FOC your FOMO: CBSI Friday FOC with East meets West comics for 8/20-8/21

foreign [Music] welcome everybody to Friday’s office Friday 4C with Eastman’s Quest welcome welcome welcome everybody welcome welcome to this channel guys you are welcome yo Josh real quick man before we start I’ve been getting like like into different things you know with the Batman statues the Black and Whites or whatever and now into the Retro games now okay I like where we’re going go ahead I bumped into this awesome [ __ ] Channel man he’s a reseller but he shows you his whole journey or whatever and I’m gonna give him a shout out here because he’s a big Channel hold up uh what is I think it’s called Phoenix resale I think it’s called check that out okay uh I’ll send you the link or whatever and he has his he has his playlist right and then he has this like series it’s like he it’s like 14 parts or whatever but he linked it up together so out of those 14 videos is like seven hours worth of footage or whatever or 50 videos I forgot how many it is yeah so I’m starting I’m I started watching it like a few days ago I think the Saturday of Friday I think it was last week and I’m already almost done Phoenix uh resale okay yeah so um in in this in this video in this video he saw like collecting GameCube games and he’s collected I think it’s a 100 no he collected 75 he made 75 games in the list like that he remembered he had his childhood thing like like what is the like them big expensive games like uh Pokemon or Coliseum and [ __ ] like that or whatever and the thing is basically he has inventory like a whole bunch of [ __ ] because he’s a resale or whatever he could only get those games with him either selling or trading you know from his collection or whatever and yeah dude it was it’s just like a it’s a dope series man I I suggest everybody watching if YouTube original games and uh [ __ ] like that without buying and stuff like same [ __ ] it’s kind of Comic-Con thing whatever uh go watch that channel man this [ __ ] is [ __ ] awesome it’s [ __ ] dope I’m hooked I’m watching like this is a [ __ ] TV series bro you know what I mean [ __ ] like that dude especially when it comes to games I mean I’m doing something similar with magic cards with with these guys called the receivables where they’re going through literally every magic set and each video is like two hours long and they like I know you don’t want to hear about it so like I’m not even kidding you Mike like what a like this month and last month what a great time to be alive in terms of like Collectibles I’m not even [ __ ] kidding you right now there are so many video games coming out and out there is so many like card games coming out or out right now Comics are a little one I guess not I guess they are let’s be real but everything can’t always be you know up and up um you know it’s just just a lot of cool like a lot of cool stuff happening right now a lot of excitement in the Air Force yeah sneakers a lot of good sneakers coming out too yo um but yeah man I I agree with you I agree man and what’s what comes out tomorrow night or actually I’m sorry today even though tomorrow it really is tomorrow because we record on Thursday what’s the big release tomorrow that everybody’s been waiting for is it the what’s up I forgot the name the Disney Lord the Lord kind of stuff yes there you go all right you’re gonna talk about that though show it off yeah man yeah I got got a bunch of products okay uh yep here’s I mean if you went to Gen Con you were lucky enough to get some but you know we were signed up as a store so orders are in uh obviously it’s very very limited that’s what the boosters look like nice um uh I mean you off the head you don’t know what the retail for right from comic shops or whatever um per pack yeah or for packing per box let’s just say well I know boxes are going for 250 Plus in certain things this is a starter brick um there’s which is absolutely beautiful um there’s 12 packs starter packs in each one of these each starter pack has a booster in it I know these depending on where you get them any I’ve seen them any low as like maybe 280 I’ve seen them as high as 500.

They’re all over the place I mean for the people who don’t know and then you know like me like I’m dumb to this like what the what is it what is what is Disney lorcana Disney lorcana is Disney’s uh response to Pokemon Magic the Gathering it’s their trading card game it’s a playable card game like Pokemon magic um you know it’s somewhere I would say right in between yeah I mean you you know you know on what is it uh [ __ ] Magic the Gathering has the black lotus right and when I just asked you about this too what’s what’s the chase what’s the one card and I understand what you’re saying it’s true because the the you know it just came out so you can’t really Point your finger at which one it is but you had an idea which one it can be you know and I think well so I think it’s one of the I think because there’s special treatments on certain cards I think it’s one of the The Mickey Mouse special treatment ones I know on TCG player someone was asking a thousand dollars for it now like I told you before there are six promo cards that they released at d23 and people want thousands for those they’re but those six cards are actually in the set they’re just not the promo versions they’re still the same art they just don’t say promo at the bottom or d23 promo or whatever the [ __ ] it said at the bottom but um these are very limited most stores did not get any and even if you were lucky enough to get some um most stores did not get more than like say 24 booster boxes so it’s going to be very very limited the only place that you could have gotten these were at Gen Con two weeks ago so you can buy them on eBay or if your store was lucky enough to get them it’s probably because they signed up as an organized Play Store um so foreign I guess you know you just collect it sit on it and also for you magic fans I’ve already talked about it sorcery contested realm that’s what they keep calling the magic killer that’s really big the beta is coming out in October get your orders in even though they’re past uh FOC or Street date um and I I know you’re not gonna give a [ __ ] about this Modern Warfare 3 his cabinet beta and it seems like PlayStation always gets a first yeah eventually that’s much longer I was about to say is this gonna be the last time that you know well it could be right you know uh but yeah so coming soon the beta for Modern Warfare 3 and me and the Warriors we hooked on that and yeah I can’t wait for it you know yeah if you want to play a real beta though which you just reminded me of thank you Mike uh the Mortal Kombat One beta uh if you pre-ordered the game you can get into that right now which I did download like last week or two weeks ago um but I still haven’t played it because it just started I believe on the 15th so thank you for reminding me about that yeah a lot of rumors uh a lot a lot of good games coming out but going back to real quick on to Modern Warfare 3 there were rumors if y’all you know play that whatever you’re familiar uh with the zombies they bring back the zombies on there so that that’s gonna be fun in some old school um Modern Warfare maps that uh people are familiar with from I guess like the earlier 360 days uh the PlayStation 2 places three days yeah so all right let’s start this bro let’s do this let’s see let’s see if we can get this to work bro hey cool if we can what oh yeah right we are having problems again like last week uh where something isn’t loading for some reason I don’t know yeah let’s try let’s try it I mean this is for what week what day yeah I’m sorry so this is for the 20th oh look at that the 20th of August Sunday the 20th of August for DC and Independence order through lunar and the 21st Monday the 21st of August for uh Marvel and independent Independence ordered through penguin random house and or uh Diamond uh Distributors and make sure you go over to for all your comic book information needs and let me text Richie here real quick that’s what you’re right there man but obviously you know we always go off um usually yeah it’s image first so we’re gonna go for image yes all right here we go so uh not Terror 16.

