FOC your FOMO: CBSI Friday FOC with East meets West comics for 8/6-8/7

[Music] thank you [Music] yo what’s up man uh welcome to supersize Friday FLC with East Beast West uh it’s been a while right it’s been a long time it’s been two weeks terrificon was last week yeah I was terrific on by the way yeah it was all right it was all right you know I don’t know I’m just so used to it you know uh me saying all right does not mean it wasn’t good it’s just I’m so um I’m used to it and I I don’t want to say I’m Jaded by it but like when you I guess when you see behind the curtain it’s not as special you know when you are when you’re actually working at the show you know when you have access to everything it’s not like oh you know that’s what I say you lugging all those boxes back and forth Richie Fox is not fun yeah on Thursday load up day it was [ __ ] or loading day it was [ __ ] setup day I mean it was hot as balls now luckily on Sunday it cooled down to like 70 degrees so that was that was good um yeah um yeah yeah they’re good over there Richard they’re good yeah did did really good actually um I think he probably did better than most because I know I know a good amount of guys that didn’t do well and uh I know an even smaller amount that said they’d probably never go back wow and uh you know sometimes you got to do some self-reflection I would say and uh look at your prices because Richie did what I told him to do a million times and and probably what other people have told them which is the same [ __ ] covet anymore you have to lower your prices to GPA or lower especially at a show or and if you do you will you will score there is only a few a very few amount of vendors that can get away with overpricing their books it’s very few people gotta understand you know I know it’s business but you got to make this your move so if you bought this book if you bought this book for like one dollar all right later on it’s a hot book it’s a hundred dollars like don’t sell it for 100 man you should order for a dollar you know I mean you could make it so you can sell it from between one to 100 but where you [ __ ] the other thing is too is like look I I’m fully aware that there are certain books where if you bought them high and you were looking to try to sell them that you’re not going to sell them low for instance something to the effect of a a a very low issue ASM or FF something that you know can can and probably will bounce back but when you have something like first for instance first Echo that maybe you bought at [ __ ] 500 bucks okay and saw it go to a thousand at one point and now you know you’re gonna be lucky if you get I’m talking in the 90 I don’t I don’t know what the price of that book is let’s say 250 300 okay but you don’t want to move it because you don’t want to take a loss at 350.

well then you’re kind or 300 you’re kind of stupid because that book is only going down there is that book is never going up again I’m sorry it’s just not not any time in the near future anyway maybe 30 years down the line maybe I mean only time I see a spike in is when that movie I mean when the show is about to come out that kind of hype for the most part is already over most people aren’t falling for that kind of [ __ ] again and all you’re going to do is watch that book go even lower so it’s better to take a loss than to take a super loss you have to know the market market trends how books Trend how bar how books you know you know have possibly already trended and it’s over no matter if they have a show movie coming up or not the only books that will always retain their value and go up steadily maybe take a little hit but always end up trending up is always going to be older books but are none all the books or newer books kind of like uh UFO four but yeah but that’s those are very very few and far between yeah you know definitely definitely those are the major Blue Chip books these little [ __ ] you know books that are that even they turn into shows and people oh well you never know come around again and Bubba no it ain’t coming [ __ ] round again I mean you’re right man it’s like I said before you just got to know once just just pull the trigger on it I mean if you’re gonna take a hit is how big of a hit you want to take you know what I mean I don’t mind the 30 here if I’m listening it’s better than 100 [ __ ] [ __ ] it why not you can’t win on everything and you know it’s kind of funny I like at the show do you know me comic books I bought it terrificon last year I got I want to say two two and or maybe not one one and it was off my brother yeah yeah you’re right okay because the year before you went in oh yeah yeah yeah this year zero zero wow none probably you know how much I spent at the show zero no not zero magic cards or something yeah yeah I bought magic cards um 250 bucks maybe worth of cards yeah yeah not your proudest moment huh no I was very proud there was actually other things that I actually ended up walking away from because I’m like you know what I don’t need that yo do you see you want me uh post Malone by that yeah you got that rear car for like one ring I never knew he was gonna end up getting it yeah yeah cause he’s a big magic player everyone knew he was gonna get it but I’ve got so much I’m so down the card hole right now it’s not even funny not even funny dude I have I’m not even kidding you I probably shouldn’t even say this but on Southern hobby right now for pre-orders for upcoming cards do you know how much in terms of dollars I have on pre-order why take a guess take it I want you to take a guess at on pre-order how much total dollar value I have on pre-order with cards uh I mean obviously it’s gonna be more than 100 obviously I’m I’m gonna say two two grand no two wow no two I was gonna say 200 I mean 100.

2 300 yeah try 11 000. what oh yeah dude I’ll show you after the show I’m not even [ __ ] kidding a little bit yo what the freaking open up your old Magics in the Gatherings it ain’t just magic oh okay okay all right so you don’t want to talk about that I got you there’s a new game called sorcery that is just blown up dude the bot hang on eleven thousand yo what the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah this oh [ __ ] it’s crazy these Alpha boxes which just came out like a little over a month ago right hold on let me highlight two bros because it’s like I want to see the what what what 11 000 gets you right okay some of this is a thousand dollars per box right now what oh yeah I mean but you bought it for retail though no I didn’t I missed it because you could only get these through Kickstarter right so I got them when they were like a little bit under 700.

