How To Start A Software Company With NO EXPERIENCE ($0 – $10k/Mo In 90 Days!)


what’s up you guys Jason Wardrop here and in
today’s video I have a super fun one for you I’m going to show you how to clone
a multiple hundred million dollar business and   the best part about it is you can do this with
no money to get started no marketing experience   no tech skills no developer connections or any
investor connections either now this is a business   that probably a lot of you guys have never heard
of it is called an outbound engine and we’re going to   get into this video about what they do and what the
the price point is all that stuff but check this out this is a site called CrunchBase which pretty
much any tech company you can type into CrunchBase   you can find out the financials
the numbers behind the business   if they’re big enough at least and so this
one right here they have a total of 48 million   dollars in funding they raised right now that’s a
lot of money that’s going beyond just your   friends and family to go through and raise money
and like I said I’m going to show you guys how   to clone this exact business without raising
any money and how to get started 100 for free   right you can see right here they raise
this money and then they have a post-money valuation which means after they got
that money into the business um in the range   of a hundred to 500 million dollars as of July
4th 2019.


So that is over three years ago so   based on these numbers they’re probably
closer to the 500 million range or even   well beyond that and like I said by the end of
this video I’m going to hold you to my promise   that I will show you how to go through and get
this started with no money no marketing experience   no tech skills whatsoever and if you guys are
like looking at this I’m like well Jason that’s   cool if we can clone the business well how do we
get our first clients how do we fulfill those clients well the great news for you is
if you smash the like button drop a comment down   below I’m gonna share with you guys a private
link of how to go through and get started not   only cloning this business because I’m going to
show you guys how to do that in this video but   how to get your first clients how to actually
fulfill for those clients what price points you   should charge for those clients and
how to scale that business up to ten thousand   dollars per month or even beyond that so let’s
go to the outbound engine’s main website right here   so if we look over here they offer a mobile
optimized website okay pretty basic not too complicated right there custom domain
which kind of tied together with the mobile   website right there a business card scanner okay
cool we’ve got the CRM Sierra is a way   where you can go through and manage all of your
contacts email campaign builder plus live support   social media posting basically kind of like
you see over here they’ve got the Hootsuite or   buffer where you can schedule posts on Facebook
Twitter Linkedin all those different platforms   all at the same time for you know a small business
and then they also do content that’s done for you   email newsletters social media posts response
templates so kind of like if a lead comes in   the automated follow-up templates and then um
all of this for just 199 a month and they’re   comparing it to 679 per month in the marketplace
right so if we come over here to the pricing   let’s see because they have the 199 base
price right there right so it’s kind of   like all the things that we just talked about
so small businesses think of a real estate agent or mortgage broker because we can come up here when I
first learned of them they were primarily focused   on the real estate and mortgage industry but
since they have gone through and you can see they’ve branched out to
more industries automotive financial advisors   you can see all the different industries right
here however they’ve gone through and kind of   taken the co the same core fulfillment features
and offered it to all these different industries   so for 199 a month you get the newsletter
social media post website and more right   so let’s just kind of like put this into real
numbers if you have 199 per month per customer   if you get 50 clients paying you 199 a month
that’s 10 000 per month that you’re making right   that’s pretty good especially if I can show you
guys in this video how to get started completely   for free with no marketing experience or tech
skills right over here for 299 a month you go   through and you get all those things plus more
contacts which honestly at the end of the day   it’s just basically like hey if you have a bigger
the business you’re probably going to be able to pay   more and you’ll be able to stay on longer because
you can afford the price point right this is more   content quarterly referral campaigns honestly I
don’t think there’s a huge sales pitch right here   more context more content more contacts it’s not
ever a great sales proposition but we can   go through and improve that here um and then for
4.99 a month you get all these things plus they’ll   help you out with the online listings management
which gets your website onto more   different sites online so that more people can
find your business um reviews so be able to go get   more five-star reviews on Facebook and Google and then
live chat right so that’s the 500 per month price   point and let’s just think about the numbers right