Um I almost did not put this up because I just I stopped not Tara I’m done yeah you talked last time well NATO we talked about it uh and yeah it’s just something about it I guess I’m gonna I guess the only reason why I’m gonna tell you right now I’m still gonna read this Scott Snyder that’s the only reason why but I’m not gonna give it that much I’ll give you two issues I’m so I didn’t read issue 15 the last special which I forget what that was called and I think I am going to go back and read that and this 15 in the special and read this only because this is the end of a story arc so this is no breaks part five so I’ll see where this ends and then I’ll probably end it because it’s just I don’t I don’t feel it’s going anywhere I just I don’t I feel like honestly speaking this noctera and honestly it’s sort of really good and you have a really good thing going on here you know you know Scott Steiner Anthony um I feel like it should have been more of a mini series than an ongoing series okay so in hindsight yes but at the time no I just don’t think I think writers get very bored very quickly or not so much bored they have so many ideas that they’re like oh I oh I gotta go to the oh I just like pulled my shoulder doing that like I I gotta go on to like the next biggest thing you know my next idea like really quick and they don’t they don’t either have enough ideas to fully flesh something out or they just don’t care anymore that’s why like I’m not even kidding you and I use it as an example all the time there is something to me and I’m not saying it’s like like a fantastic read but it is so consistently good The Walking Dead is so special because every issue and I’m only up to issue 70 is captivating and wants me to read the next one I want to read the next one and I keep it going for that many issues I mean maybe it falls off at some point can you say can you say arguably The Walking Dead is one of the best Indie stories ever I mean when you say the best the best okay one of the best in terms of what a commercial successful success all right holding up story wise what kind of book-wise I mean yeah I mean you would have to even if I would say you I I mean the answer is obviously yes whether you like it or not I mean it was a was it a commercial success out the door no did it become a commercial success yes did it become a commercial and critical success because of the show yes but you still have to recognize it and it still is it was good it’s just that the show made it that much more popular yes I mean what other Indie series can you say would even compare to that beside spawn I guess but I I mean look this phone is just has it’s just like maybe like one of the it’s not the first but it’s it’s one of like the the big firsts you know my bad no I’m sorry go ahead no honestly speaking when it comes to spawn that you brought that up I feel like that’s more of an art thing than anything right um because story-wise I I don’t remember a story arc was when it comes to spawn I mean let me know don’t the those are the messages you don’t have the same that I can remember of but me I could tell you certain things of The Walking Dead like the terminal in the governor that the whole story are you know certain things yeah on The Walking Dead story arc I should say you know uh but yeah like I said like when it comes to sport I feel like it’s more of an art thing because Tom McFarland you know he draws it and and spawn is just so [ __ ] dope destroying the character of Spawn that’s popular yeah not the story of Spawn yes yeah um it goes to show it goes to show that both art can hold up you know what I’m saying when it comes to comic books and a good story you know like it’s like well I don’t know how many issues was it in Walking Dead 190 something 192.

182 there you go so or was it 193 and 190 something how about that uh I think it was 193. well I mean the only other one that you could possibly say that would even come close and and arguably is maybe bigger not the comic books but certainly maybe as a franchise is Turtles that’s true facts and you’re older you’re going more yeah yeah definitely um yeah story wise and or wise because yeah yeah um I mean I know the new things I know the new ones more like Saga and stuff like that they had their little run and stuff like but nobody’s really talked about Sally anymore you know so yeah but that yeah that I don’t think that I don’t even think that comes close U.S most people with Saga is they don’t know like Walking Dead transcends it’s original medium Turtles transcends its medium so much so that you can ask certain people what those things are and they won’t even know that they’re Comics yeah you know you’re right yeah they can related with like TV shows cartoon shows yeah yeah video games so yeah you know like you asked my mom like she’ll probably know like The Walking Dead um you know was a comic maybe but like you asked her well I think she knows now but if you were to ask her like you know a couple years ago like hey what’s Turtles oh that was a cartoon well yeah yeah but what was it before that you know so anyway we’re off on a yeah yeah we’re over here holding up to the [ __ ] until my spawn look yeah spawn uh compendium uh let me uh I have to scroll way down to get to this because this is not in the uh usual place so I don’t know if this is a re like a new version of it or they’re just only up to um compendium uh number five which is very possible because I think this is issues 200 through 250 um if I’m correct um which arguably is probably um well at least in terms of value I would say the the lowest print run spawn books is in that range a little bit prior to 200 but all the way up through 250 that’s your low print runs uh numbers uh actually 250 into the a higher 250s also um a little bit higher but like 243 242 the lowest ones um so yeah so this is 201 through 250.

um this is like their this is this image is like absolute slash Omni boost how many buses so I mean for spawn lovers this is something that this how about how much is retailing for 60 bucks which if you ask me though I I mean don’t get me wrong these are fine they’re the image does these for all their books they’re like really thick they’re bigger than on the buses they’re they’re paperbacks though and they can get damaged pretty easy I like the spawn um the ones that I always show the ones that are in the sport covers um those are only 25 issues um per book and they’re only up to um one 50.

