Tag Archives: street art

You’ve Seen Street Art Before But Definitely Not Like This. These Are Uniquely Adorable.

This playful slug-like alien character named Sluggo and his cute flying pork friend, Philomena, are the creations of Michigan-based street artist David Zinn. David has been leaving these adorable little chalk drawings all over his home town of Ann Arbor since 2001 as an excuse to linger outdoors he says, but his art has since then achieved global notoriety through numerous online publications. Check out some of the cute adventures Sluggo and Philomena get into in these pictures below: David Zinn David Zinn David Zinn David Zinn David Zinn David […]

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‘SHE KNEW’: Meryl Streep’s Weinstein wishy-washiness may FINALLY be catching up to her

Looks like Meryl Streep’s hypocrisy on sexual predation and less-than-credibly professed ignorance with regard to Harvey Weinstein may finally be coming back to bite her. At least on the streets of Hollywood: Meryl Streep is seemingly being depicted as a Harvey Weinstein enabler by anonymous L.A. street artists https://t.co/YkKvnjDAUc pic.twitter.com/rtJVa1s6l0 — Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 19, 2017 "Posters hung early in the morning, before the sun came up, feature an image of Streep next to Weinstein with a red strip across her face with the text 'She […]

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