what I’m saying yeah yeah I wonder if you how many people don’t realize they have a new stands of that or have like a crap ton of UFOs and just like oh that’s great and whenever you know or some crap so that’s interesting to me this one uh I thought this was cool just because so we have a Adam Hughes Sketchbook I don’t know what year this is so I’m not quite sure how early or how late but add a few sketchbook for 95 that looks like a decent and it’s autographed you find it how much his signature was better that is a terrible thing it’s like it’s so it it just gets lost in the sauce maybe that’s a maybe that’s a good thing I don’t know I don’t know but it’s just it’s just it’s like anybody can do that signature if you even want to call it a signature I’m just looking to see if they have anything in the old uh on the Google machine 2003 maybe okay I tell you what if it’s from 2003 then to me that’s a good price yeah 2003.

Like it to me the earlier it’s like it has to be in that kind of sweet spot of Adam Hughes art the early to late 2000s I think that’s the sweet spot for him oh or yeah like early you know early 2000 to like around 2009-ish yeah we were all that we were all adding huge train there in the beginning it was uh it was a thing when we were youngins uh all right so we have Hawkeye number nine second print this is uh long shorts this is one of the longshore’s favorite books going for what going forward 49 52 plus 36. 36 shipping so on the internet call it 86.87 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I had this book was going for a hell of a whole lot more uh a couple years ago but it’s still a strong price yeah still a strong price [Music] uh uh little romance novel or a romance book for you so the lights down it’s time to get romantic all right so we’ve got teenage Temptations number two from 1953 Matt Baker cover my man is carrying this chick off they bout to do something they about to turn the lights down they finna do something that is a terrific cover look at that love that car I hadn’t I’ve never seen that cover before uh doing this search so I can’t believe we didn’t put Matt Baker in there for uh on the title I don’t even think he knew you don’t know he knew either but look at that cover so damn uh oh Betty Veronica I don’t I just figured I’d throw this in here just because I never see this cover a person me personally I really don’t see this cover around too much so Betty and Veronica 267 the Fiona Staples mermaid variant uh sold for a little under 200 dollars why not all right we’re also over 159 really the BF sold for 27 so it looks like this is one of those books uh it’s like nine six and nine eight are bust hmm it looks like this oh this one’s right yeah this one’s 45 bucks so it’s like it’s either like you’re hitting you’re hitting a uh a home run or it’s or you’re not this one’s interesting this one’s probably is this one’s 50 bucks but it’s signed by Dan parent of all things hmm it’s like either it’s like really really out there or it’d be better it’d be a lot better if it weren’t signed yeah that’s why I think the values are obviously you can think of cbcs and just throw it up or whatever but damn that’s just a strange price for a nine six like you think it might would sell for like maybe a hundred or something like that in the United States yeah I wonder what um uh what do you think a 980 sold for wanna play that again I would say maybe I would say around in the three-ish range that’s what I’m thinking I don’t know because it doesn’t say all right I can’t tell you I’m sorry but hell maybe this is like the highest grade like the highest slab that is available who knows I didn’t do a deep dive on this book so no you’re okay I thought I could pull it up but it doesn’t have it in any of the um issues and oh here we go hard line I lied I lied I’m an idiot I’m sorry guys uh a 98 variant sold for May of 22.

that’s the only time it showed up 185 dollars jeez I’m sure that’s probably somebody’s got some that is okay [Music] um this book that everybody loves hard to get like a higher than 9092 everybody’s favorite book and they did sell for that so uh Batman 227 you know nine point 9.044 Grand correct nice nice you do you you pulling the trigger on that wow it’s a classic cover it’s not necessarily you know no first appearances or anything that no it’s a cool cover I mean if what I buy for four games how to flip it no but I mean if I had crazy money line around foreign okay I could have swore uh when I did the 130 one point one at 130 Point search it sold for uh four but okay that’s awesome yeah good job so it sold for three grand I’m uh I’m corrected so congrats that’s beautiful sick man wow so okay so you pulling the trigger at three what’s happening yeah I’m pulling three it wasn’t me but I I you know that’s a good sale man that’s a hell of a deal man that’s okay oh yeah look at that we we just know everybody on eBay oh he goes I wish all right iZombie number one okay so um okay so this book was a hundred dollar book at one point uh this was right before this was yeah before that iZombie TV show on the CW if you remember the one that came and gone yeah so I don’t know that I just figured you know what let’s uh let’s see how this book is doing today okay and like if I if I came across this book in the dollar bin I’d be all over it uh sixteen dollars but it’s still a good cover though yeah but it was going for a hell of a whole lot more however many years ago we don’t influence anything uh-huh no I mean and people people collect garum cook covers too I mean that’s not a that’s not a it’s like Scotty young all those people are good you know those type of covers and this cover is on point yeah that’s good so dope uh this was the book that was hot for a while the old 608 uh second print remember dude I I remember 2003 searching for this book and not being able to find it and um and like yeah this book was a [ __ ] and I finally came across one oh gosh I want to say like maybe eight years ago or something like that it was you know but uh Batman 608 second print I have to imagine this book because okay so I looked a little bit closer on this it’s kind of ticked up along the spine so but 122 is still so I would say it’s about a VF 122 is still a good price for a VF copy like this and I’m sure somebody just kind of put it in its collection probably or her collection yeah I can’t believe I found the copy for 10 bucks yeah yeah I still can’t believe it uh this book Tales from the Crypt number 41.

from 1954. we’re going to talk about the third later in SummerSlam so stick around for the wrestling part okay so uh 178 I I don’t know I just love I love covers like this you know just women on women women horror covers yeah yeah it’s got that Houdini Vibe with the the knives and like the magician kind of style things this is does this count as a bondage cover oh yes um look looking like Betty Page too correct or uh Tarzan Jane yeah yeah I’m with it okay um uh this one and I’m gonna editorize this one to not sell for 250 this sold for a glorious 170 this is Universe X fighting number one a recall variant yes yes um this one this is another book that I’ve been after and every time I get the fake out yeah just because there’s no real indication you real you gotta look inside the book because there’s nothing outside to indicate that this is the recalled version so and why is it a recall version you know um okay so on the inside there is a panel where there are some books in the background and it says something about the Marvel editor being an a-hole or something like that and so they got recalled in the new version is out and I always come across that that re that newer version of the book interesting you know I like doing a show with you because I think it’s mental images like snaps in my brain of all this stuff all right so we’ve got this is uh one of my favorite sets right here so we have side lock one through four uh this was a very very very hot book well a very hot set years ago and I I figured let’s check in on this book as well I you know what there’s something about there’s something in there’s something in me that wants to like rescue the women you know what I’m saying that kind of that hero complex so I guess I guess that’s why all right that’s my story and I’m sticking with it hey I’ll back you up on that all right so psylock one through four set for 122.

that’s this is basically been the consistent price for this set for a number of years already so and in like and for for four issues for 122 bucks yeah and probably after fees and all that the the seller will clear a hundred dollars so that’s pretty damn respectable yeah interesting and fence signs everywhere so you know it’s like it’s easy to get a signature on those probably so yeah there’s a variant for issue one right uh second print you there is a second print look at you the knowledge you bring um this book I’ve always wanted is another book I’ve always wanted it’s been on the it’s been on the list people want way too much money for it but real Weird Mystery Spot Classic cover okay is brain decapitated and brain I have a story I have a story on this exact book I found this book raw for a hundred dollars this exact book that exact book um this was like roughly two years ago it was like towards the end of what probably the end of 2021 or something like that this thing was brittle okay uh everything was detached both you know back and front covers were detached I mean and everything was just like flaking off so I’m just like okay I paid a hundred dollars for this let’s get this thing out of my hands as soon as possible so I put it up for 1500.

