Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Puh-LEEZE! Nicholas Kristof’s Trump budget analogy is just a LITTLE over the top

when bad history AND bad analogy meet. https://t.co/MnSB3GCVKv — Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 16, 2017 A lot of Trump critics are flipping about the president’s proposed budget, but few will phrase it more dramatically than NY Times’ columnist Nicholas Kristof: Reading through the Trump budget, I feel as the Romans must have felt in 456 AD as the barbarians conquered and ushered in the dark ages. — Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) March 16, 2017 It depends on what your definition of “dark ages” is: $54 billion out of […]
More infoLefties LOSE IT after Trump scraps Obama-era drilling regs on eve of #ClimateMarch

As Trump signs an executive order authorizing offshore drilling, a single tear runs down Al Gore's cheek."Why did they program me to feel?" — Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) April 28, 2017 This morning President Trump undid more of former President Obama’s executive orders in a manner sure to enrage progressives: President Trump signs executive order reversing Obama-era Arctic leasing ban to allow offshore drilling https://t.co/6IoScuNhWI — NBC News (@NBCNews) April 28, 2017 President Trump on his offshore drilling executive order: "Today, we're unleashing American energy" https://t.co/DdeLh3RxQZ — CNN […]
More info‘NOTHING touches him’: Michael Moore has a warning for liberals ‘celebrating Trump’s removal’

Michael Moore has finally weighed in (because that’s just been what you’ve been waiting for, right?) on the news that Robert Mueller has been appointed as special counsel and will investigate the Trump administration and campaign for alleged ties to Russia. In summary, don’t get your party hats out just yet: The same well-meaning souls who were throwing an early victory party for Hillary are now celebrating Trump's removal. Caution. — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) May 18, 2017 The investigation'll require work, many witnesses, possible grand jury, due […]
More info‘Oh, FFS’! Fareed Zakaria in the running for hottest #ParisAgreement withdrawal take

this is the first stage of climate grief: hysteria https://t.co/GFxCchoNBO — Ryan (@alwaysonoffense) June 1, 2017 The dramaaaa https://t.co/vNvXy2e136 — Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) June 1, 2017 Oh, goody! We can add CNNhost (and plagiarist) Fareed Zakaria to the list of people flipping out over Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. Let’s just say Fareed didn’t save the drama for his mama: Fareed Zakaria talking about withdrawal from Paris deal: "this is the day that the United States resigned as the leader of the free […]
More infoHA! Black conservative drops a TRUTH BOMB about racism in America

Vlogger Candace Owens posted a video about racism in America. She focused primarily on how the Left abuses the word “racist” and “racism” as a means of controlling African American Voters. The Left says everything in racist so that blacks won’t think twice about voting for a Republican. Her analysis is SPOT ON. People instantly took to social media to applaud her for calling out the Left for their nasty tricks. There you go again Candace…speaking the truth and using reason! The Democratic Party wants to project […]
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