Tag Archives: Patricia Arquette

Teen Vogue thinks equal pay should be the LAW in the US oh, wait

Teen Vogue reported Wednesday that Iceland just made history by becoming the first nation to make equal pay for men and women a law, and now they’re asking for the United States to follow suit. Okay, do the U.S. next! https://t.co/wL9GABBWmK — Teen Vogue (@TeenVogue) January 3, 2018 They made history? But didn’t President John F. Kennedy sign the Equal Pay Act into law mandating exactly that? Narrator: They did, it was called the Equal Pay Act of 1963… https://t.co/mfSYpdE9ur — Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) January 4, 2018 THEY DID. […]

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Patricia Arquette defends Bill Clinton with ‘U.S. history refresher’ (just ONE problem)

When it comes to Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, Patricia Arquette can’t help but see a glaring double standard when it comes to alleged misconduct: U.S history refresher Bill Clinton was impeached for a blow job and now there is evidence of Trump/Russia collusion and the @GOP does nothin — Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) July 12, 2017 Pssst … Patricia! If you’re gonna offer up a history refresher, you should probably make sure you know your history first. Who wants to tell her why Clinton was impeached? — […]

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