um and I I think you get a little bit more value out of those but you know something um and we keep talking about this extended this [ __ ] but I feel like for sixty dollars being a paperback is Affordable it’s it’s cheap it’s good I like it I like I like I like the idea uh of you know image doing this maybe in DC and Marvel should take the page from them you know and just not overcharged for their [ __ ] yeah but I mean I if you ask me I mean I wish that that I I’d have to disagree I wish image would make omnibuses all right what I’m saying is that I feel like they should make it all right both ways for the people who can’t afford it and people who can’t afford it for the people who can’t afford another person you understand what I’m saying that this is something two options I guess yes yeah basically foreign Okay so uh so I was actually thinking about canceling FOC this week to be honest with you because there’s not an awful lot of books which just shows the show right now that I think Comics is kind of down now maybe it’s the summer I’m talking about for new books exclusively right now not books in general I’ve noticed that Trend like over the years what I was like sometimes a little bit more like I don’t remember being this slow like last year I mean it’s slow but not this slow um but anyway um so I so I’m like you know what let me let me give some books a little bit uh uh some some moment in the spotlight that we don’t maybe usually put on here um obviously we put Batman on here but probably wouldn’t usually put a Batman and Robin on here even though it is a number one so this is Joshua Williamson and there’ll be more books at the end that we usually don’t you wouldn’t see on an FOC show just because there’s not that many um so father and so this is um Bruce and Damien so I might actually not I might I will read this because I just I’m not digging Batman right now um so maybe this will be better but uh this is Joshua Williamson who I’m definitely a fan of lately I’ll tell you that uh Father and Son uh Bruce and Damien Batman and Robin from Batman uh versus Robin to night terrors a lot has happened to the dynamic duo but now they are back together and ready to fight crime in Gotham just in time for Batman’s most monstrous Rogues to team up to turn the city into an urban jungle a new villain watches from the Shadows intentown Revenge with a plot to turn one of Batman’s greatest assets against him can Damian help his father solve the case before it’s too late a brand new fun and exciting Father and Son Adventure begins from DC Comics architect Joshua Williamson and Superstar artist uh Simone de Mayo I know wow yeah yeah so okay question who is this is this a somebody or is this a new villain that’s why rabbit from for Marvel dude I said the same thing earlier today I’m like what the hell is White Rabbit doing here um I love the cover though I’ll tell you that was nice our German is awesome when it comes to drawing the females man I mean this is a nice book man I like it I like Joshua Williamson writing this um he’s off and on but I think he’s he’s a good writing on Batman um certain stories I read to him doing Batman I really enjoy it I like um I feel stupid because like there will be just some covers us to be like who the hell is this and then like most people are like duh it’s so obvious it’s this person I’m like I don’t like I feel like I’ve seen this character before but I think it’s it’s triggering white rabbit I don’t know but uh before you move on this is this is gonna be uh one book that I think I’m gonna stick I like I’m I’m the opposite of you I’m gonna continue reading Batman and um wait pause not to cut you off I’m not stopping Batman well all right let me rephrase that I I said that incorrect you said that you’re not enjoying Batman that’s correct there you go um I’m just gonna you know I I don’t know I just me I still have hope I should say for Batman um you know what’s darsky you know writing over there and and when William surrounding this man I think it’s pretty dope man um Batman and Robin Damien’s freaking awesome pretty dope I like the fonts on the Batman and Robin title I like that a lot and I like that the yellow and black um logo on the corner there for a cover and the Blind cover so I think that’s pretty cool man I like DC what they doing with their covers as long as you’re not over doing like like a billion [ __ ] covers for number one so I’m good with it okay [Laughter] you were saying uh you know what that 125 gives me like a uh Batman Returns uh they’re not returns Vibe I like that the clean man I like clean Man Too clean man’s a good artist Yep this guys don’t fall for the Trap bro just just buy what you like just don’t overpay for it for it that’s all I really do like this cover though I gotta say that is nice man yeah okay so um this is just a 2023 edition of uh Gotham by Gaslight have you ever read this I did not read it but I did see the movie the the animated movie and the anime movie was [ __ ] dope okay I have never read this I heard a good thing I heard it was good and I think I might I already have it but like I might buy this just to read it finally so um what is this uh okay so well for people that don’t let me just read the synopsis for people who don’t know what this is about uh so art by uh Mike mignola uh P Craig Russell Eduardo uh Barreto and others in this classic elseworld’s tale the Victorian era Batman encounters Jack the Ripper in the CD streets of Gotham his extended uh uh his extended edition also collects the acclaimed sequel Batman Master of the future a story from countdown presents the search for Ray Palmer number one convergence Shazam one through two and character designs from the Gotham by Gaslight animated film released by Warner Brothers animation there’s only 20 bucks really yeah I like this and there’s a all right yeah yeah I like this um if you have not read it pick it up this is this is an awesome story um you know that the animated cartoons I’m one of DC does the enemy movies they go a little bit they they exaggerate more than what it is in the comic books um but I am going to read this I think we should read this and we should review it you know I mean talk about it yeah like so was the animated film good yeah I really enjoyed it I’m pretty sure you could watch it on Max bro and who I forget who is Batman is is it’s one of his ancestors right Bruce’s ancestor is it a Wayne no I think it was Bruce Wayne but it’s just this time yeah this is like an elsewhere oh okay okay you know um just [ __ ] dope like Sherlock Holmes type Vibe and all that it’s [ __ ] awesome I I liked it does he have like a gas like a like a a gas powered grappling gun ah don’t remember powered grappling gun that’d be cool right yeah well it does all right uh Batman White Knight presents generation Joker number five number four came out this week Mike did you read it no I did not read this good as I’ll say before um um yeah Neo Joker has now sort of turned on the kids and Harley even though she hasn’t per se um I’m not gonna get into the whole story um especially because I haven’t really explained the story for the past couple issues it’s good um she’s not going by Neo Joker anymore she’s going by riot um I like that the the cool thing in this was Mr Freeze so Mr Freeze in this I think Mr Freeze but he’s wearing a suit that’s hot not cold okay interesting yeah um but he still has freeze technology it was It was kind of neat but I didn’t really I’m like wait a minute at first I’m like is this the reverse like he because he says something in effect of like the irony is not lost on me that my name is freeze yet I need this hot suit to survive listen man if anybody can make these [ __ ] villains work and and do some weird Twisted way oh man Sean Murphy got you bro yeah that’s what I’m saying [ __ ] fire that’s my favorite one I was about to when I was putting this on today I’m like damn this is like if you were if I was to look at this and not know that she was doing this here there was no way I’d even know that was her yeah and her other cover I know it would be her yeah it’s really nice I like that color yep all right okay got some cool stuff here uh ASM uh 34.

