Did a clairvoyant Exjon predict today’s ‘nightmare’ scenario?

http://twitter.com/#!/frankgillespie/status/515307921425825794 <shudder> https://t.co/0PvfTgk4AD — jon gabriel (@exjon) September 26, 2014 What exactly is in that cup Exjon is always sipping from? Some sort of psychic potion? How did he see this coming two years ago? ‘Nightmare!’ See why this possible reason for Eric Holder resigning has people terrified Reality check for those threatening to stay home if their GOP candidate doesn't win: Supreme Court Justice Eric Holder. — jon gabriel (@exjon) February 2, 2012 @exjon Prescient. — Temple Beardshaw (@TBeardshaw) September 26, 2014 @exjon nononononononononono. — Benjamin Green (@BGreenAZ) […]
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