wow okay wow also I bought a I’m going to say the first full not just set First full play set ever listed now it’s not going to show because it was on eBay and I went around it I paid five grand for that what yeah for a full playset not a set a full playset of all 403 non-foil cards Dude they I don’t know how they’re getting away with copying as much as they do from Magic but it is just like old school magic even the card shape is the old Alpha card shape all hand drawn art dude I am so far down that you wanted to I mean we were off camera before you think you’re down a hole on [ __ ] Batman statues son you don’t even know what a hole is man I’m in the [ __ ] Abyss uh I’m in a hole but I’m gonna say hole how about that what’s up I’m safe I’m safe Have You Ever Seen The True Hollywood stories with Charlie Murphy I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the ones that they didn’t put on on uh TV where he talks about how Rick James he loves to go to the abyss and as a matter of fact he dwells in the abyss and he and he’s always and he’s always looking for company yeah Josh is his company in the abyss wow I mean you have you unboxed anything I will never open that because I was only fortunate enough to get two boxes they only made 29 000 in the kickstarter and the only way to get that was to back it on Kickstarter I was late to the party you could not order that through distribution my question my question rather is the 11 Grand that you spend in terrific time did you open anything did you enjoyed no I didn’t spend 11 Granite terrificon oh you did no I have 11 Grand on pre-order oh pre-order right right in cards I think my man you know I’m sorry I got this stuff but damn still regardless dude I look at that dude I look at that and I’m like oh Jesus Christ you did it to yourself bro you did it yourself but uh anyway but anyway yeah oh yeah freaking it’s it’s crazy yeah I believe I believe in sorcery you got lorcana coming up too so all right well um so yeah man what what what’s what we got here what is this for this is for uh Sunday August I can’t believe it’s already August man summer is almost over August 6th uh for DC Independence ordered through lunar and Monday the 7th through uh I mean for Marvel and Independence ordered through um uh diamond and penguin random house as well and make sure you go over to cbsi I did see Ben as usual at uh terrificon he came over bought some books from Richie okay Mr middle fellow yeah about two big books yep he actually uh gave Richie a compliment he’s like wow he’s like you guys are the only booth that is that GPA or less so okay that’s it because you got some big dogs that were selling there or going to sell then you know okay let me tell you at least in this area like I was saying before there’s only in my mind two people that can get or two two vendors that can get away with charging more and it’s come for complete different reasons I think one is very Gary that’s just because of how popular he is and people and this is not a knock on Gary people will just overpay to say they got a book from Gary yeah world whether you like them or you don’t I’ve bought or I have bought myself quite a few books from them even when I don’t want to and so is my brother and so is other people that I know and they’ll all tell you the same thing you always overpay but you’re never disappointed every book that I’ve ever gotten from them that I expected it come back this grade comes back this great or higher every single time bar none what about what’s that other [ __ ] that’s um is it Metropolis I think it is yeah but I don’t count them be I’m talking about all right I got you I got medium-sized vendors I’m not talking about you know the uh uh Metropolis or uh uh uh Lone Star or you know [ __ ] like no yeah there is one place for sure that thinks they can charge a lot and are [ __ ] idiots and if you ever buy a book from them Joker give me the one all right I got you man I got you boom I’m about to offend some people but I don’t give a [ __ ] if you ever buy a book from Mile High Comics you are a [ __ ] yeah you know you know what’s crazy the dude seems like a cool dude like the owner yo hit the prices in there no no ridiculous I think I think the price no no give me the one [ __ ] you okay all right there you go is nice then because you know what the thing is you’re you know you’ll kind of hear the story like well he’s got the prices on him so that high because it’s like a museum and look I understand to a certain extent of having a book here or there where you put some ridiculous price on it because you don’t really want to sell it but God forbid if someone offers you some crazy amount of money you’ll do it I understand that perfectly fine but it’s literally every [ __ ] book I mean so much so where they’ll take I mean yeah Mike I mean not that we need to explain this but like you know you’re talking about you know uh like like a Batman new 52 sketch cover we’ll use as an example right like one of the ones that isn’t really a key like number seven or whatever now it’s rare they’re not that easy to find but they’re not hard either and a 9 8 commands maybe like two three hundred dollars maybe on a high side four for a raw copy of that beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] they’ll be like six hundred dollars yeah yeah well not a play Devils that why not it’s not really Devil’s Advocate when you Defender not to say I on eBay I bought some things for my high and there were decent prices they were set at certain prices and there were minor key books I’m not talking about I haven’t checked out you know the Vicky books so uh I I don’t know if it’s more like a in person because every time people tell me that they went in person or on the website or whatever they’re expensive as hell they’re expensive I I have to beg to differ with the website with eBay too they are notorious for having the worst I’m just saying this it’s just certain books that I bump into and I like oh okay this is a decent price whatever who’s the seller my high oh [ __ ] okay you know [ __ ] it but the thing I don’t like about my high their shipping takes forever well I’m sure and they think they can get away with it because they’re my high and they’re in their customer service I hear is horrendous if you have a problem forget it I mean just go look at their rating they have like seriously like a million sales and I don’t know what their rating is now it’s like 98 or 99 but when you have the amount of sales they have for you to have a 98 or 99 that is outrageously bad I think this has to do with comic Comic-Con terrificon FOC lately I am so disillusioned by new books right now I just am and and the funny thing is I had a couple people come up to me um you