It buys Within probably a couple hours and I didn’t think anything of it until a year ago roughly a year ago I see this listing and I noticed that uh this is uh the book that I bought and uh this book has had been sitting on eBay for about a year until someone finally bought it at the price that uh this seller uh wanted for it so what Thirty thirty three thousand six hundred and fifty same thing with like um the the Ant Hill cover and the one on Mr Mystery 8 or 13 and all those covers it’s just I can’t spend seeing myself spending three grand for a 1-0 or like you know exactly for yeah I took the chance on it for a hundred just because yeah for sure but I will say if this thing was in better you know like just right yeah if if it weren’t so damn brittle if if this thing weren’t like disintegrating before my eyes I would have held on to it but this thing was just this thing was just like falling apart so I had to get rid of it hey at least he doubles money finally it took him a while but yeah yeah but it had been there for about a year or so yeah that’s one of those things somebody’s probably saving I can finally pull the trigger up mm-hmm episode one Phantom Menace number three nine eight a nine eight for 209.

so this was uh hmm this was what like a was this a hundred dollar book at one point do you remember as far as it being raw I think so because I think the rumors were don’t quote me that was the biggest Star Wars nerd yeah um I thought they were saying Darth Maul might come back in the uh one of the movies uh yeah that’s right because uh yeah he made his little cameo in um he made a cameo in Solo okay I didn’t watch that so but I yeah I just remember seeing like screenshots of it yeah um this book high grade Albedo two Seven Grand this is uh this is uh one of my uh I guess dollar bin fantasy books right here but uh they have Sakai actually one of the guys I knew from uh heroescon he actually did this in like for free in like 10 seconds for this dude like that he just did like a on a big a little sketch like flash card style yeah did that and then they did that within like 10 seconds to put the window in it and stuff it was dope wow yeah this is my fantasy book too it’s cool it’s just like damn it I know Seven Grand I mean it’s it’s out of this world it’s almost here with tmt1 and crazy stuff like that like not saying TFG 190 was up Seven Grand book but uh I remember this book Far sector this book was I remember that’s our boy this was this book was hella hot this is this is TJ Time Bomb baby yeah the second print I think this was like a I want to say this was a 75 book at one point was it not yes it was but it came out so now you have nine eight selling for 200 which is still respectable but uh you know I remember uh finding quite a few copies back in the day I’m looking to see what else CJ has on the old uh eBay respectable this guy very respectable perfect uh you should you should you should sell your eight and a half you know what I was gonna tell them to hold on I forget how much he paid for it but hold on to it uh this book okay so I actually yeah okay so incredible Hulk number two cgc 4.5 I have this book in a 4.0 and um I don’t how much do this how much did you say it sold for 3 400 I believe 3 400 okay hmm so first appearance of the green Hulk first appearance of green Hulk and um I would never I I can’t see myself getting rid of my Incredible Hulk too just because that’s the closest I’ll probably come to Incredible Hulk one you know what I’m saying dude I had a chance to have one back in the day it was a cover list for like 800 bucks or something oh yeah man I might call my shopping is slapped in like two seconds I’m like God damn it had a Pacific uh a fake cover on it but I was like okay I would have ripped that [ __ ] off who cares bro listen um I remember seeing an Amazing Fantasy 15 coverless for a grand and this was years ago back you know back when nobody was really thinking about it all like that coverless books all like that and I was just like yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah so I I hear you I got you and then last but not least um this book little secret hearts yes we have the Liechtenstein secret hearts number 88 so I like this book so it sold for 271.