yeah you’re right so um I don’t know uh what the deal is uh with these covers um obviously he did not draw them anytime recently I don’t know if they matched some like two portraits together on this one to get this I’m assuming that’s what they did um same with this one um you can tell the parts that freaking Junior Drew and the parts that freaking senior Drew or at least I can um like Junior definitely Drew Sandman there’s no doubt uh it definitely Drew Ock [ __ ] it and this is senior this is senior this is senior this is senior this is senior I think ramita is just these two probably um but you know I would say I may get a couple copies of this because this is the issue really well no that’s not true because the last ASM issue I think did the last ASM issue have that that uh that that um dedication to Bermuda in it maybe didn’t I know who those folks did have some of them did I don’t know if ASM did that might have been the week before I can’t remember now I’ll have to go back and look but you know there there are you know remembering him on the cover with these and they’re actually I think all these are good covers minus this virgin one over here though yeah um I like the the old like the shattered kind of look on the a cover that [ __ ] is dope um I like how the homage and you know um obviously remita senior they have to you know on the ASM um he was iconic on legendary on the ASM run in the 60s um I’m not going to highlight you bro because I don’t know I know but I’m just going to show I talked about this last week I think where this isn’t the main ASM book but unlike what they’ve usually done with um some of the other people that have died and maybe you know on purpose because maybe they just didn’t deserve it but they really did a nice little spread on on senior here they gave him you know four pages talking about him you know well maybe I guess three because one is just artwork but really just talking about you know the stuff that I mean how critical he was on so many projects obviously Spider-Man um honestly speaking when Spider-Man came out you know like you know decode [ __ ] awesome you know the man you know what I mean but right after that you know when romita just started doing them on wishes is it 30 39 yeah it’s 39.

yo dude that say he took him to a different level took him Beyond you know and um yeah ramitasin is just a man um awesome artist uh cover-wise over here man it covers dope I like man my favorite one is the cover C do it I just don’t [ __ ] with that one in 100 [ __ ] man we talked about that bro the way I always kind of look at I don’t mean to cut you off with when it comes to the artist when it comes to remita is Kirby Kirby created him in terms of the for you know the first drawing I mean obviously with Stanley but whatever didco uh uh I totally lost my train of thought I completely lost my train of thought yeah what happens man it happens I’ll come back to it go ahead sorry uh cover wise man again uh you know what’s crazy man are these the only covers no uh yes yes okay uh the Dave Steve the Dave Johnson cover is a [ __ ] awesome cover there’s a dope dope cover yeah it’s just so overshadowed to me I I just I can’t knock the romita covers the music up is the is the one to go for me and don’t go for the one in 100 [ __ ] the Virgin that might be the one to get uh reselling wines or whatever but the cover the cover C is just as good man with the [ __ ] font on it I think it looks better with the font my opinion 100 better so there you go yeah can’t remember no I can’t remember and I it was and I thought it was pretty good too I need some Ginkgo bro with your life like Kirby created them didco well ditko kind of created maybe he made Curry came up with the concept but af-15 was Kirby you know what wait a minute wait a minute no I’m sorry so okay no no no no no so a rid that’s right so originally no no no curb so Stan Lee had a curvy draw it right and he was like no no no no yeah he wasn’t feeling yeah and then ditko [ __ ] he did yeah yeah but but I’m sorry but romita defined him yes you find Spider-Man 100 now Kirby developed it I mean Kirby dicko developed him Kirby defined him yeah and refined him ramita is just a man that’s all I got to say man so yeah like I said get the seat cover don’t fall for the prices on the 10100 I don’t know what they’re going for on eBay don’t pay no retail no don’t pay no the ratio [ __ ] just give you cover a and you good come price no no no no no no no no no no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute that’s the bottom line no no well don’t pay a little over pain don’t want to 100 bro I’m telling you man for that’s awful but uh yeah man ASM I I was reading it too and I thought ASMR was good good read to recently you know call the Carnage misery number five this book this series started off Sean I don’t it’s so weird right now um a cool cover what does this cover homage by the way I have no [ __ ] thing I think it’s a movie I don’t know you got me man dope skin cover though I like the art I really like the art man yeah the the series is just kind of weird like there’s somebody I forget his name is infected with like literally like every symbiote he’s like every symbiote on him which is a cool concept per se it’s just like overdone and it’s done in a story that nobody really cares about um but it is kind of cool and he actually does something really cool to Liz Allen while she’s in the the misery suit or whatever it’s called where he literally rips her apart like rips her head off rips her arms off rips everything off yeah pretty cool you had a crazy part man when it comes to Carnage and we talked about it in the here and I’ll see Carnage has been a really good Reef for the past year or so or whatever you could say a little over a year maybe uh but yeah man um anything Carnage like even the time the the what is it um what was that Carnage [ __ ] that was in different books or whatever though I forgot what it was I’m not gonna say uh oh the um it was in the Miles book it was in the uh yeah uh oh my God not not not web of Carnage um yeah we’re [ __ ] up over here guys uh yeah it was in the regular Spider-Man book not ASM it wasn’t a Spider-Man but it was a tie in there I think it was even the Titan and the answer book uh when it comes yeah I went through a couple books yeah so um I I yo listen Carnage has been pretty good dope um I just feel like they’re gonna treat it on some Venom [ __ ] and you know how they did Venom or they’ve been doing it drains current dreams they’ve been over saturating Carnage and I just don’t want to get you know over full of it yeah well too late yeah Iron Fist Danny ran the early years Omnibus volume one I forgot to check if this is a new printing or if this I don’t think it is though I think it’s just which I’m kind of intrigued by this where I Don’t Know Jack dick about Iron Fist I don’t really care per se but I kind of do want to read this okay give it a shot bro so uh this includes um and the thing that I always seem to forget is that this is Claremont yeah so awesome pretty sure awesome stories yeah so this is Marvel Premiere 15-25 Iron Fist one through 15 Marvel team up uh 62 through 64 plus material from deadly hands of kung fu uh number 10 18 1984 yes number 29 uh 31-33 deadly hands of kung fu special number one and Bizarre Adventures number 25.

