Spooky Bridge | Ep. 5 | Minecraft SOS

[Music] hey guys what’s up L shadow lady here and welcome back to Minecraft SOS where I’ve already died twice and it’s starting to get embarrassing but not quite as embarrassing as this this is the bridge I’ve been using and it’s not very safe especially considering my two deaths have been to fall damage it is quite a miracle that I haven’t fallen off this thing yet but this is pretty much my only way off my Island unless I feel like climbing all the way down swimming across climbing all the way back up which takes 10 times longer this is what we have to deal with oh my gosh look at all those bridges tragic a travesty I can’t live like this especially not now that this has appeared on the horizon the Hamburg bridge just look at this bridge this has it all stop this bridge is a working progress maybe it doesn’t have it all I’m going to be careful in case there are some holes that haven’t been patched up because Ollie built this and that honestly seems like something he would do please be nice to this bridge it is a nice Bridge it’s so nice so nice in fact that I now have Bridge envy and I need to build my own impressive bridge to leave a legacy behind in case I unexpectedly die I’m not sure how many fake coins people have left they might not be able to revive me again I need to show them all that I am worthy of their fake coins by building a giant Bridge of course what else would I do now lucky for me I just mined out an entire chunk of stone so I have a huge supply of blocks but I left it outside the big hole and you might be wondering why I don’t just fly over there and get it Well turns out those company mandated wings that PX gave me yeah they don’t have mending on them they could break at any time and frankly I’m too scared to use them now if I were to die from Fall damage a third time gosh I would just never live that down so I will be walking but I have these shucker boxes that should come in handy there it is my stuff let me fill up this entire shucker with all the stone a girl could need to build a giant bridge and more Stone there that is four shuckers full of stone and let’s also take some andesite for some detailing now we just Ferry this stuff back homeboy oh that’d be so funny if I landed on that pointed [Laughter] dripstone I nearly died again now let’s set up a little Camp here by the Riverside with all of my building supplies got my bed furnace Blast Furnace stone cutter and some chests and a campfire to stay cozy hey now you joining the build team okay guess not can’t looks like I’ll be doing this on my own so I filled up my Sher boxes with the three materials I’m going to need andesite Stone and stone bricks and this is probably still not enough to finish this project because this build is going to be on a scale of which you have never seen before at least not on my channel anyway I’ve never attempted to build something this big before so that is why we’re starting out with these basic blocks and then I’ll be adding some finer details with some more interesting blocks later now I think we should start at the bottom because that is probably the safest H should I wear my elytra just in case I’m going to put these on but I’ll be keeping my feet firmly planted on the ground this is just a precautionary measure in the event of an emergency now let’s get down to the bottom that is not a good sign of things to come but bad Omen aside I got to work building the support towers for my giant bridge and thanks to the light metica mod these went up surprisingly quickly before I knew it I had already finished the first Tower oh my gosh didn’t realize how high up I’d gotten oh that’s a long way down I’ve suddenly realized how much danger I’m in well time to start the next Tower and so I started the next Tower and as you can see many days passed by but my Towers were popping up all over the place then Jimmy logged in and caught me in the ACT but all he could say was Bloody Nora which I think is a good sign so I kept building now I did run out of andesite halfway through so I had to go and raid all of pix’s chests which was not very easy actually I was expecting PX to be a lot more organized than this he’s actually made it really difficult for me to seal from him but with my stolen goods in hand I had everything I needed to finish off the stone structure all I had to do was place these final few blocks nice and safely just kidding oh my God boy it’s a good job I was wearing my emergency wings or that could have been bad 2 hours later tadaa the bridge is well not complete but it’s looking pretty good I will make a celebratory flying trip to see my bridge from afar oh that looks so huge that is a lot of stone it kind of makes mining that whole chunk even more worth it now for the next phase of the build we are of course going to use some blocks that are difficult to to obtain with a high risk of death in fact I think everything I build must contain at least one dangerous block and for this bridge that is going to be Blackstone found only in the nether a place which I have not yet ventured out of pure fear but it might be time to upgrade these iron leggings and show everyone that I am not afraid to collect a little Blackstone now as with everything in life I’m going to prepare for the worst so iron leggings must become come diamond and they must be enchanted oh no I’ve got no levels I’m just a poor girl with no enchanting levels tragedy has struck okay no worries I have a plan it does involve me crafting a new diamond hoe don’t ask questions just let me get on with it now something I realized about skulk is that you can mine it for XP so this whole time I’ve basically been sitting on an XP mine yes mining this stuff should give me XP wait this is so fast this is magical wait oh my gosh could this day get any [Music] better oh no oh my God where was that Shrek oh my gosh it must have been underground or something it’s under the flipping wool what if I mine it would that solve all my problems nope nope that did not solve all my problems I’m going to be really careful from now on oh wait there’s diamonds right there things are starting to look up again hey zombies I have big plans for you follow me over here to the safe Zone if I can kill them on