know from the community and say they’re just not in the comics right now at all and and one of them really kind of surprised me um but like looking over this FOC and and reading these books a lot of these books lately there is just especially at Marvel it is just so bad I’m sorry it’s so bad I can say I can say honestly speaking one of the reason why to blame one of the reasons not the reason but one of the reasons these movies isn’t really doing much man you know a lot of people would respect gaming a couple years ago who expected a lot of people were speaking on things and what’s going to come up uh uh on shows Mephisto and all this and all that whatever that [ __ ] is gone [ __ ] shows suck movies suck rarely that you get a good one you know um I I I feel like that that’s partially to blame no yeah I mean I guess but that’s more to me that’s more to blame as to why a lot of people have fallen out of the Hobby and and honestly I don’t care I say good get the [ __ ] out I just want you here in the first place because I’m sorry like I I understand that like we all have like oh well collect how you want and collect you know if you want to flip then flip if you’re in it because you love books and you love books if you’re in it well no I’m sorry like this is America and I have the right to disagree and I disagree I don’t want people in this hobby that aren’t in this for the love of it I’m not saying you can’t do those things inside of it but you still have to have the love of it you need to read I’m sorry or have read you need to know have the knowledge I’m sorry I don’t want people just coming in here because oh this is quick money get those people the [ __ ] out of here but we had that a lot happened over the couple years because of covet you know uh a lot of people was just buying up books and and flipping them and doing this and doing that you know uh and they ruined it for a lot of people and they did they they absolutely did and now I’m glad they’re gone and hopefully they never come back and let me tell you I you know there I talked to quite a few people from obviously around the country and uh a lot of stories man about people that have lost their entire [ __ ] uh their savings their houses divorce it I’m not kidding you multiple ones that I know about and let me tell you it brings a smile to my face every [ __ ] time damn why because that because first of all they’re stupid because they over leverage themselves that’s number one okay you don’t know people’s uh how they feel I do if you have lost your house or if you have lost your family because of doing something stupid you don’t know how to smartly interact inside of this hobby what I’m trying to say is like I don’t want to harshly say stupid because we all make our mistakes here and there some way like you said like you mentioned some of the examples but some of us make a little mistake even I make mistakes you know saying you make mistakes you know uh but I don’t want to say hardships come on when collecting you haven’t started you started off knowing everything and know what to buy from the get for number one for one day one yeah pretty much because I’m not even kidding you okay all right okay all right listen I don’t know you’re the man yeah because I think before I do like okay like a lot of these guys who believe so much and whatnot and I’m not saying that as a knock on what now I’m saying that is a belief in themselves about oh it’s so easy and everyone can do it and see this one do what that means I can do it oh and then guess what now I’m gonna go to to to to uh uh jpg and and get [ __ ] you know 6 000 exclusives and I’m gonna tell them that it’s easy money and I’m gonna sell them all but what the hell I go to a show and I can’t even sell 50.

And now I’m stuck with 10 G’s worth of [ __ ] books that won’t go anywhere no [ __ ] how could you not know that [ __ ] ninja Funk number one is the biggest [ __ ] turd ever I mean that that example is facts though that example but that’s so many examples here but [ __ ] anything attached to an exclusive if you went into that trying to think you were gonna make a lot of money and you weren’t one of these big [ __ ] stores or big players in the game you deserve everything you got because you were trying to pimp the community too that’s another thing yeah I mean that’s been around for the longest already though bro you know but not I’m not going on that anymore but what I’m saying what I’m saying is in relation to and I’m sharing the screen um these books right now as you’ll see just a bunch of recycled rehashed item no new ideas just the same [ __ ] [ __ ] there you go all right um and you’ll see it when it comes to both titles in here and obviously second printings just we’ll get into it anyway um starting off with DC I see yeah it’s a it’s been a slow summer yeah but you know for DC it’s been because of that [ __ ] uh what is it night terrors yeah but I’m talking about no boom no [ __ ] image either and it’s been like that okay for weeks all right oh this is uh the bat cat war starts here this is Chip sadarski so this is probably just him on needs to do something until he gets back on Batman uh crime is down in Gotham City could that be a bad thing a coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime but at what cost Bill and Scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime and as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Night Terrors one name runs through his mind one name at the heart of this new safer Gotham Catwoman a conflict that’s been brewing for well over a year finally hits the streets and it will fracture the bat family as War erupts from best-selling writers chip zadarski and uh tiny ortini Howard an artist Mike Hawthorne and uh Adriano D benedetto comes the opening shot in the Gotham War um all right what’s the what’s what is it uh mini series right 5.99 yeah um no it’s a one shot is it one shot all right I was about to say this is this is worth like being a small graphic novel but if this is a one shot then it is what it is um seems interesting to read I don’t know I I I I I still have hope for zodarski you know um I’m gonna say he’s Gonna Save Batman because the way he’s you know been doing it recently whatever but I think he still has some decent stories in them you know to write um so this is pretty cool you know the Batman Catwoman I really I really like the the dynamic between those two characters and um see where they at man all right Nando gotta be a thick book then okay uh John Boy Maya cover is pretty cool pretty dope idle from The Grotto for three minute basement okay that’s right all right dude I’m just not interested in Mainline Batman right now I’m not I mean only incentive I like here is the one in um 25.