I think that’s a really solid you know Omnibus I really do 125 bucks I think it’s worth it and you know it’s probably good to when you got a conundrum on which cover to get I agree I agree with the the Cocker more you get the cane uh I say you get both and you’re special to you Josh yeah now if this was Spider-Man or maybe like um I don’t even know maybe FF maybe or maybe like a like a tumor Dracula or something like that but like I don’t know if I would do it on this now I I’ve said this before Gil Kane is by far and freaking away easily the most underappreciated artist of the 1970s maybe ever yeah 100 go look at I’m telling you how many of the iconic books from the 70s and some from the 60s that he is on and it’s it’s you’d be shocked how many of them they are you know just just so underappreciated just Google Gil Kane’s art just Google it and you’ll see yeah now don’t get me wrong love cochrom love iconic cover I I think you have to go with the Gil Kane one though yeah you know what I agree because it’s more like the first appearance I guess that’s gonna win to me because you had two Legend artists now I guess now what you’re gonna do now I guess what what’s gonna top it off is the first appearance and over the first appearance of saber two so yeah I guess the Gil King is gonna win that one but I mean you can’t you like I I can’t even say I’ve never necessarily like the art better because I think I kind of like the cockram art better but I like Gil Kane style more but the the you know the corner box is better like you know the the word bubbles that you know this just oh man man why can’t Comics be what they were in the 70s even the 80s who brought both of them bro so you know what they should have done they should have brought volume one as the first appearance in the volume two I guess is the Cockrell that’s what they should have done but do you I mean this I mean I don’t know if it’s a sad thing maybe these stories suck I don’t know is there enough to get a volume two I mean what are you gonna do for volume two I don’t know bro I don’t know anyway good point I mean there’s not a lot of Iron Fist stories I mean there’s got to be a reason for it yeah you’re right all right um and the thing is it’s not like you can I mean obviously we know there’s more Iron Fist stories but like none from like back then so like putting that cover on wouldn’t make sense you know it’s not like you’re putting on like what the iron uh the the the the what you might call it the fists of uh what is it called deadly fists yeah or something like the deadly hands or something like that no no no no no no no no that’s not it what’s the one the gelato cover I thought it was a deadly fist I think it was I think that’s what it was um I don’t know we’re gonna you know all right so we’re gonna stay here I guess he’s gonna figure it out yeah yeah we can’t we can’t The Immortal Iron Fist Immortal Iron Fist okay yeah there we go move on now yeah they’re like some dope as we’ll read okay yeah Predator versus Wolverine who gives a [ __ ] I’m only putting well really I kind of I’m kind of listen only reason why I like this is like it’s like to me I feel like I’m gonna take I’m gonna treat this again I’m pretty sure it is like a what if you know that’s it so uh the Thrills The Thrill is the kill the bloodthirsty Saga you’ve been waiting for well not really but okay Wolverine has lived one of the longest and most storied lives in Marvel Comics history now witness The Untold greatest battles of Logan’s life against a predator uh one one you you what oh is one yuja is that what a predator is seeks the greatest prey no in existence and finds it in Weapon X yeah I guess oh I didn’t realize that the Predators actually had a name but I guess that’s the name of this species I guess I did yeah I didn’t know that uh from the blood written Snows of the Canadian wilderness to this which I’m probably pronouncing that name wrong by the way um uh this Blood written Snows of the Canadian wilderness to the sword sling streets of madrapore Wolverine and a predator break everything in their paths on their way to the ultimate Victory or a glorious death Superstar writer Benjamin Percy brings the blood bloodiest hunters in all of pop culture to their knees that’s kind of cool that it goes from Canada to madrapore I like globetrotting type of things like that um you know kind of sucks that every single one of these is an homage cover except the shitty Peach momoka one yeah and honestly out of the Mars covers I like to be huh I like the one with the predators in the background Wolverines the reflection you know um the white McComb cover the Moko not really feeling that one man uh I like the 20th Century Fox on the corner box on the corner is there something up there uh yeah man I like how they numbering their their issues I I don’t know if it’s just for this book but the number one in the corner is pretty cool uh magnificent cover okay oh I like that that is dope that [ __ ] is sick damn but at least believe though damn okay you’re killing me I don’t know I don’t think that I mean I love Alex but I don’t think it’s that good what I said it’s just a lot of covers though you know I mean I like the injunk league cover like yeah I got the brown suit we got the brown season on all these these three covers um I I it’s pretty cool man yeah so make sure you get this the Predator versus Wolverine the Predator yeah he dates them before you do all right Next Star Wars uh yeah so a little Star Wars love on here and and you know I put this on here for a couple reasons number one I want to know if anyone’s reading this because supposedly this series started off really good but no no I’m gonna say what I say when I talk oh and uh it always has good covers it it always sells decent it’s certainly around me um but I don’t ever hear anyone talk about it obviously I started off very strong that that one in 50 Boba Fett cover for issue one was just you know out the gate blazing hot um and it’s probably the best Boba Fett cover to date arguably um and uh yeah you know if anyone is uh reading this please put in the comments because I kind of maybe want to read this at some point um obviously you got a nice CAD Bane cover going here that’s what I was gonna say um this is the only cover so you got incentives oh we got an incentive this is really nice all right go back to the other one um this is right here I feel like the cover that would have been it would have been a good cover or maybe even a like a money book to me I guess I’m not saying extremely money but it would have been the um the just cover the D cover if they didn’t make the a b and c cover this is the reason why they’re not gonna do so good now is this guy so many you got this covers yeah uh but that code right there with uh what the [ __ ] is his name again headband CAD Bane there you go I’m not the Star Wars guy uh cat being it’s a [ __ ] that’s okay neither is big I’m just kind of joking about peanut I am dead serious about yeah of these Chris Sprouse covers um they are managing that the anniversaries and stuff like that cool cover and everything it’s just I just feel like they should have kept it simple the shadow cover the D cover and then the one in 25 or the one in I forgot what it was I love that shadow cover yeah cup is dope they should just kept it simple yeah all right yeah that’s what I had to say uh uncanny Avengers number two another book that you would not see up here