DERP: HuffPost literally too stupid to insult with headline about ‘Conservatives taking over Google’

HuffPost seems to think Conservatives are taking over Google. Huh. Ya’ don’t say. For realz? Anyone else have visions of Conservative ninjas rushing Google headquarters in Silicon Valley carrying their Gadsden flags and pocket Constitutions? Lol ok. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 7, 2017 HuffPost ALMOST makes WaPo look legit. Scary, right? >One tiny note circulating around>"THE CONSERVATIVE TAKEOVER" — low energy anna (@ANNVYSHINSKY) August 7, 2017 if ( (window.__aa_fraud_serve === undefined) || (window.__aa_fraud_serve == true) ) { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display(“div-gpt-300x250_1”); }); } Read […]
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