‘SHE KNEW’: Meryl Streep’s Weinstein wishy-washiness may FINALLY be catching up to her

Looks like Meryl Streep’s hypocrisy on sexual predation and less-than-credibly professed ignorance with regard to Harvey Weinstein may finally be coming back to bite her. At least on the streets of Hollywood: Meryl Streep is seemingly being depicted as a Harvey Weinstein enabler by anonymous L.A. street artists https://t.co/YkKvnjDAUc pic.twitter.com/rtJVa1s6l0 — Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 19, 2017 "Posters hung early in the morning, before the sun came up, feature an image of Streep next to Weinstein with a red strip across her face with the text 'She […]
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