uh after 28 bids I love this book I have this book and what I love about it it has two Lichtenstein references so you have the uh girl crying and you have the girl on the phone so this so this one has it I like this one because it has it all it’s beautiful uh Silver age romance and then you have two uh references to uh pop culture art hey uh will you click on the uh that um the uh the second that that eBay listing that I uh just put up all right so we’ve got Magnus robot fighter so uh okay so I have one of these nice so it it looks like it sold for ninety dollars okay but uh this is the this is the Nas Illmatic of Silver age books uh undervalued underrated um I had one we graded it was like a four or something and it was Indianapolis Comic-Con like uh-huh probably 10 years ago now and uh Jonesy uh and his drunken state from the night before bumped into our wall and the things like cracked and shattered and I go we had it up for like 500 bucks and we’re just like who gives a [ __ ] and he’s like I guess I’m buying that comic today [Music] like thank God like yeah we’re all excited because nobody’s gonna buy that book I I love this book yeah so much so uh yeah it’s still undervalued that should be I don’t know man that should be a 500 book just off a general principle in my opinion if you’re like I because I’m a huge Valiant fan still and this has a lot to do in Magnus robot fighter had a lot to do with like the early 90s Valiant so I love it I’m looking right now I might there’s a secret spot I look at for like all these old books because they have them for like I mean he’s uh he’s uh what’s a good word for it he is uh cheap but he knows how to grade and stuff so it’s like you know you’re getting a deal yeah and if it says near map Plus on his website or near mint it’s going to be a 9 8 so let’s look because he had magnets like 24 or something he has he has number twos little number ones a lot of a lot of other ones but not a number one um uh that’s all I got for the Old Market stalker report um now we’re getting into the most from the more serious business the more serious business uh let me tell you something let me talk to you um we uh yeah so me and Carter went to SummerSlam um you know I’ll pull this thing I’ll show you I’ll show you what I was rocking because I don’t care um so I bought this for like a thousand dollars on eBay [Laughter] justifiably put me in our bad this bad reputation or a bad decision Jack Tilley uh but uh so yeah I bought that or that was to help people people liked it people were crazy what’s up dude um yeah we uh so we went to SummerSlam Carter came to my uh a humble abode I told the snipers to uh let them in the guard up front uh I I didn’t buy it for a thousand dollars bought it for like 20 bucks um what else uh so yeah Carter came to my house we drove down we got there really early which was cool because you know what I could have swore that there was going to be like um yeah like like a maybe a match or two you know what I’m saying like right you know at least a dark match at least a dark match something I could I could have swore it was going to be something but I was so like I because I’m so used to waiting in like super long lines for conventions you know what I’m saying and just kind of seeing like maybe uh I was just thinking I don’t know I just wanted to get there and then kind of just take it from there and I told Carter because I didn’t even eat yeah my Carter you want to go get dinner like you want a drink or do something he’s like nah we start focusing oh [ __ ] listen I was not risking I mean I was not risking bubble guts I got you it just because just because I’m like you know what I’m feeling half decent yeah because I get it because I was I was probably operating off of very little sleep yeah yeah and I’m just like I’m not risking [ __ ] if I’m feeling a certain way I’m just like let’s keep it that way so but I didn’t know you were starving to death I’m not worried about it um dude I want to watch I would have watched you eat no I don’t I don’t do that to people I uh I uh I do I have a kid now so it’s always like that um so basically we got down there no problems we parked no problems um we got up to the venue and it was bananas and this was two-hour reported event started bananas and where I’m like where the hell is this line coming from um it is nice on TV uh it’s really nice very uh class yeah yeah um so it’s uh so we got there and it was like deep I mean deep and we were like I was like man and there was one line that was stretched around the back of the building and I’m like is that like the line again and like what’s going on and then me and Carter kind of snuck in and got in like within like 10 seconds yeah okay so there were lines like this and we got into a line that was like this somehow some way I don’t know I know you wanna know but people were like yeah you’re fine don’t worry about it so it was yeah it was okay so for as chaotic as it looked it was easy for us to just walk in yes so when we so we walked in right the merch stand was right there for like we lucked out in the front end just the merch stand was right there and I told my my cousin wanted a t-shirt I was like you know I’ll buy something I don’t care the line was deep I mean it was like it was like an exclusive at sdccd like it was how many how many people you think were in that little section there it was like the corner corner it looked longer than the line to get in the building was it like 500 people you think sitting in that little line like all together the life like they had like what maybe six checkout lines and it was just deep everywhere yeah yeah it was it was like it was just like a sea of people all at the uh merch save all at the merch stands so and I was like I thought Connor was like oh don’t worry about it I’ll come like mid-match or we’ll figure it out I’ll come back later okay so we get to our seats uh some some girl was playing some music uh they were flashing lights a bunch of times it was a party it was a freaking part because like when you get in you’re just hearing like club music yeah you know what I’m saying like you want to like cut a rug a little bit and okay and the thing that caught me the thing that caught my I was the amount of bloodline t-shirts yes it was so many bloodline t-shirts it was like it was like half the freaking people had bloodline t-shirts and it’s a new NWO like I told you yes yes and the and another interesting thing was seeing the amount of La night t-shirts yes because it was distinct because his T-shirt is yellow and it was a ton uh I honestly I think it was almost as many uh La night t-shirts as there were bloodline t-shirts and the and another thing you like every 10 seconds you heard La Knight’s catchphrase being uttered by somebody it’s like let me talk to your player L.A night yeah and then somebody will go yeah you know like the crowd will go yeah yeah and this ha and this went on every 10 seconds so here we go this is June of 23 right so this is only like two months ago Roman Reigns Cody Rhodes La night go figure and then Stone Cold and NWO because that’s what it is uh we’re gonna we’re gonna oh yeah we’re we’re gonna we’re yeah we’re gonna we’re everybody at the bloodline sucks the highest selling tea merch wrestler right now yeah all right hey we’re talking about it we’re gonna talk about all those matches we’re gonna get into it people are getting excited I like this um I got all the I got all the matches we’re just talking about let’s we’re still talking about the experience of us uh getting it yet so yeah we walk in we sit down um we really had uh for the I mean we got it real early but people were filling in but we were pretty I mean it was packed at the start of the thing obviously but I mean for the good part we were pretty much by ourselves we had a couple people behind us a couple people were around us but then um once the show started it got packed um I don’t want to show it uh and we’ll talk about it during the bloodline match but the the the Sea of people around the rings that because me I was talking to Carter when we bought these tickets and I was like uh I was talking about and I was like dude if I bought these tickets let me see if I can pull it up I just post it on Facebook dude I can share all those um I was like do I get do we get floor seats and like floor seats are like 400 bucks a piece I think which is fine I mean I I get that I’m not I’m not I’m not that dude who’s like oh yeah screw that yeah but I was like I wanted to be I’d be standing the whole time you know exactly and I’m like I don’t know if I really want to do that um so we sat so this is like the arena right we sat in the very last Almost very last row of the uh first uh Bowl I guess you would call it um yeah attendance yeah it was 51 I kind of walked away I I that was announced during the women’s kind of mess and I kind of left there like yeah the 10 minutes of I didn’t hear a number I know Carter was there um so uh so we said it was perfect seats it was I wish it was a little closer because it kind of like the details were hard to see especially when it was like multiple people but for like a singles match I thought it was okay would you would you think about the the view at least oh that was a great view okay because we had the big screen on the I didn’t post it but on the big left up here and there’s a big screen on the right so like if you couldn’t see what’s happening in the action you could defer up to it and it was just a live play it wasn’t there’s no replays there was none of that it was just a live feed kind of yes it’s like if you uh had trouble singing or maybe something was going on on the other side of the Ring where you couldn’t see anything you just you know just look up okay not a big deal uh so we got in it was jamming at eight o’clock right when I was starting then this doesn’t do it justice because it was empty the amount of people I wonder if I can find a pic of it um oh because I was like oh my God like how many people are in this like that that’s so fine I’m gonna say that looks way too big for us that’s not us either I was trying to find that picture like a full picture of it at SummerSlam I can’t believe nobody took a picture of it but I will say that uh just everything as far the whole thing was just fun as hell WWE they put on a hell of a show the last time I went to a WWE show was 21 years ago it was uh me me and Michael bijel yeah we were at a SmackDown and the the uh in the dark match was Brock Lesnar a little known wrestler named Brock Lesnar so this is this is Ford fuel that night I mean it was packed and the and the crazy part was the hard camera was on where we were sitting at and hard camera for people who don’t understand what that means that’s the TV Camera uh so it was pointing towards the other side like we’re on the opposite side the the seating over there on the on the floor was like sardines there was like so many chairs in that place it was crazy um but let’s digress let’s kind of get into the matches so we got um look at this one look I actually did the thumbnails very finely uh Logan Paul versus ricochet uh started this whole thing off and Logan Paul had some heat had some booze brother yes he did okay so apparently he we this match started off because Logan Paul had to jump on a plane to go see his brother fight still in his his wrestling gear at the fight yeah still I thought he was gonna take a shower before he jumped on the plane but no no he was just like screw it Liberty gimmick baby I love it yeah um we’ll talk about this dude match tonight so um it was interesting because uh so Mercury is why for people who don’t know is the one of the announcers who announces the entries or the entrances uh when they come out you know like Logan Paul Ricochet whatever it is um Logan Paul uh hit it he had that spot where she should have been a DDT out of the out of the out of the ring I think and yeah but I mean you know Logan Paul for being a young wrestler in the game also you know he’s still a little green yeah he’s athletic I get that too I mean when you’re an athlete I think you could do a lot more I mean like an angle and Lesnar and people who are athletes can just do crazy stuff um I don’t know what they do with Logan Paul um because he just announced he’s gonna fight uh under on the Tyson Fury card too in the next couple of months to somebody um uh he just actually announced it uh he’s gonna fight Dylan Dennis on the under the card of uh Tyson Fury card so for me it’s uh like what do you do with Logan Paul like he’s has he earned his strikes where he’s good enough to be a Brock Lesnar and just show up at like four pay-per-views a year you know like probably I mean here’s the thing he do what he wants in my opinion because he has like he’s bringing young kids others yeah yeah because he has his own thing going so I’m I’m pretty sure WWE is understanding of what he of other stuff he’s got going on I I like I like that I don’t want him to get Overexposed like Ronda Rousey what we’re going to talk about later a little bit um but I just don’t know if he’s done his the point give Logan Paul a 24 7 title where you say hey you got to get that from our truth man I don’t know I don’t know if you can get that from our truth he won like 55 times um I just don’t know I mean it’s interesting with the uh I don’t know it’s just but there were a lot of um what was a spot that stood out to you I’m trying to I’m trying to recall because I actually watched uh I watched the pay-per-view back on TV see I didn’t do that I should have done that just to just to see what what makes yeah uh uh I don’t know let’s let’s hear I I like giving this uh so Logan Paul defeated Ricochet it went 18 minutes I guess which seemed it’s there to me it seemed a little boring I don’t know how it looked how to look on TV did it look really boring on TV yeah it actually looked pretty good okay it looked good it seemed draggy a little bit to me but I mean it’s the first match everybody’s just lethargic trying to get into it oh can I say this um after waiting that long because we were waiting I think we got there about an hour and a half before the show right you know we were just you know bullshitting around and then like the it would go dark and then the lights will come on everybody start cheering and then and then like maybe a half hour later uh lights will go dark lights will come on everybody start cheering but then when you saw the uh the intro that uh yeah yeah then then now and forever yeah then you know the show was starting and that’s just like oh thank God oh yes thank god let’s talk about can we talk about the people behind us or do you want to save that for like Midway theater shows oh we could say that for a big way through the show uh so Logan Paul Ricochet go out they they go 18 minutes Logan Paul wins via brass knuckles which I think is interesting because uh it’s old school tactic and he slips them back in his in his pants after before he before he gets his hand raised a little sneaky I like a little detail a little crispiness on it yeah that’s that to me that was the uh standout moment of the match was how it uh ended with the uh you know a little little cheap shot little cheap shot with the brass knucks and then he’s talking crap to his wife who’s announcing uh she said she’s like yeah she’s just sitting there like yeah loved it uh but to me that was a that was a good way to kick off the show in my opinion what do you think how many stars you give a three three that’s three in it uh yeah let’s say three why not three and a half I like it I’ll agree with you but good way to start off the show not to bruh not to not to ah you know what I’m saying it’s just like we’re building up we’re building up towards something okay uh this match went on second which kind of threw me for a loop uh Cody Rhodes versus Brock Lesnar I thought suits would be one of those not saying it wouldn’t be the main event Maybe maybe before Seth Rollins maybe like one of the top tier Enders but it went on numbers it was on two I was like wow like oh my God it’s coming out right away I think Brock actually wanted to go first but Logan had to leave probably right so he was just like let’s do this as early as possible he’s like I gotta get on flight too I’m going home yeah pretty much yeah yeah uh Cody Rhodes uh Cody Rhodes but I’m glad I’m glad that went second okay okay Cody Rhodes it went it went 1735 um Cody Rose finally defeated Brock Lesnar I don’t I didn’t realize how over Cody Rhodes was from aew to Cody Rhodes to WWE Cody Rhodes every kid on the planet was hyped for Cody Rhodes I noticed that okay as far as t-shirts go yeah uh a lot of bloodline a lot of La night but the little kids were wearing Cody Rhodes shirts and uh okay so my thing on Cody Rhodes is I know uh he might be polarizing but I I was following his career after he left and I was seeing the trajectory so he was doing Ring of Honor he was doing other Indie stuff and then he did um uh I think it was all all in yes you know the the pay-per-view with like you know the non-wwe pay-per-view with like 10 000 seats and yeah I was just seeing the trajectory and I was just like I was rooting for the guy and uh and for him to like be as over as he is I thought he was gonna get buried I I thought the crowd was going to turn on him when um um he came in the Royal Rumble at number 30.

