Tag Archives: sssniperwolf responds

YouTube’s response to SSSniperwolf doxxing JacksFilms is unacceptable

Sssniperwolf doxxed Jacksfilms and YouTube did next to nothing. SUBSCRIBE and hit that bell for more videos! 🔔 http://nerdsyn.cc/_SUBSCRIBE_ 👉 YouTube has a shameless plagiarism problem. It’s time to talk about it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZwfRPX5k6gY&pp=ygUYaWlsbHVtaW5hdWdodGlpIG5lcmRzeW5j 👉 Sssniperwolf came to our home last night. It’s time for YouTube to step in: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aeMHMnOWkw4&pp=ygUKamFja3NmaWxtcw%3D%3D 👉 so doxing is cool now???: https://youtube.com/watch?v=9JO_6dnvnUI&pp=ygUTc3dlbGwgZW50ZXJ0YWlubWVudA%3D%3D 💜 SUPPORT ME 🧡 Patreon: https://patreon.com/NerdSync 💙 Venmo: https://venmo.com/ScottNiswander 💙 PayPal: https://paypal.me/NerdSync 💙 Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/NerdSync ☕️ Merch store for pins, mugs, stickers, & more! http://NerdSyncStore.com/ 👍 FOLLOW ME (Scott) Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScottNiswander […]

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