FOC your FOMO: CBSI Friday FOC with East meets West comics for 7/16-7/17

me [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn I’m looking at myself in that intro video and I need a haircut I look at I’m not looking like I look at the intro dude I’m looking at myself on the screen and I need a haircut looking like The Wolf Man my guy didn’t come last week I’m pissed about it too damn sometimes they need breaks bro you know what I mean no he I mean I mean yes yes that’s true but I just don’t my guy will kind of like flake on me like every once in a while you know just like not answer his phone and you know he cuts my hair every Sunday I mean you tip him good right yeah so I I don’t know what’s up I’m good he gets foot he comes to my house so he gets everything going your house is everything what no no I mean he gets all the money it’s not like you know I’m paying the shop and then tipping him he gets everything yeah yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know but uh welcome guys to CBS size Friday at 4C with east peace West I’m your guy Joker and I am pretty tired because I just came out of work and we had to record this a little late so uh yeah I mean hopefully it was not no crazy uh list for today um no it’s not actually all right all right um well I did get some reading all right oh yeah and we’ll talk about it I guess not really because I don’t think any of these books are um well I read uh Mouse okay that’s not on all right miles I read miles um didn’t like I don’t know just didn’t like the interaction like outside of him being a yeah it was a little slow yeah it was slow him with his friends and all that like I wasn’t digging it um felt like a filler it wasn’t like really much no you know what it is is they keep having these events and Crossovers and it screws up the flow of every single book’s main story no and that’s what it did and you’re right I mean it’s a it’s like reintroducing the book again I I don’t know I just to me it felt too corny like like what was the point of them going to a Park theme park and all that [ __ ] and they’re talking who cares about all that [ __ ] you know I didn’t understand who is is like the building is like the Beyond corporations old headquarters like right next door to the park or something yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t know what was that about um I did like the international hobgoblin in miles that was pretty dope that was dope and the interview art I really do like I really do like it the way uh vincentini draws his villains is just so good pretty good it’s so good red Goblin uh six or seven or whatever six was really good though I don’t know Goblin was good uh refresh my memory uh I I’ve read it I’m trying to I know this it doesn’t take place anymore with the Carnage tie-in I don’t think no he goes to the museum and they they give like a suit a goblin night suit too oh yes they kidnap his friend and it’s like the same colors though but yes uh red Goblin was dope uh Normie they figure out I think that Carnage is a is normally a kid basically you know um what else did I read did you read web of Carnage did not read that how was that dude Ram V I will never read another Ram V book ever again first of all I think one shot because they’re relaunching Carnage again Carnage with Carnage one I don’t know like his books just don’t make sense to me I like at all like like being in his mind is like it doesn’t to me it doesn’t translate to paper it just doesn’t I I don’t think he’s I’m noticing like a decline one of him you know I mean more than anything more misses than hits and um Marvel I did not read that one I read ASM but go tell me about Miss Marvel how was that it was okay it was nothing nothing you need to read it was a waste basically it really was all right what about ASM you ready ASM because I read it I read Asm it was good but it’s like it’s good in a really bad story you know it’s just good for this the series being so bad yeah uh again McGinnis I I like McGinnis on ASM I really like it it’s a little bit more um it’s a little bit more um appealing to me than um ramita Junior and you know listen man Bermuda June is the man he had his time with her but McGinnis right now is killing me right now ASM um when they first started man yeah did I miss something I guess I didn’t realize issue with Jay Jonah with the with the with that with the [ __ ] uh uh Dr Ox suit it was [ __ ] like I was like what the [ __ ] is this guy like he’s he has Spider-Man in his swinging around through you know like I’m like the [ __ ] yeah because he has like a relationship with those things it’s like his pet almost oh okay you know in a way but but now I guess is trying is drawn to Peter it is drawn so it’s um yeah boy it’s helped out Peter before like back in like ASM 6 or something like