RenderingNG: The next-generation rendering architecture for Chrome
CHRIS HARRELSON: Hi. I’m Chris Harrelson, the Blink
rendering lead for Chrome. I’m in charge of teams
whose areas of expertise span from parsing HTML and DOM
APIs to translate all of that into rendering
concepts, like display lists, composited layers,
and rasterized textures that can integrate with your
computer’s multicore CPU accelerated GPU, and
high-resolution touch screens. And if you don’t know what
a display list or layer is, that’s OK. In this video, I’ll give an
introduction to those concepts.
And if you want to
learn, even more, the RenderingNG blog
posts explained it all. Over the past eight-plus
years, we’ve been hard at work on a complete, next-generation
re-implementation and architectural upgrade
of the entire rendering pipeline of Chrome that
I call RenderingNG. NG stands for Next Generation. We embarked on this
effort because feedback from developers told us very
that browser rendering implementations
we’re not good enough for the demands of
the user experiences developers need to
build, so we set out to change that in Chrome. Fixing all of it
was an enormously difficult and complex challenge,
but also critically important. And I’m happy to announce
that, as of this year, the architectural
the upgrade is done. The RenderingNG
architecture puts in place a rendering pipeline with
clearly defined pipeline phases.
It uses data structures
that can easily be passed across threads and processes. It supports running
all animations and scrolls off the main
thread in all cases, and it has excellent security
and performance isolation for tabs and iframes
to get the best possible performance. There were three main areas in
which Chrome, in particular, was not good enough–
reliability, performance, and extensibility. Developers had many complaints
about bugs and inconsistencies between browsers. They reported it was
impossible to achieve 60 frame-per-second animations
or load complex pages fast enough. And they wanted to
explore user experiences beyond just the affordances
built into the browser but were struggling
to achieve them. We set out to solve each
of these areas in turn. Reliability has to come first. There’s no way to add
product features if it isn’t rock-solid, to begin with. So we spent quite a long
time fixing bugs and adding testing to the existing
system before being ready to reimagine that system.
For example, we fixed an
an enormous number of subtle bugs in the layout subsystem alone. As we described in the
LayoutNG deep-dive blog post, there were a few roots
causes of these bugs that had to do with the
pre-RenderingNG architecture not being up to the task. And we set up mechanisms
to continuously monitor and improve quality over time,
including bug and regression SLAs, and benchmarks
such as Compat 2021. Next up came performance. There, we had the goal
of enabling developers to easily utilize all
of the powerful hardware in today’s devices to
their full potential. But there’s also the goal of
making the browser as efficient as possible,
preserving battery life and providing a good
user experience, regardless of whether the device
was on the high or low end of capabilities.
Finally, we planned
for extensibility. We want developers to be
able to achieve the user experience they want, but in
a way that takes advantage of the power of the browser
for excellent performance, accessibility, and reuse of
existing built-in features. To do so, we designed
the architecture very carefully to provide
extension points for developers in just the right places. Now let’s briefly go
over the key projects that make up RenderingNG. Composite After
Paint is a project to disentangle compositing from
style, layout, and paint, so that we can increase
throughput and use less memory without
sacrificing performance. Composite After Paint
also fundamentally improves our ability to
achieve additional performance isolation of animations
from JavaScript. LayoutNG is a ground-up rewrite
of all layout algorithms for greatly improved
reliability and more predictable performance. BlinkNG is a systematic
cleanup and refactoring of the Blink rendering engine
into clean and separated pipeline phases. This work proceeded continuously
and was completed this year. GPU Acceleration Everywhere
is a long-term effort to roll out GPU
rasterization, drawing, and animation on all
platforms all of the time.
Threaded scrolling,
animations, and decoding is a long-term effort
to move all scrolling, non-layout-inducing animations,
and image decoding off the main thread. Viz is a centralized raster
and draw process for Chrome that increases throughput,
optimizes memory, and allows for optimal use of
hardware capabilities. Threaded and accelerated
canvas rendering is the project that put in place
the architectural pieces that made off-screen canvas possible. And finally, VideoNG
is a long-term effort to provide efficient, reliable,
and high-quality video playback on the web. Now I’d like to give a brief
overview of how the RenderingNG architecture works
on the inside. The entire system is organized
into a high-performance rendering pipeline with several stages, each of which performs a well-defined task. If you’re a web developer,
the inputs to the pipeline are familiar– DOM, style sheets,
fonts, images, and video. But the magic and the
mystery of browsers is what exactly they do to
turn all that into pixels. The pipeline starts
with animation updates, then runs style, layout,
pre-paint, scroll, paint, commit, lateralization, raster,
activation, aggregation, and finally draw.
And along the way,
the pipeline creates several intermediate
data structures. I’ll talk about those
data structures in a bit. But first, let me
draw your attention to the colors of the pipeline
stages that you can see here– green, yellow, and orange. These colors have to do with
which thread or CPU process is running these stages. Green is the main thread,
yellow is the compositor thread, and orange is the Viz process,
because not only are there 12 stages and seven or
more key data structures, the whole thing is
highly parallelized. RenderingNG makes maximal
use of multiple CPU processes and threads to achieve
performance isolation, parallelism, and
security sandboxing. Each distinct site is placed
in its render process. This means that different tabs
in Windows from different sites run in parallel and
don’t jank each other. It also means that
cross-origin iframes, such as ads within a site, don’t
slow down the site and vice versa. Likewise, the
browser UI is fully isolated from the
performance of browser tabs so that you’ll always be
able to control the browser, regardless of site performance.