that’s just my opinion I like the silhouette or the bad signal and I’m sorry chip sidarski is gonna have very little room rope with me on the start of uh when Batman starts up again I I I don’t I don’t going off of the last stuff I don’t want him on anymore yo it’s like it’s like how you are with Spider-Man like you know you know you kept a ringing or whatever I’m like that with Batman I’m gonna keep reading it I’m gonna keep reading it I want Tom Taylor on Batman that’d be really good or I want I think it’s here’s another thing too I think you’re gonna start seeing this even the big writers right now I don’t think there’s anybody in the comic game right now who is killing it nobody not any writer not your Snyder’s not your jt3s nobody the only one that I swear is and most people aren’t going to agree with this is freaking Sean Murphy that’s the only book that I look forward to and I think don’t be surprised if you see either James or Scott eventually come back to Batman preferably more Scott Snyder I like to I like to see that because we had uh we had my man um oh what’s his name um tinian we had tinny and um recently so I you know bring back the Snyder type I know Snyder did the Justice League you know I was not feeling that at all you know um but you know Batman would be a nice little uh a Redo for him did you ever read um it’s not on this week it’s on I think it’s upcoming um Batman it was from New 52 but it was the Batman Eternal run did you ever read that yeah right at the beginning I didn’t finish reading it but I have the whole set I have the whole set um yeah it was that Schneider also for a while and it was also James for a while so but I’ve never read it I’ve always wanted to I’ve I never I never did but I hear good things about it yeah uh night terrors nights and thank God um that this is ending and you know this came and went like a fart in the wind because I don’t hear anyone talking about this not one person nobody you no no um um I don’t you know when it comes to these [ __ ] uh main storylines these like uh each like Marvel you know marvel has their [ __ ] you know in in DC have like these like intertwined [ __ ] main story [ __ ] I don’t I I don’t know recently I’m not really fooling it I’m not you know they haven’t been doing a good job both Marvel and DC um when it comes to that and this night terrorist [ __ ] when it started when you know Josh you know first mentioned it here I would I knew it wasn’t going to be a hit you know it wasn’t it’s just you know I don’t know why they keep doing it why they need to feel like they need to be doing it um but I know why they do it I’ll tell you though if I was in charge at either DC or Marvel my first mandate would be no more [ __ ] crossovers no more crossovers or at least we ain’t doing one and we ain’t doing them like every two months one thing once a year maybe and only if it makes sense right right and that doesn’t mean every [ __ ] book they do it because they think they’re going to get bleed over they’re gonna get crossover they’re gonna be like oh I like this guy I never read it let me read Green Lantern let me read you know X-Men whatever I understand X-Men’s not DC I’m yeah saying it as a greater whole um by the way this is not a blank cover D I don’t even know if the cover D actually exists I’m only putting it there because um the net it goes ABC and then skips to e and e is actually the one in 25 so I’m assuming there is a d also not on lunar but listed on um previews is it 1 in 250.

I didn’t put the picture up because it’s the picture that it that’s listed is this picture right here so I don’t know if it’s a mistake no cover a career yeah so wait a minute yeah okay so it is a Howard Porter cover they have it listed as but they’re using um this uh cover which this is Howard Porter this is not Jimenez okay I was about to say yeah yeah um I like that demon code that’s pretty cool yeah the Kendrick lamb cover yeah which Kendrick limb is now I don’t know if this is new but I’ve only seen it recently I don’t know if he’s trying to go by this nickname that he’s got this kunka or yeah I think it’s kunka k-u-n-k-k-a nah dude I don’t know if that’s something new that you’re trying to do but okay we all know who you are you’re good you’re [ __ ] very very talented [ __ ] um dead man covers not many and that is dope yeah that man is such an underutilized character too yo in freaking Batman the adventures continues I I can’t remember no yeah it was La the last season they had such a good Arc going with them and they just ended it like for no reason uh ASM 33 now I am currently I apologize I have not read two weeks worth of books um so I have not read the last Spider-Man issue and the annual which actually came out this week so I can’t um rightfully speak on it I know this has to do uh this is going to be called Spider-Man’s first hunt oh he’s gonna be hunting Craven okay and he’s back in the black suit which is [ __ ] dope um yeah I don’t know why though so I don’t know if that’s already happened in one of these two I guess it’s more I guess it’s like more Nostalgia right because you know in the 80s in the black hunt it was in the black suit when during Craven’s first hunt yeah yeah um but uh yeah man um I don’t know who’s who’s doing Interiors in McGinnis still or no romita back hi you know yeah all right um yeah I’m gonna read this I’m gonna I don’t know we’ll see man we’ll see how this goes I like I like that little tribute the little homage Miss Marvel it’s pretty cool pretty cool Disney one oh well Disney one now the 10100 is the one to get that one in 25 Gleason is fire dope he’s really good I’m gonna have to put that up with a thumbnail yeah that is a good one yeah yeah glisten so that’s another really calm yep everybody knows them for the next like the the little [ __ ] uh what’s that [ __ ] [ __ ] that web the web where it’s all web the Symbiote composition yeah yeah he’s so much more talented yeah definitely um black panther four black panther three not out yet um like I’ve said before the last two times very Batman it feels very very batman-esque uh death lock uh it um ends