Comic Cons Are BACK! | Comic Con Tips For Newbies | Comic Book Talk

Defects Discuss! We’re just sitting around having some good ole’ Comic Book Talk. Today we’re talking about comic cons, tips for newbies, navigating the floor, getting signatures, CGC witness and our personal stories. BECOME A BETTER COMIC COLLECTOR with us!! We’ll see you at the next comic con/show!! #comics #comiccon #pressabledefects #comiccollecting #comicbooks #howto #comiccons #comiccons2021 ********** *MERCH* ********** T-shirts/Stickers available for sale. $25 shipped. DM us on Instagram **************************************************************** ************ *Our Links * ************ FACEBOOK PAGE – **************************************************************** 0:00 – Intro ********************************************* *For your […]
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