Tag Archives: self care

Does Deep Breathing Really Work During a Panic Attack?

Does deep breathing work during a panic attack? It’s not uncommon for me to hear people talk about using deep breathing to try and manage   panic attacks, and more often than not, I hear that it simply just doesn’t work. Deep breathing can be helpful when it comes to managing anxiety,   but if you’re expecting to stop a panic attack once it starts, you’re probably asking too much from it, sort of like that old saying or adage of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Once there […]

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8 Reasons Why You’re Stressed Out

Hey Psych2goers, Do you know what triggers your stress, Knowing common stressors can be a big part of combating the tension you feel Most people have trouble identifying their triggers and may wind up feeling the effects of stress without knowing what caused it. So here are 8 things that may be triggering your stress. 1. You have trouble with finances. Are you worried about making enough money to be financially stable? Well, they’re, not alone, because according to the American Institute of Stress, money is the […]

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