up showing up at the end of issue two um I I don’t know how much longer I can continue on I’m I’m not really digging the art I’m not gonna lie I’m definitely interior I never really understood that character you know the flock yeah first appearance though [ __ ] dope ass book dope ass cover yeah don’t really get the character though shots Perez um yeah you know when it comes back to the black panther black panther you know um would last the last what is the volume right I can say that yeah the large volume you know we had we got the first appearance of uh what was the kid’s name man I forgot the kid’s name of the New Black Panther yeah Tolson uh I was like a flash of the pan right because it’s like where is he now you know what I mean what those one and 25 is doing nobody I don’t know you know what’s funny because I actually thought about that the other day about looking them up I’m sure people still want crazy money for him but there’s really no reason why yeah uh those the spec game is just dead now man I I’m telling you man uh this shows it’s like I don’t understand with Marvel like I understand you don’t want to wear a character out I get that but there’s certain times when you have to strike when the Iron’s hot when you didn’t intend for something to happen yeah you know what I mean like the spider boy thing like okay I’m sure they knew it that it would somewhat be hot and that’s why they’re gonna do its own you know story and why they’ve done them so much in the um the Spider Man book um but it’s another spider character you’ve either I would say mistakenly or unintentionally came across another character that that um organically grabbed the audience instantly and you guys chose to do nothing with him you guys chose to do nothing with them even inside that black panther Series yeah yeah but that’s that’s the thing I wanted to ask you too now that you mentioned um spider boy like what you when when Tolson came out the 125 was off the [ __ ] bat like a hot you know it was crazy right but when spider boy came out that one of 25 did it do what Tolson did it didn’t there wasn’t a 1 in 25 for Spider Boy the second print one in 25 right nobody cared about that because it was because they ruined it because it was a virgin of the of the variant cover yeah so just curious to see to match them up comparatively yeah but you know missed opportunities and and honestly I don’t even know I could be wrong but if they did something with tosin now it would get some play but I don’t think it would get as much as it did yeah as a matter of fact I know it won’t because that was during the Tale in the covid when people not even the tail end that was towards getting towards the back end of kovid but like put it this way like let was still in the game you know what I mean like there’s a lot of people still in the game then that would have grabbed on to that um Captain America number one um you know I know we’ve talked about this a few times do we think that we’re ever going to get back to a point where they only do one cover per book now uh no no like sad that’s sad you keep like I refuse to believe that and I’m not counting um store exclusives or those kind of things because they have to pay for that so obviously Marvel or DC will continue to do that but when they do it themselves you can’t convince me that they actually make more money printing a zillion variants than they would just printing one you know maybe they make more money in terms of they sell more books but how much more does it cost them to do all that you know what I mean I’m talking about the Net game you can’t convince me there is no reason in hell that Captain America number one for like the tenth time needs 12 covers or whatever it is and I don’t think any of them are really that good this Gary Franklin is pretty good um and the Perez one is okay the First Makeover I like I like it what the [ __ ] Hulk one homage yeah I kind of like it it’s pretty cool I know I’m gonna read this only because it’s J Michael strasinski all right that’s a synopsis man okay what future awaits the man out of time decades ago Steve Rogers changed the world forever now powerful and Insidious forces are assembling to ensure he never does it again past present and future Collide as the man out of time reckons with an existential threat determined to set the world on a darker path at any cost esteemed creators Jay Michael strzinski who did Thor and The Amazing Spider-Man and Jesus Punisher and Doctor Strange uh embark on an exhilarating New Journey for Captain America I like Jake Michael strzinski um so I’m gonna give it a chance the Frank Miller is like well um but honestly and there’s another one coming up later it ain’t that bad for him okay okay okay okay okay how about the way it’s not Wolverine yeah that Wolverine that he did recently that was that was all right let me see the next um or that Spider-Man that was even worse I mean I don’t remember the Spider-Man one but yeah that Wolverine was bad all right let me see this one uh well believe it or not the German Junior color was pretty cool okay but what the [ __ ] is going on with his boots he’s always had those seven boots though okay not like that though like look at how skinny like okay look at it here right like these are like way too big I I like the I like the fonts I like to find some Captain America yep I do too yeah both of them too I actually kind of like the Michael Cho one too the Humberto Ramos is okay cover yeah the car Andrews I think he’ll deal a little bit on the chest like on some uh real life remember what’s the funny Captain America one that [ __ ] life belt did where his chest is like [ __ ] enormous like his [ __ ] dude he has like riblets his like ABS his like armpits have abs I actually don’t even other than the feet the romita one isn’t that bad I like it yeah these are the old school Captain America from the 60 70s Vibe I like it now this is weird now I don’t know if when I did this today there was only a 1 in 100 shown I don’t I can’t believe that to be true so there has to be probably a 1 in 25 at minimum the trend lately with Marvel is they’re