‘Consequences’? Fred Thompson zings Obama’s Ukraine line

http://twitter.com/#!/caligram1/status/438372474447609856 Red lines … blow awaaaaay. http://twitter.com/#!/fredthompson/status/438365641259905024 Hey, Obama probably didn’t draw that line. Somebody else made that happen. (Pesky world!) A few more recent tweets from actor and former Senator Fred Thompson’s always delightful Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/#!/fredthompson/status/438063510204190723 http://twitter.com/#!/fredthompson/status/438078504459329539 Related: ‘WOW!’ Garry Kasparov shreds Obama and his ‘red lines’ as bloodbath continues in Ukraine [pics] ‘Sad truth!’ Fred Thompson scores with trifecta of Obamacare zingers ‘Could not be reached for comment’: Fred Thompson blasts Michelle Obama ‘role model’ choice Ha! Fred Thompson feeds Obama best excuse yet for […]
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