I think we had uncanny Avengers number one up here and the reason I did was preparing for number two and I’ll tell you why in a second um number uh one is for some reason psylocke covers tend to do very very well I agree especially okay one yeah okay so you know where I’m about to go then as soon as you see what I’m about to show you okay so Mike is referencing is the psylocke cover for J Scott Campbell well you have it I don’t have it oh you’re turning around like you have I’m like whoa no I was about to talk now there was two of those right you had the color version then you had the black and white with some color on it yeah and that book I don’t know what it’s worth now but that book was over 10 G’s at one point wow yeah remember [ __ ] uh what’s his name had one got one for like mad sheep and then sold it for like 13 Grand uh uh um oh my God why can’t I uh uh uh archangel oh okay yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] man that yep so the reason I say look I’m not saying that this is going to be anything I’m just saying keep an eye on it for the following reasons one Avengers is not bought a lot it it’s Avengers in my opinion is hardly ever good I’m not saying it isn’t good or decent it’s just it it’s it doesn’t most people don’t grab it okay but you’ve got Greg land on the cover it’s a psylocke cover Greg land is already one of those artists that you know he’s not Jay Scott Campbell and he’s not you know maybe some of these other ones that don’t do a lot but when they do on a ratio it pops off but he’s he’s close he’s like sort of there obviously the edge of spider versus his big thing but you’ve got another psylocke cover that’s pretty good he’s on it low print run probably and it’s a black and white one in 50.

um it’s not a virgin I’m just saying be on the lookout for it until they make a second print and then ruin everything but if they don’t do that you might have something here I’m I’m looking online I’m looking at eBay actually I see one for fifty dollars which is going for ratio which is the cheapest one that I see after that I see one for 90 I see one for ninety dollars I see one from Canada but for like a little bit over a hundred uh one for 96 that’s in Canada so you know this is this is it’s something to look after you know I mean I guess but uh just don’t pay them crazy ass bucks uh if it does pop off yeah if it does pop up for the right price then yeah I put a hat on and I didn’t even realize that I had did my hair um but yeah you know what’s crazy though those side lock covers Josh is right you know silica does good and the Jason Campbell um done pretty well for yourself um those covers ever Shadows these other covers man look at that one in 25 that 125 is [ __ ] awesome by segment yeah it ain’t bad awesome and uh the other covers in our bad the homage to uh before yeah pretty cool you know what I mean not this one but not that one yeah the a cover I really like the a cover I do yeah man pick and choose with this one guys yeah this is this is only a five part series too but yeah the psylock cover I don’t know what it is you know about psylocke and it’s a Greg land cover it I mean yeah I get that but like I’m talking about Silo covers in general like people just like I don’t know I don’t know if it’s because she’s a female or she dresses like provocatively or or what but like I don’t know all right uh uncanny Spider-Man number one now I had this on a couple weeks ago but pulled it off because it did get pulled off so we didn’t talk about it but it is on this time and uh we can talk about it because uh I think it’s pretty stupid okay [ __ ] on it well go ahead yeah the night crawling wall crawler on the darkest of days he is the spark in the shadows after the devastating events of the Hellfire Gala Kurt Wagner is on the run and having the time of his life that is a question mark Splash buckling about New York City in Disguise The Uncanny wall crawler sets aside his mutant angst and dedicates himself to the hero’s life saving civilians hanging with fellow wall crawlers battling baddies and hunting down the best pizza on the planet but he can’t ignore the mutant plate forever size Spurrier and Lee garbett launch a joyful sexy series sexy series that will Nightcrawler that will shake Nightcrawler to his foundations and have a hell of a good time doing it I gotta [ __ ] on it I I don’t get it yeah I hear you I hear you um this is something for like more Nightcrawler lovers you know I mean uh I guess but um some of these covers are fun and some of these covers I I really enjoy like Tony Daniel are [ __ ] dope but it looks more of a like a miles cover than anything um I don’t have a problem with any of the artwork and I like Nightcrawler and I like the whole Banff you know that the the effect when he goes go ahead yeah um Scotty uncover really talks me I really like that cover I think that’s pretty cool you know when Josh just talked about him just popping smoke whatever uh Delete garbage covers the pretty good one uh even though the beat Cover is a little interesting so um yeah all these covers are fun you know um one in 25 oh okay okay the dela Rosa and then the the version of the garbage 10100 I just pick and choose guys that’s what I’m saying and this is honestly speaking I don’t think is is this a character because when they sometimes mesh certain characters some of them hold that not hold but like they they um they like to speculate and stuff like that whatever but this is one right here guys I don’t think it’s gonna stick to the wall I could be wrong though yeah I like how you use that stick to the wall yeah no I don’t think so I don’t think so because it’s not a character from Another Universe there you go true that uh what if dark Carnage okay UNO let’s talk about it because these what if books have been good yeah um synopsis so I’m definitely getting this one so what if Cortland Cassidy became Carnage Cletus Cassidy the madman who bonded to Carnage wasn’t the only family member to have a connection with symbiotes Cortland Cassidy his long dead ancestor rests Beneath The ravencroft Institute for the criminally insane what would happen if the Symbiote reanimated the corpse of Courtland Cassidy is the world big enough for two Cassidy carnages this is being written by Larry Hama the thing is I love every bit about it and I was thinking funny enough before I put this up and it was before I read um the misery stuff um wouldn’t that be cool if a symbiote had two humans inside of it at once that’s kind of cool yeah I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here if it’s just gonna be two carnages now the one thing that I will say where it was a huge mess on these is well maybe not so much with the a cover but how in the hell could they not get thank you I thought the same thing once I saw this is nope it’s Nick Bradshaw I’m like no I like Nick Bradshaw just fine I think he’s a great artist but how in the hell can you not get Bagley to do this especially when Bagley works for you that’s number one now I understand why you can’t get Sal busama to do the a cover because I’m assuming that’s homaging spectacular Spider-Man 201 I mean besem is what 87 or whatever how old he is yeah he ain’t probably doing anything but you can’t get badly to do his own cover this is an opportunity man yeah I agree you said yeah exactly see see and here’s the other thing I would have done right this is okay I love Greg land that is a horrible 125.