that you know because like Doc [ __ ] basically like kicked his like old like legs out the door and it’s it’s so weird it’s yeah yeah they introduced like I said and I like this book really kind of made me feel more they’re heading towards that superior Spider-Man thing uh uh storyline down the line because you know I think um what’s his name Dan slot yeah announced it so uh later I think in the fall we’re gonna get a superior Spider-Man and this is kind of like introducing that you know now with the tentacles you know drawn to Peter Parker then we got this other character uh what is it uh Rock ARP or whatever the [ __ ] his name is oh wreck rap yeah Peter backwards or whatever the [ __ ] yeah that’s that’s the Peter from the uh um from um what do they call it from when when the whole thing was going on with Raven when when Peter got exiled to that to that like it’s I for it like uh is it where metal and Pryor is in limbo I think it’s Lim yeah in limbo and he’s he’s in New York now which it’s a stupid character it was stupid and the other thing is too is like what’s the next you know Sinister Six or not even Sinister Six what what’s the next like early uh Spider-Man villain thing that Peter Zeb Wells is going to give Peter he’s already given him a glider now he’s giving him his own pair of octopus tentacles which are spray painted red what’s next he’s gonna get ready red vulture wings yeah I guess but I don’t want I hate Sev Wells as a as a as the Spider-Man Rider um so bad put the other wreck rap yeah injecting Rockets without it with the serum again right so yeah it’s like he’s gonna be Green Goblin again yeah yeah so that which is pretty cool we need some [ __ ] dark [ __ ] and Green Goblin is the person will do it yeah um a book that creeped up that you didn’t put up was the water Floki oh I meant to take that I did I flipped through it I didn’t read it though I read it um well Simonson wrote it um that gives you a night like an 80s a 80s Vibe like you read it 80s 90s comic Vibe you read it throughout it and I liked it I liked it a lot I was one of my favorite reads uh wasn’t a great read wasn’t a dope read it was just a good read it was good just just as it is it was good read um basically uh did you get the the one in 25 yes I did get with the one in 25 and I got it for cheap no no I know but did you have it I mean yes here oh [ __ ] were there any ticks on it uh let me see uh sorry we stopping up we’re holding this [ __ ] um show um is that book doing anything right now I don’t think so I don’t think so well to put the um Josh is talking about is the one in 25 um what if Loki with the lotto one look at that I need that it’s it’s for It’s pretty dope it’s not going for much on eBay so if you want to get a copy get it grab it on eBay it’s uh still cover basically that’s what it is for I can’t buy dude I am so deep down the rabbit hole on freaking cards right now and not magic cards I gotta say it’s something new oh [ __ ] I don’t even want to talk about because because it’s so freaking good it’s it’s unbelievable and I don’t wanna tell anybody about it oh so you want to get ahead of it before anybody else yeah uh see this guy you see how it is YouTube world and it’s already like going crazy already um but yeah man talk about the water flowkey man real quick yeah yeah I really enjoyed it um will Simonson wrote it um like I said before I got the 80s and 90s Vibe and like it’s a real good read like you read it and you got the cheesiness of those 80s 90s Comics that you read you know before it didn’t sound like now you know I don’t know I I don’t know how to really explain it but I’m pretty sure you understand what I’m talking about um what else uh yeah so basically Loki has ammonia and he kills everybody basically he kills Thor he kills Sif uh it is the the way it ends is basically it destroys everything you know like the big bang that starts all over it’s it’s got to read it I really recommend it the ending was just so much good but Loki just having this power trip with himmonia and killing everybody oh from Odin to this today just you gotta read it it’s just it’s badass it’s pretty cool I enjoyed it so yeah I don’t know why I didn’t take it with me I picked it up and literally flipped through it I must have been talking to someone when I was yeah um [ __ ] at one point in the book Loki rammed up like all Thor’s like enemies and stuff uh a sword tour whatever his name is uh uh hella uh round it up and then everybody this is like what’s he killed Odin like it was a rap now everybody Loki thought he was the head honcho hello no I he didn’t get into that uh you know he you know Loki was like oh I have to kill him only I’m the man I’m the one you know and then so I forgot I think that the guy’s name sir tour or whatever his name is uh once you read the