Tag Archives: mental health education

Can You Actually Die From a Panic Attack? How Danger Symptoms Fool You

Panic attacks can be very intense and make you feel like death is just around the corner that feeling can intensify your anxiety even more making the panic get worse and worse, But can it get so bad that you just die like from a heart attack? The short answer is no People. Don’t die from panic attacks. If you want to know more about why stick around I’m, Dr Tracey Marks a psychiatrist, and I make mental health education videos. This topic is based on a […]

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Does Deep Breathing Really Work During a Panic Attack?

Does deep breathing work during a panic attack? It’s not uncommon for me to hear people talk about using deep breathing to try and manage   panic attacks, and more often than not, I hear that it simply just doesn’t work. Deep breathing can be helpful when it comes to managing anxiety,   but if you’re expecting to stop a panic attack once it starts, you’re probably asking too much from it, sort of like that old saying or adage of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Once there […]

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Bipolar 1 VS Bipolar 2 Disorder

(gentle music) – [Narrator] Hey Psych2goers, welcome back to another video. We’re so grateful for all of the support you’ve given us. Our mission is to make psychology more accessible and digestible for everyone. Before we begin, we would like to make a short disclaimer. If you relate to anything listed in this video, please reach out to your doctor to discuss your symptoms, as this video is not intended to diagnose yourself or others. With that said, let’s continue. There are many types of mental illness, […]

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