Tag Archives: dog
Dog Days of Summer
This Captain Is A Hero For Saving A Dog’s Life With One Seriously Swift Reaction

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); Ferryboat captains have to be prepared to make critical decisions in every situation — and they have to make them quickly. They are responsible not only for navigating the boat, but also for the safety of every passenger. But in the case of Captain Ronnie Rock, his duties recently stretched beyond his own ferry as he enlisted the help of some nearby fishermen after noticing something odd in the water. One furry passenger will be forever grateful for the captain’s efforts. I’m so […]
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These Famous Ghost Animals Will Make A ‘Fraidy Cat Out Of You.

There are many well-documented cases of people spotting or being haunted by ghosts (i.e., the spirits of dead people). Those spirits may even be effecting the housing market, but what about the spirits of those who aren’t human? Can animals also be ghosts? Believe it or not, there have been multiple reports of furry phantoms lurking here on Earth. It’s hard to say why they stayed behind, but it has happened. Check out some of these unusual ghosts and their favorite haunts: 1.) Supposedly, Rudolph Valentino’s Great Dane, Kabar, […]
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