Oh snap! CBS News’ Mark Knoller zings Obama’s book purchases

http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406852639658217472 CBS News correspondent Mark Knoller took to Twitter to report on President Obama’s Small Business Saturday shopping trip. http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406854107891503104 http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406856112130899968 Obama picked up over a dozen books, but Knoller noticed something glaringly absent from the list provided by the White House. http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/406857550416445440 Funny ’cause it’s oh-so-true! Obama can always borrow “Web Sites for Dummies” from his pal Kathleen Sebelius, but he’s got other books to get to first. http://twitter.com/#!/SamLitzinger/status/406860587054804992 Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/11/30/oh-snap-cbs-news-mark-knoller-zings-obamas-book-purchases/
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