book I forgot it my memory is not so good uh here we go one man was just like nah you’re not having that [ __ ] he just straight up just [ __ ] killed Loki it was it was a good read that was my favorite read of the week yeah he killed lucky okay so um I recommend it it’s a what if one shot I’m sure whatever it is um I saw some of the what ifs um coming up on that and it seems pretty cool it got spider Gwen Ghost Fighter whatever uh with let me see if I can show it real quick uh give me a second I gotta find the book first uh but yeah oh yeah that’s right what if uh Spider won right yeah the what if Ben Grimm became uh Venom that one too I heard but there’s another one on this that’s on this FOC oh really yeah all right so we’ll talk about that but right now what I seen uh coming up it looks pretty good looks pretty interesting or whatever uh is this one here let me just solo shot me right here let’s see that this looks is that spider Gwen what if dark spider Gwen yeah looks interesting or whatever it looked like a little like a reverse roll instead of her dying with like Spider-Man dies or whatever we already talked about that one on FOC I can’t remember oh it probably did probably um but that was my favorite read guys uh I recommend it like I said it wasn’t a great read but it was a good read it was the best with the best read of this week let’s put it that way for me uh but yeah man uh enough talking let’s get to these books uh what week and what days is this for yeah this is for Sunday the 16th for DC and Independence through lunar and seventh Monday the 17th for Marvel and Independence ordered through uh uh diamond and penguin I don’t know why I never said penguin before because obviously people are not just ordering through Diamond most people are ordering through penguin I think penguin random house so I don’t know why I haven’t said that um and make sure you go over to cbsi there you go and let’s go all right let’s start some books but let’s see what we got here okay White Knight presents generation Joker number four uh uh I just fantastic best book out right now I’ll say it I’m sorry this is the only book right now that like that I anticipate or wait I am anticipating every time it shows up I’m like oh my God I get home and read this it’s the only book right now that I really do that with I’ll tell you one thing though yeah it’s a good read you know you do get a different vibe though wait you’ve read this no I’ve read one issue I don’t know why it should think it was issue one or two I think it was oh I started reading it I didn’t finish it or whatever um but I for me reading it you can tell it’s a little different from the other stories and it’s because I guess it’s different writer now right um well it’s Katana Collins who did the Harley one but it still mapped out by Sean Murphy yeah you can’t tell that he’s not writing this I can tell it seemed like to me it did you know not to me I mean not to say that that’s bad either you know what I mean it’s not bad I’m not complaining about it you know just written well you know but you can tell the different I don’t know ways I don’t know when it’s good to see it from the eyes of the person who’s in it not through like filtering it you know what I’m saying if you get me you know what I mean um but it’s definitely a good read man I enjoy it and I agree with Josh right now this is this is a hot book this is dope story-wise is no book it is but it’s still I don’t think it’s doing it’s just every time it’s like the way he introduces old characters in new ways like now you got Jon Stewart in there with he works with Wonder Woman they’re both like FBI agents you know um I think is The Flash in there too I think he’s in there also I think he’s another agent I can’t remember now it’s so good it’s so good you know um with um with this dude this is the [ __ ] Sean Murphy’s universe or whatever going on with Batman we talk about that in like John said with Jon Stewart being detective FBI agent or whatever the case is one woman uh like I can see this as a movie because right now they have on Max with that what is it Gotham uh doom and Gotham or something like that it’s a dark dark take and it’s like a elseworld type Batman like it takes place like in the early 1900s uh it’s pretty [ __ ] dope I I enjoyed that I saw it this past weekend um it’s some demonic [ __ ] in there you know I mean razakul type [ __ ] you know I haven’t even heard about this yeah his own Max is a animated movie um pretty cool um but yeah so I can see that like me saying that is to say like uh I can see like a Sean Murphy verse type uh Batman you know being like an animated movie I’d rather see it as an animated movie than a live action movie if they would do something like that you know yeah fine I just don’t understand how this doesn’t get