And then lost to Brock Lesnar I mean and lost to um Roman Reigns at WrestleMania I thought I thought that was gonna be like a setback yes you did what I’m saying but it’s not and I’m really that’s a that’s a pleasant surprise and I’m glad because I’m I like him I’m rooting for him just because I I was following his career outside of WWE uh since we’re kind of you know raw was yesterday you watch all of raw or did you just highlight yeah you know what it was kind of weird I I was I was trying to watch it but uh I’ll get around to it started us for life funny stuff um I yeah I’d only teased during raw Cody Rhodes and um Seth Rollins again for another heavyweight title that was that was kind of a cool moment you know okay uh yeah Brock went off no big deal it was all cool it was all good um go ahead the SEC the ending was interesting okay so uh when I was watching it on TV um Brock was like why do you keep doing this you’re just making it harder for yourself just give up you know what I’m saying he was just kind of doing that as he was punishing uh Cody and I I guess that played into the the finish so the Finish was interesting so after he won Brock Lesnar went to like hold his hand out to shake Cody Rose’s hand and on TV and on this big screen that we saw he was very like scared like he didn’t know what was gonna happen I don’t know this is K Fade to being worked but he said during the after the what they call the press conference thing whatever the hell they call that um a scrum or whatever you would have thought um Cody was legitly saying like he didn’t that was not planned at all for Brock Lesnar to put Cody over like that at all so I don’t know if that was true or fake or whatever but does uh does Brock Lesnar get does he it’s like he he has a a rep for not working well with others and a rep for working well with others yeah it’s kind of weird I think I think rocks I know I know what people are gonna say is it was like 2003 when he entered when you when you saw Brock Lesnar like way back in a day right well yeah he reminds me of like the guys from the 80s who like if you break in with him he needs to like if you survive Lesnar a bunch of times and like or man or whatever you want to call it he respects you you know what I’m saying like you know I guess he’s got that he’s like the new Undertaker kind of you know like okay I guess you know what I’m saying like yeah I thought that was interesting yeah uh no I mean what was he gonna do he’s Cody or he’s the son of the dream [ __ ] I’m a kid not like he’s the green kid he’s been in the business forever yeah it is about respect put some respect on his name it is my respect um so that one happened and then and then for for Carter and all the kids and all the merch SummerSlam Battle Royale present by Slim Jim okay so um as the majority of the participants were kind of entering the ring so you had the the SummerSlam thing uh before to be well like all of them kind of filed into the ring that [ __ ] looks sad I did not like that at all that [ __ ] looked sad hey man hey all those guys got checks man so it doesn’t I’m glad for them but um like a carrying cross I felt bad for I I felt bad for tommaso yeah tommaso oh boy I I love Grayson Waller yeah he just kind of filed into the ring yeah at the chat Alpha American team was down there yeah like it looked like cattle you know what I’m saying it’s just it I didn’t like it didn’t like it the only people who had a insurance was the man is La night and there was one more oh AJ Styles AJ Styles [Music] and then he returned so oh my God that dude is massive we were waiting like I mean we had pretty far seats right but he looked him and Brock Lesnar looked like beast from like yeah it was like I would so I I’d be like 100 yards away and like oh I know who that dude is you know right he looked exactly the same as I remember him 20 something years ago as far as like Brock Lesnar but um Omas man that dude yikes that brother stands the hell out yes um so this one was one of the ones where I had to look at the screen a lot because it was just so much chaos yeah in the ring I couldn’t distinguish what was going on I thought Tomaso was eliminated three people before he was actually eliminated um I told card Dragon we had to go home now get my boy lost um so um basically it was uh Omas was just trying to do a bunch of stuff uh you know he was eliminating everybody because he was going to be they get the big guy the giant who eliminates everybody he had what 10 people he eliminated yeah yeah yeah and then basically uh it comes down to like 10 other people and they all get him out finally um then it’s like AJ Styles I think shinsuke was there oh boy you’re gonna be it is okay so when I was uh watching it um I noticed Waller was there yeah okay so I noticed like there’s like a little bit of a flash of Brilliance here so you had Grayson Waller and The Miz kind of teaming up a little bit I I and like I saw that I’m just like oh my God that is that would be a dope team like just some like just something and The Miz has one so he was talking about it with Ellie night he has one tag team champions before he has been a tag team champion before so it’s not like yeah him having a tag team is not out of the realm of possibility and you you’re a high on Grace and Waller too I yeah I am he was he was great and that he was a top heel in NXT and he has the potential to be that um this only went 11 minutes 55 seconds and it was 25 men I didn’t I thought it was 20 25 man uh La Knight won by eliminating or Sheamus so at the end of it uh I’ve never seen a crowded erupt so hard it was like I don’t even know what the pop would have been like comparable to [Music] dude okay La Knight wins and I uh okay like I said everybody was shouting La Knight’s catchphrase before the show even started and it was going on the whole freaking night up until the show started so um so when he won that was like even when he came to the ring like he had his own entrance and everybody was going nuts yeah yeah yeah you know what I’m saying and I love La night it’s just almost as bad as the what [ __ ] chance it’s it’s terrible four hours in or three an hour it’s like okay dude enough like we get it yes it’s bad as enough as a Canadian [ __ ] behind us screaming listener yeah why hasn’t been on the show in like three hours and he’s he’s saying lesson but anyways um yeah so so La Knight got us do cry went crazy I mean it time to look on TV was it just enormously loud on TV too you remember yeah yeah uh a thing to point out okay so after a match is done the the the ring just goes black right and then immediately like an ad will play on uh the big screens so everybody averse your eyes to that while they’re doing whatever they’re doing yeah yeah okay so la night won the Battle Royal and then there was an ad with LA Knight yeah for slim jim playing up on the uh up on the screen as La Knight is like walking back walking to the back and just going yeah yeah yeah yeah so it’s just like La night heavy a very La night heavy um moment there and they had to do that since they screwed them in the money in the bank where they thought he was gonna win that remember it’ll be interesting where his next uh thing is I know I know he has a big beef with the Miz I’m Raw I saw that promo yeah but yeah they got to get this guy a belt pretty soon man they got to give him something uh so that went off that was cool everyone was excited uh this match so I I before we talk about this match this match people online the online community is saying that Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch should have been on before this one these days they got saying that you know they’re saying that you know they they left them off the mat the SummerSlam per you know before this was even announced yada yada and then Rada kind of you know but Ronda Rousey versus Shayna masler okay um okay so as soon as the video package before the match started playing no well rather as soon as that video package started playing so many people filed out including this guy right here all right I went into mid-match though because I pointed I go look at all these people leaving I said I’ll just wait and then mid-match I’m like I’m [ __ ] done with this thing yeah you you bought yourself a box of juji fruits yeah I went to the bathroom bought some juicy fruits I’m like okay I can go back home but you know what I didn’t leave because I just want I wanted to see Ronda Rousey before she uh made her uh WWE exit I wanted to see her live and I actually like Shayna Basler I’m not quite a fan of what they were do what they have done with her on the main roster but wait wait wait and this so I missed this middle I guess I I kind of walked away with like maybe with two minutes in this only went a seven minute 30 match so it wasn’t like I was gone for like 30 minutes or something like this wasn’t like a you know some kind of a long ass match oh my gosh okay so I don’t think this showed up on TV well but my section that we were sitting in um they were showing they were chanting this is boring during the MMA Rules match and uh I and I was watching the playback and I that didn’t that didn’t register or maybe that maybe WWE muted it I don’t know but a lot of people were chanting this is boring so nobody was interested in this I I I I was oh boy but a lot of everybody else was not I I was the only one that was interested stop being a Mark I know I was saying a basil if you didn’t Ronda Rousey my technical submission AKA what was it against he in a real naked joke or something yeah it was just we were naked young kids Yeah just something just something to get it done yeah so so the the real the behind the curtain pulled the curtain back Ronda Rousey’s leaving WWE she’s gonna go fight in the UFC he wanted to be done with UFC for a long time yeah oh yeah they gotta say muted it um so yeah uh it’s had to be done so we’ll see what happens the bazel and what happens to her and you know maybe she’s a formidable porno against Rhea Ripley I don’t know the width we’re under Rousey you know what I’m saying so it’s kind of a shame that she it was real fighting damn it it’s real to me it’s real to me still rude to me damn it I’ll tell you what uh there was a guy sitting behind us yeah it’s an old Canadian oh it was brutal some fat guy who had a fish face um I guess his I guess I’m Canadians they were Canadians bro I’m not sure what the dynamic was there were two younger guys so one was his son and one was his friend and all right that was the dad so they must have dragged him there right I don’t know like if you don’t bring someone who isn’t a wrestling fan to a wrestling event to a live event you just don’t do it so he had he was like 50 years old he had a laser pointer like he was 12 flashing around everywhere and then just kept saying this is staged this is this is fake yes like it’s like why are you here then you know what I’m saying and then it would have stupid questions like is she really hurt what’s going on why is this a championship match and I was a hundred pound guy in the world heavyweight champion like this you know yeah it’s just like dude like honestly everything you watch on TV is fake so you’re not saying anything profound so me and Carter hadn’t listened to this for three hours it was brutal I just wanted so much I didn’t want to be that guy that started fighting a crowd so I just left I know right it’s just like I’m sure everybody in our section would just stood up and been like dude listen listen the dudes that were sitting next to him those were some brothers those dudes were big yeah those were some big ass Brothers yeah and like I was taking their lead if they weren’t doing anything yeah I got you then ain’t no need for us to do anything because the guy next to me too was like kind of like nudging me and like kind of like give me it all back I’m like yeah yeah yeah so I think the guys next to us would have stood up too it would have been a problem yeah they would have stood up then What It Is What It is he’s in a foreign country too because he’s from Canada obviously over the United States it would have been bad he would have had to he would have had to travel back and forth to the states to uh for court I don’t know if you wanted to deal with that yeah uh next on the match our boy going through and uh going with her and uh Drew McIntyre uh yo this match was what it was it was just because I listen I tried to watch this back I’m just like I had to fast forward through it I just just we can fast forward to this one it’s 1340 uh obviously he Gunther retained I mean if you’re my guitar wasn’t a formidable Intercontinental Championship the big foil in this one is that he’s like 50 days away 100 days away and closing in on the hockey talk man’s Intercontinental Championship being the longest Reign ever yeah I mean I think they’re gonna give it to him it’d be her record not to give it to the poor guy I mean from what I heard Drew McIntyre I like Drew I like drew a lot um I believe he might be turning heel interesting okay yeah but uh this match didn’t do anything for me this is next match I I thought I had the wheel Carter off on a stretcher this next one Seth freaking Rollins were spin Balor uh for the World Heavyweight Championship now me and Carter were talking about it’d be cool to see these people come in maybe we’ll see some kind of funkiness going on um you shake it away because this is your match you you were all right you were in it you were you were really into this thing this is the match that I