Jaw-dropping NYT headline on IRS scandal: ‘It gives GOP an issue’


Bingo. But not to lapdogs who are too busy begging for an extra bowl of kibble.

.@greenfield64 @jonahnro Wasn’t the real Benghazi story the lax security at embassies/consulates on 9/11 anniversary, not Romney’s comment?

— Just Karl (@justkarl) May 13, 2013

Yep. Remember, the media turned Romney’s statement on Benghazi into a date that will live in infamy. 

The fish wrap of record finally promoted the IRS’ targeting of conservatives to the first page, after attempting to bury it.

MT @thegoldfarb: After covering IRS on A11 Sat, the jaw-dropping NYT hed today: “I.R.S. Focus on Conservatives Gives G.O.P. an Issue…”

— michaelscherer (@michaelscherer) May 13, 2013

But if you think the actual story is the chilling actions of the IRS, guess again!

NYT promotes IRS story to Page 1. Headline: ‘IRS Focus on Conservatives Gives GOP an Issue to Seize On.’ That’s it. ow.ly/kY6FO

— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 13, 2013

That’s right. Check out the headline via screenshot:


And there’s more in the article itself:

Since last year’s elections, Republicans in Congress have struggled for traction on their legislative efforts, torn between conservatives who drove the agenda after their 2010 landslide and new voices counseling a shift in course to reflect President Obama’s re-election and the loss of Republican seats in the House and the Senate.

But the accusations of I.R.S. abuse are sure to fuel an effort that appears to be uniting dispirited Republicans and their conservative political base: investigating Mr. Obama and his administration. Republicans are pushing a portrayal of an administration overreaching its authority and punishing its enemies.

Poor “dispirited” Republicans finally have something around which to rally. So they’ve been targeted by the IRS. Big whoop! Like Obama henchman David Plouffe said, they totally had it coming for “flourishing” and all.

Citizens on Twitter are disgusted and rightfully so.

See NYT on IRS. RT @iowahawkblog: If you think Benghazi & IRS are bad only insofar as they “help the GOP,” you are a pathetic moral cretin.

— Leon Goudikian (@LeonGoudikian) May 13, 2013

.@byronyork So @sulliview, NYT headline ‘IRS Focus on Conservatives Gives GOP Issue 2Seize On.’ Really? That’s most important part of story?

— H J Michael (@lesgovmorfre) May 13, 2013

“NYT: I.R.S. Focus on Conservatives Gives G.O.P. an Issue to Seize On.” Right, because the story is the GOP’s issue, not IRS malfeasance.

— David Hodges (@DHinDC) May 13, 2013

Sneaky GOP also make IRS target cons, get issue. NYT on to us nyti.ms/10G0ZrJ

— Renna (@RennaW) May 13, 2013

Heh. How nefarious!

IRS. Focus on Conservatives Gives GOP an Issue to Seize On nyti.ms/10C1GO6 <–NYT Misses Mark… AGAIN. Continues to ‘cover’ for Dems

— Wes Huggins (@whuggins) May 13, 2013

NYT blames the victim (usually a liberal no-no): “IRS Focus on Conservatives Gives GOP an Issue to Seize On” nyti.ms/YPCKY2

— The Stiletto (@TheStiletto) May 13, 2013

For shame, lapdogs. For shame.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/05/13/thats-the-story-jaw-dropping-nyt-headline-on-irs-scandal-gives-gop-an-issue-to-seize-on/

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