Tag Archives: parents


The SPY NINJA TEST… After Chad Wild Clay made “WE BROKE UP… Daniel and Alie are NOT Boyfriend & Girlfriend”, Vy Qwaint created “THE END of the STALKER… SPY NINJAS vs Horseradish to Stop Hypnosis”, Daniel Gizmo uploaded “ALIE REVEALS SECRET Identity Underneath Her Wig”, and Melvin PZ9 filmed “We’re Not Talking To Chad!” Daniel has gotten rid of all the old ties that led him to his old ways. The Spy Ninjas know he is almost ready to be an official Spy Ninja again. What he […]

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Horrifying Things Your Children Could Accidentally Swallow. Hello, Paranoia!

There are labels on almost everything you buy (especially from Ikea), warning you the product contains small objects. Said products usually warn you not to let small children swallow those pieces. The typical response would be, “Yeah! I mean, obviously, right?” When you have kids, though, you realize that when your children have insatiable hunger for small things, they can (and probably will) choke on them. Don’t freak out, though. Even though your little ones will try their hardest to choke on these things, we’re here to help you […]

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They Were A Seemingly Normal Family — But They Were Hiding A Dark Secret

Family-related suicides, more commonly referred to as familicides in the media, have seen a rise in recent years. Of the roughly 16,000 murders committed annually in the United States, almost 2,000 of them involve parents or family members. Shocking research has discovered that a child is more likely to be killed by their own parents than by a complete stranger. Men most frequently take the lives of their family members when they feel as though they have let their families down and can no longer take the […]

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This Little Girl Hasn’t Seen Her Mom Clearly Until This Very Heartwarming Moment

While I can’t remember the first time I saw my mother’s face, I imagine that it was a pretty beautiful moment. She is my light, the one who brought me into this world, and so much more. Three-month-old Tilly has had a hard time seeing since she was born. So when her parents finally got her glasses, you can imagine just how happy she was to see her mother and father clearly for the first time. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); Thankfully, we don’t have to picture it […]

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