Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9: Stable anywhere. Available everywhere.


– Okay, time to talk about RHEL. When we look at open source
and Linux in particular, we often say it’s the
core of your innovation but given how it’s used, it is also the core of your production. – It’s not about choosing one
particular kind of server. It’s not about choosing
one particular kind of cloud provider, in every customer I’ve ever met their architecture is an accumulation of these choices over time. – The stakes are
they’re high with that. Whether it’s security to life cycles, you need a foundation that
you can count on. That comes you not just
with open hybrid cloud. That core foundation comes with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. – Red Hat Enterprise
Linux is that stable base. It is that fixed point that collects all of your hardware and
infrastructure choices together with all of
your application choices. – The trust that was
born with Red Hat in the data center, that’s extending both into the public cloud in terms of locations, same apps, different places, but it’s
also extending to the edge where that same trust, the same extension, and timeframe, that you can
count on us for a long time, apply maybe even more so.


– Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 9 continues to grow and further establish
Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a connector, not just in our portfolio but in the enterprise IT world. And so Red Hat Enterprise Linux
9 is the first to be built, fully from the day, one from CentOS Stream. It’s an incredibly collaborative way to make sure that we’re meeting the needs of our partner ecosystem
and we’re doing it with all the innovations
available in open source. – Our customer’s infrastructure
today isn’t being managed by people or a set of people
with mice and keyboards, it’s being managed by automated systems.



With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, we’re introducing image
builder as a service, we’re introducing edge management, and we’re continuing to invest
in our insights tools. This expands the Linux experience overall so it’s not just a set of package software but it’s a set of cloud-based services that allow you to better
manage your infrastructure. – It’s a bet you can make today and it’ll play out very well for you today but it will also continue
to evolve to encapsulate utilizing artificial intelligence or integrating with quantum and other things that will represent your challenges tomorrow. And so what makes me excited about just seeing where Linux goes and then what our customers and partners can do with it?

As found on YouTube

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