was looking forward to the most uh Finn versus Seth seven years to the day so to speak not really but you get whatever seven years to the event how about that yeah and I’ll cut you off a little bit stop freaking Rollins they had the chant of the the oh you know his song during the pre pre wasn’t even like the the whole event was starting and people oh yeah they were chatting that yes yeah they were singing Seth Rollins song okay and when I was watching it on TV okay so he came out in this freaking robe like it’s like it’s weird with Seth because he’s such a he’s so over with the crowd but he but he has like these heelish mannerisms correct you know what I’m saying like he wears these outlandish outfits he’s a tweeter yeah and even on Raw he was wearing the the Mega Man boots yeah the the uh like neon green Mega Man boots I mean he was he’s like he has like these healish Tendencies or mannerisms and he came out in this robe that just looked ridiculous and nobody cared and they were still chanting they were still loving Seth Rollins and um and the thing about Seth is that he was like to me he was kind of on the outs he was kind of going down like when he won the universal Championship about four years ago and he was uh challenging the fiend and and the fiend lost against him on the outs he was not over anymore you know what I’m saying and then he had like a bunch of bad um bad programs with like Rey Mysterio during the Thunderdome era and he almost and he kind of got squashed by Roman Reigns when they had their championship match now this is I will say this is Triple H’s boy yeah so he didn’t he didn’t give up on him and it paid off because he that dude is over again it’s insane like he’s like probably more over than he was back then okay he reminds me of though huh Randy Orton you know in his cleaner years where he would do like heless things but he was like cool with a crowd and people were thought like Stone Cold Light kind of yeah he’s okay so he’s transcending heel baby face Dynamic he’s trying he’s transcending that okay um okay on the playback on TV he uh dropped the robe and he was wearing the vest that he was wearing the night that he injured uh Finn Balor and and they made a comment of that um uh um uh Michael Cole and um who’s the other guy Corey Graves and so and he even and he when he took the vest off Seth Rollins was like you you didn’t forget I didn’t forget either [ __ ] and threw the vest at him and then Finn just came over and just the belt didn’t even ring and they were just going at it remember they had to separate them and then ring the bell yep so interesting so the go go through it you’re on you’re you’re around all right man look look I could have swore that they were gonna do right they have not done right by Finn Balor in seven years I legit he had the seven on his shoulder too yes okay and uh the match was going I I love the match it was just like a lot of a lot of kick outs and you know near near finishes and all that kind of stuff and then uh the Judgment Day come out uh well actually first uh El Senor money in the bank he comes out like everybody starts like you know like getting out of their seat to see what’s going on and then um okay so he hits yeah Seth in the face and then um Finn rolls him up no he hits him uh Finn pedigrism and I said no one kicks out of the pedigree nobody sure enough Seth Rollins kicks out after being hit by uh uh Damien priest right and uh getting hit with a pedigree so I’m just like oh crap I could have I thought this match was over after that and then the other Judgment Day come out and uh uh uh they distract the ref uh senior money in the bank he’s just like here take the briefcase he’s like what do you what are you doing what do you you know spin is just like confused with what’s going on and then um okay so he’s on he’s on the apron Damien priest so he drops off the apron he just slides the briefcase and then uh uh Finn goes for the briefcase and then uh Seth turns around Thompson stops stop so I’m I’m I’m passing up a lot of other stuff but this is the only thing that matters stops his head on the briefcase and the match was over one two three Seth Rollins wins and David wait wait and Damian priest doesn’t cash in after that either so that’s that thing that gets me and he’s staring dead like okay Seth is staring dead at um uh Damien priest and he’s just like it but I think he’s more perturbed with uh Finn Balor than anything and they talked about that during raw yesterday how about um How uh he uh he doesn’t really have anything to say to me that’s what Finn Balor was saying to Damian priest said nah man I’m good like it’s gonna be interesting for how they break that whole but that whole uh Judgment Day up you know and I think it’s gonna be a blow off with Ben and that’s maybe it’s round three of these guys and at the end of it they find yeah I don’t know it’ll be interesting yeah I don’t know what the hell’s going on but uh it’ll be interesting to see what happens on on the next pay-per-view Payback yes it’ll be interesting but uh yeah in your area it is the Pittsburgh I thought the wife goes I asked the wife I could go and she gave me the old no because I’m traveling I’m traveling a lot for work and I get it I get it it’s okay uh but it’s they’re cheap what are we talking about like 50 bucks a ticket I mean we’re still sitting up yeah 100 bucks for what we were kind of set up before but whatever um so that went let’s just I want to be kind of consistent here it went 18 minutes 30 seconds so not not terrible I can’t lie I was so deflated after this man you were you wanted to go home damn it I I was rooting for Finn Balor to win I know this has been this has been my guy for a long time good you know what I told I told you you didn’t have the demon paint on brother you know what he got screwed when he was the demon okay I mean the problem too is like Finn was supposed to get a long long heavy like a long Championship thing and he got hurt that’s what killed him man just happened you know hurt once he got it but yeah it was a long time it wasn’t like a one week thing it was like six months wasn’t he out for like six months it’s like you think okay you got to give it up but you have at least some time with it again you know what I’m saying I think they were talking about how he was booked on better than Vince booked him better than Triple H has which is an interesting foil there too but uh the next match that we were kind of excited about it Women’s Championship love love love love this match so we have Oscar Bianca Bel Air that’s my boo I love I love and Charlotte Flair now the thing that I noticed that Bianca Bel Air got the biggest cheer when she was introduced yes so take think of that which you will she was looking good too this was 20 minutes 45 seconds um yeah uh so during the match I mean it was an okay match I mean I I didn’t have any quads with it the the bigger I’m gonna skip through a bunch of it uh the bigger thing was uh Bianca ballet or mid or mid or to the end gets hurt and the Canadian guy in the back the old dad who didn’t know it was like oh she is she really hurt is she you really hurt uh she’s limping around like people are they said they the referee threw up and actually you see the X on the old uh playback uh they did an X oh wow so she really was disqualified right if you thought of X that means you can’t I mean you know what I don’t I don’t know if they threw up the x or not but I just know that they sold the hell out of that because it was kind of like you weren’t quite sure but but uh when she was walking towards she was in the aisle kind of like walking towards the back they put the spotlight on her I’m like oh yeah yeah this is uh this is a work this is a work yeah so she she comes back uh she basically uh delivers some insane crazy spots via a bad knee uh yeah gets locked up into a uh a figure four uh and why she’s getting locked up by the figure for Oscar blows the Mist into Charlotte Flair and then gets rolled up by Bianca Bellaire I hope you hope everybody’s keeping track and Bianca Bellaire wins be a pinball one two three well while she was still in the figure four correct so she and I I that was that was pretty impressive yeah uh yeah it was very impressive uh and then the music the music pops dude listen listen when you like those first few notes of uh EO Sky’s music it’s like that [ __ ] sounds like a horror movie and that [ __ ] it like you know what’s coming and that is impending doom I felt like I felt so bad for a Bianca Bel Air because you just knew what was gonna happen are you ready for this wrinkle the Bianca Bel-Air has the longest reigning championship and the shortest reign of Women’s Championship now so you got those dogs man she’s getting those records I will say this okay do you remember money in the bank um I want to say 2019 where uh Becky Lynch uh she defended her raw title and then um Charlotte okay so she so okay so Becky Lynch is fighting twice in one night so she’s gonna defend Champion right yeah yeah she’s gonna defend the raw and the smackdown women’s titles in one night okay so she defeated Lacey Evans that was her oh well yeah she defeated Lacey Evans and then she went and then and then Charlotte walks out right after the Lacey Evans match and just like let’s do this now and she defeats Becky Lynch to win the uh Smackdown championship and then Bailey Cashes in right so we have so we do have her and Bailey Cashes in defeats Charlotte and then so we do have a precedent for someone winning a you know winning a championship and then losing it like that uh Bailey comes out with EOS guy helps her clear her way uh and then after she wins right after she wins uh Dakota Skye right uh Dakota Kai Dakota Kai comes out and then basically uh the uh what’s their team name control damage control yeah whatever the [ __ ] they are uh they come out they celebrate and they were legit happy I saw photos afterwards like they they did it you know like you know yeah okay yeah so uh like I said with uh after a match and because she’s just like celebrating the crowd is chanting you deserve it like she’s like genuinely happy that uh um EO uh sky is genuinely happy that she won that uh title now uh like I said the the the ring goes dark correct but she’s still celebrating oh yeah even uh in the dark yeah darker yeah darkness and like he’s just she’s just jumping up and down she’s like on the ropes and Bailey’s happy and like everyone’s happy and hugging and stuff like that now yeah give me the background because I I talked to you about this when we were there give me the background on uh on EO sky and give me like he was NXT champion or something yeah she was yeah she had a very very nice run as she was a EO shirai and NXT and she had a really impressive run in NXT this is why I I always tell people watch NXT uh like if you can’t stand raw or Smackdown watch NXT I think the story lines are more condensed I think I think everybody is a little bit hungrier everything just feels everything oddly enough feels more cohesive on NXT I missed this one I I’m from Australia so I’ve never been to a Pay-Per-View event what’s it like without you without watching the commentary so this is this is my only complaint there’s there’s two complaints I understand they can’t have the commentary on the screen because you can’t have it’d be so loud that it would just backfill the whole Arena and it’ll be like Michael Colby saying double and it would look terrible on TV yeah um I wish they kind of had replays of like the TV on TV maybe the side by skies and the screen and screen because it was just like if I wanted to see a uh like oh man I really wish I would have got to see that a second time like how they do it like on TV that’s my only biggest hit one especially if I’m can’t see something I gotta look for something here especially like in an NXT I can’t I I can’t process it on the fly like that uh the commentary is not bad I mean it’d be it’d be kind of cool to hear about it um but you know it’s I think it just gives you a reason like when you watch it live yeah yeah you can just kind of focus and see you know it it’s basically you’re just watching just something without commentary I mean theoretically theoretically I could have had I had peacock going I could add a peacock going in my like a wireless earbud and I don’t know how bad the delay was from TV to live and you could listen to the commentary probably maybe a peacock on your phone but I mean maybe there’s just backstory that you might be missing or something like that I didn’t miss any of the stupid ass interviews I didn’t miss any of the TV vignette stupid [ __ ] like you know all that stuff like it was interesting uh I don’t know I mean that’s you you think it was better than her run I don’t know um I you know what I didn’t watch during Oscar’s time but uh organic on yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely oh my gosh there’s a um the NXT Women’s Champion is um Tiffany Stratton this chick is legit man she’s on it she’s like a mix of uh Charlotte Flair and Bianca Bellaire she thinks she’s got like she’s like she’s a former gymnast and she’s got like like just massive strength uh let’s talk about uh your boy dragon dragon what the hell is his name a Russian dude oh Ilia draganov I supposed to be the dude that’s what they were saying this dude’s supposed to be the guy yeah yeah cause he’s he’s like kind of a smaller guy but he’s like ready to go and he can go Toe to Toe with like bigger guys dude that looks like he weighs a buck 80.