more attention I just I for the life of me I can’t figure it out I don’t think an awful lot of people read this I really don’t I don’t mean just this I mean all his stuff yeah or like uh ghost Tokyo and [ __ ] like that oh no no I mean the white nine stuff oh okay okay series I mean all all the other ones too yeah uh Superman annual number one um you know goes along with uh Tom Taylor Superman um and this is written by him I believe yeah it should be written by different people’s annual right like a few people sometimes it’s the same though okay um hang on it doesn’t show in previews everybody look at that silver Banshee and Jimmy Olsen because yes they they are yeah they’re all together they’re booed up no I’m sorry not Tom Taylor Joshua Williamson writes uh Superman uh and this is Joshua Williamson writing the annual also I think it’s Tom Taylor something about because I think he’s doing Superboy that’s why um I like it too but at the same time I feel like Jack like either we’ve all given him too much hype because of what he did on that detective run with 880 and the other ones around it because there’s nothing he’s lt’s really done that I’ve liked this one’s okay it’s not fantastic all that stuff he did on Batman all those one in 50s and [ __ ] the Royal ones lately I thought all those were crap for the most part yeah yeah you know that’s another kid at the same time how many times they work your boy Jack uncovers DC covers like crazy you know because everything you see is a job cover Batman this is Batman then or whatever you know the stuff he did on the Batman who laughs and metal that [ __ ] was good yeah yes it was but this one right here is pretty cool I like it I like I like the the darkness and then the red would lighten it up and [ __ ] it’s a dope Superman cover for me like these are not virgins by the way everybody these are they just don’t have the jpegs out with the uh how what’s cover pressing they’re like 699 or some [ __ ] uh the main one is 5.99 and the suit the Jack one is 6.99 yes I’m assuming it’s like a hard stock car stock yeah oh [ __ ] okay I like that 125 it gives me like the bromejo vibe but it’s not Romeo okay this is 150 that [ __ ] is dope I like that one weird smile on his face though yeah from here I’m not looking at the smile hold on let me zoom in a little bit more smile but yeah yeah I see what you mean uh but it’s dope though regardless besides beside the smile yeah let’s see what else we got okay okay Daredevil 14.


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This is on here because why well it’s the end of the run it’s the end of Chip zadarski’s run oh [ __ ] and [Music] um great combo though by the way yeah and him great no I you know guests didn’t really work out so well on this volume but the last volume they did was really good really really good um so the end but of what a life a love a marriage Matt Murdoch’s time as Daredevil or the latest and greatest run in one of Marvel’s most celebrated sagas all of the above question marks okay um Shadow covers pretty dope cover is pretty cool like the dark one and that princess Lionel U1 to 25 is pretty cool I like that one yes and that peaky blinders man this should have been the one in 25 to be honest with you what I agree flip them swap them yeah and the new writer I believe of Daredevil is gonna be uh salad in a mod or Ahmed I’m sorry who um did the last volume of Miles Morales I think it’s a Fantastic Four at one point I could be wrong I liked his miles run his the last run I mean it wasn’t fantastic but it was it was it was good cool uh dark X-Men number one you’re gonna see a bunch of X-Men on here this week uh which is unusual for this show but you know um so welcome to the dark X-Men hope the world survives The Experience following the explosive events of the Hellfire Gala Madeleine Pryor realizes the world needs the X-Men now more than ever havoc and Gambit have served on the team before but never one that looks like this and how does gimmick breakout star of Marvel’s voices Pride fall under the goblin Queen sway find out in the most horrific installment of the X-Men Saga yet okay I mean okay Alex Ross is going to be doing um a bunch of these covers for this and on Candy X-Men I think it’s a it you’ll like another one in one hundreds these kind of things but when I was doing this I’m like oh and Adam use cover and for some reason I don’t know why I always stick Adam Hughes and Alex Ross together in my mind and then the very next cover was Alex Ross who’s better Adam Hughes or Alex Ross if you had to choose one um the differences between them oh yeah they’re big time it’s a big time difference but um I don’t know it’s just something about Adam Hughes like the eyes the ladies is just like yep gorgeous his heart you know what I mean yeah you know not