doing one in 25s and one in 100 virgins and that’s it I like I like Frank Miller Frank Miller’s run on The Dark Knight Return Of The Dark Knight [ __ ] dope as a matter of fact the Batman black and white statue of the Batman Returns that’s just [ __ ] sick darn returns uh it’s [ __ ] dope I want that one uh but it’s just like recently it’s just these covers that he’s been doing this is like why just let the man just like not draw anymore you know well maybe he needs some money oh you know what you’re right I take that back you know I don’t know my situation but um yeah I’m just not feeling them all right and here starts the continues the trend of let’s do [ __ ] a one and one a second print and a one in 25 version of the [ __ ] original either one in 25 which I think that’s what this is um or one of the other variants they are ruining so many things in one clip by doing this you ruin the value of a second printing you there’s no reason to have an incentive on a second printing you ruin the value of the first incentive that you made into a virgin or you ruin the value of the original variant that they copied so they are they are doing so much damage by doing this and they’re doing it with everything we need to stop supporting these people and they need to knock it off have you been reading this [ __ ] I I so I did not read issue two yet I read issue one and issue one was not that bad okay all right good I like that I like that I’m going on for the fact that Donnie Kate [ __ ] was just that bad so maybe it’s it is bad it’s just not as bad as Donnie case uh just the fact that Nick Klein is doing uh the eight covers right uh in the Interiors I believe and the interviews okay all right I’m digging it man I like nickline they climb run on [ __ ] Thor besides the writing [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] dope yep and he is doing the Interiors yeah all right silk number five I did not read silk number four this week this series was I’m pointless cool idea I guess but pointless no reason to talk about it this is another character they need they need to she’s a semi-good character but like I I just don’t think a series works for her or they haven’t found the right person to do it they’re just I don’t know I feel like she’s not serious enough you know like I feel like she should be a darker character and she’s not yeah okay so many [ __ ] problems with this so many problems okay go ahead okay first of all I’m not getting Fooled Again like the who said okay I Won’t Get Fooled Again because silver server rebirth was not good and I like Ron Lim and um uh friends uh Ron Mars excuse me um the title alone makes no sense Silver Surfer rebirth Legacy well how can there be a legacy if it’s a rebirth doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense I understand that you can break it down and maybe it makes sense um I think there is a huge thing in naming a book and title means everything and when you have a title that is too long it’s it’s so off-putting to me and like I just can’t take it seriously when you have a title that should technically have a double colon doesn’t work yeah um yo um I I I I I’m digging some of these covers I’m I’m digging them believe it or not I’m digging the wrong limb I love the that cover that gives me the 80s Vibe of civil Surfer uh that run he had um Frank Miller one he Josh was right it ain’t that bad it ain’t that bad it ain’t that bad yeah for him for him um the Johnson Christopher nothing wrong with it I’m just a little bit tired of these negative variants you know um pretty cool concept though you know what it is it’s like he’s like okay here’s another one either him or they are trying to bring this back hard because these things are no longer his exclusives and he’s doing them on like every book now yeah the blade this um there’s been a couple others now um this 125 is pretty cool love Ryan Brown love me some Ryan Brown but the uh one in 25 and the one in 50 on Silver Surfer rebirth were also very dope uh and um didn’t do nothing nobody cares about them yeah um but you know nonetheless if you collect if you would talk to my cover lovers you know if you’re out there love the covers you you know what I’m saying do you you don’t say I like this I love the Silver Surfer I’m a big Silver Surfer fan uh this is one I I would consider buying it just for cover but uh so sometimes you know you just gotta know when the pick and choose and I don’t know what the [ __ ] is gonna happen with this rebirth Legacy number one you might get something in there that’s maybe a little uh no okay no no but don’t cover if history says that I mean look at look at their run from the 80s in the 90s yeah and early 90s there’s nothing big that happens in that in any of them they’re that’s just not what they do you know what is this so for rebirth I’m gonna check what they’re going for right now on eBay let us see because you know 125.

125 let’s see what it’s going for yeah it’s going for 30. yeah it is somebody going for 50 yeah you going crazy man yeah so they ranging from ratio to 50 basically oh here’s another thing I want to say you just brought up a you just knock something loose in my head Mike [ __ ] Golden Apple oh well you know what we’ll talk about it on this book okay spider Gwen annual number one oh nice light bulbs going off on Josh’s head on this one or were I should say okay um now this is weird because why is spider Gwen getting an annual when she has no actual book okay so this is ghost spider versus white fox this is the whole contest of chaos [ __ ] that has to do with Agatha Harkness but I’m not really sure why they would give spider Gwen her own annual when she has no book but people love spider Gwen and people love white fox like cult followings to them right the other thing is you got Jae hung Lee on the B cover anytime he does something with spider Gwen or ghost spider it’s usually a money book and it would have been had they not done a virgin the one in 100 they [ __ ] you were Vice Versa just not did the variant cover and just made like why couldn’t you have three covers like make this the one in 25.

