Tag Archives: gun control
‘Parody account’: The ‘serious question’ from @CatholicDems about Erick Erickson is packed with ‘so much stupid’

Really? Seriously? That is a real tweet from a real account? If you missed it, conservative talk show host Erick Erickson shot holes in aNew York Times’ anti-gun editorial. And as we can see, the Left is not taking it well. It’s definitely the leader in the clubhouse. Unfortunately, no. And it proceeded to dig a deeper hole for itself. And deeper. Oh good. Except… there’s more. Oh, the old blame “right wing trollery” for a tweet we made routine. How original. We’re sure that will break […]
More infoShopkeeper in Australia uses ‘improvised flamethrower’ against armed thugs

As President Obama and a bunch of other liberals have told us before, Australia is some sort of utopia because of its restrictive gun laws.Except if you’re a shopkeeper who keeps getting robbed by gun-toting thugs and you have to defend yourself with an “improvised flamethrower”: The flamethrower consisted of insect spray and a lighter: And check out how fast Mr. Rigney reacts. Here you can Rigney grab the spray and a lighter as soon as he sees the first of the masked men enter the store: […]
More infoHA! Black conservative drops a TRUTH BOMB about racism in America

Vlogger Candace Owens posted a video about racism in America. She focused primarily on how the Left abuses the word “racist” and “racism” as a means of controlling African American Voters. The Left says everything in racist so that blacks won’t think twice about voting for a Republican. Her analysis is SPOT ON. People instantly took to social media to applaud her for calling out the Left for their nasty tricks. There you go again Candace…speaking the truth and using reason! The Democratic Party wants to project […]
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