here if we get just 20 small businesses paying us   the 500 per month right here that’s also 10 000
per month and that is monthly recurring revenue   that’s the beauty of software because the next
month let’s say we go through and get our first   20 customers and we’re making 10 grand a month
well the next month we don’t start from zero   we actually can go through and we already have a
ten thousand dollars per month base so if we get   like let’s say another five or ten customers then
we are just building upon that base and growing   our business that much more pretty cool right
so there is a software that you can go through and I have a link down below
in the description as well as in the top comment   which I’ll hook you guys up with where you guys
can get a free 30-day trial to the software   and so yes that is how you can go through and
clone this whole thing for free and I’m going   to show you guys how to do it here in just a
second but guys um just know there are going to   be some haters in the comments because I get them
in past videos and like well Jason this isn’t free   because, after the free trial, you have to
pay well guess what the cool thing about this is   the idea is if you’re going to go through and pay
for a monthly software subscription unless you get   a free 30-day trial well guess what if you
onboarded two clients at the 4.99 per month price   point and let’s say that the monthly software
the subscription was only 499 dollars per month   or only 300 per month well then guess what
you made enough money back in that first 30 days   to pay for this monthly software subscription you
have a business that is growing and you’ve already   netted your first profit right so that’s pretty
cool okay so now let’s go in and I want to show   you guys inside the software literally how easy
is go through and clone these exact price points   and clone the exact feature set that outbound
engine a multiple hundred million dollar company   is going through and offering and just real quick
for those of you guys like well Jason, how can I go through and compete with a big business like
this is doing hundreds of millions of dollars per   year they’ve got all these employees well guess
a lot of times small local business owners like the small local feel so if you’re
just working with businesses in your area more   than likely they’re going to want to connect with
you more than a big brand like an outbound engine   right and on top of that you can go through you
have a massive advantage because you’re going to   go through and give a lot more care and support
to each one of your clients as opposed to this   business is probably going to have thousands
of clients and really if they bring on another   client or not they just kind of don’t care
especially the support reps right because they’re   just getting paid hourly whereas you’re going to
go through and you’re going to be caring   about every customer so like I said
over here we’re just going to come in the software we’re going to click on the sas
configurator and the cool thing is you can go   through and set your price point so we’ve got
the 199 299 a month and then where do we have   over here 4.99 a month so we’re just going to go
through and we’re going to set that real quick   okay and then we have all of these features check
this out we can drag and drop these features so   if we come over here to the 199 a month okay
newsletter social post a website and more okay   so we over here we’ve got websites we’re going
to drag that on over to the core plan modeled exactly right and they also had social
posts right social planner moving right over there   that’s automating your social posts
of Facebook Twitter LinkedIn for your clients   and then I think it was newsletters that might
already be built in right here we’ve got a text   to pay to miscall text back Facebook messenger
reputation management which was part of the 500-per-month plan but we’ll just kind of include
it here because we can kind of mix and match here   a little bit and so we’re set we’re good to go and
then over here 299 a month you get more content   contacts more content and quarterly referral
campaigns so we come over here look we’ve got   a CRM we’ve got workflows which are automated
follow-up drip sequences for your clients so   basically let’s say we’re working with a
chiropractor they get a new lead come in   but the chiropractor is busy cracking backs and
doing all the stuff he does and so guess what we   have these workflows in place that’s gonna auto
follow up with all these leads via email text   via Facebook Messenger so they can connect with
that person and so the chiropractor when he’s busy   or if the secretary at the desk is like you
know busy doing something else the system   can automatically follow up with that person
right and then for the 4.99 a month over here, we’ve got online listings management reviews and
live chat we come back over here um we’ve already   got the reputation management which is another
way of saying online reviews right and um what   else did we have we had I think they’re
all over here in the web chat, these are all kinds of base standards in this base core plan, and then
what we can do is we can just hit save changes   okay so we hit save changes and then we go
through and pull this and guys I’m not going   to go into this all in depth because um it’s