just knock off um Alex Ross Alex Ross is the man he is the man um but but to me he’s just more appealing for me is Adam Hughes when it comes to the ladies me too and I’ll tell you Alex Ross would be over the top if he got away from all this shiny [ __ ] he he it’s too much yeah you know that that cover homage is um expert number one right the Jimny couples right yeah okay I figured that um but yeah I I agree I mean the shiny [ __ ] you know when it comes to this he does overdo it you know what I mean but uh awesome Adam Hughes like yeah Colossus yeah he’s supposed to be shiny but you know the rest of these and these aren’t actually so bad for what he’s been doing lately I like how your homage is all Jim Lee’s Art and it’s pretty damn [ __ ] good dude uncanny Avengers was going to be on here and I didn’t because there’s a lot of confusion on a bunch of sites as to the actual covers but we’ll get around to it there’s an awesome freaking psylocke cover and actually there’s an awesome psylock cover coming up on an upcoming issue as well all right uh pretty dope Angel cover yeah wow that is a dope cover yeah see they killed me with those versions bro yeah if anyone’s going to terrificon and you want to break Richie’s balls so quick story so two terrific cons ago we’re standing in our booth at the end of the show and it’s me my brother nick uh Christopher who’s Richie’s son and we’re standing there and the booth right across from us had statues and they had this dope ass like big angel statue and we’re like that’s freaking dope we’re like Rich you should buy that and he’s like no he’s like [ __ ] that I want that Iron Man statue it’s like Iron Man in like old school like scuba gear okay and we’re like what really he’s like I’ll be able to sell that in a minute it’s still in his shop I actually bet him that he couldn’t sell that like a year ago too and he should have paid me money and he still hasn’t but like yeah break is what it’s the ugliest thing ever he could have gotten a dope angel statue but no it’s a nice cover though all right got for Venom verse two yeah death of the Venom verse so this is a key um people were specking on this a couple weeks ago really on this issue yes um so Colin Bunn is writing this uh enter the symbi at six plus um uh uh uh so prepare yourself as uh tagimi or tagami introduces the world to venom boy now I’ve heard him called kid Venom other places so I don’t know if his name is venom boy or kid Venom I hope it’s not venom boy because it’s a terrible name what is that why what is what’s going on with that Echo Echo something something just happened we’re like I’m hearing feedback I’d stop now I don’t know I was I maybe because I mute it maybe I don’t know um did I mean I I mean is that the character there on the seat cover or what I believe so yes all right so then um I mean I don’t see that character in any other cover right I don’t see it is there ratios yeah there is but he’s not on him oh he’s not on him all right so I’m assuming that’s the book I guess to get because he’s on the cover um but it’s not my favorite cover it’s not my favorite cover man I like the Barons cover I like the Bagley cover those are pretty cool you know um and I don’t know this is one of those um this is one of those things that you know you want to like is this character gonna really do anything who knows whatever but at the same time and it doesn’t hurt if you if you’re into you know a Venom and stuff like that it doesn’t have to pick this up for cover price you know don’t go for crazy and don’t be paying 10 20 to 30 for this book you get it for 3.99 then get it for 3.99 or 4.99 whatever it is now there’s some cool characters and then you look at them like what is this like Electro you know cross freaking Anti-Venom and it’s like I I always get lured in by stuff like that and but they always turn out to be the stupidest freaking things you know but it’s gonna be more like a cover buy type [ __ ] you know yeah again like why did you need you didn’t need to do this you didn’t need to have two of the same as ratios you know yeah um yeah it is um I I but I like these covers better even the dilata one is kind of weak it’s kind of blurry yeah yeah right yeah that’s awesome you know I think this cover or the Barons covers actually the Bagley covers yeah exactly that and the bearings my favorite um and the segment when it comes over here so that’s about it come on guys edge of spider verse three second print um okay you know I’ll say it right now if if you guys if you’re not picking up everything Spider Boy up until I would say at least his first three issues I just don’t understand I really don’t even if you don’t like the character it’s such a low risk investment and the upside I agree is so potentially big not saying it’s going to be it’s not what I’m