like that that’s the other thing that like I understand why Marvel and DC don’t care about the secondary Market but in a way they should you know what I mean yeah but you have to you have to you have to somewhat care about the secondary Market even though you don’t really benefit directly benefit from it but you indirectly will um I like this I really like this cover yeah that’s good that’s to me that’s my favorite cover of of the FOC this week uh really gorgeous cover I like that Jay Young League knocked out the part with that one um other cover is not bad too the American dolfo is not bad you know the RICO you know not bad either too so I love Golden Apple they asked 250 for one in one hundreds gift [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here yeah uh ultimate Invasion number two second print uh surprisingly no one in 25 or at least when I did this there wasn’t now I don’t know if this is like a uh a tri-fold because that’s an awfully big cover I think it is a trifold or landscape yeah I was thinking but it’s it’s too big to be a landscape yeah yeah I think it’s a trifold yeah we’ll see and I haven’t read the second one second one came out last week and I still haven’t read it and this is what I this is what I’m talking about with well let’s just [ __ ] mix two things together and see what [ __ ] sticks uncanny Spider-Man um wait a minute did they [ __ ] take it down it might have taken it down they took it down damn that sucks yeah damn I really wanted to talk about it too [ __ ] yeah we’ll talk about it when it comes out yeah it’s actually night crawler as Spider-Man I I dumb uh Venom 23 Second print I don’t remember if I read Venom 23 so I can’t remember why it’s getting a second print but once again version 125 of a variant from the they already did it right yeah yeah I’m not digging it I mean I love the art yeah I love the art too I don’t respect it yeah next oh and that’s it we go to lunar not much on lunar I’ll tell you that right now I have a feeling uh everybody that you this is kind of How It’s Gonna be for the rest of the summer very very slow summer this year uh Action Comics uh yeah that’s a Baron’s cover that is [ __ ] dope ass cover yeah everyone’s just a [ __ ] I think it’s like I said is this a modern day for Zetta for me it’s just the way he draws it’s just like it’s masterpieces you know dude I’ll tell you this if I was nether realm Studios I would lock him up because every time I see one of his [ __ ] books it reminds me of Mortal Kombat yeah this is I don’t know I like to read this one Doomsday Book Perillo look at even the Puppeteer Lee one he’s also or I’m assuming it’s him they they are they’re nice we talked about that already yeah oh nice so much to the Batman right yeah this is a Batman day this is a hardcover variant dust jacket special edition uh uh so this is batman89 number one through six yeah they said they came out last year yeah which was not good I heard uh this is another weird thing Birds of Prey number one but it’s cover e so I don’t know what’s going on here that has to be some sort of a uh like maybe this book is coming but it’s up here for uh oh and this one is a gatefold yeah so I’m assuming the one that we saw too was a gameful too maybe but that’s a Marvel book yeah um this is all art all this [ __ ] so just they already did a Harley one of these so it’s like all the best covers over the years you know I don’t know why you would get this I don’t know me people like it and people who the artist has been um that Jeff the cool is crazy um I like the Babs tar one the one to 25 yeah that was cool yep Chloe [ __ ] okay all right okay okay okay we talked about that already down there yeah oh next but don’t put the kid um punch up okay Rick and Morty yeah not much oh no no I’m the bus then do they have enough Army bus yeah interesting Waller versus wildstorm yeah I started watching the what is it the Adventures of Superman or something like that on max pretty good I like it I’m enjoying it it’s like anime style what is it I think it’s the Adventures of Superman or something like that I forgot what it is it’s on max yeah yeah it’s on Max pretty cool I’m enjoying it Wonder Woman fact simile George Perez damn rest in peace man yep see I like the way the DC homage that too um certain couples that the Marvel did before George Perez I just feel like it was just like uh why why why is you know a little bit too much it was like overload for me yeah all right but since previews world tree number five is anybody care about this book all these all these writers and that went over to sub stack they gotta be regret I mean I’m sure they don’t regret it because the money that they were paid but like I’m sure they’re regretting it in terms of their books just aren’t moving because they decide to leave Marvel or DC and oh this is another [ __ ] book that I forgot to pick up I forgot I wanted to read Magneto number one that came out this week and I didn’t I wasn’t able to grab it I totally forgot about it interesting to read interesting some Moon Knight some round facsimile Omnibus or whatever three people Batman another one I don’t get I don’t I don’t understand uh ROM an um talk about Silver Surfer what else I see it’s a Star Wars in the bottom yep okay okay dark droids number two I thought dark drawings was gonna be a one shot so yeah okay the Venom we talked about um I’d like to know their numbers on X-Men like what gets ordered for X-Men if it’s even a lot I’d never hear anyone talk about X-Men I don’t really hear anyone in the comments saying like hey you guys never really there was one act actually one person but not more than one say you don’t really talk about X-Men um what about Indie books right yeah what about them [ __ ] like that’s new in bro that’s it that’s it all right well there we go guys there you go three minutes 53 minutes yeah definitely man guys you already know go to uh shout out to CSI and all them guys over there all right make sure you go watch them um check out their website and stuff uh what else we got Ben um Warriors I think it’s Friday watching Friday tonight whatever every Friday just pay attention to the real Warriors um Channel um for auctions uh unboxings and stuff like that uh we sent Josh a book well did you get the books I didn’t pick them up yet oh but they they’re they’re over there right all right I haven’t I don’t know I don’t have the tracking you’re talking about the pressing stuff yes yes yeah I haven’t picked it I haven’t looked yet yeah well um we got another set that we’re gonna uh do um something I want you to take a look at my book so I want to see what I picked or whatever that’s why I asked you um see what the you know what you think whatever and plus I sent the The Last of Us uh what is the third printing oh yeah yeah I want you to look at that one on a second brother what the [ __ ] is I think it’s a third person um let me know even with the [ __ ] color rub on the barcode man um dude cgc speaking of in my opinion being real lenient on grades right now like really lenient yeah I know a bunch of people where they bumped them up in terms of no like uh so they can charge you more money you know what I mean so they can get it to the next tier and then they end up giving a better grade like for instance I just did this kids uh first Harley and first miles that first miles had a corner crunch I’m like this is probably gonna be an eight five and the Harley I thought I might have been able to get it up to like a 9-2 okay the [ __ ] miles comes back a nine two with a corner crunch the Harley comes back a nine six what there’s no way it’s a nine six all right you want to hear the um there’s a second print The Last of Us okay the four books because I think it was each of us is four books right um you have ever ones no I don’t have oh do I have everyone’s I think I do have every once a big send it to me hold on uh you wanna read everyone’s yeah all right I don’t know whose [ __ ] is this but oh that’s bigs uh first four books is Biggs um Batman is any of them Star Wars hey the first one is Batman 357 which is a good book good thanks yeah that’s Biggs that’s first Jason tie guys first come to Croc whatever and I saw it decent grade decent grade I liked it high grade not gonna say nine six nine no no but it’s ninth grade um Star Wars number one which one that one uh which was Star Wars was that one yeah I forgot man I forgot which one it is oh there you go just rewrote it down is the comic Exposure One don’t know which one is that okay um let me see caliber three caliber presents three which is the first Crow um number one that one right there it’s still like a mick raid bro like a mid to Upper great uh then Darth Vader number three not the afro which is uh I forgot where he got that book from uh next set of books was fairies is Batman adventures holiday special with uh Mr Freeze on the cover that needs work just a heads up that needs a nice press um and it’s so hard because that’s a thick book you know and the pin the cover’s so like thin basically so whatever uh Spider-Man number seven don’t know what’s on 2023 oh I guess it’s spider boy one I guess okay offensive variant uh Spider-Man 299 number one for 92.