he he just looks like pure muscle though you know what I’m saying okay I guess the guy has all the tools yeah I don’t watch it actually I need to start I guess he’s fun he’s fun to watch I will tell you that he’s very fun to watch he’s like out of his mind when he wrestles um and then and then the main event you gotta put up the ones baby dude I I couldn’t wait to do this do you understand me I was waiting all night just to just for uh Roman Reigns to go acknowledge me so um there’s a there’s a video clip of so Jay Uso comes out everybody Carter was rapping or singing or whatever the hell you want to call it his song it looked like when I was and you mean you were like younger kids when you had WWE WWF anthems on tape and like d Generation X and Stone Cold you just play all the [ __ ] songs it was like that it was bananas I was like word for word people were going crazy yeah this was this had so much like um this has so much hype going into it it had so much um this match had a lot of energy um well he gets out of the top rope before Roman even comes out and starts dealing with the up down thing with his hands and the whole bottom section is just oh man I was like I’ll tell you what TV did not do that Justice because that was what I was watching it back and I’m in because I was remembering what it was like seeing it in person I go I go look at this [ __ ] dude and it was just like it was a sea of people just just swaying with uh Jay Uso and it was mesmerizing yeah I was like I I turned a Carter I go I can’t believe this guy’s so over we’re talking about we’re gonna talk about this we’re we’re gonna we’re gonna talk people you know what you know what everyone knows everyone knows how it was gonna end everyone knew you know what bring up Mike’s comment okay now Mike’s ass got me back into wrestling but he’s like the biggest doubter when it comes to it [Laughter] started before we started a lot of people were talking to me and stuff I heard sections of our section talk about all the rocks in the building he’s in the building or they said he was in the building The Rock’s been in the building the last I know right the last 20 pay-per-views with Roman Reigns he’s been in the building he’s gonna come out uh so Roman comes out with Heyman and it took forever it’s a [ __ ] nap that match didn’t start till 11 15.

