Not even Cher could translate deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders’ cryptic tweet
People are still having a good timewith President Trump’s not-that-funny “covfefe” tweet with, of course, the exception for those who didn’t find it funny at all that the president was committing an impeachable offense by communicating in secret code, or possibly in Arabic.
If that was Arabic, the White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was apparently trying to communicate through emoji Saturday morning.
#lolaklkk— Sarah H. Sanders (@SHSanders45) June 10, 2017
When you're asked to explain what Trump meant by covfefe.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 10, 2017
This is the most coherent statement to come from the Trump administration.
— David Blaustein (@blaustein) June 10, 2017
"this tweet speaks for itself"
— Jackson Krule (@JacksonKrule) June 10, 2017
A lot to unpack here
— Kathryn C (@Kathryn_CC) June 10, 2017
— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) June 10, 2017
— Javier Bolanos (@JavierBolanos__) June 10, 2017
Oh shit. It's contagious.
— Produkt (@ProduKtJRG) June 10, 2017
Clearly this is a cry for help.
— Lisa Yee (@LisaYee1) June 10, 2017
butt tweeting? Sarah — stand up and take your phone out of your back pocket, dear.
— Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) June 10, 2017
Her kids got her phone. If you want I can have my kids emoji-blurb them back and tell they they are causing a media kerfluffle.
— Jennifer Arrow (@JenniferArrow) June 10, 2017
Real life … every Mom understands this
— julie (@weddingstyle7) June 10, 2017
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