Finally, all graphics
are centralized in a Viz process, which can
integrate iframes, tabs, off-screen canvases,
video, and the browser UI into an optimized GPU
rendering system that takes full advantage of
your computer’s capability without loss of
efficiency or security. Within each process, there
are several CPU threads. This allows operations such
as JavaScript, scrolling, and image decoding to
all happen in parallel. And it’s all optimized
to maximize throughput, smoothness, and responsiveness
of scrolling, your page interactions, and animations. And finally, there are
well-defined components within each thread
and process to access all of the web platform APIs;
process input from touch devices, mice, and
keyboards; and schedule work efficiently and fairly. The renderer main
thread has the DOM APIs, with which you may be familiar,
and also runs JavaScript. The render compositor
thread runs animations, handles input, and composites
and rasters content. Here is an example set
of pages and iframes. Let’s see how that example
maps to the above concepts in practice. First, CPU processes
and threads– as you can see, there
are a lot of them.
However, each one falls into
the groups I mentioned earlier. And following that
pattern, the browser can scale well to
many tabs and sites at once with good performance. Second, here is how
the rendering pipeline flows through those
components to update rendering on the page. In this example, a
change to the DOM starts in the main thread
via the page loading, JavaScript changing page
state, or a built-in browser feature doing the same. The steps go from the main
thread to Viz and back multiple times in a
complex, coordinated dance. But code structure is not all. Several key data structures underpin the
entire architecture. These data structures
are the key to defining clear inputs and
outputs to the pipeline stages. They are also critical
parts of being able to safely, correctly, and
efficiently accelerate and make extensible any kind
of UI developers might put on their site. HTML and CSS have a
huge variety of ways to express visual designs,
and it’s really important to be able to accelerate all of
them, not just a select subset.
Frame trees are a
way to represent the hierarchy of pages in
iframes for a browser tab. Without this data structure,
security and performance isolation of cross-origin
iframes would not be possible. In the flowchart
shown here, you can see that there are several
steps in merely resizing a web page that have to be coordinated
across multiple processes, because there could be one
or more cross-origin iframes embedded within a page,
and those iframes also need to be resized. The immutable fragment
the tree represents the output of the layout, but also
the input to future layouts. This data structure is the
key to how LayoutNG massively improved the reliability of
the layout pipeline phase. Property trees are at the
center a lot of things, but in particular, is the
a key data structure that makes it possible
to clearly express the visual hierarchy
of a web page. This, in turn,
makes it much easier to accelerate animations and
rendering of all content. The example property
trees shown here are for a relatively
simple setup of a scroller with
rounded corners containing an iframe plus
a rotations transform and a blur filter.
As you can see,
the property trees are already somewhat
complicated. It can get much more
complicated on a real page, with many moving parts. But due to the clean
and thorough design of property trees, the system
scales easily to these cases without massive complications. Display lists and paint
chunks are critical keys to being able to not
just efficiently paint a web page, but also composite
it onto the GPU in a maximally performant and efficient way. And last, but not
least, compositor frames are how the browser
can coordinate drawing multiple
kinds of content on the screen while
still allowing them to be computed in parallel
on different CPU processes and threads. So that is a whirlwind
tour of RenderingNG.
But what now? We have all this technology. What kind of things
does it unblock? What kind of new features can
we build on the web with it? The first thing worth noting
is that RenderingNG greatly improves the performance of all
websites that render, animate, process input, and scale
much better than before, all without developers
having to do anything. The speed-ups
have been coming at a regular clip for over eight
years now, behind the scenes. As I explained in a blog
post recently as part of the “Fast and
the Curious” series, the Composite
After Paint feature alone improves scroll latency,
responsiveness, peak rendering speed, GPU memory use, time
spent rendering, and battery life by significant factors. In addition, there are
important new developer APIs that the community
has desperately wanted for many
years, but browsers were unable to implement. RenderingNG has made many
of these APIs possible. And in fact, we
have already shipped some, and more are on the way.
Let’s walk through
some examples. Container queries,
the number one feature requested in the
State of CSS survey for several years
running is an API to let components be responsive
to their embedding context, not just to the size
of the viewport. Async rendering
allows the browser to only render what
you need on the screen, without forcing the developer
to virtualize content. Scroll-linked
animations add support for moving content in precise
lockstep with a scroll gesture. Shared element
transitions add animations during single-page app and
multi-page app navigations to make them much more seamless. And finally, the off-screen canvas
is the very first web API that allows a developer
to run their rendering code off the main thread. I’m excited to see what
web developers will build on top of this technology. And again, if you’re
interested to learn more, please check out
the whole blog post series, which has much
more detail than I could fit into this short video. And watch for more blog posts
to come on additional parts of RenderingNG. Thanks for listening.
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