Water main break in Columbus, Ohio floods street in sub-zero temps [pics]

http://twitter.com/#!/JimmyJames38/status/420324007024398337 A water main has broken in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Sub-zero temperatures could complicate things: http://twitter.com/#!/buckeyeadamfan/status/420354414868570112 Considering the frigid temps, snarky optimists suggested a way to make the best of it: http://twitter.com/#!/JimmyJames38/status/420325208898039808 http://twitter.com/#!/Petemoss51/status/420353031511621632 From an ABC6 story: Fire officials have said the problem will eventually be alleviated if the water keeps flowing. Let’s hope so. Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/01/06/not-good-huge-water-main-break-in-columbus-ohio-floods-street-in-sub-zero-temps-pics/
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