Tag Archives: Syria

There’s possibly more to the story re. the Syrian boy in photo seen around the world

Remember Omran Daqneesh? He is the young Syrian boy from the photo below that’s been seen around the world in order to show the horrors of the Assad regime. Fox News is reporting that he and his family are now “under house arrest”: Assad said to be holding Syrian boy in heart-breaking photo under house arrest https://t.co/UmDMbiSG1U via @holliesmckay #FOXNewsWorld — Fox News (@FoxNews) April 18, 2017 The “house arrest” claim was made by Mahmoud Raslan, a photographer and opposition activist. From Fox News: Today, the Bashar […]

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ODNI says terrorists in Syria trying to enter U.S. as refugees

In news that’s shocking to exactly zero Twitchy readers, theOffice of the Director of National Intelligence — the group that coordinates the efforts of all of America’s intelligence agencies — told Congress in a confidential briefingthat terrorists are attempting to enter the U.S. disguised as Syrian refugees: From Judicial Watch: Now we have the ODNI, the broad agency that serves as an umbrella for the intelligence community and advises the president, verifying that indeed terrorists have tried to exploit Obamas Syrian refugee initiative. The ODNI is composed […]

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Some of Trump’s biggest supporters are turning on him over the Syria raid

It’s not only Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) who is questioning his support of President Donald Trump in light of last night’s missile attack on a Syrian airbase. Mike Cernovich, who earlier in the week was recommended for a Pulitzer from none other than Donald Trump Jr.: Anyone who claimed Trump had blind loyalty had a wake up call today. #NoMoreWars — Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) April 7, 2017 Trump voters are pro-jobs and anti-war. People still don't get how many BERNIE people voted Trump out of hatred of […]

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Brussels on edge as govt. warns of ‘serious and imminent’ terror threat

This doesn’t sound very good: More from CNN: If people take the terror alert seriously, Brussels will be “shut down tomorrow,” CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said. “It suggests they have something specific and credible at the intelligence front pointing them in the direction that there may be a terrorist plot in the works,” he said. “It also suggests they don’t have a handle on it, that they don’t know where these plotters are or where they’re coming from.” Here’s why. “Belgium has thehighest proportion of Syrian […]

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Sen. Saxby Chambliss blasts hostage trade with Taliban

http://twitter.com/#!/nanner63/status/473126752806383616 Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) isn’t the only legislator shocked and disappointed by the release of five senior Taliban leaders from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss too is concerned with idea of the administration negotiating with terrorists. Though he said he’s pleased to join the American people in welcoming home Sgt. Bergdahl, he’s concerned with the methods that made that possible. http://twitter.com/#!/SaxbyChambliss/status/473127891606470656 http://twitter.com/#!/SaxbyChambliss/status/473128061173760000   Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/01/sen-saxby-chambliss-blasts-hostage-trade-with-taliban/

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Where are the war protesters after Obama’s Syria announcement? Not in these places [photos]

The White House will be sending special ops forces to Syria in spite of previous promises that there would be “no American boots on the ground” in Syria. Some kind of protest might be in the developmental stages, but so far the turnout in various locations is light: Maybe some Hollywood lefties are currently on their way to the White House. We’ll have to wait and see: Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/10/30/where-are-the-war-protesters-after-obamas-syria-escalation-not-in-these-places-photos/

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But Kerry promised! Hey, maybe Assad DIDN’T turn over ‘100 percent’ of chemical weapons

This is my shocked face. https://t.co/LBMtE94CNW — Alyssa Hackbarth (@AlyssaEinDC) April 6, 2017 Time for everybody to bust out their best shocked face: UPDATE: U.S. intelligence agencies suspect Assad did not turn over all chemical weapons stockpile – intelligence official — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) April 6, 2017 Gee, ya don’t say! Suspect? https://t.co/abEjR1yqkL — Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) April 6, 2017 Boy they're sharp, aren't they? https://t.co/8lpbdrPA7c — Brit Hume (@brithume) April 6, 2017 @Reuters Really? That took intelligence? — Cindy (@InsatiableCindy) April 6, 2017 @Reuters What […]

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Report: Airstrikes haven’t stopped ISIS from advancing in Iraq

http://twitter.com/#!/HeyTammyBruce/status/498226066755186688 Granted there had been only two reported airstrikes on ISIS forces in Iraq at the time of the report, but Fox News conveyed this morning that ISIS actually “expanded their drive near Iraqi Kurdistan Saturday.” The Islamic militants reportedly expanded their drive near Iraqi Kurdistan Saturday despite two U.S. airstrikes aimed at mortar positions and a seven-vehicle convoy to stop the advance on Kurdish capital of Irbil. The Wall Street Journal reported that the militants appear to have their sights on connecting towns seized along the Kurdish-control territory. […]

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