Rep. Gwen Moore wants young Senate pages protected from a possible Sen. Roy Moore
Yes, the big election in Alabama is tomorrow, and Rep. Gwen Moore is hoping that the Senate’s sergeant at arms has a contingency plan in place just in case Roy Moore (no relation) is elected to the Senate. In particular, she’s worried about the Senate pages, as she wrote in a letter Monday.
In response to concerns over the significant threat #RoyMoore poses to young people participating in the US Senate Page Program, I wrote a letter to @SenateSAA to determine what preventative steps are being taken to protect Pages from predatory conduct.
— Rep. Gwen Moore (@RepGwenMoore) December 11, 2017
Her letter reads, in part:
I write you today to share my urgent concern regarding the threat to the safety of the young men and women working in the United States Senate Page Program if Roy Moore becomes the U.S. Senator to Alabama. It has come to light that Roy Moore is alleged to have had a number of inappropriate relationships with at least ten minors. The threat Roy Moore posed to minors was so notorious and troublesome that in 1979 he was banned from the Gadsen Mall and YMCA for soliciting sex from minor girls. In addition to initiating a sexual encounter with a fourteen-year-old when he was a thirty-two-year-old district attorney, Moore pursued relationships with three minors/young women between the ages of sixteen to eighteen during this time. …
In order to meet our obligation, I urge you to be proactive in protecting Senate Pages and that is why I am asking if you are taking steps to prepare the Page Program for the possible election of Roy Moore.
It’s nice that she worked the word “alleged” in there — Congress isn’t big on due process in the #MeToo era. At least the House has mandated sexual harassment training to stop the problem in its tracks there.
YES QUEEN! Protect those kids from that pedophile.
— Mark Pochow (@MarkPochow) December 11, 2017
This is what the @gop has done. This is appalling.
— Mirry Xmas
(@flowerpower) December 11, 2017
America is broken.
— ReSISTER (@srecobo) December 11, 2017
Real question: Can I allow my two young girls to sleep over at a Republican home given how they now blow off sexual assault charges by dozens of women? Anybody – man or woman – excusing, apologizing for, or simply not caring about sexual assault loses my trust forever.
— Happy HanuKwanzaChristmakkah (@FalconsFans_CHI) December 11, 2017
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