Okay, what I would have done was I would have put the Greg land in the B slot and I would have had Mark Bagley do his cover again and put that as the one in 25. second homage ratio yeah that’s right yep that’s a pretty good good idea but you know we don’t think over at Marvel so we got some other things to talk about here I think some cool things uh you got Batman number one facsimile in three different forms you got the foil which I gotta say these foil facts emilies look pretty nice gotta say that Hulk 181 facsimile that foil one looked nice ain’t gonna lie got a copy for myself but the question is how they shipped them and how they they got you good oh yeah why now just wondering because you know sometimes you know then you know accidents happen you know what I mean the ship and whatever and you know especially there’s foil and [ __ ] but this is this is something that I’m interested in Batman number one I’m on a facsimony yeah I might I might get this one man you like the uh blank I think that’s the book but yeah I like it yeah I like it I like that it’s it’s done they’re not jerking people on a ten dollar book you know I mean what is it we’ll cover probably 399 or 4.99 I think it’s 7.99 6.99 6.99 all right not bad but this is 7.99 oh [ __ ] wow so it costs more for a blank and this is 8.99 why would it cost more for a blank when you were literally taking the art off of it all right I don’t know they should just kept it at one price you know what would be really dope and I would definitely buy this is if they made this the same size as a golden age book which it may be I doubt it but how cool would that be I think it’d be tough because the back and board uh you know what you can find bagging boards Golden Age um yeah I think that’s a good idea man they should do that but again well I wonder if they actually say no between the Original Stories backup features and ads that’s cool that would be I think that would be dope if they made that the same size as a as a golden age book that would be freaking cool that’s cool they won’t but I like it I’m getting it oh I don’t know how I’m gonna do that this should happen on previous I oh okay I don’t care about Scooby-Doo but that is a freaking awesome cover with the Royal Flush Gang and Batman Beyond that’s really [ __ ] dope I might buy that just for that cover and I don’t usually do that and it’s uh sometimes these weird kind of covers kind of like be like a 20 book 30 book for like a long time you know what I mean or something pretty cool pretty cool Batman Incorporated man why am I getting a sore throat who is this oh ghost maker [Music] fungi Fables all right geronimo’s what Geronimo still in Stilton come on man yeah I was gonna put Green Lantern on here but yeah that coming remind me gives me of uh what’s his name man the guy who passed away not a little bit I’m old school he’s good like old school type or um like a Bruce Tim type art what was his name you know what you know what we just all [ __ ] up at the end of this episode bro yeah it happens when you get older freaking uh yeah I will argue this until I’m blue in the face and I love doing it with Green Lantern fans Green Lantern is not an a character I don’t care what anybody says an A-list character would you agree or disagree with that statement I would agree I would agree which which is like DC don’t have that many characters you know I mean uh as Marvel does so I’m gonna say yes and no it’s I’m a copper I’m compound or whatever but I agree Lancer is just one of those a characters to me uh you know it has like uh it’s one of those like rare a characters you know so you gotta have like a cult following for this type of character but not really because he’s known does that make sense cult following just by definition does not it’s not an in character all right well as a matter of fact I’ll tell you this I don’t even think he’s a b character no skirt’s the line for I would say between C and B I’ll give them a solid B minus but they like they just can’t do anything with Green Lantern and nobody cares nobody cares but except I will say this the hardcore Green Lantern fans and there might not be any more hardcore hardcore fans than the hardcore Green Lantern fans so I will give them that um I don’t think there’s much left on the DC oh can we sorry this is a brand name working right now uh what we got here I um image we went through that already nothing there there’s nothing and there’s nothing on Boom either okay it’s all good um yeah well it always is um Marvel um so yeah so you’re just talking about like getting over loaded with Carnage you got another Carnage coming out but this is just the poster the uh for the upcoming new series new new Carnage starting over again uh dark X-Men I was gonna put that on this week because once again the other thing that sells very well Madeline Pryor covers look at this one Darwin Cook that’s his name Darwin Cook that’s who I thought I was gonna say that but I’m like that doesn’t look like I got it that’s what I was gonna I swear to God I was gonna say that but dead I’m like five yo we are so [ __ ] old that’s just like five minutes ago bro I’m sorry I apologize the only thing I don’t like about this cover is like what’s with Madeline Pryor having like the neck like you know when those African ladies like have the like the their necks like stretched out yeah plates with the plates yeah yeah yeah looks like they got like a slinky around their neck yeah um but Madeleine Pryor covers man always always do well that one right there the Roca color girl yep uh uh I don’t know why you have uh hypnotize me these guys in white guys I like the title Deadpool better blood Rob liefeld Rob life hell dude Rob do something else for the love of Christ actually you know what Rob don’t do anything else [Laughter] um [ __ ] all right Judgment Day online how the [ __ ] could you get an Omnibus out of Judgment Day well I don’t know FF oh please no those three paper bags never mind yeah Spiderman I I hate Marvel Masterworks I’m I’m just not a fan of them uh yeah that’s the super but that’s the advertisement for Superboy number one um I actually did pick up a couple copies of the previews that have this on the back of the latest previews just in case you never know I like to order like that that’s the poster to get or whatever oh so there’s other posters that you know you can get you know through previews they just come folded up and they feel no no no no they don’t because no I don’t know if they ever did no they do for promotional material but like Richie just ordered a bunch of like ASM 300 posters they all and Thor Immortal Thor posters they all came rolled yep um never mind what I said all right that’s uh now let me back up for a second they all came rolled through penguin does diamond fold them