Tag Archives: software architecture

Getting the Basics – Software Architecture Introduction (part 1)

Architecture is the process and the product of planning designing and constructing buildings or other structures. A good design can make a structure survive and be admired for years or fail even to stand. It’s the job of the architect to join both art and science to make sure all the pieces of a building come together in a good solution.   Similar to architects as a software engineer you will also need to mix art and science to deliver solutions satisfactorily but instead of bricks you will […]

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Event-driven Architecture – Everything You Need to Know

event-driven architecture is a common pattern found alongside microservices and other decoupled services or apps. In an event-driven architecture,   each service in an ecosystem reacts and takes action upon an event it receives. There are   both upsides and downsides to event-driven architecture but before we get into that,   let’s look at an example of how event-driven architecture works so you know exactly what it is. Let’s say we have a standard e-commerce system that allows users to purchase a product on a website. when a purchase is […]

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Software Architecture | Architectural patterns | Architecture vs Design pattern

hey what’s up guys this is me again Ayub from the web dev cave channel in this video we’re gonna see a concept that is commonly misunderstood and frequently used in the wrong place especially among beginners and those who are in an intermediate level in the domain which is software architecture it’s been always my goal to simplify and sometimes even oversimplify concepts that sounds very confusing and intricate at the first time so in this video I’m gonna introduce software architecture and try to give […]

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