Tag Archives: puppies
Six Corgi Puppies Invade A College Campus And Totally Make Everyone’s Day.

This cute video below of six adorable corgi puppies roaming around a college campus was made by a few Georgia Tech students, in what I can only imagine was their intensive research to answer the age old question “How much cuteness can one person possibly handle?”. Apparently the answer is 5 corgi puppies, because the 6 in the video below totally just gave me diabetes from all the sweetness. (Source: Sucette Baby) This is basically what I wish my whole life was. Share this with your friends […]
More infoThis Tiny Pup Was Found With A Nasty Skin Condition — Here’s Her Incredible Recovery

When they found Fern wandering the streets all by herself, the poor little girl had a horrible skin problem. At first, she was brought to a shelter, but when staff there realized the seriousness of her skin problem, they contacted Vet Ranch. With a little care and a whole lot of love, they were able to kick-start her recovery. Initially, they suspected that the tiny pup had an auto-immune disease or a mange infection, but after a series of tests, they got the good news that it […]
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Heartbroken Mama Dog Has An Incredible Reunion With Her Adorable Puppies

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); When a Good Samaritan came across a lactating pit bull wandering the streets of Christchurch, New Zealand, he knew that he needed to help. The poor dog was dragging a rope and a heavy padlock behind her. The kind stranger assumed that she’d just given birth and that her puppies were nearby. However, the litter was nowhere to be found and the heartbroken mother dog had to spend the night in the pound, missing her pups like crazy. The day after, a volunteer […]
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