probably a little bit boring for a youtube video   but I’m gonna show you guys how you can literally
replicate this exact business and then I also have   a website which if you check this out it’s
the same type of products online   reviews messaging payments we come over here to
the products reviews messaging web chat payments   is it’s the same concept we got 199 a month
299 a month we can even go through and add a third   plan 499 a month that’s a great thing about being
As an entrepreneur I get people asking me us all the   time well well Jason the website says this on your
template or whatever and I want to change this   that’s the great thing about being an entrepreneur
you create your circumstances you create what you   want and whatever you say the price is that’s
the price right as long as people are going to   go through and see the value and buy it that’s
the price, if you want a 14-day free trial, has a 14-day free trial if you want a 30 day
free trial if you want no free trial you   create your reality and that’s the thing I love
about being an entrepreneur okay so coming over   here we’ve got all of these um cloned right there
199 299 499 and then on top of that if you want   to do some cool ninja tricks and tactics so
we’ve got the trial over here well when   we’re going through and following up with all of
our client’s leads we’ve got the workflows in there   dripping on all of our new leads with the emails
and text messages if we want to be like hey well   guess what you know we’re going to charge
you every time a text message is sent because   we have to come out of pocket a little bit well
you can do a little bit of a markup every   single time a text is sent let’s say it costs you
a penny which costs a lot less than that you can   say I’m gonna charge you four pennies and so not
only are you making money on the initial monthly   software subscription but you can also make money
right here as well as on the email sense okay now the key thing to note here you never want to
be greedy you want to know like okay if I’m charging them 2.99 a month and we’ve got
software systems and all this stuff in place   that’s probably more than enough to go through
and give them some credit so you can see I give   75 per month monthly credits which are about
2500 texts 2200 minutes in phone calls and about   71 000 emails and then one last thing I want to
show you guys before we wrap this up and once you   guys smash that like button drop a comment
down below I’ll hook you guys up with free   training to show you guys this exact software
how to get started how to clone everything   with the free 30-day trial so you can have
your business all set up in the next 30 days   get your first paying customer so before you even
have to pay for this software you’ve already got   your first 199 299 or 499 clients where we can
go through and add something which is called   a snapshot so what on earth is a snapshot I don’t
even know what that means right well a snapshot   is a pre-built website template sales
funnel template email template social media post template whatever you want let’s say you’re
working with real estate agents and with every single   real estate agent you bring on you want the same
follow-up templates you want the same the sales   funnel templates website templates whatever it
is well you just build this one snapshot which   has all these templates inside of it and then what
you can do is come over here and just select one   of these snapshots right here so we’ve got the
real estate agent client master you select that   and then every single time somebody signs up on
all of those templates are automatically   input into their imported into their account right
so anyway guys um some cool stuff here that I just want to go through and show you that even
if you have no money to get started no marketing   experience no tech skills you’ve never even
done any digital marketing or anything like this   we can still tap into the power of software which
if you think about it the richest people in the   world think bill gates Elon Musk steve jobs they
all come from software backgrounds right and that   is the beauty of it because software has monthly
recurring subscriptions and to bring on one client   or a thousand clients doesn’t cost you
anything more but you’re able to serve all of   these customers with systems with tools so you’re
able to scale your business that much more so   anyway guys I hope this video was helpful or
this video was helpful and if you guys want I’m gonna do more videos like this just drop
a comment down below let me know if you’d like me to go through and show you how to clone
more business businesses like the outbound engine   because there are dozens and dozens of
multi-hundred-million-dollar businesses   that I know of that I could literally
go through the same model show you guys   step by step and clone them in one weekend even
in one afternoon right so if you guys want to   see more videos on that how to go through
and clone these other multi-hundred million   dollar businesses so you can be a software
founder start your own software company   then uh just let me down know down below
and I’ll share more of these videos just   like this so with that said guys thanks so much
for watching and I’ll see you in the next video

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