Tag Archives: bipolar

Bipolar 1 VS Bipolar 2 Disorder

(gentle music) – [Narrator] Hey Psych2goers, welcome back to another video. We’re so grateful for all of the support you’ve given us. Our mission is to make psychology more accessible and digestible for everyone. Before we begin, we would like to make a short disclaimer. If you relate to anything listed in this video, please reach out to your doctor to discuss your symptoms, as this video is not intended to diagnose yourself or others. With that said, let’s continue. There are many types of mental illness, […]

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7 Signs You Have Abandonment Issues

Hey Psych2go family, welcome back to another video. Do you have an overwhelming fear of losing your loved ones? Do you distrust other people or have anxiety about being abandoned? Abandonment issues typically arise in childhood but can develop later on in life as well. The fear of abandonment is a serious type of anxiety that often stems from a traumatic experience. Some aren’t even aware of their repressed emotional trauma. But it can manifest into unhealthy behaviors over time. So, here are 7 Signs You may […]

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