Heh: Is this what Bill Clinton was really saying in befuddling photo tweet?

http://twitter.com/#!/stefanjbecket/status/450849516942802944 As Twitchy reported, Bill Clinton tweeted out a photo as an April Fools’ Day gag, which confounded many. Others weren’t so confused. http://twitter.com/#!/wgstweets/status/450850319228862464 Gasping! And one wise Twitter user revealed what Bill Clinton was really saying in the photo: http://twitter.com/#!/CuffyMeh/status/450971876399915008 Oh, Twitter. How we love thee. Related: Bqhatevwr: Bill Clinton confounds with April Fools’ Day tweet [pic] Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/01/oh-dear-is-this-what-bill-clinton-was-really-saying-in-befuddling-photo-tweet/
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