that’s what I’m saying I think they do man I know they do on promotional like promotional posters for stores they’ll fold once I call customers you’re gonna have a hard time selling posters with creases and [ __ ] in them so um the thing that I want to actually mention on for Dynamite which I almost put on is this this Nega duck don’t cover now is there a bad version of Darkwing Duck that I’m unfamiliar no dude what he’s like one of his main Nemesis bro I don’t remember that no granted I didn’t watch a lot of Darkwing Duck I mean I watched it but I don’t ever remember Nega duck maybe you didn’t watch the whole series completely or whatever but yeah he’s yeah big time Big Time bro uh damn I thought it wasn’t I think um Iran was was they doing it very into that [ __ ] I don’t know yeah he did [ __ ] Duck number one pretty cool couples man yeah let’s get dangerous it’s pretty cool that’s Jamie oh my God Jay Lee doing something different for once I like that I like this yeah not that that same freaking cover that he’s always doing with somebody jumping down or you know yo somebody say I I forgot where it was I read it that Jay Lee he throws like people’s Soul like like emo so sad and [ __ ] and it’s true if you look at it then I go send the president but yeah I like the bloodborne man why have they not made a bloodborne 2 yet that is the greatest mystery in video games I’m gonna say as of right now why has bloodborne 2 not been made Bleak Dominion you ever play bloodborne it’s not I guarantee no it’s not for you anyway you wouldn’t you wouldn’t like it great game Star fuel coming out next month though yep I’m gonna have to boot up my Xbox soon I still haven’t taken it out of the box my son yeah we uh we got the game pass so we um we’re gonna get a he bought the limited edition controller [ __ ] beautiful controller oh yeah man [ __ ] so many I just pre-ordered so many games and games just get I just got Boulder’s Gate three it’s awesome um Baldur’s Gate 2 is one of my favorite video games of all time certainly in my top five maybe top three excuse me all right forward blanks um yeah these are the hyperspace stories though it’s a um nonetheless though it blanks so going to cons you can know any artist is pretty good together yeah speaking of you know where Nick actually did really well this year at [ __ ] terrificon is he was smarter than all of us he took a box full of blanks to terrificon it doesn’t even matter what the blanks are people will buy them because they need to get [ __ ] signed yeah it does not matter yeah and believe it or not some some some blanks go for money man yeah yeah yeah now here’s what I wanted to talk about these the people that keep doing these Saturday morning cartoons they’ve got the right people on these and I don’t mean just Turtles the GI Joe ones um I think they did Transformer ones like that is perfect what if they got the artists from the 80s to do it I doubt it I mean I could be wrong but very cool you know the backs of Stockman was pretty cool yeah yeah like this one’s off but like the other two actually this one’s kind of off too um but the Baxter Stockman is on point yeah like these are on point this Dan’s shoning that should have been an incentive wait a minute Dan’s shoning maybe Dan shoning I think is that an original that name sounds awfully familiar but yeah that basketball should have been like a 1-25 yeah oh speaking of uh going back to your uh books that you sent in that GI Joe book that Manny sent in that GI Joe 244.

They’re like these Scott Campbell one yeah yeah we’ve had a [ __ ] nice cover that is a nice cover they could go for money I think in the 98 I think uh what we got here I’ll talk about it that we’re doing statues man I pre-ordered my lead weeks Lee weeks Batman black and white statue yeah did you uh did you uh pre-order Your Dragon Ball Z Dragon Star Super Saiyan 2 Goku my son will collector the Black Star ones he collects the um what is this Goku as [ __ ] there you go that’s what he gets no it means action figure not as [ __ ] yo dude I’m sorry I was just in the middle of thank you bro what’s up I didn’t really think that meant as [ __ ] by the way if you people really what is this no it’s one of those uh statues I guess I I don’t know Egon I was more of a Peter Bateman guy yeah who wasn’t I liked Egon though he got was cool you’re like a Winston guy me yeah I like Winston yeah you know why because I’m not racist races this is uh wasn’t he like the last one to be or in the movies I’m talking about yeah I just liked him because he was like um you know he was like down for [ __ ] but at the same time he was like these guys aren’t freaking nuts you know here yeah he was one with the whites from the cartoons right yeah would you say that’s about the colors of the uniforms Peter was blue no you know Elon was blue Peter was brown and Rey had like the light tan color uniform and what are you talking about the cartoon the cartoons yes of Ghostbusters I never really watched the cartoons I did they’re pretty dope and a lot of the toys though did you have a proton pack I didn’t have the proton pack but I had like almost all of the first wave collection of uh Ghostbusters I even had the house I didn’t have an octal one though I didn’t get awkward we had a we had both me and Nick had proton packs and uh the the uh the traps you know the backpack proton packs and we had the actual jumpsuits dude those freaking proton packs right with that stupid styrofoam thing that you had to jam in the end of it to make it look like the laser so [ __ ] stupid those things were yeah it was cool yeah now things man when you see when I go to especially New York Comic Con and they cosplay man these cosplayers man they come up with some real looking [ __ ] proton packs man oh yeah yeah yeah I’m not I’m not you know convincing somebody doesn’t have a real one just carrying around and thinking uh you would have trapped even with a trap yeah yeah what is it what is it a a is it a nuclear accelerator each one of us is carrying out unlicensed is it a nuclear Excel accelerator on our backs Venkman says that yeah um but when they’re getting into the elevator they yeah they’re they’re become more realistic uh all right guys well that that’s that’s how it’s time you’ll actually be able to catch ghosts with it you know yeah you know where to catch this at guys I can’t believe comic shout out to everybody there man all right uh other than that man uh damn an hour and eight minutes span that is [ __ ] crazy yeah for a show that I thought was not even gonna be happening because I thought it was going to be too short and I was gonna cancel it we just [ __ ] yapped by Miles bro that’s all it is awesome okay yeah all right guys see y’all next week peace

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