‘WTF is a ‘promise zone’?’: Obama’s latest idea promises nothing but failure — and mockery

http://twitter.com/#!/hboulware/status/421362507807068162 Another day, another stupid-ass initiative from Team Obama. http://twitter.com/#!/GFVAMom/status/421370949296869376 Today, it’s something called “promise zones”: http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/421366654333767681 http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/421370016148115456 http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/421370316334436352 From WhiteHouse.gov: In a country as great as this one, a child’s zip code should never be what determines his or her opportunity. The government can’t fix this on its own, but it can be a much better partner in helping local leaders develop policies that improve education, protect the most vulnerable, and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit. That’s what we’ll be doing in these Promise Zones, where the federal government will partner […]
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