saying that being said it’s a character that’s already over God knows where they can take them everyone saw what happened with Miles again I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen but it’s so such a low buy-in right now why wouldn’t you buy at least one copy of everything he’s on right now just doesn’t make any sense to me people that aren’t and a lot of people aren’t I agree I agree with what you said man um like with Miles you know when he first came out nobody was buying that [ __ ] uh nobody buys this [ __ ] to this day and even then back then when he first came out those were affordable like Josh said this right here like how it is an affordable first appearance uh now how you know later on it called traction and you know uh us uh miles I’m talking about miles character you know that’s an expensive book now you know uh not that [ __ ] one in 25 forget about it you know 1098 but like like John said man when it comes to this character there’s an affordable if you could get it for a a reasonable price a good price if you’re getting for cover price dope if you want to if you’re into these incentives uh don’t don’t me suggesting that right now get them one day ratio you know right now their ratio the ratio prices this is 125 getting 25 you know thirty dollars with shipping whatever later on down the road who knows whatever they this book might be whatever the case is a 50 book that’s about it and you don’t want to spend 50 later on when you could spend you know cheaper you know now you know but uh I’m good with the I’m good with my first printing bro and I can’t I can’t remember if it was if it’s this issue or or one of the just the Spider-Man books it might be just the Spider-Man book where um no it’s not this one because he has a cool Power he has like a venom bite where he can bite people and like put him to sleep I like the Ramos I know is that the cover right there or is it gonna like later on it’s not final art this one yeah no this is because this was this um was a variant in color for the original first I think that’s a good second printing uh but yeah again again I like how I feel about second print ratios I hate them and I disagree with them they should not exist they should not exist if this first printing Fair Game No Doubt incentive one in ten one of 25 cool second printings do not deserve ratios I feel like you’re you’re [ __ ] us you know out of our money uh that should be cover price honestly yeah you’re cheapening it you really are you don’t need you don’t need it you know I mean the it the way I look at it in a in a lot of ways is second Prince on rare books are almost like ratios to me nope you know uh again Spider-Man number 11.

Uh this I’m I’m reading this book but when I say reading this book I’m like flipping through it really fast just to read the spider boy parts um I don’t know how this book went so far away from this has to do with the end of the spider verse too now it’s just really Peter and Bailey which is fine because the other there was just too many spiders but it’s just I I don’t know just just hurry up and get to the spider boy parts because these parts are interesting I have to say they really are and he doesn’t have web shooters all right it kind of jumps around okay yeah interesting which Memorial cover is decent I guess but why do they keep like does anyone really care about pizza miloco anymore I mean she was a real people either liked her or didn’t and kind of a mixture of that even like if you liked her you didn’t like some stuff you liked other things but it’s like isn’t the momoko train over I I agree I I’m not I’m not a fan of her art or whatever it’s it’s okay it’s not my taste it’s not you know for people other people but yeah I’m with you man um that that training pass bro that train left the station like two years ago yep uh here you go Ben Riley is on you here for you or your son yeah I might get this for my son yeah yeah so this is uh I want to say this is 150.

Now this is weird though so this contains a web of Scarlet Spiders one through four amazing Scarlet Spiders one through two Scarlet Spiders uh from 95 one through two spectacular Scarlet Spider one through two Scarlet Spider unlimited number one Green Goblin number three Sensational Spider-Man zero through three and wizard mini comic Amazing Spider-Man number 407 through 410 and annual 96 Spider-Man 64-67 from 1990 new Warriors from 90s number 67 Spectacular Spider-Man 230 through 233 Spider-Man Punisher family plot number one through two Spider-Man holiday special number one Spider-Man the Final Adventure number one through four Spider-Man Unlimited from 93 number 11 Spider-Man team up number two and three material from Venom Along Came a Spider number one through four but what is not in here the first time he ever shows up 149.

