Intaking Weekly Orders | Comic Shop Talk

[Music] welcome everyone to comic shop talk we are here today to do something that probably should have been episode one comic intake so we’re going to go through um our Diamond order and our lunar order I still buy all my Marvel Comics through Diamond so will they’ll be in the Marvel boxes so we’re gonna go through all of that first thing you have to do is find diamonds packing list uh and you don’t know which box it’s going to be it’s always they sometimes put a sticker on it that says packing slip inside and that doesn’t always mean it’s true oh they sent an entire box for this one book an entire box that I paid shipping for you can tell by how light this is this is going to be probably toys all right Nightmare Before Christmas books that I reordered so we’ll put that down the funny thing is as rarely use the packing slip with the comics unless you’re just getting Comics you just please what do we have here compacting oh there that’s what we’re looking for so that allows us to check in all these books Let’s see what we got in here oh it is cool it is uh it is a box full of pops and toys awesome this is all the last Ronin stuff the PX and the Blue Beetle very cool we’ll check that in so this should be the comics oh you can tell by the weight end of the month so this should also have the preview guides in it and uh did we get another yeah no I think this is the last one of the month so there’ll be preview guides some Pokemon books yeah gaming trades and a preview previews guide the game of Trades that’s awesome and this will be the regular comics for my shop everybody knows small Market I only give one box of books unless there’s some kind of big thing happening like free comic book day or comic Fest like when King spawn came out I bought 250 issues to get the the one side by Todd we rarely rarely do that but since my nephew was writing the book I figured you know why not go for it so what we do is we I take these out and I go through the list I’m not going to bore you with going through the list every single book uh every book is listed I usually rip the pages apart by the way this is how I do it if you own a comic shop and you have a really great efficient way of doing this you know send me a note in the comments that you know you made a video of it already or how you do it how you do it different um this is how this is how I do it so the one the price sheet I I get rid of that we save that the rest of the stuff is all ready to go I go and match the book to this make sure that I have it if I don’t have it I put an M next to it and circle the number of how many I’m missing if it’s damaged I put a d next to it and I Circle the number of of that and we go through each book then once all of it is um gone through we’ll move it over to the rack we keep new books on we’ll put them put them out for tomorrow and we then go to the computer and print out the and we’re going to show you that process of printing out the pick list from pull box and then we also people who aren’t part of poll box we take all the uh we keep the sheets on what everybody gets and we’ll show you that here in a minute um yeah I I don’t love my system but I’m kind of attached to it in where I I don’t really know what change I could make to make it better so this is the most efficient way that I’ve been doing it we you know get it done in about if I don’t have any interruptions I get it done in about an hour putting the books out and pulling all of our subscribers and then let’s go over to lunar lunar’s really easy I mean that’s one of the you know that’s one of the things that you know one of the big Pros to like everybody loving lunar is they’re really hot on the packing I think it’s a little bit Overkill people say well I don’t I get zero damages you still sometimes get a damage where the person packing it wasn’t very careful and they flipped they flipped a corner or something like that you don’t get any shipping damages this way that’s you know what people are talking about and you get a lot of boxes so if you’re doing eBay and shipping stuff yeah you make a big mess when you’re doing this too but so pretty easy as soon as you open it up the box you have um your packing slip looks like we got a super secret preview from Rick and Morty manga I’m sure you’ll see these on eBay today from other shops I give my subscribers a shot at it and then I I put it out for regular customers and then if nobody buys it by Saturday then I might put it up on eBay we have uh magazine size they also put up on top the great thing I’d have to say about lunar that I like better than this over packing is that everything is alphabetical so when you open the box left side starts a it goes down and then the next letter uh once all those books and then the next side starts the middle of the thing and goes to the till to the end so they’re really easy to check where you know the diamond box I don’t know how they pack it they definitely don’t pack it alphabetically um so you’re constantly going back and forth on the sheet looking looking for it looking for it which is very inefficient it takes more time and I talk this is like the fourth time I’ve said inefficient and efficiency I’m I’m big on being efficient I’m not very efficient that’s probably why I talk about it so much because it’s the one thing I think I could do a lot better is being efficient when you’re efficient you do things more quickly everybody knows time it’s money money is time so if I was more efficient I could make more money I could save more money I won’t bore you with checking through all the books the next thing we’ll do is the process of uh putting the books out and pulling the books real quick I just want to show you from my shop this is my Independence this is both Marvel and DC get it together Marvel DC so what we do is go through our list pick each comic it’s pretty easy to alphabetize Marvel in DC so pulling that is good pulling Independence is kind of painful I could re-offimatize it it’s just easier to do it not alphabetized it also keeps people hunting and