top of this skull it should make the skull spread [Music] yes it’s beautiful and nothing can go wrong oh my gosh okay I got a little carried away fell down a hole who doesn’t do that every now and then least I didn’t die this time I did it and I made eight diamonds which if you think about it means I kind of profited from this since I only spent two diamonds on the hoe now this might not be the safest way to get XP but it’s definitely the cheekiest now I can enchant my pants with some protection and that’s all cool great thank you very much but I’ll take everything I can and get ready for the nether now the good news is there’s nobody online so if I die it will be a private and dignified Affair however it also means there’s nobody around to revive me so I will just have to be extra careful now my genius plan is to enter the ne through somebody else’s portal so we’ll head over my half-finished bridge past Jimmy’s house and over to Joel’s house where he has this enticing looking nether portal set right here why is it so tall he definitely doesn’t need it this tall what the heck oh wow what a view of my bridge from here gosh I sure hope I make it out of the nether alive in order to finish this bridge well here goes nothing now remember we are only looking for Black Stone in here I’m not going to get distracted by anything else however cute it may be I only want to find is that a nether fortress right bloody there that is not what we need we need a basal Delta is that it o I see a PCH of Blackstone now we just need to get over there without dying oh good two gests let’s get it over with come on then what the oh gosh another one just spawned right there okay we’re in trouble oh gosh wait how many guests are there okay not that way there it is is the black stone Holy Grail wait what is that is that somebody’s build oh I don’t think I can destroy that oh there’s a nice chunk of Black Stone right there let me just get at that and it’s all mine [Music] baby now is it safe to mine Black Stone oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what was that no no no how did this happen well I guess I’m just going to be minding my business in here for a while I’m just going to cower in this little hu scraping out all the black stone I can gather but until this Sher box is full of Black Stone I won’t have enough to finish my build so I did keep digging very carefully and I was slowly starting to lose my mind oh no how did you get here You this is proper scary but we did it the shucker is full and I am scared I need to get out of here now I could make a run for it or I could try use the last of my elytra and fly out of here I’m not sure which is more dangerous the coast looks kind of clear so I think oh my gosh are you kidding me looks like we only have one option oh it’s now on ever I think it was this way yes it was somewhere over here I think uh oh yeah the nether fortress it was uh it was somewhere around here here it is I made it oh I can’t believe I made it out of there alive now I have everything I need just need to pop the black stone into the stone cutter ow oh my gosh how did I survive the nether without taking any damage but I set myself on fire in my own Camp did not think this was the dangerous part but the danger was not over yet I then had to climb the tower and place all of these black stone blocks but when I got to the top I made an unfortunate Discovery I have just realized that we are missing a very important block which is nether rock fences H they’re supposed to go on top of here and make my roof all spiky but that means I have to go back to the nether but good news is I only have to get Nether rack which should be easier to find oh oh no hello oh my gosh wait there’s a flaw to this design bloody creepers can climb staircases just as well as I can and I’ve forgotten to put my wings on no one quick trip to the nether later I collected all the Nether rack I would need to smelt and make my nether brick fences then I could add all of these spiky bits to make my bridge look Sinister now this Tower is complete let’s have a little look see oh yeah that’s the vibe one down seven to go and I was busy getting on with things until an Uninvited Guest arrived what’s all this then what yeah I see you with your spy glass you see a nice bridge and you think God got to have me one of those clearly you’re inspired by my Hamburg bridge oh I I actually went over there that that’s exactly why I built this I wanted to build something like yours but bigger you well you’re trying to compete with me huh no no not competing just doing it better uh you’re trying to step to me huh uh to me my h Huh stop this is embarrassing Ollie why does that bone look so big in your hand like I never noticed how small you are it’s actually a really big bone that I got from a really big it just looks really big to you because you’re so small no it’s I’m really big and the bone is bigger is the thing and and it is so massive I don’t even know what you’re talking about how tiny they are no they’re not they [Applause] like look I Can Build a Bridge better than this oh you want to have a bridge off oh I’ll Bridge you off anytime you’ll see you’ll all see I’m walking away now this is a bridge off you’re being bridged off right now I’m bridging I’m bridging so hard right now I’m going this way actually I’ve changed my mind away I go oh my God be careful that man is a maniac a bridge building maniac right if I want to compete with that I’m going to have to get a move on because this bridge is not yet finished you thought I was going to leave it like this all Stony absolutely not we have some more Gothic embellishments for this baby first we replace the floor with these deep slate slabs this has the added benefit of mob proofing my entire bridge and then I added these spikes hanging over the sides of the bridge next next I added these giant chains connecting all the towers and then some amethyst clusters just nestled in the top of each tower now not to toot my own goat horn but look at this thing it’s so perfectly Sinister I hope people will respect me now now they know what I’m capable of and I can’t believe I built it all without dying I should probably end this episode before something bad happens

As found on YouTube