149 yeah um damn that’s even though that that’s a lot though for them not to put at least the first appearance of Ben Reilly yeah I’m with you on that man um damn but that damn that’s a lot for 150 dollars you’re getting your money’s worth it sounds like you know what I mean um it is but at the same time all his stories are so broken up you’re not gonna get a nice consistent flow you know yeah um but yeah definitely for um like my son uh a Ben Riley fan this is this is something to get put in the library man you know I mean I don’t even understand why you would do this cover yes this is his new Spider-Man suit but he was in it for such a short period of time like you you have to get this cover that I agree that Stephen Butler recovery is it’s pretty [ __ ] dope that that’s my been that’s my what is this car the spider you know all right Mandalorian season two number one second print okay it’s just for the Star Wars people I guess yeah even then they know what’s going on with that book what if Dark Moon night number one okay I so what if Moon Knight did not survive his battle with Bushman when kanji’s Avatar Avatar is slaying a different God empowers their own surprising new champion from the darkness emerges a new Force to light the way luminary but will her quest for revenge against Moon Knight’s killer result in her own downfall I like this I like it I I like these what ifs man um I like that when they came out with the Punisher as Spider-Man a couple I think a couple years ago I think it was well last year I forgot when it dropped or whatever that what if was pretty cool uh the Loki one I read was pretty cool you know what it is it’s like these old stories right yeah and it’s like like like what if what if the [ __ ] lost or you know and it’s a different take the one with Loki I like the fact that Walt Simonson took place it because I feel like he’s not a perfect person to give me that vibe from the 90s and 80s because you know he’s been around you know then um writing a little story so um these are pretty cool man it’s just something that you know uh you’re always curious about when it comes to you know your favorite kind of your favorite characters boom night this is pretty cool pickups again man I just wish they would do it the old way where it wasn’t everyone is the number one where it’s like okay this is what if dark number five Moon Knight what if dark number six you know what I mean that makes sense that makes sense and while this David Mack cover is cool don’t get me wrong it looks like every other one of his covers yeah yeah I would get every one of these covers over this one and not enough for nothing and I don’t blame if they even mad for this is Marvel it’s not a 150.

No it should not be the 150 no I think this one should have been at least a 1-25 at least now yeah right Barbarian Omnibus volume two um it pains me to see this because I want these omnibuses so bad but like I told you last time Josh being stupid yes they just had to take the Marvel symbol out and replace it with Titan yes I know that’s only one word but that perturbs me I want the Marvel version the Marvel ones are expensive too yeah but why don’t you get this as a placeholder because I don’t Josh doesn’t do placeholders okay hey I’ve and it and here’s the other thing I was when I was I’m like damn which one of these would I get I mean I’m like okay it’s got to be the Neil Adams but it’s like I love Shima though too I’m a just as much man you know what you should just photocopy one of the one of the covers this [ __ ] just flip of whatever day you feel like wow covers and that is the end all right all right so we will go to lunar all right and lure falling behind or DC is falling behind I should say because I don’t even think uh Diamond has the jpegs up on uh on uh with the actual titles uh Batgirl year one trade paperback I just saw this I don’t know what this is are you aware of this is what this is it must I mean obviously the title speaks for itself but I know I I’ve uh it’s pretty cool I I would like to read this I like to read it Chuck Dixon I like the cover though that club was pretty cool yeah I hope the interior Arts is I mean obviously when was this originally printed so who did the cover art that girl year one one through nine Marvel smartness I don’t I never even heard of that okay okay snap man Incorporated still no one answered in comments about if they’re reading Batman Incorporated so I’m guessing that’s a big fat no basically excuse me detective champ dwellings night terrors number three now I didn’t read night terrors number one night I read night terrors First Blood and night terrors Batman I don’t think I’m gonna continue on with it I just I’m not there’s no way I’m reading every single one of these night terror books there’s just way too many this is to say that we’re never going to be reading DC for a couple months until the 19th is over then yeah but it’s like okay like unless you really want it don’t get