Yeah so usually and we’ll talk about that too now yeah uh so he comes out slower than the Undertaker for [ __ ] sake uh it was brutal uh his Anthem or entrance song Banger it is boy I hope my wife here just if we had another wedding I’m playing that [ __ ] thing in this I’m walking out of that goddamn aisle listen and that’s a reason to renew your vows that’s right I will um okay anyways uh so it comes out it’s awesome I mean it reminds me of like the Attitude Era um like heighteness you know Hogan Hogan Hollywood Hogan maybe coming out NWO Goldberg style it was it was well I I was very sad that Paul if people start donating to the channel oh I can do it um uh I wasn’t gonna tell you oh so I I feel that we got kind of um gipped on the old uh shafted on the old uh Paul Heyman didn’t introduce Roman Reigns yeah that was my kind of feel I wish Hyman would have introduced him like take the microphone like he does yeah did he did he stop doing that maybe it’s only for like WrestleMania or bigger events I don’t know I don’t know hmm so anyways they go out and whatever the [ __ ] that means um um I mean there was an okay match no don’t get me wrong it wasn’t anything like the one pay-per-view last year last time uh whatever last pay-per-view was putting the bank it wasn’t as crazy as hyped as that right um I I didn’t think this one delivered to me either just from a a work rate kind of thing maybe you know it started 11 15 the crowds it’s that’s a long show I mean everybody was hyped and then it kind of died down um let’s talk about the ending but we’ll talk we’ll just jump to the ending because everyone’s saying would they jumped the shark we did all this stuff well you okay so you knew he wasn’t gonna win but okay so we were talking about this during the match because I’m just like okay they’re gonna introduce since Jimmy was out I just figured they were just gonna introduce a like somebody new like brand new interview yeah to interfere with the match it could have been yeah and it’s one so everybody knows this went uh I’m sorry this match went 36 minutes 36 guys so it started at 11 15.