Uh, there was a 9-6 because he cried he cracked that one down oh wait I don’t know if we wanted they wanted to tell the story but whatever it was a nice six we cracked it or whatever after we cracked it we did see like a little indentation and that’s a foil cover so a little indentation but I still don’t see why they were giving a 96 you know what I mean um so we’re curious to see why I came back in 96 so he wants to resubmit that uh spawn number one I didn’t see that book I’m assuming it’s a high grade uh then these are my books we got the last of us uh second printing number one uh I got Super Friends number one from 1976.

Nice work I I it got to be in the ninths but and you know what it has though Josh and I that’s why I wanted you to look at my book as like a little bit of the green spray over spray on top yeah what is it again Super Friends number one okay so I don’t know how they hit you on that whatever but the book looks [ __ ] good looks good all right um Transformers number one this is the Obama the change uh variant yeah yeah that one um nice cover shout out to a man they were seeking the mint for the for the hookup uh then I have Gears of War number one yo dude Manny and this is from Manny me and many didn’t uh trade or whatever dude this has to come back at 9-8 bro okay because that’s a thick cover it’s like a card stock right I needed a nice wipe down because you know what like is it is a car stock and then like part of the book is like like a semi-gloss yeah whatever on it so a nice little wipe down because I put my fat little oily fingers on that [ __ ] um then these are Manny’s books uh you wanna guess what he has on this one I can’t even imagine is it what is any of them a GI Joe or a wrestling book yo see it’s how you know your homies man uh so he has Sonic the Hedgehog number one this is the first Sonic when the the first volume okay yellow color it was pretty good uh I didn’t see the grade of it so I can’t really say I forgot it uh he has a Voltron number one that book went down big time um decent grade at that he has a Batman 700 the Mike Magnolia cover the color one why would you get that graded I don’t know the black and white is the one black and white one is now that’s a different story yeah I don’t know I was trying to get that [ __ ] wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re talking about the actual the color the one in ten yes yeah yeah the one with the red hood yeah yeah that okay I’m sorry that’s fine that’s fine to get yeah but the black and white is the one to get to yeah it is but both of them are are not easy to get either one of them I thought you were to talk about the regular 700 yeah yeah yeah I just I glossed over there there’s a second print to uh 700 also and uh GI Joe real America hero 244.

variant cover it’s uh I forgot the name of the artist but it looked like a J Scott camel cover or whatever pretty cool pretty though wait a minute is that the one with the baroness on it that’s a ratio that remember the one that we got from that book no oh well it’s not that cover I don’t know if that’s the same issue but not the same book at the same color um that’s it that’s all we got there so um that’s our cgc order stay tuned for that and I don’t even know what’s the turnaround time with these with these dudes shooting things 30 days right three days yeah I don’t know I I’m thinking about sending in maybe a couple books myself but I’m not sure not sure what modern yeah yeah if you do that let me know I’ll see if I could throw in two books with you because I wanted to do I want to slip into books in this order but they wouldn’t be they’d be high value books ah they’re not gonna work my [ __ ] ain’t gonna be yeah I’ve got another raw ASM 300 really I’ve never said this before about any ASM 300 raw that I’ve had they’re not it ain’t no one the [ __ ] 90.

I don’t want to hear that [ __ ] dude for real I’m not counting on it because they never do it but for real I’m like this might be a nine eight wow wow that yo if people know that book is [ __ ] tough that’ll be my second nine eight damn how many how many of them you got in total six damn that’s always a good boy it’s a beautiful book to have ordered man like just a to having the stash it’s just a beautiful cover to it that I have I have a 9A a nine six a nine four two nine twos and then the raw one uh yeah I did a nice trade with Jay’s house so I I got a 94 for my son um shout out to Jake’s awesome man I’ve been doing like good trades with him for statues and books and stuff you know what I never had a newsstand copy all of them direct yeah never had a new stand copy wow yeah but why don’t you trade some of your your copies for like a new stand because I like having a lot of them yeah well then eventually get then eventually get a new stand one then yeah if it falls into my lap I ain’t paying for it yo you know what let’s end this because I feel like it’s too long um but we’ll talk after a bit oh all right guys uh that’s all we got man make sure y’all stay tuned again guys go to accountable all that stuff link description all that blah blah blah whatever whatever all right guys peace love and hair grease all right love y’all bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]

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