that ever thinking it’s gonna be worth anything obviously is it a ratio to us crazy yeah all right it’s pretty cool Green Lantern cover yeah yeah I think that I think it was issue one of Night Terrors Green Lantern that was a dope cover on there I forgot who did the cover but it was a pretty badass like that’s another one that I like too right there you just show this is a pretty cool Ivan race one kind of homaging almost like um the uh uh the hush run when Jason Todd comes back in the uh well as part of in when he’s poisoned with Scarecrow toxin I believe at that point Black Adam okay okay next I mean this looks just like um that winter special yeah that’s been Oliver though man yeah but it looks like a night terror cover you know it really doesn’t that might be one to get though right there Ben Oliver is a great artist thanks uh I wanted to read the Zatanna one so bad but it came out this week yeah I was gonna read it but I did it oh man I just think they do her so dirty all the time you know they could really do something cool with her and they just I’ve never read a Zatanna story that’s like really good I mean they they did something when they uh introduced uh with uh the what is it [ __ ] justice league dark okay fair I mean on her own now Zatanna run was good the one that Adam Hughes did the covers a bunch of the covers on I never read that and you know what’s crazy both Adam Hughes and Brian bowling covers were [ __ ] fire on those you know run yeah um I still to this day have never I think I don’t think I’ve ever seen what is it 15 is 15 the last one or 16.

the red cover I think it’s 16. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that book in a 9-8 ever yeah ever I think I’ve seen the black one the one before in the nine eight ones I’ve never seen that red one I don’t that I can remember in a 9A ever on the woman Wildcats okay the Titans no world’s fine the world’s finest Titans okay cool uh Zatanna and the Ripper it’s pretty cool cover yeah London here okay seems like an else World type thing yeah uh maybe we should time travels who knows and um we had previews over here nothing in image really God why does it take so long to click into these I don’t know oh no I don’t know uh pretty cool Gunslinger cover that is dope I do want to get around to reading it I still haven’t this one’s pretty good yeah um Berserker vol 3 trade don’t get it I’ll spare you uh new Alpha flight I was gonna put this on but I don’t know how many people care about Alpha flight and who it’s somebody’s wearing it Ed person okay there you go um to uh X-Men 100 obviously well yeah um yeah Captain Marvel this is dark Tempest number one second printing pretty dope cover his style fits Captain Marvel pretty good number two yeah it does but at the same time history gets to see me too though yeah it does I mean like right there um GSX facsimile I’m surprised they haven’t they aren’t doing it um foils on all these facsimiles now like the Hulk 181 facts Emily came out this week gotta say it looks pretty dope still still stupid but you know like I know people that like ordered like 150 copies that I’m like why um a new Marvel voices X-Men okay [Music] um okay so uncanny Avengers I wanted to I originally had on but like certain things aren’t matching up it I won’t get into it now but just be careful because some of these covers might not be the actual covers uh here’s one of the uh psylocke covers I was talking about but there’s there’s a better one coming up it’s a Greg land cover I think on issue two that’s pretty [ __ ] dope uh kind of reminds me of that old uh I think it was that J Scott Campbell one that’s worth like a ton of money I haven’t seen a lot of Red Sonja or Vampirella stuff lately from uh Dynamite I think they’re finally taking a break or they’ve driven that into the ground and there’s not much on the other independent Comics that I saw nothing that jumps out to me it’s all good a My Little Pony it’s all good man uh but again guys uh make sure y’all go to your comic shop to get your orders in man uh you know final order final order means you already know man the dates that we give you here posted on the on the title right there man um that’s the last date to order all right so uh that’s what I got that’s what we that’s what we got um 45 minutes pretty good yeah right on the dot pretty pretty damn good I guess we’re gonna like that because I gotta take a shower and do what I’m doing um I got no final words Warriors auction stay tuned for that I’ve been doing a giveaway uh tonight or tomorrow Friday Friday night Friday night let’s put it that way so uh stay tuned for that and um that man I guess we’ll see you guys next week all right later later wait we forgot to mention though there you go before we go all right guys see your bed I forget bro I got you man uh all right now we say it man all right later guys good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]

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