That means it went for almost I mean basically it was the end of the show and it was like midnight so uh we thought maybe it was like Rikishi comes out you know somebody Rikishi an old timer or somebody comes out to help Jay Uso maybe maybe do something or maybe maybe even a new I figured it would be like a new wrestler or something yeah maybe yeah that’s what I figured so during the match in the when they when they go out uh they go out into the the the audience and a solo comes out we all knew he’s gonna come out right solo comes out destroys Jay Uso brings him back in the ring uh Romans fears solo right oh didn’t like that and then they just looked at each other uh and they were like you know it was like he was like I don’t know and then they kind of came back and it was all good and then Jay Uso comes fighting back out of yada then out of nowhere so on TV did you watch this do you watch this back on TV yeah how did Jay Uso do you come from the crowd you know what I’m really quite sure I don’t know where the hell he came from I don’t know if he was hiding under the ring or just yeah like it didn’t really translate yeah it did I don’t even know where he came from even like even we were watching it in person and I don’t know this guy just came out with a sweatshirt maybe he was sitting there the whole time I highly doubt that guy would be sitting like Jimmy was sitting in a crowd the whole time without nobody noticing uh comes out flips off the hood it’s Jimmy Uso and he basically kicks Jay we saw right and then basically comes up and that’s the end of it now the thing that the people jumping in a shark in the comments like Michael uh people the logic seems flawed on this because Jimmy right Jimmy and Jay kind of were like hating Roman Reigns and then you know they defeated Roman Reigns and then all of a sudden Jimmy’s back on Jay you know back with Roman or maybe not with Roman maybe Jimmy and envious to Jake his Jay’s Main Event Jane as you know he’s jealous of all the cassettes he’s getting you know I I don’t know it seems to me and I hate to say this and Carter give me give me give me some sanity check it looks like for Survivor Series so he’s so I heard Roman Reigns is coming back for Survivor Series in WrestleMania he’s not doing any other [ __ ] paper I guess he hurt himself too did you see remember when Jay Russo King flying out of the ring and hit him with on the hip kinda you know I was like on the parody like leaning on the barricade oh really I don’t think it was that move I think it was when he he got flung out of the ring by Jey Uso it wasn’t it wasn’t Jay’s fault he just I think something is back to me but uh anyways they better remember expressing why Jimmy did that or people are gonna write I get it uh so I think they’re setting up for Survivor Series they fatal four-way between solo Roman Jimmy and Jay for the belt um and then you ready are you ready I think Solo solo either for whoever wins or maybe a triple threat match between solo Jimmy and Jay and then whoever wins that goes to WrestleMania fights I think solo wins that it’s solo Roman versus Jimmy verse J in you know singles matches Jimmy J roller or uh solo and Roman yeah at Wrestlemania all right um well I guess okay here’s the thing you can always be disappointed with a finish but be open to the possibility of the res of the results of the aftermath so and I was watching a review and they were just like yeah we got to find a way to break up Jimmy and Jay and this is the best way to do it because you know let these guys kind of fly on their own now yeah and I I get it too like Jay Jay Dean’s a main event spot and the jealousy factor I I understand it I understand yeah I mean but they yeah but they got it yeah but um I think I need more flesh out than just him just coming out of the ring and you know kind of lager style is right they he better have a real good explanation so did so he’s not they’re not overall right they’re on Smackdown so theoretically this Friday right they should have some kind of explanation right theoretical yeah on a TV show they didn’t on TV and show where he came from yeah it was just he just popped out of nowhere babies maybe that he was hiding under the uh Mexican announce table that you know Brock Lesnar broke into replays so yeah it was interesting that uh uh Jay was wearing all white and Jimmy was wearing all black you know what I’m saying there’s nothing there little seeds Little Seeds actually yeah evil evil twins yeah evil twin yeah okay I dig it um okay so we we got out of there at like midnight uh traffic was horrendous it was it was a game of escape from Detroit yes and they did pretty decently not bad yeah it was what it was uh Connor’s about to get married for some girls who were twerking in the parking in downtown Detroit it was crazy some hella ratchet girls they were so ratchet oh my gosh but I would have smashed I would have smashed uh so we got we got back it was cool everything was cool what’d you think about it would you go to are you gonna go to backlight or uh payback do you think probably not just because okay that freaking pyro that crap that was so loud we should have brought earplugs and maybe we’ll do that next time we were like because we were on the curtain side kind of like right by the curtain the big black curtain where they kind of separate they tarp off the rest of the a third of the arena or quarter or whatever well the Pyro is set up in the middle of that so it’s like the only way yeah brother uh so basically it it the the screen is gonna block and buffer that but the only way it’s gonna go is go around and basically it’s gonna uh it’s gonna be terrible yeah uh yeah or uh this is funny you know he said Jimmy ain’t getting no loving if you don’t register for her I’m gonna get that money tonight that’s the best guy winner tonight um facts yeah but the pirate was it was definitely and like Roman had two blasts and Brock and Charlotte everybody had blast it was like every every time that [ __ ] went off oh yeah uh whenever I see the bloodline so they think of lemon color that’s good man I’m filmated oh boy I mean the bloodline’s a new NWO man this is what it is we’re just hanging out I I had to take Sylvester to the vet the other day she’s got the sniffles and uh it turns out she has a thyroid thing so oh boy she’ll be uh you gotta give her medicine or give her shots yeah that is the best exclamation that’s funny I love that hopefully he says that on Friday um so Flipside Tuesdays uh what else make sure you join if you want to be a dirty flipper hang out with us um come to Flipside Comic-Con uh uh I don’t know what else you got yeah man it’s what’s up what oh heels heels on Showtime or Stars Sun Stars uh via the Stars app I guess is season two episode two’s already dropped uh it’s really good so far I thought it’s interesting so we’ll see so if you hey dark side of the Ring the last episode with Marty janetti is dropping right now or it dropped Maybe so I need to watch that too because why is your name about to go off on everybody oh uh okay go ahead I’m sorry I cut you off anything else no no no um uh what did I want to say I will say that that was hella fun go into SummerSlam I never thought I would uh go so uh that was very cool that you uh texted me uh he’s like hey you wanna go like all right yeah uh I thought so too it’s not WrestleMania of course I I couldn’t imagine you know what you know what this I would I don’t think I would want to go to WrestleMania okay this was perfect yeah Summer Slam is part the perfect uh pay-per-view to go to it’s big whereas you get the big time story lines but it’s small where it’s not like crazy like wrestleman it’s like it’s like going to New York Comic Con or like a a smaller Comic Con and say yeah you know like San Diego’s a WrestleMania mm-hmm for me though um like you said I you know it’s cool to go to a real pay-per-view I’ve never been to a real pay-per-view um so that was cool I’ve always been to like raw or Smackdown or some ancillary show I guess you would call it uh but no I was dope it was a oh we didn’t talk about this huh um I’ve never seen people with more belts on in my life in Detroit about that point everybody was wearing championships we felt uh we felt naked because we didn’t have a belt on our shoulder uh was Venture around SummerSlam no he is theoretically on a medical uh absentee right now theoretically that’s what they’re saying it’s spine surgery or back surgery or something so anyways didn’t get raided by the feds I don’t know man I’m not exactly you’ll see me um so basically uh yeah everybody had belts on man like and not like toy belts from Walmart the 20 bucks they’re like the heavy duty 300 belts man 400 bucks yeah I’m sorry so I know you wanted to see this stuff I ordered something on the shop uh let’s go back to the merchandise so like I left for the random match I came back I was like oh I’ll go there in your Rhonda match at the merch station busy uh I looked as we were walking out busy so I’m like yeah and screw this main come on Main when I was a kid I wanted uh a Miss Elizabeth poster from the merch store from the merch stand at Richfield Coliseum they were sold out my heart was broken look at this boys yeah you get a big goal for like uh 322 bucks Undisputed look at this boy 499 dollars figure out what that uh the World Heavyweight Championship looks like the um I’m sorry it looks like the cloud from Super Mario Brothers that’s whatever kind of reminds me of now the uh the other one the WWE one oh this one yeah that’s what it kind of reminds me of it looks like a big old Cloud yeah I’m not I’m not the fan of Debbie I like the I like the naked gold I like that kind of thing Universal championships InterContinental whites there you go you just have a million dollar bill for 335 I still love that bill that bill that belt is high hot even today this moment is called about dope too they’re the little mini replica mini replica SummerSlam belt like this thing is like small and it’s 149 bucks geez I was telling you man I love the Spinner Belt I like the winged Eagle the Double Wing there you go sick man I was telling you the guardier the better I know I know I think the women the raw women’s with the white I say to the red ones though too Universal Champion red one I used to buy these I can hang in 80 bucks what is that it’s a hanger you just put up um oh okay you can hang them the NW robots stick to it New York Yankees belt wow purple look at that one that’s a macho man belt right Purple belt yeah where’s the old 83 belt at um I think they have it down here is it isn’t isn’t that the one um the one in the middle yeah is that it that’s Andre the Giant I thought it was I think this is before Hogan then this is a before hole again because it kinda looks like the one that Hogan won the Double Eagle maybe it is a double eagle belt United Kingdom bill they should have that on Clarence dude that freaking belt looks so hot it does that’s a shame they uh retired that one Ultimate Warrior belt damn oh it was made for Andre never used no okay wolf pack belt Sean Michael Bell with a winged Eagle Championship replica below yeah the white InterContinental about the greatest dude you get a mini belt instead of the real belt but that’s 50 bucks interesting things that make you go they’re counting in all the white wing Diego look at that Macho Man oh you get glasses too yeah and it’s a glass [ __ ] glasses style case they look sturdy look at that thing we tell you something brother uh uh 24 7 LA Dodgers [ __ ] Boston Stone Cold running replica Bells things that make you go let’s look at the UK belt for the women’s was that dope yeah that’s sick uh I remember uh Ria Ripley uh rocking that back in the day and she won it up here okay uh yeah so uh yeah um and there’s 25 code I think now if you wanted SummerSlam stuff or t-shirts I think it’s like on the store maybe there’s like 25 25 off so I got 25 off my shirt that I ordered so I mean I didn’t pay full retail that was only a plus maybe uh then I didn’t have stand line either but yeah all right then uh it had a ball you were you were smiling from the day you got in there and the day you left heck yeah that man I’m not gonna lie that was that was legitimately just that was a just a freaking great experience man I’m so happy I went good I uh I’m glad you made it Detroit mate I’m glad I made it safe you know I had to call up all everybody hey babe your spy spots um no I was fine um there was a Tigers baseball game in the afternoon and then this was at night so it was just insane down there actually I am so glad you drove because because I’m still thinking I I would legitimately still be in that parking deck trying to get out like now uh what shirt do I order uh let’s see if it’s on the store sells real quick um maybe it’s in the Clarence section I ordered a SummerSlam shirt uh they got it right here and it’s white and I hate white but Carter convinced me yeah because it look because it shows off the beard you know what I’m saying yeah SummerSlam 2023 in Detroit I got this one um the other merch they had for SummerSlam uh a tail of the tape between Roman car and the mini replica belt Seth Rollins Finn Balor shirt 29 bucks Carter there you go you can relive the memories foreign SummerSlam Motor City one which is kind of dope I but it’s like when am I gonna wear these I thought about how uh having anything by the way I don’t want to be one of those guys wearing wrestling shirts outside just like I’m not that kind of guy but you know something where I could wear outside where it’s not too wrestling I guess I think you could always just wear it for the show the SummerSlam shirt was dope or the Hat was dope I almost got that but it was a snapback and I’m like yeah but that’s okay uh SummerSlam Detroit summer freaking slam that’s kind of cool I didn’t see that one uh a glass they had slippers this old school WWE WWF SummerSlam logo was dope dude this women’s shirt was dope too uh for ladies the red old SummerSlam sure it was kind of dope uh sweatshirts were cool but it was way too much money and just other stuff here I didn’t even see that you see the 92 no look at this hotness damn oh boy who knew oh boy was that Wembley yeah yeah you know what I watched that uh not too long ago I watched about two years ago because I was flipping through the channels and they had it on for some reason at this hotel was staying at I was like random but cool oh look at Yoko zero one look at this watch Luger and Yoko uh is that the one where he wins by DQ and like everybody’s like all happy for him yeah I thought he won by didn’t he win my uh uh yeah I know I’m in the midwest there’s kingway I’m just not dead dude wear your shirt then he went by the bionic forearm did he have a metal plate in this forum kind of thing remember it was for the championship but he but he like he technically won but it was by DQ so when the belt this is what I was talking about they have plexus unless your boy oh no 499 bucks dude two dollars dude Ah that’s your boy that breaks my heart that’s honestly that reminds me of when a stone cold got dropped on his head oh by Owen Hart that like I don’t that’s just something I don’t want to see yeah look at this look at this oh SummerSlam is not being kind to defend Balor stay away stay away homie so uh you get a piece of the canvas so you get a piece of the canvas I feel so bad uh SummerSlam socks and stuff like that Edge no one cares about him anymore where is Edge is he hurt or I think he’s just kind of chilling all right good for him stuff um way too much [ __ ] I’m getting overloaded um they have a clearance section for people it’s kind of dope um some things are on clearance not saying it’s a crazy crazy cheap but uh this is interesting too they have auctions so uh you can bid now for like featured stuff like Hulk Hogan this is sick I wouldn’t pay 700 for it but Hulk Hogan too sweet kind of thing the thing about autograph belts is that those autographs always fade I haven’t seen a belt yet hey hey as far as it’s black as far as black and like those um those uh metallic markers those things always fade you know they have like lithographs or they have like stuff you know it’s just interesting six days left so if you’re on the hunting for something you know alien night stuff that’s probably hot it probably wasn’t hot two years ago did highest lowest Royal Rumble 23 frame so just cool stuff but thank you sexy Jay Uso 405 bucks event worn shirts if did they do they wash them what’s going on no they just leave them as real Ripley signed many helmets boy just things I see I’ll take something real Ripley’s yeah right so just things I see so if you ever look at there’s stuff for the home in office too you can there’s a bunch of stuff things I see Collectibles I don’t know what that means but I think they had like art and stuff at one point but whatever arts and prints give money in the bank lunch box that’s kind of dope if I was a kid I’d make my son would do that like I know right but you’re not gonna get lunch unless you cash it in [Laughter] you gotta reach for it son grab the brass ring all right well uh uh just things I see this is kind of cool Rick roon and Mr Perfect and Jake the Snake let’s do it man that’s old school that’s a cool tattoo idea yeah yeah things things I see cool cooler there you go when you’re in your truck you can pull that bad boy out 100 whoop ass yeah man I guess I guess I’ll try to finish uh raw I guess okay I don’t know all right I’m gonna I’m gonna leave and uh I don’t know I’m gonna go up go to work tomorrow so um yeah check it out uh comic shop talk uh our new show here on Tuesdays flip side’s on Mondays coming to Comic-Con joining the channel live your best life thank you uh to all the new members yeah yeah for sure dude for sure new members we love you guys we appreciate it uh and that’s it we’re

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Do this for yourself today. Start making a difference to your anxiety right now.

We’ve seen so many people go anxiety-free that we have no hesitation in guaranteeing this program. So…

If at any time within 60 days of your purchasing ‘Overthrowing Anxiety’, your anxiety hasn’t completely evaporated then you can have all your money back. No questions asked!

You can do this for yourself today. You can start making a difference in your life right now.


Click on the button below and you’ll receive your copy of Overthrowing Anxiety in just a few minutes. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made – guaranteed!