pecking but we pull pull the comics and get them ready to go into subscribers boxes all right so now we’re going to do missings and damages I had couple of missing and I had a few damages so basically we just I like to get it alphabetized it’s just that’s the way the sheet is for whatever reason that’s not how the screen is but you’re able to do it by anything you want there’s shortages and damages so our first damage is New Burn down here ah okay that’s not there other thing you can do is start typing the title up here makes it easier it’s weird it’s showing that we didn’t receive any it’s not the right week this is the right week there we go so how easily you can make a mistake when you are getting ready to film here it is New Burn number nine both of mine were damaged they were heavily scuffed probably came from the printing company that way Center I’m going to put a damage printing do I need an emergency replacement no you can put yes usually if it’s two books they’re not going to send you an emergency anyway back order allowed yes and credit only no and then we’ll go down to Silk is the next one soap number three one of them was damaged and it looked like when they were putting it into the box they call it one of the corners storm supposed to get three I only got two so that’s over here under shortage one single damaged then you scroll all the way down to the bottom where it has submit o OSD submit it boom shows you what was sent to them for shortages and damages and you’re and you’re done with that then let’s go over to pull box because I want to print our pick list so you see pick list over here just go to pick list you have to pick the date it’s always the one date earlier that’s why I made the mistake in the shortages and damages 725 is actually next week’s invoice so 7 18 this week’s invoice now I can show you this right here this just has the books and how many uh that are ordered by my customers but we’re going to blur out all the names of my customers on the next page so we do a download customer pick list you can do it in different ways you can do it download item pick list and then um it’ll show you just the items that need to be picked and it has the names of the people who get it and this way you can just go Amazing Spider-Man I need two right actually one person gets to so I need three pulled for that and then one one one one one and you can see out of the amount of books that I order I really there’s not that many that are for customers so we just hit the print button makes it real easy prints it out I can carry it over pull the books really quick now the other part back to the efficiency problem so we keep the comics in a filing cabinet and we put some people don’t order all their books through pull box some people will get just one issue like they’re interested in a first appearance or something like that and that just gets either typed on or written on a sheet of paper that’s in front of their of their box of their pull box and then we pull each one of those that’s over here so we pull each person’s list out of their box we have them numbered we’re using right now while we’ve always used a file cabinet it’s not the best if people have better suggestions if your suggestion is have something built yeah I know but then it’s measurements and placements and stuff like that more difficult so that’s what we do here next check us out pulling the books all right so that’s the pulling what we do next we make sure that all the books are in perfect condition then we bag and board them then we put them in each customer’s box and they can come pick them up we kind of don’t have a time like some people keep credit cards and after three weeks they charge it we don’t do any of that uh have we been burnt in the past yes will we probably be burnt in the future yes but that’s just the way you know I like to do my business if you do it differently let us know if you have a better way of doing it New York it’s not really I mean it is a subscription so you should have to pay in advance but you know comic Shop’s kind of different sometimes people just run into things and they can’t pick up for two three four weeks usually once it gets over a month we kind of have to stuff out and stop pulling just because the cost you know we’re trying to always keep costs down so that’s uh comic shop talk for today it’s how to how we take intake our comics and toys from diamond and lunar and how we put them out and then how we take care of our subscribers if you’re interested in any of my hot takes on uh Comics the comics industry comic book writers comic book artists you can catch a lot of that stuff over on my channel uh Haven for Heroes we’d love to see you over there we’re pretty getting pretty close to 500 which now is uh we could monetize and we would love that so and we’d love to have you over there and be part of the conversation and in the state of comics all right so keep reading comics open a comic shop [Music]

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How To Launch Your NFT Project As A Creator

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Be The “BANKER”.
These are my checks for my book being sold on Amazon.

But you know what, I’m going to stop selling them there, probably forever.

There’s a new type of digital asset and it’s called NFT. And this is how I’m going to reward my loyal readers in the future.

NFT, which stands for non-fungible token, has become one of the hottest topics in the world today.

If you are somewhat new to it, that’s okay. Please allow me to explain it further…

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But the real Mona Lisa painting that’s in the museum is non-fungible. Because there’s only one Mona Lisa in the whole world. It cannot be replaced.

There are thousands of replicas of the Mona Lisa in this world and anyone could have a replica to enjoy the art, but there’s only ONE OWNER of the original.

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An NFT is one of it is kind, there’s only one digitally.

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